Kumpulan Contoh Surat Permintaan Maaf Dalam Bahasa Inggris
Kumpulan Contoh Surat Permintaan Maaf Dalam Bahasa Inggris – hai sahabat SBI yang super, kali ini admin akan membagikan kumpulan surat permintaan maaf yang formal dalam Bahasa Inggris. Untuk lebih jelasnya langsung saja simak contohnya berikut ini!!! Check this out.

( Apologize Letter )
50 Blush Fiona JAneth
Hampervile, NE 25385
January 5, 2005
Dear Allen,
I am sad about overlooking our get-together. It was totally my deficiency; I was so occupied at work that it more likely than not slipped my psyche. I should treat you to lunch next Wednesday at the new Italian eatery Julie’s at 14:10 PM? I have denoted this date in my organizer so I won’t forget about it. I’d simply like to apologize again for missing the get-together.
Your Friend,
260 Green Kamboja Street
16 White, PA 70000
Desember 15, 2013
Mr. Blackett
358 Milky Road
Metro’s Town, PA 57323
Dear Mr. Blackett:
I apologize for the mistake of request #: 9898776543 We have quite recently executed another bundling framework that still has a couple bugs that still should be worked out, yet we did fix your request and sent it out toward the beginning of today. For your inconvenience, we have encased a $25 blessing declaration which can be utilized at any of our stores. At the end of the day I might want to apologize for the mistake in your request and any weaknesses this may have brought on you.
Scott Sinclair
Customer Service Manager