
  • Perbedaan Miss, Mrs, Ma’am dan Ms dalam Panggilan Bahasa Inggris Dan Contohnya

    Perbedaan Miss, Mrs, Ma’am dan Ms dalam Panggilan Bahasa Inggris Dan Contohnya

    Perbedaan Miss, Mrs, Ma’am dan Ms dalam Panggilan Bahasa Inggris

    Julukan atau panggilan memang menjadi suatu yang sangat penting dalam semua budaya dan bahasa yang ada, julukan atau panggilan berfungsi untuk menghargai orang-orang yang lebih tua dan yang kita hormati. Dalam setiap bahasa, julukan atau panggilan tentu saja berbeda beda, contoh dalam bahasa indonesia ada panggilan pak, bu, tuan, nona, saudara, saudari, hadirin dan lain sebagainya.

    Dalam bahasa inggris terdapat panggilan berupa Miss, mrs, ma’am dan ms. Seperti apa perbedaan antara panggilan tersebut? Yuk langsung saja kita simak penjelasan nya!

    Perbedaan Miss, Mrs, Ma'am dan Ms dalam Panggilan Bahasa Inggris


    Perbedaan Miss, Mrs, Ma’am dan Ms dalam Panggilan Bahasa Inggris Lengkap Dengan Contohnya

    Dalam bahasa inggris, terdapat banyak sekali panggilan atau julukan untuk orang-orang yang lebih tua ataupun orang-orang yang di hormati, contoh nya adalah panggilan untuk laki-laki yang di hormati seperti Sir, Mr sedangkan untuk perempuan adalah Miss, Ms, Ma’am dan Mrs. Lalu apakah perbedaan nya? Berikut ulasanya!

    Penjelasan Miss

    Miss digunakan untuk sapaan bagi seorang perempuan yang belum menikah namun cukup di hormati, dalam bahasa indonesia miss bisa diartikan sebagai nona.

    Contoh :

    • Plese give this letter to miss Intan (tolong berikan surat ini pada nona intan)
    • Miss, could you help me to explain this lesson? (nona, dapatkah kamu membantuku untuk menjelaskan pelajaran ini?)
    • Miss Dian and Mr Aldi is a new couple (Nona dian dan tuan Aldi adalah pasangan baru)


    Penjelasan Mrs

    Mrs merupakan bentuk panggilan dalam bahasa inggris yang menjelaskan tentang seorang perempuan yag sudah menikah dan di letakkan di depan nama orang yang kita sapa, Mrs biasanya digunakan untuk memanggil orang-orang yang memiliki jabatan dan kita hormati, seperti Guru, dosen, pegawai bank dan lain sebagainya.

    Contoh :

    • I meet Mrs.Julie with her husband in the mall (aku bertemu ibu juli dan suaminya di mall)
    • Mrs Dona, I have a question for you (ibu Dona, aku memiliki pertanyaan untuk mu)
    • Mrs Tika is my beautiful and smart lecturer in the campus (ibu Tika adalah seorang dosen yang cantik dan pintar di kampus)

    Penjelasan Ms

    Ms merupakan salah satu sapaan dalam bahasa inggris, yang kita dapat membacanya dengan ejaan ‘mes’, Ms dapat berarti nona atau ibu diletakkan di depan nama keluarga. Ms sering dipakai untuk memanggil seorang wanita yang belum terlalu dikenal.

    Contoh :

    • You can call me Ms Rahayu (kamu dapat memanggilku nona Rahayu)
    • Where can I meet Ms Sella for her signature? (dimana aku dapat bertemu nona Sella untuk meminta tanda tangan?)
    • I know Ms william in the party, she wears red dress and very beautiful (aku kenal nona william di pesta, dia memakai gaun merah dan sangat cantik).

    Penjelasan Ma’am

    Ma’am merupakan bentuk panggilan dalam bahasa inggris, ma’am memiliki arti nona atau ibu namun digunakan untuk percakapan yang sangat resmi. Ma’am merupakan bentuk singkatan dari madam/mem.

    Contoh :

    • Ma’am could I make an identity card? (nona, dapatkah aku membuat kartu identitas?)
    • Sella, give greeting to ma’am Vina please! (Sella, tolong beri salam pada ibu Vina!)
    • we invite ma’am sures to our party (kami mengundang ibu sures pada pesta kami)

    Apakah sahabat SBI sudah dapat membedakan panggilan-panggilan bahasa inggris tersebut? Ternyata banyak sekali ya panggilan wanita dalam bahasa inggris dan untuk mengetahuinya kita harus memahami perbedaan nya dengan baik, happy studying guys 🙂

    Materi Lainnya :

  • Penjelasan Gradable vs Non-Gradable Adjective dalam Bahasa Inggris beserta Contoh

    Penjelasan Gradable vs Non-Gradable Adjective dalam Bahasa Inggris beserta Contoh

    Penjelasan Gradable vs Non-Gradable Adjective dalam Bahasa Inggris beserta Contoh

    Hallo Sahabat SBI, bagaimaa kabar nya hari ini? apakah masih semangat untuk terus belajar bahasa inggris? Baiklah, pada kesempatan kali ini admin akan memberikan sebuah materi bahasa inggris yang berhubungan dengan Adjective.

