15 Lagu Anak-Anak Dalam Bahasa Inggris+Liriknya
Sekolahbahasainggris – Masa kanak-kanak memang masa yang menyenangkan. Kita sering bermain dan bernyanyi baik di sekolah maupun di taman bersama teman-teman. Lagu-lagu berbahasa Inggris pun sering diajarkan kepada siswa dari tingkat PAUD hingga tingkat SD.

Apakah kalian mencari lirik lagu berbahasa Inggris? Silahkan disimak ya sahabat artikel berikut ini:
- Lagu “ Are You Sleeping”
Are You Sleeping
Are you sleeping 2x
Brother Jhon 2x
Morning bells are ringing 2x
Ding, dong, ding…….
- Lagu “ Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”
Twinkle twinkle Little Star
Twinkle-twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky
Twinkle twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
- Lagu “ You areMy sunshine”
You Are My Sunshine
You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy, when sky is grey
You never know me, how much I love you
Please don’t take my sunshine away
- Lagu “ Good Morning”
Good Morning
Good morning everybody how are you 2x
Good morning to you 2x
Good Morning everybody how are you
- Lagu “ Old Mac Donald”
Old Mac Donald
Old Mac Donald has a farm….
Ei Ai… Ei… Ai… O…
And on his farm he has some chicks…
Ei Ai… Ei… Ai… O…
With a chick chick here, chick chick there
Here a chick…. there a chick…
Everywhere chick chick
Old Mac Donald has a farm
Ei Ai… Ei… Ai… O…
- Lagu “ Where is Thumbkin”
Where is Thumbkin
Where is thumbkin 2x
Here I am 2x
How are you today sir
Very well thank you
Run away…. run away….
- Lagu “ Walking”
Walking….. walking…. 3x
Hop…. hop…. hop…. 2x
Running…. running… 3x
Now let’s stop 2x
- Lagu “ One and One”
One and One
One and one I love my mother
Two and two I love my father
Three and three I love brother, sister
One, two, three I love my family
- Lagu “ Hockey Pockey”
Hockey Pockey
You put your right hand in
You put your right hand out
You put your right hand in
And you shake it all around
You do the hockey pockey
And you turn your self around
That what its all about
- Lagu “ Go to School”
Go to School
I go to school everyday
I bring my book and my bag
I always wear my uniform
My hat, my shirt and my short
And I always say good bye
To my father and motherj
Father, Mother, I want to go to school
- Lagu “ That is a Window”
That is a Window
That is a window, that is a door
This is a blackboard and this is the floor
This is a table, that is the door
That is a desk and this is a floor
- Lagu “ Numbers”
When I was young
I went to school
And this is what I learn to do
One, two, three, four, five 3x
I learn my numbers up to five
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten 3x
I learn my numbers up to ten
- Lagu “ Counts”
I can count from 1 to 20
Listen please, listen please
eleven, twelve 2x
I’ll keep going 2x
Higher up 2x
nineteen, twenty 2x
- Lagu “ Mr.Jhon”
Mr. Jhon
How do you do Mr Jhon how do you do
Is there anything that we can do for you
We are glad to welcome you
And I hope you welcome too
How do you do Mr.Jhon how do you do
- Lagu “ Days”
Hallo my friends
I know the name of the days in a week
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!
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