
  • English For Nursing-Unit 4: Yes/No Questions

    English For Nursing-Unit 4: Yes/No Questions

    English For Nursing-Unit 4: Yes/No Questions

    SekolahbahasainggrisIn this section you will have a n exercise in purpose to enrich your knowledge about Yes/No Questions.


    • The students of nurses are hoped to be able to use the words hospitalize, disinfect, treatment, ward, procedure, cross.
    • The students are hoped to be able to using are, is and also am, do, and does +subject.
    English For Nursing-Unit 4: Yes/No Questions
    English For Nursing-Unit 4: Yes/No Questions
    • Please say the following words and find the meanings of it.

    1. Sterilize->> Membersihkan
    2. Sterilization->>
    3. Trolley->>
    4. Ward->>
    5. Hospitalize->>
    6. Hospitalization->>
    7. Disinfect->>
    8. Disinfectant->>
    9. Surgical->>
    10. Surgery->>
    11. Surgeon->>
    12. Intervention->>
    • Please memorize the following vocabularies

    1. Hospitalize(v)->> Does Rudy being hospitalized today?
    2. Hospitalization(n)->> Ronny needs hospitalization.
    3. Disinfect(v)->> Nurse disinfect the patient with NaCl.
    4. Disinfectant(n)->>You know that the Lysol is disinfectant fluid.
    5. Trolley->> The nurse put the trolley to the room.
    6. Treat(v)->> Surgeon’s team was trying to treat Munawaroh.
    7. Treatment(n)->> The treatment is running well.
    • Arrange the following words into right sentences

    1. Am – right – I – the – ward – in
    2. Now – are – out patient – you – clinic – the – in?
    3. Available – dr.Samsul – at – is – five o’clock
    4. Operation – the doctor- to do – minor – has – a
    5. The pharmacy – the – clinic – out patient – next to – is
    • Translate the following sentence into English!

    1. Budi, dapatkah kamu tunjukkan kepada saya dimana ruang rontgen di RS. Urip?
    2. Jam berapa operasi Tn. Patrick dimulai?
    3. Apakah klinik Maju Mundur buka 24 jam, suster?
    4. Apakah ini jalan yang benar untuk menuju ruang Teratai?
    5. Tolong tunjukkan kepada saya arah ke Toilet!

    Semoga Bermanfaat Sahabat SBI!

    Further Reading:

    Aturan Penggunaan Apostrof dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Contoh Kalimatnya Lengkap

  • English For Nursing-Unit 3: WH Questions

    English For Nursing-Unit 3: WH Questions

    English For Nursing-Unit 3: WH Questions

    SekolahbahasainggrisIn this section you will have a n exercise in purpose to enrich your knowledge about WH Questions (what, when, who, where, why, how and + do you…..?).


    • The students of nurses are hoped to be able to use the words refuse, temporarily, procedure, action.
    • The students are hoped to be able to use the WH questions as mention above.
    English For Nursing-Unit 3: WH Questions
    English For Nursing-Unit 3: WH Questions
    • Please say the following words and find the meanings of it.


    1. Approve
    2. Approval
    3. Deny
    4. Denial
    5. Endoscope
    6. Endoscopy
    7. Procedure
    8. Refuse
    9. Refusal
    10. Analgesic
    11. Antibiotic
    12. Mental
    13. Capacity
    14. Nephritis
    • Please memorize the following vocabularies


    1. Deny->>Menolak
    2. Denial->>Penolakan
    3. Approval->> Persetujuan
    4. Approve->> Menyetujui
    5. Mental capacity->> Kemampuan mental untuk memutuskan
    6. Refuse->> Menolak
    7. Refusal->> Penolakan
    8. Sedative->> Membuat tidur
    9. Recovery->> Penyembuhan
    10. Blindness->> Buta
    11. Deafness->> Tuli
    • Grammar Focus WH Questions ( Write the questions from the answers below)


    1. …………Who is she…..…………? (She is Mrs. Bunga)
    2. ………………………………………….? (My job is a nurse)
    3. ………………………………………….? (My cell phone number is 08576869493)
    4. ………………………………………….? (My next of Kin is my Father)
    5. ………………………………………….? (Mr Phantom’s blood pressure is still normal)


    • Arrange the following words into right sentences


    1. (live-where-you-do?)
    2. (work-where-do-you?)
    3. (pain-feel-you-do-where?)
    4. (water work-you-do-when-usually?)
    5. (injecting-call-what-medical instrument-you-do-used fro?)

    Semoga Bermanfaat Sahabat SBI!

    Further Reading:

    Aturan Penggunaan Apostrof dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Contoh Kalimatnya Lengkap

  • “Giants And Pygmies” Story By Ronald Ridout

    “Giants And Pygmies” Story By Ronald Ridout

    Giants And Pygmies” Story By Ronald Ridout

    Sekolahbahasainggris– In this section you will have a text an. So feel free and happy to enjoyed reading the text.