    Masih ingat bukan apa itu adjective? Great!! Adjective merupakan kata sifat dalam bahasa inggris seperti beautiful, handsome, clever, big, little dan lain sebagainya. Namun, kali ini admin akan memberikan materi mengenai gradable adjective dan non-gradable adjective dalam bahasa inggris, seperti apa materi tersebut? Check this out!

    Penjelasan Gradable vs Non-Gradable Adjective dalam Bahasa Inggris beserta Contoh


    Pengertian Dan Perbedaan Gradable vs Non-Gradable Adjective dalam Bahasa Inggris beserta Contoh Kalimatnya

    sama dengan noun yaitu kata benda atau adverb yaitu kata keterangan, Adjective merupakan suatu bentuk kata sifat yang berfungsi untuk menjelaskan Noun atau kata benda, contoh Big house, big tersebut merupakan adjective dan house merupakan noun. Big tersebut berfungsi untuk menjelaskan house.

    Adjective juga merupakan bagian dari part of speech dalam bahasa inggris. Pada materi kali ini, kita lebih menyoroti pada bagian dari adjective itu sendiri yaitu gradable dan noun gradable adjective, seperti apa? Berikut lengkapnya.

    What is Gradable Adjective?

    Gradable adjective merupakan bentuk adjective yang maknanya dapat di modifikasi baik di perkuat ataupun di perlemah, Contoh : beautiful dapat menjadi (very beautiful, rather beautiful, beautiful enough), jadi bisa dikatakan bahwa gradable adjective merupakan pelemahan atau penguatan bentuk adjective (kata sifat) dalam bahasa inggris.

    What is Non-Gradable Adjective?

    Seperti kata yang tertera, Non-Gradable adjective merupakan bentuk adjective yang makna nya sudah tidak bisa di modifikasi lagi, sehingga tidak bisa diperlemah maupun di perkuat. Karena non-gradable adjective sudah memiliki makna yang mutlak. Contoh : Impossible, posible, freezing, annual dan lain sebagainya.

    Contoh Gradable Adjective dalam Bahasa Inggris

    • I think that your girlfriend is beautiful enough (aku pikir bahwa pacar mu cukup cantik)
    • I need a jacket because it is very cold (aku membutuhkan jacket karena ini sangat dingin)
    • Never touch this food, it is very hot! (jangan sentuh makanan ini, ini sangat panas!)
    • my father will build the extremely big house for me (ayahku akan membangun rumah yang sangat besar untuk ku)
    • This car is very big so we can drive it together (mobil ini sangat besar dan kita dapat mengendarainya bersama sama)

    Contoh Non-Gradable Adjective dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris

    • It is impossibl efor me to be a winner (ini tidak mungkin untuk ku menjadi seorang juara)
    • Do you know? that is possible way for you to get good score in the examination (kamu tau? itu mungkin untuk mu untuk mendapatkan nilai yang bagus pada ujian)
    • it is very freezing room (ini merupakan ruangan beku)
    • This is the western style (ini adalah gaya kebaratan)
    • english club is the external curriculum for the students (kelompok bahasa inggris merupakan kurikulum eksternal untuk siswa)

    Sahabat SBI sudah dapat membedakan gradable dan non-gradable adjective? Harus ingat yaa, gradable adjective merupakan adjective yang dapat di modifikasi, sedangkan non gradable adalah adjective yang tidak dapat di modifikasi. Happy studying sahabat SBI! 🙂

    Lihat Juga Materi Penting SBI Lainnya :

  • Pengertian dan Contoh ATTRIBUTIVE NOUN dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris

    Pengertian dan Contoh ATTRIBUTIVE NOUN dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris

    Pengertian dan Contoh ATTRIBUTIVE NOUN dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris

    Sahabat SBI, Pernah mendengar tentang Noun? Pasti pernah bukan? Noun merupakan salah satu dari part of speech dalam bahasa inggris. Noun memiliki arti kata benda. Dalam bahasa inggris, noun memiliki beberapa jenis dan salah satunya adalah attributive noun, ada yang pernah belajar mengenai attributive noun? Seperti apakah attributive noun dalam bahasa inggris dan contohnya? Yuk langsung saja kita simak ulasan berikut ini mengenai attributive noun.

    Pengertian dan Contoh ATTRIBUTIVE NOUN dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris


    Definisi Dan Penjelasan dan Contoh Kalimat ATTRIBUTIVE NOUN dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Noun atau kata benda merupakan bagian dari part of speech dalam bahasa inggris, Noun selalu berfungsi sebagai subject dan object dalm kalimat. Noun sendiri dapat berupa orang, hewan ataupun benda. Namun, dalam bahasa inggris terdapat sebuah noun yang dia berfungsi mirip dengan adjective atau kata sifat, Noun tersebut sering disebut dengan attributive noun. Seperti apa attributive noun? berikut ini penjelasan lengkapnya 🙂

    What is Attributive Noun?

