Kumpulan Soal ‘The other & Another’ Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap

Sahabat SBI pasti sudah tidak asing lagi bukan dengan the other dan another dalam bahasa inggris? kedua kata tersebut banyak digunakan dalam kalimat bahasa inggris, Nah, pada kesempatan kali ini kita langsung pada contoh soal nya ya sahabat SBI? sebagai bahan berlatih bagi sahabat SBI semua 🙂
1.There are many kinds of animals in the world. The elephant is one kind. Some______are tigers, horses and whales.
2.There are many kinds of animals in the world. The elephant is one kind. Some_____kinds are tigers, horses and whales.
3.There are three colors in the U.S flag. one of the colors is red.______are white and blue
4.there are three colors in the u.s flag. One of the colors is red.____colors are white and blue
5.There are four seasons. Spring and summer are two._____are fall and winter.
6.Spring and summer are two of the four seasons_____seasons are fall and winter
7.There are many kinds of geometric figures. Some are circles._____figures are squares. Still______are rectangular
8.There are four geometric figures in the above drawing. One is a square.______figures are a rectangle, a circle and a triangle
9.Of the four geometric figures in the drawing, only the circle has curved lines._____have straight lines
10.Some ships are fueled by potroleum_____are propolled by atomic power
11.Some boats are used for pleasure______boats are used for comercial fishing.
12.many people like to get up very early in the morning.______like to sleep until noon.
13.out of the twenty students in the class, eighteen passed the exam_____failed
14.Out of the twenty students in the class, only two failed the exam._____students passed.
Semoga bermanfaat untuk Sahabat SBI semua 🙂
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