    "Giants And Pygmies" Story By Ronald Ridout
    “Giants And Pygmies” Story By Ronald Ridout

    Text 3:

    Giants And Pygmies

    By Ronald Ridout

    I feel into a high road, for so I took it to be, though it served to the inhabitants only as a footpath through a field of barley. Here I walked on for some time, but could see little on either side, it being now at least harvest, and the cornrising near forty feet. I was an hour walking to the end of this field, which was fenced in with a hedge of at leastone hundred and twenty feet high, and the trees so lofty that I could make no computation of their altitude.

    There was a stile to pass from this field into the next. It had four steps, and a stone to cross over when you came to the uppermost. It was impossible for me to climb this stile, because every step was six feet high, and the upper stone above twenty.

     I was endeavouring to find some gap in the hedge, when I discovered one of the inhabitants in the next field, advancing towards the stile, of the same size with him I saw in the sea, pursuing our boat. He appeared as tall as an ordinary spire-steeple, and took about ten yards at every stride, as near as I could guess.

     I was struck with the utmost fear and astonishment, and ran to hide myself in the corn, from whence I saw him at the to of the stile looking back into the next field on the right hand, and heard him call in a voice many degrees louder than a speaking-trumpet; but the nose was so high in the air, that at first I certainly thought it was thunder.

    Whereupon, seven monsters like himself came towards him with reaping hooks in their hands, each hook about the largeness of six scythes. These people were not so well clad as the first, whose servants or labourers they seemed to be; for, upon some words he spoke, they went to reap the corn in the field where I lay.

    I kept from them at as great a distance as I could, but was forced to move with extreme difficulty, for the stalks of the corn were sometimes not above a foot distant, so that I could hardly squeeze my body betwixt them.

    However, I made  shift to go forward, till I laid by the rain and the wind. Here it was impossible for me to advance a step; for the stalks were so interwoven that I could not creep through, and the beards of the fallen ears so strong and pointed that they pierced through my clothes into my flesh.

    At the same time I heard the reapers not above an hundred yards behind me. Being quite dispirited with toil, and wholly overcome by grief and despair, I lay down between two ridges, and heartily wished I might there end my days.

  • Dongeng Sleeping Beauty Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaik

    Dongeng Sleeping Beauty Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaik

    Dongeng Sleeping Beauty Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaik

    Sekolahbahasainggris- Pernah dengar cerita dongeng Sleeping Beauty? Itu loh Cerita tentang Putri Tidur tapi dalam bahasa Inggris. Nah bagi yang penasaran atau sedang mencari referensinya yuk disimak cerita Sleeping Beauty berikut:

    Sleeping Beauty

    Along time ago, there are King and The queen lived in the castle. They had a problem that they had not have a child  which makes King and The Queen felt so sad. In one day, when the Queen walk to the river, there was a small fish on the river and said. “What makes you sad?” “I don’t have a child.” Queen answered. “Okay, you will have a child soon, don’t worry.” Fished continued.

    Day by day had gone, and what fish predicted to her before came true; The Queen had a little girl. She was beautiful that made King so so happy after that moment and planned to make a big big party ever.

    He invited all his family members, friends, and all the villagers in his kingdom. Also didn’t forget to invite fairy to come to the biggest party ever. In his kingdom he had 13 fairy but the gold plate was only 12. It made him to invite only 12 from 13 fairy.

    Every invited guest had come including all 12 fairies. They give all the best gift to the princess. Goodness, Beauty, Rich. And everything.

     When a eleventh fairy finished giving her mercy, the thirteenth fairy came with all angrily face she had because she did not get an invitation. She was in cruel. She said , “When your daughter would in the age of fifteen she will get impaled by sewing needles and died.

    “Then the twelve fairy came and said through giving mercy to the princess “I will give advanced the fore that a curse was said by the thirteenth fairy going to happen , but she only could extenuate the curse is , princess will not die , but only just fall asleep during a hundred years”. King was so worried about that then he saved the daughter from any of the threat of  sewing needles curse . Then all the sewing needles took out and destroyed .

    Meanwhile , all blessing given by the fairy was consummated , like the princess being very beautiful , kind, friendly and everybody loved her.

    But in some day, On the door hung a golden key , and when she opened the door , she saw an old woman sewed with sewing needles and looked very busy .”hi a good mother” , ‘ said the princess , “what are you doing here ?” “sewing and embroidery.” Old woman answered. Nodding her head. “how beautiful yours” said the princess. When she took sewing needles and began to embroider the accident came unexpectedly. She skewered by the needle and after that the princess fall to the ground lifeless as if not longer.

    As foreseen, the princess will be impaled by sewing needles, the princess will not die , but would only asleep; Then the King and Queen who had just returned to the palace , and all the ministers also fall asleep, horses at home too, a dog in the yard, pigeons on the roof and the flies that are in the wall, everything fell asleep. Even fire be stopped, of meat roasted became stiff, a cook , everything was sleeping and silent.

    Year by year Prickly wild plants were growing fastly and fence around the palace. The palace were surrounded by a thick prickly wild plant and it increased every year until all had been made the place can’t be seen again.  In addition, a roof and chimneys had not be seen because it. The news about beautiful princess who was fell asleep spread throughout the mainland, so many prince try to come and try to enter into the palace.