    Attributive noun merupakan suatu bentuk noun atau kata benda dalam bahasa inggris, Attributive noun yaitu suatu bentuk noun yang menjelaskan noun lain sehingga berfungsi seperti sebuah adjective. Noun sendiri biasanya berfungsi sebagai subjek ataupun objek namun pada attributive noun, noun disini mengikuti dan menjelaskan noun setelah nya.

    Contoh Attributive Noun dalam Bahasa Inggris

    1. My mother always gives me a chicken soup when Iam sick (ibuku selalu membuatkan ku sop ayam ketika aku sakit)
    2. They ask about gold prices to my mom (mereka menayakan harga emas pada ibuku)
    3. We need cellular phone for call our family in the town (kami membutuhkan telpon sellular untuk menghubungi keluarga kami di kota)
    4. this band buys a new drum stick in the store (band ini membeli tongkat drum baru di toko)
    5. we like playing table tennis in the afternoon (kami suka bermain tenis meja pada sore hari)
    6. I sell my new tennis shoes because its too small (aku menjual sepatu tenis baruku karena sangat kekecilan untuk ku)
    7. I and my leader make an organization plans this month (aku dan ketuaku membuat sebuah rencana organisasi bulan ini)

    Macam-Macam Attributive Noun, Contohnya :

    • Chicken soup
    • Table tennis
    • Business plans
    • Organization plans
    • tennis shoes
    • Gold prices
    • Silver prices
    • etc

    Apakah materi mengenai attributive Noun tersebut cukup mudah untuk di pahami bagi sahabat Sekolah Bahasa Inggris? Terus berlatih yaa agar semakin mahir, Semangat!!!

    Lihat Juga Materi Penting SBI Lainnya :


  • Contoh Dialog Percakapan Bahasa Inggris di Pasar Tradisional dan Artinya

    Contoh Dialog Percakapan Bahasa Inggris di Pasar Tradisional dan Artinya

    Contoh Dialog Percakapan Bahasa Inggris di Pasar Tradisional dan Artinya


    Contoh Dialog Percakapan Bahasa Inggris di Pasar

    Percakapan bahasa Inggris yang satu ini memang sangat sering terjadi di Indonesia karena berlatar belakang di sebuah pasar tradisional. Biasanya para ibu-ibu bersama anaknya pergi ke pasar untuk membeli perlengkapan dapur, ataupun perlengkapan lainnya. Mari kita simak bersama-sama!

    Contoh Percakapan di Pasar Tradisional Dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

    Mrs. Shinta and his little daughter, Cindy is going to a traditional market

    Cindy: Mom, Why don’t we go to a supermarket? Supermarket sells vegetables and fruits too, right?

    Mrs. Shinta: Sure, my love. But traditional market is much more complete and cheaper than supermarket.

    Cindy: But it’s hot, smelly, muddy, and dirty in here.

    Mrs. Shinta: This is what is called the real shopping my daughter. When I was at your age, I always came with your Grandma to go shopping here.

    Cindy: Wowww!!! Really?

    Mrs. Shinta: Of course. Now, let’s go to green-grocery first.

    Cindy: Okay, Mom! Let’s go!

    At green-grocery stall

    Seller: Hey, mam Shinta…good morning. Do you need something to buy?

    Mrs. Shinta: I need a kilo cabbage, half a kilogram of chili and potatoes. Do you have?

    Seller: Absolutely mam.Wait a minute. Here you are, Mam. Do you need anything else?

    Mrs. Shinta: I think that’s all

    Cindy: Mom, don’t you want to buy meat?

    Mrs. Shinta: Oh…thanks my love. Btw, I need tenderloin. Do you have it?

    Seller: Sure!

    Mrs. Shinta: Is every meat sold here really fresh?

    Seller: Of course! I always sell fresh meats that I get directly from ‘penjagal’ every single morning.

    Mrs. Shinta: How much all?

    Seller: These all cost Rp. 130,000. But, I will give you 5 thousand rupiahs for a discount.

    Mrs. Shinta: Oo…thank you very much. Here is 150 thousand rupiahs.

    Seller: Here is your change, Mam. Thanks and come again!

    Mrs. Shinta: You’re welcome.

    Arti Contoh Percakapan di Pasar Tradisional Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Ibu Shinta dan putri kecilnya, Cindy pergi ke pasar tradisional.

    Cindy: Bu, mengapa kita tidak pergi ke supermarket saja? Supermarket menjual sayuran dan buah-buahan juga, kan?

    Ibu Shinta: Tentu, putri tersayangku. Tapi pasar tradisional jauh lebih lengkap dan lebih murah daripada supermarket.

    Cindy: Tapi disini panas, bau, becek, dan kotor.

    Ibu Shinta: Ini baru benar-benar belanja sayang. Ketika ibu se usia kamu, ibu selalu pergi dengan nenekmu untuk belanja di sini.

    Cindy: Wowww !!! Benarkah?

    Ibu Shinta: Tentu saja. Sekarang, mari kita pergi ke toko sayuran terlebih dahulu.

    Cindy: Oke, bu! Ayo!

    Di toko sayuran

    Penjual: Hei, ibu Shinta … selamat pagi bu. Adakah sesuatu yang ingin anda beli?

    Ibu Shinta: Aku butuh kubis sekilo, setengah kilo cabe dan kentang. Apakah kamu menyediakannya?

