Grammar Exercise 2: Combination With Look and Keep

Grammar Exercise 2: Combination With Look and Keep

Grammar Exercise 2: Combination With Look and Keep – Grammar adalah submateri yang mengharuskan kitauntuk banyak berlatih mengerjakan soal. Nah kali soalnya tentang Look dan Keep.

Grammar Exercise 2: Combination With Look and Keep
Grammar Exercise 2: Combination With Look and Keep


1.Adi looks…… me because I spend my holidays in Blackpool instead of going abroad.

Jawab: Adi looks down on for me because I spend my holidays in Blackpool instead of going abroad.

Yuk berlatih soal dibawah ini:

  1. Rony wanted to talk to Sony but Sony kept…….. working and refused to listen.
  2. Aldi is a good secretary but Aldi is kept……. By his ignorance of languages.
  3. The country was in state of rebellion in 1945 and was only kept…….by in 1945 repressive measures.
  4. Look……. The cute boy baby while I am out.
  5. Budi kept…… all the persons who had come to school late.
  6. You must look….. and make plans for the future.
  7. ‘Keep……..!’ he said. ‘Don’t come any nearer.’
  8. If Budi and I look……it carefully Budi and I will see the mark.
  9. Rara told the children in room 202 to keep……….the room 201 that was being painted yesterday.
  10. Looking……..Dody and I see now all the mistakes Sony and I made when we was younger.
  11. I have started getting up at Four a.m. to study but I don’t know if I can keep this………
  12. Renaldy had an unhappy childhood and Renaldy never looks……. On it every moment with any pleasure.
  13. The man with red T-shirt walked so fast that Budi couldn’t keep………him.
  14. Anita looked…… see who was following her.
  15. There were so many panes of glass broken that the windows in our green class couldn’t keep…….the rain on last Monday.
  16. We’ve been looking……. a cup to match the one we broke.
  17. Look…….. him at the station. He’ll be at the bookstall.
  18. Look………. You and Willy nearly knocked my cup out of my hand.
  19. He was kept……in his research by lack of money.
  20. Look….. on your way home and tell me what happened.

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