     But they never be a success because thorns and plants that are outspread interweave and entrap them as they were held by some hands to not let them came in, and finally they were not able to forward again. Through the years, people who had grown old told the story about a princess very beautiful.

    Then a prince who hear it said, “all those stories will not scary me, i will go and see sleeping beauty.” Although his parents who told him prevented to go, prince was still in force to go away.

    That was 100 years after princess fell a sleep, and when the prince were coming to scrub the palace, enclose with a fence he was seeing is just the beautiful plants that can go easily. The trees are close again with a meeting when the prince has been through.

    When the prince were eventually arrived at the palace , he saw a dog that there is in the yard was dozing, so does a horse that there are at home the palace, and on the roof he saw pigeons are also fell asleep with the head under its wings; and when he came to the palace , he saw flies fell asleep on the walls of the palace.

    When he came more into, everything seemed so quiet that he only could hear his own breathe; until he arrived at the old tower and opened the door where sleeping beauty was. Then he look that sleeping beauty was so pretty. The prince knel down and kissed the princess. So surprisingly sleeping beauty opened her eyes and woke up, smiling to the prince because of a curse of the fairies the thirteenth had broken.

     They both went out of the tower and in that moment the King and Queen also had awakened including all his ministers who looked at each other with astonishment.The horses the palace also woke up, the dogs also jump woke up and barking, the birds pigeon in a roof issued his head from under her wings, looked around and then fly to the heavens, flied that directly fluttering back.

    Finally the King and Queen  was lived happily, after that they made the wedding party to the Princess and Prince as the best happy ending.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    123 Explanation Text: Penjelasan Paling Lengkap & Contoh

  • Cerita Rakyat: Roro Jongrang Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terupdate

    Cerita Rakyat: Roro Jongrang Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terupdate

    Cerita Rakyat: Roro Jongrang Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terupdate

    Sekolahbahasainggris- Apakah sahabat SBI sedang mencari cerita rakyat tentang roro jongrang? Yuk disimak:

    Cerita Rakyat: Roro Jongrang Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terupdate
    Cerita Rakyat: Roro Jongrang Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terupdate

    Roro Jongrang

    Once upon a time, in Java there was a great kingdom named prambanan. They were life peaceful of along together. But, one day, The kingdom of prambanan was being invaded and colonized by the pengging. The tranquility the kingdom of prambanan was broken later. The army  was attackted by pengging, and they were not able to face, then they lost. Finally, the kingdom of prambanan being controlled by pengging, and it led by bandung bondowoso.

    Bandung bondowoso was so bossy and cruel. “Announcement, anyone who do not conform to my commandments, will be sentenced to heavy!” said Bandung bondowoso to all the people in the kingdom. Bandung bondowoso had troops the spirits. Someday,  Bandung bondowoso saw roro jonggrang, the daughter of king prambanan,was beautiful woman ever.  “How beautiful you are the princess. I wanted you to be my lady” thought bandung bondowoso.

    The next day, Bondowoso approaching Jonggrang. “You look beautiful, will you be my queen?”, Asked Bondowoso to Jonggrang.

     Jonggrang gasped, hearing Bondowoso question. “How dare you are, yet know me immediately wanted me to be your queen,” said Loro Jongrang in her mind. “What should I do?”. Jonggrang was into confusion. Her mind was spinning. If he refuses, then Bondowoso be furious and endanger her family and the people of Prambanan. But she was not possible to say yes, because Jonggrang did not like to Bondowoso.

    “Jonggrang,can you answered?” Demanded Bondowoso. Finally Jonggrang get the idea. “I am willing to be your wife, but there are a prerequisite before it,” she said. “What are the conditions? Want treasures galore? Or the magnificent palace? “.

     “No, my lord”, said Jonggrang. “I asked for the temple, the amount must be a thousand pieces.” “A thousand pieces?” Bondowoso shocked and screamed. “Yes, and the temple must be completed in a single night.”

     Jonggrang Bondowoso stared, his lips quivering anger. Since then Bondowoso thinking how to make 1000 temples. Finally he asked his advisors. “I believe my master can make the temple with the help of spirits!”, Said the advisor. “Yes, that’s right, please prepare the equipment which I need!”

     After the equipment be ready. Bondowoso standing in front of the altar stone. Both arms stretched out wide. “Forces Spirits, Help me!” He cried in a booming voice. Shortly thereafter, the sky became dark. The wind howled. A moment later, the genie was already swarming troops Bondowoso.

     “What should we do majesty?” Asked the leader of the genie. “Help me build a thousand temples,” pleaded Bondowoso. The genie immediately move to and fro, carrying out their respective duties. In a short time the temple has composed nearly a thousand pieces.