    Penjual: Tentu saja bu. Tunggu sebentar. Ini belanjaan anda bu. Apakah anda memerlukan yang lainnya lagi?

    Ibu Shinta: Saya pikir itu udah semuanya.

    Cindy: Bu, tidak jadi membeli dagingnya ya?

    Ibu Shinta: Oh… terima kasih sayangku. Ngomong-omong, aku perlu tenderloin. Apakah kamu memilikinya?

    Penjual: Tentu saja!

    Ibu Shinta: Apakah setiap daging yang dijual di sini benar-benar masih segar?

    Penjual: Tentu saja! Saya selalu menjual daging segar yang saya dapatkan langsung dari ‘penjagal’ di setiap paginya.

    Ibu Shinta: Berapa total harga semuanya?

    Penjual: Semuanya Rp. 130.000. Tapi, saya akan memberikan 5 ribu rupiah sebagai diskon.

    Ibu Shinta: Oo … terima kasih banyak. Ini uangnya 150 ribu rupiah.

    Penjual: In kembaliannya, Bu. Terima kasih dan janga lupa datang lagi!

    Ibu Shinta: Sama-sama.

    Demikianlah contoh percakapan di pasar tradisional dalam bahasa inggris dan artinya untuk sahabat SBI semua. Terima kasih.

    Lihat juga materi SBI Lainnya :


  • 10 Jenis Soal Reading TOEFL Beserta Pembahasannya Terlengkap

    10 Jenis Soal Reading TOEFL Beserta Pembahasannya Terlengkap

    10 Jenis Soal Reading TOEFL Beserta Pembahasannya Terlengkap

    10 Jenis Soal Reading TOEFL Beserta Pembahasannya Terlengkap – Baiklah pada kesempatan kali ini admin akan mengupas materi seputar Soal – Soal Reading yang ada pada TOEFL. Ada 10 jenis soal yang ada pada Reading Toefl seperti yang akan kami jabarkan dibawah ini. Chekidot!!!

    10 Jenis Soal Reading TOEFL Beserta Pembahasannya Terlengkap

    Jenis pertanyaan Reading Comprehension
    – Ada sepuluh macam pertanyaan umumnya ditemukan pada TOEFL.
    – Lima jenis pertama diminta paling sering (75 sampai 80% dari semua pertanyaan).
    – Lima jenis terakhir diminta lebih jarang (20 sampai 25% dari semua pertanyaan).

    Jenis Pertanyaan Reading Toefl yang sering muncul

    1.    Main idea questions
    – Anda akan diminta untuk mengidentifikasi gagasan utama atau topik dari keseluruhan bagian. Biasanya ada onloy satu ide utama.
    – Ini adalah jenis pertanyaan yang sangat penting, karena setiap bagian biasanya memiliki satu pertanyaan ide utama.

    Sample questions
    What is the main idea of the passage?
    With which of the following is the passage mainly concerned?
    What is the main part of the passage?
    Which of the following does the author mainoy discuss?
    Which of the following would be the best title?

    2.    Factual questions – positive
    – Anda akan diminta untuk informasi spesifik dibahas dalam bagian ini.
    – Ini adalah jenis pertanyaan yang sangat penting, karena setiap bagian biasanya memiliki beberapa pertanyaan faktual.

    Sample questions
    Which of the following questions does the passage answer?
    According to the passage, which statement is true?
    When did ‘something” happen?
    Who did “something”?

    3.    Factual questions – negative
    – Anda akan diminta untuk mengidentifikasi informasi tidak dibahas dalam bagian ini.
    – Ini adalah jenis pertanyaan yang sangat penting, karena setiap bagian biasanya memiliki beberapa pertanyaan faktual.

    Sample questions
    The author discussed all the following in the passage EXCEPT …
    According to the passage, which is the most likely reason?
    Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

    4.    Inference questions – specific applications
    – Anda akan diminta untuk membentuk kesimpulan berdasarkan informasi yang dibahas dalam bagian ini.

    Sample questions
    Which of the following does the author imply?
    Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

    5.    Inference questions – general applications
    – Anda akan diminta untuk menerapkan informasi dari bagian situasi umum di luar bagian ini.

    Sample questions
    How does the author feel about  the characters mentioned in the passage?
    Which of the following best describes the author’s purpose?
    What is the general tone of the passage?

    6.    Analogy questions
    – Anda akan diminta untuk membandingkan pertanyaan pilihan jawaban untuk ide-ide yang dibahas dalam bagian ini.

    Sample questions
    Which of the following is like “the main idea?”
    Doing “something” is analogous to which of the following?

    7.    Written expression questions
    – Anda akan diminta arti kata-kata dalam konteks suatu bagian atau referen (anteseden) untuk kata ganti.

    Sample questions
    The wotd this in the last sentence refers to…
    What does “word” mean in the context of this passage?

    8.    Organization questions
    – Anda akan diminta untuk menentukan bagaimana penulis disajikan informasi.

    9.    Following-on questions
    – Anda akan diminta untuk menebak informasi apa yang mungkin ada pada text.

    Sample questions
    In the next paragraph, the author will most likely mention….
    How might the author conclude the discussion?

