Contoh Procedure Text “How to Make Ice Cream” Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Dan Artinya

Contoh Procedure Text Membuat “Ice Cream” Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Arti Lengkap


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Contoh Procedure Text Membuat "Ice Cream" Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Arti Lengkap
Contoh Procedure Text Membuat “Ice Cream” Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Arti Lengkap


The following materials must be prepared to make chocolate ice cream. Quite easy and simple.🙂


  • 1/4 kg of white sugar
  • 1/2 liter of milk
  • 3 eggs chicken
  • 3 tablespoons chocolate powder
  • salt and vanilla to taste
Steps :
How to make Chocolate Ice Cream Recipe without a machine:

Chocolate ice cream recipe is simple and easy

Separate the eggs between the yellow and the white. Take the egg yolk, then mix the egg yolks with the sugar, then stir with a mixer until fluffy Recipe how to make Traditional Chocolate Flavored ice cream soft and Simple
After that, the egg whites mixed with vanilla and salt to taste, stir again until well blended and fluffy.
Combine the dough with batter 1 2 last and cook to a boil while stirring continuously on. Dissolve the chocolate with milk and then insert it into the dough that has been simmering. Stir constantly until really thickens, then lift up and allow to cool.
Once cool, put into frezeer so that ice cream Cup turned soft and delicious. Good luck with this Ice Cream Recipe EsKrim Recipe of traditional Chocolate Taste soft and Simple.
Tips To Make Your Own Ice Cream
The following tips on how to make ice cream ice cream so that you create a successful 😀
The bowl that already fill in by ice cream should be put into the freezer and wrapped tightly in a plastic bag. It usually takes at least 24 hours.
To prevent the formation of ice crystals, cover the surface with a layer of plasik or wax paper before the container is closed.
Homemade ice cream will keep both up to a week. After the past week, the ice cream will begin to lose flavor and texture lembutnya. It is recommended to eat before it crossed the line a week.
Add the extracts (vanilla, maple, almond, etc) to add flavor in ice cream.

Semoga bermanfaat untuk sahabat SBI semua dan dapat menikmati eskrim buata sendiri 🙂