    Meanwhile, quietly Jonggrang observe from a distance. She was anxious, knowing Bondowoso genie aided by troops. “Oh my god, what should I do?”, Said Jonggrang in her mind. She was looking for a reason how to solved the condition. The royal ladies shaved assembled and assigned to collect straw. “Fast burn all the hay!” Command Jonggrang. Most of the other ladies shaved mashing mortar. Dung … dung … dung! The sky was red tinge with the sound of frenzied, so much like the dawn was breaking.

     Jin or spirits troops already thought dawn was breaking. “Well, the sun will rise!” Cried the genie. “We have to go before the sun scorched our body,” said another genie. The genie is scattered left the place. Bondowoso was surprised to see the panic genie forces.

     In the morning, Bondowoso invite Jonggrang to the temple. “The temple which you requested has been established!”. Jonggrang immediately calculate the number of the temple. It turned out that there were only 999 pieces!. “The amount is less than one!” Exclaimed Jonggrang. “My majesty, you have failed to qualify which I asked”.

     Bondowoso surprised to learn that deficiency. He became very angry. “No way …”, said Bondowoso glowering to Jonggrang. “Then you must complete it!” He said while pointing his finger at Jonggrang. So Magical! Jonggrang instantly turned into a stone statue. Until now these temples still exist and are located in the region of Prambanan, Central Java and called Jonggrang Temple.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    1000 Contoh Surat Pemberitahuan Dalam Bahasa Inggris

  • Dongeng Snow White And 7 Dwarfs Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terupdate

    Dongeng Snow White And 7 Dwarfs Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terupdate

    Dongeng Snow White And 7 Dwarfs Dalam Bahasa Inggis Terupdate

    Sekolahbahasainggris- Dongeng tentang Snow White and The Seven Dwarf itu begitu terkenal di seluruh penjuru negeri. Kisahnya yang apik dan begitu manis membuat kita jadi termotivasi untuk menjadi lebih baik. Yuk dibaca sahabat SBI:

    Snow White And 7 Dwarfs

    Once upon a time there was a great castle in beautiful place. A king has a daughter and she grew up by the time happily and contented, despite of a jealous stepmother lived.  Her name was Snow White, because she has a delicated skin and so fair. By her born day, everyone believed in that she would be a beautiful girl.

    Dongeng Snow White And 7 Dwarfs Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    Dongeng Snow White And 7 Dwarfs Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Her stepmother was a wicked woman, she was beautiful, and she has a magic mirror on her room’s wall. The magic mirror always told her whenever she asked “Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful lady in the world?” Then it replied as always, “You are my majesty”.  Day by day had gone. Now Snow White grew as beautiful lady.

    As always as her stepmother asked to the magic mirror, in so unexpectedly moment the magic mirror replied her question to “Snow White is the most beautiful lady in the world”. Then stepmother shocked and getting angry. Stepmother was furious and so jealous, then began plotting to get rid of Snow White as her rival.

    Stepmother called her trusty servants, and she said “ I will give you great reward if you can take Snow White to the forest in which so far far away from this castle, understand!” The servants was greedy and attracted to the great reward. He agreed to the deed, and put the little girl away from the Castle.

    Snow White was lonely all alone in the forest because servants leaved her beside a tree.  She was scared of the dark. When the night came, she was so scared. She thought at the night there was a terrible eyes who was spying on her. It was so dramatic. Then she heard strange sounds and much rustlings that made Snow White’ heart thump. She began cry a bitterly. Because of her tiredness, she fell asleep under a big tree.

    When she wake up from her sleep, she shocked that there was somebody touched her. She was in the room in the tree. There were kitchen over there, a tiny door, seven bedroom with small beds, and strange cottage.

    “Anybody here?”  Asked Snow White. “Hi, I have made a meal for you.” Answered a dwarf. “Who are you?” asked her then. “We are seven dwarfs” they answered.

    Then Snow White told her story that her stepmother asked her servants to leaved snow white in the forest alone. Then dwarfs pleased asked her to live with them

    On the different situation, in the castle, the servant had returned. Then stepmother was so happy and run to her room to ask the magic mirror the same question. But her wish was dashed, the mirror answered. “My majesty, the most beautiful lady in the world still Snow White.”

    “What? She must die! I thought that she was bitten by tiger or lion in the forest. It is impossible!”

    She screamed out and angry. Tomorrow, she disguised herself to be an old woman, then she put a poisoned apple to the basket and quickly went to the forest in which Snow White live.

    She find the dwarfs’ home and when dwarfs leaved home, she came, knocked to the door. Knock! Knock! “Who is there?” Snow White asked. “I’m an old woman who is selling apples.” Stepmother replied. “I’m sorry, I don’t need any apples.”

    “But please, these are beautiful apples like you.” The old woman asked again. “The dwarf asked me to not open the door to anyone.”  Snow White was reluctant to disobey her friends. “Good girl, if you open the door, I will give you one of my apples.” Old woman asked.

    When she opened the door, old Woman gave her a beautiful apples “Here you are” and when she bit an apple, she fell to the ground as the effect of poisoned apples. “Is not it a nice apple, Snow White?” Step mother chuckling evilly after it. She ran back to the castle and leaved Snow White.