    10.    View point questions
    – Anda akan diminta untuk menentukan penulis nada, sikap atau tujuan.

    Sample questions
    How does the author feel about the characters mentioned in the passage?
    Which of the following best describes the author’s purpose?
    What is the general tone of the passage?

    Demikianlah 10 Jenis Soal Reading TOEFL Beserta Pembahasannya Terlengkap. Semoga bisa membantu anda untuk mendapatkan skor TOEFL yang tinggi. Terima kasih!!!

  • Kumpulan Kata Benda ( Noun ) Bentukan Adjective Beserta Contoh Kalimat Terlengkap

    Kumpulan Kata Benda ( Noun ) Bentukan Adjective Beserta Contoh Kalimat Terlengkap

    Kumpulan Kata Benda ( Noun ) Bentukan Adjective Beserta Contoh Kalimat Terlengkap

    Kumpulan Kata Benda ( Noun ) Bentukan Adjective Beserta Contoh Kalimat Terlengkap – Sebelumnya admin telah memberikan contoh adjective yang terbentuk dari Noun. Dan tidak adil rasanya jika admin tidak memberikan contoh kata benda yang terbentuk dari kata sifat melalui proses derivation atau penambahan imbuhan. Langsung saja kita lihat contoh kata benda bentukan adjective besert contoh kalimat berikut ini!

    Noun dari kata adjective

    Noun Bentukan Adjective

    1). Ment (productive)

    • Achievement : we raised the grade level by the achievement.
    • Amusement : I went to the Amusement Park.
    • Commitment : I made a commitment to my parents that I would be back by 10.
    • Equipment : A dentist needs to have a lot of equipment to fix teeth.

    2). Al (improductive)

    • Betrayal : He never forgave his wife’s betrayal.
    • Renewal : Your drivers licence is due for renewal”.
    • Withdrawal : Togepi used withdrawal
    • Bestowal : He accepted the bestowal of Queen.
    • Naval : The first naval battle in history between aircraft carriers was the battle of

       the Coral Sea in 1942.

    3). T (improductive)

    • Complaint : I filed a complaint to the hotel manager’.
    • Pursuit : The rich girl was definitely in the pursuit of happiness.
    • Extent : She tried to determine the extent of the damage

    4). Ance/ence (productive)

    • Assistance : The perfect Personal Assistant is able to provide assistance before their

       bosses even realize that they need it.

    • Acquaintance : He is just my acquaintance
    • Conveyance : This company can rent any type of conveyance for the transportation of

      the wedding party.

    • Resemblance : The two cousins had a resemblance to their grandfather.
    • Maintenance : We are working on the maintenance of the car

    5). Tion (productive)

    • Appreciation : They showed no appreciation of all the effort I had made for


    • Assertion : He is making assertions that he will not take that job
    • Celebration : This is a great ‘celebration’ that you planned.
    • Communication : Letters, emails, and texts are a common forms of communication.

    6). Ation (productive)

    • Adaptation : Animals have special adaptations to survive in special environments.
    • Adoration : Mere words can never describe my adoration for her.
    • Continuation : The series was a continuation of an old superhero comic.
    • Starvation : Starvation is a leading cause of death in sub-Saharan Africa.
    • Temptation : I have a temptation to play video games and have fun.

    7). Ition (improductive)

    • Competition : I follow a big competition.
    • Deposition : The deposition of sediment along the mouth of the river was great.
    • Exposition : The student wrote an exposition about conserving energy.
    • Proposition : We get better results for their business proposition online.

    8). Ification (improductive)

    • Amplification : A laser uses light amplification.
    • Beautification : I am trying to spur my spiritual beautification.
    • Clarification : The student asked the teacher for clarification of the problem.

    9). Ure (improductive)

    • Mixture : The children made a mixture of a peculiar solvent and solution during

      science class.

    • Pressure : A pressure cooker is designed to cook food more quickly.
    • Procedure : The manager called a meeting to review new policies and procedures.
    • Literature : In highschool, we began to study literature.

    10). Sion

    • Conclusion : A statement will be read at the conclusion of the meeting.
    • Inclusion : The inclusion for the Project made us closer.
    • Division : I like this division of work.
    • Revision : the student made one key revision.
    • Provision : All these boxes makes a lot provision for the journey in Haiti.

    11). Ssion

    • Admission : The Police questioned the suspect, he eventually gave a full and frank


    • Permission : Written permission of the copyright holder is not required in these


    • Remission : His cancer was in a state of remission, as no damaged cells were found.
    • Succession : I regularly enter my answers in succession.
    • Procession : There was a procession through the center of town in memory of soldiers

      who have died

    12). Y, ery

    • Bravery : The bravery and strength of the nation can defy any form of fear
    • Delivery : Order by telephone, fax or online for a speedy delivery.
    • Discovery : The discovery of the apple was blue
    • Mastery : Linguistics professors must have a mastery of all common words in


    • Scenery : Clare designs scenery for plays and productions

    13). Ness

    • Awareness : Sally wanted to raise awareness about the pollution in her town.
    • Eagerness : The mother was irritated because of his eagerness to go to the party
    • Happiness : Everybody wants happiness, but some people don’t know how to get it
    • Sadness : He was full of sadness
    • Seriousness : The seriousness of his injury had his family worried that he might die.

