Contoh Kata Prepositional Idioms Beserta Contoh Kalimatnya Part 2
Sekolahbahasainggris- Yuk disimak contoh kata-kata prepositional idioms part 2berikut yang merupakan kelanjutan dari part 1:

- Annoy With
The students were annoyed with the crazy dogs.
- Apparent In
His attitude is apparent in his actions
- Apparent To
The trouble is apparent to everyone in the office.
- Append To
A rider was appended to the bill.
- Appreciation For
The student had a real appreciation for the arts.
- Appreciation Of
They expressed appreciation of their hard work.
- Appreciative Of
I am appreciative of their efforts.
- Authority In
Dr. Mulan is an authority in her field.
- Authority On
Dr. Mulan is an authority on Appendicitis.
- Averse To
She was not averse to hard work.
- Basis for
I had a sound basis for agreement.
- Basis In
That argument has no basis for agreement.
- Basis In
That argument has no basis in fact so I do not believe.
- Coincide With
Our wishes coincide with her in this situation.
- Commensurate With
My salary was commensurate with my abilities.
- Comply With
He must comply with the request.
- Concur In
They concur in the decision of the survey committee.
- Concur With
I must not concur with other member.
- Conform To
All employees must conform to the regulations.
- Consist Of
The handbook consists of math.
- Consist In
Her value consists in her ability to work with others.
- Consistent In
He is not consistent in applying the law.
- Consistent With
Their actions are not consistent with their statement.
- Correspond With
They have been corresponding with their new friends abroad.
- Demand from
What did the store owner demand from then in payment?
- Demand Of
They had demanded an accounting of the company funds.
- Differ From
My estimate of the amount due differs from yours.
- Differ In
They differ in their opinions on the matter.
- Differ On
They differ on the amount owed.
- Differ With
I differ with their view of the situation.
- Discrepancy Between
There is a discrepancy between the two accounts.
- Discrepancy In
There are discrepancies in their accounts.
- Displeased At
The supervisor was displeased at the employee’s conduct.
- Displeased With
The supervisor is displeased with the employed.
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