    Then Dwarfs came and see that Snow White was felt down. They were so sad after they was feeling something bad happened as the sky was getting darker and stormy. Thunder came loudly. They  did their best. They laid her to the bed of rose petals and carried her to the forest and put in to the crystal coffin. Each day they laid a rose flower there hoped that Snow White would wake up.

    Then, a strange moment happened to the young man. He was admiring Snow White face through the glass. Then, he seek Snow White in the forest. After he found Snow White, the dwarf told all the story which happened. And he asked them to bring her to the castle to see the doctor. Then they let him go.

    When arrived, and met the doctor, doctor said. “The only way you can help her from the poisoned is you kiss her to  wake from sleep. Then the prince did it. So magically, the Prince broke the magic. Snow White opened her eyes. Everyone and dwarfs was so surprised happily.

    Now, Prince helped her. And Snow White feltin love wit him. They married and live happily in the castle.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    1000 Contoh Surat Pemberitahuan Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    25 Grammar Exercise Combination With Give, Put, and Make

  • Contoh Penggunaan Figure of Speech Euphemism dan Pengertiannya

    Contoh Penggunaan Figure of Speech Euphemism dan Pengertiannya

    Sebuah euphemism adalah ekspresi sopan yang digunakan pada kata atau frasa yang mungkin dianggap kasar atau tidak menyenangkan untuk didengar. Euphemism digunakan secara teratur, dan terdapat banyak contoh penggunaan euphemism dalam bahasa sehari-hari.

    Penggantian ekspresi ofensif (seperti “passed away”) untuk mengganti kata yang dianggap tidak menyenangkan (“dead”).

    Dalam karyanya Oxford Dictionary of euphemism (2007), catatan Pemegang RW bahwa dalam pidato atau tulisan “kita menggunakan euphemism untuk berurusan dengan hal yang tabu atau subyek yang sensitif. Yaitu bahasa penggelapan, kemunafikan, kekenesan, dan kebohongan.”

    Contoh Penggunaan Figure of Speech Euphemism dan Pengertiannya

    Jenis euphemism

    Untuk Melembutkan Ekspresi

    Beberapa euphemism digunakan untuk membuat kebenaran yang kurang menyenangkan tampak lebih lembut.

    Contoh euphemism yang termasuk dalam kategori ini antara lain:

    Menggunakan Passed away daripada died untuk menyatakan kematian

    Menggunakan Correctional facility daripada jail untuk menyatakan penjara

    Menggunakan Departed daripada died untuk menyatakan mati

    Menggunakan Differently-abled daripada handicapped atau disabled untuk menyatakan cacat

    Menggunakan Fell off the back of a truck daripada stolen untuk menyatakan dicuri

    Menggunakan Ethnic cleansing daripada genocide untuk menyatakan Suku

    Menggunakan Turn a trick daripada engage in prostitution untuk menyatakan prostitusi

    Menggunakan Negative patient outcome daripada dead untuk menyatakan mati

    Menggunakan Relocation center daripada prison camp untuk menyatakan penjara

    Menggunakan Collateral damage daripada accidental deaths untuk menyatakan pembunuhan

    Menggunakan Letting someone go daripada firing someone untuk menyatakan pecat

    Menggunakan Put to sleep daripada euthanize untuk menyatakan perkosa

    Menggunakan Pregnancy termination daripada abortion untuk menyatakan aborsi

    Menggunakan On the streets daripada homeless untuk menyatakan gelandangan

    Euphemisms yang Digunakan untuk Menjadi Sopan

    Euphemism lain digunakan untuk menggantikan kata-kata atau frasa yang Anda mungkin tidak ingin mengatakan dalam bentuk sopan.

    Contoh euphemism yang termasuk dalam kategori ini antara lain:

    Menggunakan Adult entertainment daripada pornography untuk menyatakan pornografi

    Menggunakan Adult beverages daripada beer atau liquor untuk menyatakan minuman keras

    Menggunakan Au natural daripada naked untuk menyatakan telanjang

    Menggunakan Big-boned daripada heavy atau overweight untuk menyatakan kegemukan

    Menggunakan Portly daripada heavy atau overweight untuk menyatakan kegemukan

    Menggunakan Chronologically-challenged daripada late untuk menyatakan terlambat

    Menggunakan Comfort woman daripada prostitute untuk menyatakan pelacur

    Menggunakan Use the rest room daripada go to the bathroom untuk menyatakan kamar mandi

    Menggunakan Break wind daripada pass gas untuk menyatakan kentut

    Menggunakan Economical with the truth daripada liar untuk menyatakan pembohong

    Menggunakan Powder your nose daripada use the rest room untuk menyatakan kamar mandi

    Menggunakan The birds and the bees daripada sex untuk menyatakan hubungan intim

    Menggunakan Between jobs daripada unemployed untuk menyatakan pengangguran

    Menggunakan Go all the way daripada have sex untuk menyatakan berhubungan intim

    Menggunakan Domestic engineer daripada maid untuk menyatakan pembantu

    Menggunakan Sanitation engineer daripada garbage man untuk menyatakan tukang sampah

    Menggunakan Vertically-challenged daripada short untuk menyatakan pendek

    Menggunakan Sleep together daripada have sex untuk menyatakan berhubungan intim

    Euphemisms yang Digunakan untuk Menjadi tidak Sopan

    Dalam beberapa kasus, euphemism sengaja dibuat lebih menjijikkkan atau kurang menyenangkan untuk mengatakan sesuatu. Ini biasanya digunakan ketika orang sedang menyindir atau mencoba untuk menerangkan suatu subjek.