    14). Ity

    • Activity : I prefer an activity to sitting around.
    • Captivity : The prisoner was held in captivity for 30 years after killing the man.
    • Hostility : There was some hostility between the fighters.
    • Sensitivity : A person with a cavity may experience tooth sensitivity.

    15). Dom

    • Freedom : Freedom of speech is important to Americans.
    • Kingdom : The king has a beautiful kingdom.

    16). Ship

    • Friendship : We had developed this friendship
    • Relationship : She has a good relationship with her parents.
    • Partnership : He entered into business partnership with his best friend.

    17). Hood

    • Brotherhood : When boys have another boy siblings they have brotherhood.
    • Childhood : Mazie spent her childhood in the country and knows how to grow a


    18).  E, se, z, v


    • Bathe : I like to bathe in the evenings before I go to bed.
    • Breathe : Breathe in and breathe out, for you must breathe to live.
    • Devise : I will devise an effective plan for eliminating the pests.
    • Live : I live in Canada.
    • Grieve : I grieve the loss of my grandfather.

    Agent Noun
    1). Er, or

    • Teacher : The school has a new science teacher.
    • Editor : The yearbook editor has a keen eye for detail.
    • Beginner : I study English at Columbia as beginner.
    • Builder : My father is a builder of building.
    • Commander : I listen to my Commander and every single one of his commands.

    2). Ant, ent

    • Assistant : The First Lady seems to appreciate having a personal assistant.
    • Attendant : Sally asked the flight attendant to bring her a pillow because her neck

      was sore.

    • Consultant : She is a great consultant.
    • Resident : He is a resident of the apartment complex.
    • President : The President is a good personality.
  • Kumpulan Kata Sifat Bentukan Noun Beserta Contoh Kalimat Terlengkap

    Kumpulan Kata Sifat Bentukan Noun Beserta Contoh Kalimat Terlengkap

    Kumpulan Kata Sifat Bentukan Noun Beserta Contoh Kalimat Terlengkap

    Kumpulan Kata Sifat Bentukan Noun Beserta Contoh Kalimat Terlengkap – Hai para pengunjung setia SBI, pada artikel kali ini admin akan memberikan kumpulan contoh kata sifat atau adjective yang terbentuk dari kata noun atau bisa juga disebut Derivation atau kata turunan. Admin menyertakan juga imbuhan ( Suffix ) yang membentuk kata itu menjadi kata sifat agar memudahkan teman – teman sekalian dalam memahaminya. Tanpa berlama – lama lagi langsung saja simak baik – baik materinya berikut ini!!!

    Kumpulan Kata Sifat Bentukan Noun Beserta Contoh Kalimat Terlengkap
    Kata Sifat Bentukan Noun Beserta Contoh Kalimat


    1). Al, ial (improductive)

    • Agricultural :  I had a job in the agricultural field.
    • Bridal :  The bridal party came out into the church porch.
    • Commercial :  The movie was not a commercial film.
    • Emotional :  Mothers are often the ones who provide emotional support for the


    • Global :  We need to take a global approach to the problem.
    • Magical :  Her words had a magical effect on us.
    • Traditional :  Their marriage is very traditional.

    2). Y (improductive)

    • Bossy             :  My friends don’t like it when I’m opinionated or bossy.
    • Breezy :  It was breezy and sunny outside.
    • Dewy :  I see her in the dewy flowers.
    • Inky :  The room was in inky darkness.
    • Lacy :  The young woman wore a lacy gown to the masquerade ball.
    • Moody :  My dad is being very moody today.
    • Mossy :  The stones were so mossy
    • Gloomy :  The chambers of the castle were dark and gloomy.

    3). Ed (improductive)

    • Forested :  The province is heavily forested and sparsely populated.
    • Pointed :  His words were a pointed reminder of her position.
    • Talented :  My brother is a talented player.
    • Wooded :  he is in a wooded area.

    4). Ly (improductive)

    • Timely :  An incident was prevented by the timely arrival of the police.
    • Worldly :  He was a worldly and seasoned man.
    • Heavenly :  This place is heavenly.
    • Ghostly :  The ghostly house gave me the chills.
    • Kingly :  The dog eats the meat with a kingly manner.

    5). Ar

    • Circular : The circular road was difficult to navigate.
    • Columnar : The library has columnar                     
    • Muscular : The muscular boy lifted the heavy box with ease.
    • Spectacular : The view was spectacular from the top floor of the tallest building

    6). Ful, les

    • Careful : When I was walking along the living room filled with vases, I was

                  careful not to touch  them down.
    Care-less          : It was careless of me to leave the door open.

    • Cheerful : I was looking very cheerful
      Cheerless         : The failure was a cheerless prospect.
    • Fearful : I was fearful because of the scary movie
      Fearless           : The people were fearless in the cave
    • Faithful : My Father is very faithful to my Mother.
      Faithless          : You must be faithless to all her words.
    • Useful : They bought a useful tool for carrying out a wide range of activity.
      Useless            : The chair was now useless because it was not comfortable to sit on.