    Contoh termasuk:

    Menggunakan Batting for the other side daripada homosexual untuk menyatakan Gay

    Menggunakan Bit the big one daripada died untuk menyatakan kematian

    Menggunakan Bit the farm daripada died untuk menyatakan kematian

    Menggunakan Cement shoes daripada dead untuk menyatakan kematian

    Menggunakan Bit the dust daripada died untuk menyatakan kematian

    Menggunakan Croaked daripada dead untuk menyatakan kematian

    Menggunakan Kick the bucket daripada die untuk menyatakan kematian

    Menggunakan Blow chunks daripada vomited untuk menyatakan muntah

    Menggunakan Hide the sausage daripada sex untuk menyatakan hubungan intim

    Menggunakan Making whoopee daripada sex untuk menyatakan hubungan intim

    Menggunakan Well-hung daripada having a large penis untuk menyatakan alat kelamin yang besar

  • 22 Contoh Figure of Speech Chiasmus dan Pengertiannya

    22 Contoh Figure of Speech Chiasmus dan Pengertiannya

    Chiasmus adalah kiasan di mana kata-kata, konstruksi tata bahasa, atau konsepnya diulang dalam urutan terbalik, dalam bentuk yang sama atau bentuk yang dimodifikasi. Dengan kata lain, klausa dari kalimatnya menampilkan paralelisme yang dibalik.

    Dalam retorika, pola verbal (sejenis antitesis) dimana ekspresi frase kedua seimbang terhadap ekspresi frase pertama dengan bagian-bagian yang dibalik. Pada dasarnya ini sama dengan antimetabole.

    Saat ini, chiasmus telah diterapkan secara luas untuk setiap “selang-seling” struktur, meskipun dalam retorika klasik itu dibedakan dari perangkat sejenis lainnya, seperti antimetabole. Dalam aplikasi klasik, chiasmus akan digunakan untuk struktur yang tidak mengulang kata-kata dan frase yang sama, namun membalikkan struktur gramatikal dari suatu kalimat atau gagasan. Konsep chiasmus pada tingkat yang lebih tinggi, diterapkan pada motif, antara dua frase, atau seluruh bagian kalimat, dan disebut struktur chiastic.

    Perlu diperhatikan bahwa chiasmus meliputi anadiplosis, tapi tidak setiap kalimat anadiplosis membalikkan dirinya sebagaimana dalam cara kalimat chiasmus. Ciasmus sendiri berasal dari bahasa Yunani yang berarti, “mark with the letter X.”/”tanda dengan huruf X.”

    22 Contoh Figure of Speech Chiasmus dan Pengertiannya


    “You forget what you want to remember, and you remember what you want to forget.” (Cormac McCarthy, The Road, 2006)

    Kau lupa apa yang ingin kau ingat, dan kau ingat apa yang ingin kau lupakan.

    “Nice to see you . . . to see you nice.” (Chiastic catchphrase of British TV entertainer Bruce Forsyth)

    Senang bertemu denganmu… Untuk melihatmu baik.

    “In the end, the true test is not the speeches a president delivers; it’s whether the president delivers on the speeches.” (Hillary Clinton, March 2008)

    Pada akhirnya, ujian sejati bukanlah pidato yang diberikan presiden melainkan apakah yang diberikan presiden pada pidato.

    “I had a teacher I liked who used to say good fiction’s job was to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.” (David Foster Wallace)

    Aku punya seorang guru yang saya suka yang sering mengatakan pekerjaan fiksi yang baik adalah untuk menghibur yang sedang terganggu dan mengganggu yang sedang nyaman.

    “I flee who chases me, and chase who flees me.” (Ovid)

    Aku berlari dari yang mengejarku, dan mengejar yang melarikan diri dariku.

    “Fair is foul, and foul is fair.” (William Shakespeare, Macbeth I.i)

    Adil adalah busuk, dan busuk adalah adil.

    “Your manuscript is both good and original; but the part that is good is not original, and the part that is original is not good.” (Samuel Johnson)

    Naskahmu adalah baik dan asli, tetapi bagian yang baik adalah tidak asli, dan bagian yang asli tidak baik.

    “If black men have no rights in the eyes of the white men, of course the whites can have none in the eyes of the blacks.” (Frederick Douglass, “An Appeal to Congress for Impartial Suffrage”)

    Jika orang-orang kulit hitam tidak memiliki hak di mata orang-orang kulit putih, tentu saja kulit putih tidak akan dapat memiliki apa-apa di mata orang kulit hitam.

    “The art of progress is to preserve order amid change and to preserve change amid order.” (Alfred North Whitehead)

    Seni dalam kemajuan adalah untuk mempertahankan ketertiban di tengah perubahan dan mempertahankan perubahan di tengah ketertiban.

    “Do I love you because you’re beautiful?

    Or are you beautiful because I love you?” (Oscar Hammerstein II, “Do I Love You Because You’re Beautiful?”)

    Apakah aku mencintaimu karena kau cantik?

    Atau apakah kau cantik karena aku mencintaimu?

    “The value of marriage is not that adults produce children, but that children produce adults.” (Peter De Vries)

    Nilai pernikahan bukanlah orang dewasa yang menghasilkan anak-anak, tetapi anak-anak yang menghasilkan kedewasaan.

    “Don’t sweat the petty things–and don’t pet the sweaty things.” (anonymous)

    Jangan memusingkan hal-hal kecil – dan jangan mengecilkan hal-hal yang memusingkan.

    “People the world over have always been more impressed by the power of our example than by the example of our power.” (President Bill Clinton, August 2008)

    Orang-orang di seluruh dunia selalu lebih terkesan dengan kekuatan contoh kita dibandingkan dengan contoh kekuatan kita.

    “You can take it out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of it.” (slogan for Salem cigarettes)

    Anda bisa membawanya keluar dari negara, tetapi Anda tidak dapat mengambil Negara itu darinya.

    “Friendly Americans win American friends.” (United States Travel Service, 1963)

    Orang Amerika yang ramah memenangkan teman-teman Amerika.

    “Never let a fool kiss you–or a kiss fool you.” (Joey Adams, quoted by Mardy Grothe in Never Let a Fool Kiss You or a Kiss Fool You. Viking, 1999)

    Jangan biarkan kebodohan menciummu – atau ciuman akan menipumu.

    “My job is not to represent Washington to you, but to represent you to Washington.” (Barack Obama)

    Tugas saya bukan untuk mewakili Washington untuk Anda, tetapi untuk mewakili Anda untuk Washington.

    “I am stuck on Band-Aid, and Band-Aid’s stuck on me.” (advertising jingle for Band-Aid bandages)

    Aku terjebak di Band-Aid, dan Band-Aid terjebak padaku.

    “Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate.” (President John Kennedy, Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961)

    Jangan pernah bernegosiasi karena takut, tetapi jangan pernah takut untuk bernegosiasi.

    “The right to bear arms is slightly less ridiculous than the right to arm bears.” (chiastic joke by English comedian Chris Addison)

    Hak untuk memanggul senjata sedikit tidak konyol daripada hak untuk memegang beruang.

    “What surprised me was not, as during the first days, that Albertine, so alive in me, could be no longer existent upon the earth, could be dead, but that Albertine, who no longer existed upon the earth, who was dead, should have remained so alive in me.” (Marcel Proust, In Search of Lost Time: The Captive, The Fugitive, 1923/1925. Translated by C.K. Scott Moncrieff and edited by J.J. Enright and Terence Kilmartin. The Modern Library, 1992)

    Apa mengejutkan saya bukanlah, karena pada hari-hari pertama, bahwa Albertine, sangat hidup dalam diriku, dia tidak lagi ada di bumi, mungkin telah mati, tapi Albertine, yang tidak lagi ada di bumi, yang sudah mati, harus tetap begitu hidup di dalam aku.

    “Someone once said that the difference between William James and Henry James was that the former was a psychologist who wrote like a novelist while the latter was a novelist who wrote like a psychologist.” (Archibald Henderson, “Aspects of Contemporary Fiction.” The Arena, July 1906)

    Seseorang pernah berkata bahwa perbedaan antara William James dan Henry James adalah bahwa yang pertama adalah seorang psikolog yang menulis seperti novelis sedangkan yang kedua adalah seorang novelis yang menulis seperti psikolog.

  • 16 Contoh Figure of Speech Assonance dan Pengertiannya

    16 Contoh Figure of Speech Assonance dan Pengertiannya

    Assonance adalah pengulangan dari suara vokal yang identik atau mirip dalam kata-kata yang berdekatan. Assonance adalah pengulangan suara vokal untuk menciptakan berima internal dalam frase atau kalimat, dan bersama-sama dengan alliteration dan consonance berfungsi membentuk blok sebuah verse. Assonance adalah sajak yang identitasnya hanya tergantung pada vokal suara. Dengan demikian, assonance hanyalah kemiripan suku kata.

    Assonance juga disebut ‘vowel rhyme’. Assonance lebih sering terjadi pada sajak daripada dalam bentuk prosa. Hal ini digunakan dalam puisi (terutama puisi modern) berbahasa Inggris, dan digunakan pula di dalam bahasa Old Perancis, Spanyol dan bahasa Celtic.

    Assonance berbeda dari sajak dalam sajak yang biasanya melibatkan kedua vokal dan suara konsonan. Assonance berasal dari bahasa latin yang berarti, “sound”/”suara”.