    7). Ous

    • Adventurous : I was on a adventurous trip in the jungle.
    • Dangerous : Firefighters have a dangerous occupation.
    • Furious : She was furious that he had stolen her earrings.
    • Humorous : Some people are humorous but others just don’t have the skill.
    • Glorious : The couple enjoyed a glorious trip to Bali.

    8). Ish

    • Boyish :  The girls love his blue eyes, dimples and boyish grin.
    • Stylish :  That piece of clothing you are wearing right now is very stylish.
    • Foolish : Olivia’s foolish answer made her blush with shame.
    • Childish :  My brother is very childish.

    9). Ary

    • Disclipnary : The teacher needed to take disciplinary action in order to make the

      student  behave in class.

    • Legendary :  Both Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley were legendary musical


    • Planetary : Most scientists consider global warming to be a planetary emergency.
    • Primary : The primary source of information was from witness statements.
    • Visionary : The visionary leader created real change.
    • Revolutionary : The British surrendered, then the English won the revolutionary war.

    10). Ing

    • Interesting : Sightseers in New York can find many interesting places to visit.
    • Astonishing : It’s astonishing how rude some people can be.
    • Disturbing : He was disturbing me while I was doing my homework.

    11). Ic

    • Economic : Indonesians  hope that the new president has a cure for country’s the

      economic  woes.

    • Organic : I only eat organic apples to avoid pesticides.
    • Democratic : Barack Obama is democratic :
    • Romantic : I feel very romantic when I see the beautiful smile on your face.


     Negative Prefix

    1). Un

    • Unattractive : The boy was unattractive.
    • Unclear : I can’t handle the unclear problem.
    • Unkind : She seemed very unkind.
    • Unhealthy : chocolate is very unhealthy for you.
    • Unpleasant : it was an unpleasant evening

    2). Dis


    • Disadvantage : The other team had a disadvantage because they were missing one


    • Disbelief : The man was in total disbelief when he found out he made the show.
    • Distrust : The war caused much distrust between the countries.
    • Displeasure : The teacher was full of displeasure.


    • Disagree : The judge said that he is going to disagree and prove that the suspect was


    • Disappear : Thousands of children disappear each day in the United States.
    • Disarm : The police moved in to disarm the captured thieves.
    • Dislike : I dislike it when people are not nice.
    • Disobey : The word disobey is found in the dictionary.

    3). In, im, ir, il

    • Inactive : The volcano has been inactive for many years.
    • Incapable : My mother told me to smile for the picture, but I was miserable, and

      simply incapable of doing so.

    • Incomplete : She used an incomplete sentence for the description.
    • Inconstant : Her promises were as inconstant as the moons appearence.
    • Inconvenient : It was quite inconvenient to have the building at the north end of the city
    • Inexact : Mathematics is not an inexact science.

    • Immature : You are so immature, with your constant complaining and tantrums.
    • Impatient : After two hours in the waiting room, I became impatient and left.
    • Immovable : Mother’s opinion was immovable once she has made a decision about our


    • Irrational : The irrational boy ran into the tree.
    • Irregular : Some pearls have an irregular shape
    • Irresponsible : This man is irresponsible because he does not do his homework.

    • Illegal : he followed in committing illegal actives.
    • Illegible : she is studying an illegible notes for a test

    4). Non

    • Nonalcoholic : When my friends offered me some alcohol at a party, I declined it

      and told them that I was a nonalcoholic.

    • Nonstop : He booked a nonstop flight from New York City to Chicago.
    • Nonviolent : I to be nonviolent to my brother.

    5). Mis


    • Misperception : Psychologists use the term misperception and assist their clients

      to  manage life problems.


    • Misbehave : Children misbehave when they are unsupervised.
    • Misinform : We were misinform on the whereabouts of the missing


    • Misunderstand : Please correct me if I misunderstand you, but I believe your

      answer is none.

    • Misspell : She misspell the word inconsiderate on her spelling test.
    • Mislead : I can mislead my sister very easily
    • Misuse : You may misuse your time.
  • Kesalahan Umum Yang Sering Terjadi Dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris

    Kesalahan Umum Yang Sering Terjadi Dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris

    Kesalahan Umum Yang Sering Terjadi Dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris

    Kesalahan Umum Yang Sering Terjadi Dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris – Pada Artikel kali ini admin akan memberikan sebuah contoh kesalahan kesalahan yang sering terjadi dalam kalimat – kalimat bahasa inggris. Admin juga menyertakan sebuah pembahasan singkat dan koreksinya sehingga menjadi kalimat yang benar. Langsung saja simak pembahasannya dibawah ini.

    Error Analysis

    Error Analysis

    1. Forest one of the most important thing that we need to our lifes.

    (omission = dihilanagkan) (subtitution=diganti)
    (Less to be=dikurangi)

    Correction : forest is one of the most important thing that we need for our life.

    2. Without a forest, we cannot life because it contains about plants who produce oxygen and it

    (subtitution) (subtitution)
    (it must be put verb = ditambahkan kata kerja)

    as a home for animals.

    Correction : Without a forest, we cannot live because it contains many plants who produce oxygen and it as a home for animals.