    16 Contoh Figure of Speech Assonance dan Pengertiannya


    “If I bleat when I speak it’s because I just got . . . fleeced.” (Al Swearengen in Deadwood, 2004)

    Jika aku mengembik ketika aku berbicara itu karena aku baru saja… Ditipu.

    “A heart no bigger than an orange seed has ceased to beat.” (James Salter, “Am Strande von Tanger.” Collected Stories. Pan Macmillan, 2013)

    Hati tidak lebih besar dari bibit jeruk yang telah berhenti untuk mengalahkan.

    “It beats . . . as it sweeps . . . as it cleans!” (advertising slogan for Hoover vacuum cleaners, 1950s)

    Ia mengalahkan… seperti ia menyapu… Seperti ia membersihkan!

    “Those images that yet

    Fresh images beget,

    That dolphin-torn, that gong-tormented sea.” (W.B. Yeats, “Byzantium”)

    Gambar-gambar yang belum

    Gambar segar melahirkan,

    lumba-robek, yang bergong-menyiksa laut.

    “He was soon borne away by the waves, and lost in darkness and distance.” (Mary Shelley, Frankenstein, 1818)

    Dia segera diseret pergi oleh ombak, dan tenggelam dalam kegelapan dan jarak.

    “He diagnosed Camilla’s difficulty as indigestion, and locked himself in his cabin.” (William Gaddis, The Recognitions. Harcourt Brace & Company, 1955)

    Dia didiagnosis kesulitan Camilla sebagai gangguan pencernaan, dan mengurung diri di kabinnya.

    “Soft language issued from their spitless lips as they swished in low circles round and round the field, winding hither and thither through the weeds, dragging their long tails amid the rattling canisters.” (James Joyce, Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, 1916)

    Bahasa lunak dikeluarkan dari bibir spitless mereka karena mereka berdesir dalam lingkaran rendah yang berputar-putar di lapangan, berkelok-kelok ke sana kemari melalui rumput, menyeret ekor panjang mereka di tengah tabung berderak.

    “The spider skins lie on their sides, translucent and ragged, their legs drying in knots.” (Annie Dillard, Holy the Firm, 1977)

    Kulit Laba-laba berbaring di sisi mereka, tembus dan compang-camping, kaki mereka mengering dalam knot.

    “The law may not change the heart, but it can restrain the heartless.” (Martin Luther King, Jr., address to the National Press Club on July 19, 1962)

    Hukum tidak dapat mengubah hati, tetapi dapat menahan yang tak berhati.

    “Do not go gentle into that good night,

    Old age should burn and rave at close of day;

    Rage, rage, against the dying of the light. . . .

    “Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight

    Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,

    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” (Dylan Thomas, “Do not go gentle into that good night”)

    Jangan bersikap lembut ke dalam malam yang baik,

    Usia tua harus membakar dan rave pada penutupan hari;

    Marah, marah, melawan sekaratnya cahaya. . . .

    Laki-laki tua, mendekati kematian, yang melihat dengan mata yang membutakan

    Mata buta bisa menyala seperti meteor dan menjadi gay,

    Marah, kemarahan terhadap sekaratnya cahaya.

    “I must confess that in my quest I felt depressed and restless.” (Thin Lizzy, “With Love”)

    Aku harus mengakui bahwa dalam pencarian aku, aku merasa tertekan dan gelisah.

    “I call her a ghastly girl because she was a ghastly girl. . . . A droopy, soupy, sentimental exhibit, with melting eyes and a cooing voice and the most extraordinary views on such things as stars and rabbits.” (P.G. Wodehouse, The Code of the Woosters, 1938)

    Aku menyebutnya seorang gadis yang mengerikan karena dia adalah seorang gadis mengerikan…. Murung, pekat, sentimental, dengan mata leleh dan suara cooing dan pandangan yang paling luar biasa pada hal-hal seperti bintang dan kelinci.

    “In the over-mastering loneliness of that moment, his whole life seemed to him nothing but vanity.” (Robert Penn Warren, Night Rider, 1939)

    Dalam kesepian yang menguasainya, seluruh hidupnya tampak bukan baginya apa-apa kecuali kesombongan.

    “A lanky, six-foot, pale boy with an active Adam’s apple, ogling Lo and her orange-brown bare midriff, which I kissed five minutes later, Jack.” (Vladimir Nabokov, Lolita, 1955)

    Anak kurus, enam kaki, pucat dengan apel Adam itu, mengerling Lo dan dia bertelanjang perut oranye-cokelat, yang akan aku cium lima menit kemudian, Jack.

    “Strips of tinfoil winking like people” (Sylvia Plath, “The Bee Meeting”)

    Strip kertas timah mengedip seperti orang

    “The moon, like a flower

    In heaven’s high bower,

    With silent delight,

    Sits and smiles on the night.” (William Blake, “Night.” Songs of Innocence, 1789)

    Bulan, seperti bunga

    Dalam pondok tinggi surga,

    Dengan diam yang menyenangkan,

    Duduk dan tersenyum pada malam.