    3. it is not just only for life, but also a forest as a lung for earth.

    Correction: it is not only for life, but also a forest as a lung for earth.

    4. In a forest you can find many thing like plants and animals.

    (should use plural noun)

    Correction: In a forest you can find many things like plants and animals

    5. It use by us to fullfill daily needs.

    (there is no to be (is))
    Correction: It is used by us to fullfill daily needs.

    6. A plant that grow in a forest can produce a food for us and oxygen to breath for human or .

    (should use verb+s)
    Correction = A plant that grow in a forest can produce a food  and oxygen to breath for human or animal in the world.

    7. An animals who life in a forest there,….
    (addition) (subtitution)
    ( ( should use verb not noun)
    Correction: An animal who live in a forest there…..

    Demikianlah sebuah contoh Correction dari sebuah kesalahan kesalahan umum yang sering terjadi dalam kalimat Bahasa Inggris. Semoga bisa bermanfaat bagi teman – teman pelajar bahasa inggris. Terima kasih!!!!

    Baca Juga :



  • Contoh Dialog atau Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Saat Wawancara Kerja Terbaik

    Contoh Dialog atau Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Saat Wawancara Kerja Terbaik

    Contoh Dialog atau Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Saat Wawancara Kerja Terbaik

    Contoh Dialog atau Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Saat Wawancara Kerja Terbaik – Teman – teman sedang mencari sebuah gambaran sebuah interview kerja dalam Bahasa Inggris? Kebetulan sekali pada artikel berikut ini admin memberikan sebuah contoh percakapan saat interview atau wawancara kerja. Langsung saja simak percakapannya berikut ini.

    Contoh Dialog atau Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Saat Wawancara Kerja Terbaik
    Contoh Dialog atau Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Saat Wawancara Kerja Terbaik

    Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Saat Interview Kerja

    This is Conversation between Amirotul Khaidar as interviewing and Linda Ismawati as interviewer.

    Linda               : Good morning.

    Amy                : Good morning. What can I do for you?

    Linda               : I’m student from Indonesia. I would like to ask about the information of this University.

    Amy                : sure, sit down please.

    Linda               : Thank you Mom, could I start mom?

    Amy                : All right. What is your name?

    Linda               : My name is Linda Ismawati.

    Amy                : What is the University that you study before?

    Linda               : I graduated from University of Indonesia who took in Economy of Management program there. I want to register in this University of Tokyo, but I have not got the information about the requirement yet. But first I want to know about the condition this university before it.

    Amy                : all right.

    Linda               : I hear that this university is one of the university which is good quality in Japan.

                            Isn’t it?

    Amy                : yes, you are right. You know that this The University of Tokyo is the university in Japan that we usually called it “Todmai”. The University of Tokyo (known as Todai) is Japan’s most prestigious university. Because, Todai is conducting a wide range of research in humanities, social sciences, and natural, sciences, while making constant efforts to create an interdisciplinary and cutting-edge academic curriculum.

    Linda               : Excellent! How many campuses that university has mom?

    Amy                : emm..the university contains 3 campuses, Hongo, Komaba, dan Kashiwa.

    In addition, some the facilities in university of Tokyo locate in the other subdivision from Tokyo and country. Most of the faculty and postgraduate from university. eee locate in Hongo Campus.

    Linda               : oh, so there are 3 campuses in Todai, Hongo, Komaba, dan Kashiwa. what about the Komaba Campus? Where does this locate?

    Amy                : eee..The Komaha campus that locates in part of Komaba Meguro-ku, Tokyo is eee 35 hectare.

    Linda               : Is the facility of this campus more complete than the others?

    Amy                : eemm..There is no significant differences about the facility, this campus provide the facility such as, Graduate School of Art and Sciences, College of Art and Sciences, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, and institute science that held in this Campus.

    Linda               : What about the Kashiwa Campus mom?

    Amy                : The Kashiwa Campus is the new from the others one, it is located in the Kashiwa City, prefecture ciba, the edge of Tokyo.

    Linda               : yeah, I think that it is very big university. What about the student activity?

    Amy                : you know! The students of this university always held two festivals annual that is called Festival Komaba hel in November in Komaba Campus eemm organizes by Students. And Festival Mei or “Gogatsusai” in Hongo Campus that it is beheld by a committee that contains from all scholar students.

    And the last one is the program which is held for three days and this is the opportunity for student to promote the academic activity and non academic for citizen. Now day, this university held introducing this Campus for student in Senior High School for annual program ee..that that introducing of campus life for senior high school students that hope studying in this campus. What is the program study will you take in Todai?

    Linda               : I will take cooperation international program there. What is the requirement?

    Amy                : there are any qualifications, you must have 500 score for toefl, and you have to submit the documentation to the administration in this campus. And wait the confirmation in there.

    Linda               : Thank you for the information mom.

    Demikianlah Contoh Dialog atau Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Saat Wawancara Kerja Terbaik. Anda hanya butuh sebuah kamus untuk menerjemahkan kata – kata yang sulit. Semoga artikel ini bisa berguna bagi para sarjana baru yang sedang mencari pekerjaan. Terima kasih!!!