Kategori: Reading

  • Contoh Essay Cause and Effect (Sebab-Akibat) Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Contoh Essay Cause and Effect (Sebab-Akibat) Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Contoh Essay Cause and Effect (Sebab-Akibat) Dalam Bahasa Inggris – Oke sahabat SBI yang baik hatinya! dibawah ini adalah Essay atau karangan Sebab-Akibat tentang Sepeda, Bagaimana sepeda bisa mengakibatkan kecelakaan dan membuat kita cidera. Chekidot!!!

    People around the world has known bicycle since a long time ago. When bicycle invented for the first time, it has function as transportation equipment, people used it to go everywhere, but now bicycle can be used as exercises equipment, or just for hobby. When people ride a bicycle, accident can happened . This bicycle accident can be caused by the broken equipment, weather condition, or the biker’s carelessness.

    The failure of the equipment can be one of the cause of the bicycle accident. For example, if the brake of the bicycle do not work well, it can be problem for a biker, because without a brake, bicycle can not controlled well too, especially when a biker rides in steep descent, or if a biker wants to hit something. There are many another equipments of the bicycle can be the root of the problems in a bike, such as handlebar, tire, etc. The equipment also can not work proper if it or they have been out of their work time, too old. The bikers should take care and give attention to the bike’s equipment to keep away the accident from them when they ride their bike. Therefore it is important for the biker to check everything before they ride their bicyle. This is can be the best way for the biker to avoid the accident caused by the failure of the bike’s equipment. The safety of  riding bicycle can create by the biker itself.

    Paragraph cause and effect

    Weather condition can be another cause of the bicycle accident, such as in the rainy and windy situation. In the rainy situation, the water may impair the brakes and obstruct the brakes. Besides of it, in the rainy weather, a biker also has difficulties in controlling the bike because of the wet road they through. In windy weather I think it is imposible to handle the bicycle as good as in the good weather, because it may cause the bicycle unsteady. The bikers should pay attention in weather if they want to ride for exercise or just riding around a place. They should not ride after the big rain or when the wind flow fast around the bikers.

    The last cause of the bicycle accident is the carelessness of the biker. If the reason above are include to non human factor, this is the human factor that can cause bike accident. This is the most happen to the bikers when they ride. Sometimes they do that by their awareness or they do that just because it is a habit. Sometimes the bikers do not care about the traffic signs. They stop in the place where they should not stop. This carelesness is the number one of the cause of bicycle accident in riding bike. To avoid the accident which caused by this factor, the bikers should give attention more in traffic sign and focussed well when they ride a bike.

    In conclusion, there is some factor which can caused bicycle acccident such as the broken equipment of the bike, the weather, and the human carelessnes. Actually this aciident can be avoid if every biker check their bike’s equipment before they go by bicycle, do not ride in bad weather, and improve their awareness of traffic sign. It is better to prevent than we have to treat. We can make ourselves safe if we can create the safety way in riding bicycle.

  • Penjelasan Hortatory Exposition Text Beserta Contoh

    Penjelasan Hortatory Exposition Text Beserta Contoh

    Penjelasan Hortatory Exposition Text Beserta Contoh  – Buat Sahabat SBI yang pernah membaca sebuah artikel dan isi artikel tersebut merupakan sebuah ajakan atau bujukan untuk melakukan sesuatu?? Tidak salah lagi itu adalah teks yang tergolong Hortatory Exposition Text.

    Untuk lebih memahami mengenai apa itu hortatory exposition text dan bagaimana cara membuat teks jenis ini. Baca dan Pahami Kerangka dan Text hortatory tentang mempunyai sebuah perpustakaan pribadi dirumah seutuhnya. Check this out!!!


    Thesis Statement : Having a private library at home is a good decicion.

    1. It brings satisfaction by collecting books. ( Paragraph 1 )

    – It is challenging.

    –  Collecting books is an interesting hobby.

    2. It ornates our home.  ( Paragraph 2)

    – A home which has a private library looks more artistic.

    – It brings people who visit the home exited.

    3. Get more knowledge.  ( Paragraph 3 )

    – By collecting book we will be motivated to read book.

    – Get communicated with world.

     hortatory exposition

    It is a good decision for people who have extra-money to shop some books and make a private library at their homes. What many Indonesian people  might never strive to complete their beautiful life is making a library at their homes. Library which many people consider as a boring place to visit or to spend their time for actually is a nice interesting place which in some modern countries has been set in their homes. Having a library at home can bring many advantages. The first is it brings satisfaction for us when we can collect many books like collecting stamps. Next it ornates our homes. It also makes us get more knowledge.

    Why I said that it brings satisfaction is that because when we have successfully collected many good books, there is a kind of feeling proud of ourselves, because collecting books which have good quality is not easy, such these books must be expensive or difficult to find. It is like collecting something which needs effort to get it. It is challenging and amusing. Many people spend their money to buy stamps, paintings, pictures, or something unique. So are books, books are considered as valuable, useful, and precise things to be collected which are arranged  in the bookshelf tidily, then it becomes a library. So that’s why I said that it is an interesting hobby.

    No matter whether we have read all our books collection or not, having many books keeps giving advantages. People who have read many books are considered have much knowledge, so are we if we have a library at our home.we will be considered intellectual by people who visit our home and see our books collection, eventhough we haven’t read the books, at least for first impression. It can be a good ornament for our homes and it makes our homes looks more artistic. Although it can fool people who visit our home but it makes them exited to our home.

    The most important thing that we must set as a main purpose of having a library at our home is getting the contents of the books. Having many books without reading the books is like saving garbages at our homes. For many people, reading book is a boring activity and some think that it makes sleepy, but having many books will drive us feel guilty to not reading the books. It will motivate us to read more and more, and finish all the books. The more we have  books that we have not read the more we feel guilty. Beside that we can also broaden our knowledge. Books give many information about world. We can get communicated with world as if we open the window of the world.

    Having a library at home is however considered important. Collecting books and building a library at home offer many profits. Those who have had their own library with their favourite books spend their leisure time to increase their knowledge. They tend to speak confidently since they are more intellectual. No matter they have consumed all their collection, it keeps giving profit. Those who displayed their collection get more respect from people who visit their home. So there is no doubt to make a library at home.


  • 10 Contoh Puisi Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terpopuler Tentang Cinta Beserta Artinya

    10 Contoh Puisi Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terpopuler Tentang Cinta Beserta Artinya

    10 Contoh Puisi Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terpopuler Tentang Cinta Beserta Artinya – Sebuah puisi adalah susunan kata-kata yang mengandung makna dan musikalitas. Sebagian puisi berbentuk serangkaian garis dipisahkan menjadi kelompok-kelompok yang disebut bait. Sebuah puisi bisa berima atau tidak berima, dengan meteran biasa atau arus bebas polyrhythms. Ada perdebatan tentang bagaimana puisi harus didefinisikan, namun ada sedikit keraguan tentang kemampuannya untuk mengatur suasana hati.


    Sebuah puisi yang diidentifikasi oleh unsur-unsur sastra dan musik nya. Sebagai contoh, metafora dan alliteration yang umum di banyak puisi. Ciri lain dari puisi adalah kesederhanaanya, atau kemampuan untuk mengatakan banyak dalam beberapa kata. Hal ini memerlukan makna yang berlapis, seperti dalam penggunaan simbolisme. Sebuah contoh umum simbolisme adalah elang botak, yang merupakan burung, namun di Amerika Serikat dan Inggris juga merupakan bangsa secara keseluruhan. Sebuah puisi tidak perlu sajak atau mengandung yang konsisten untuk memenuhi syarat seperti itu, tapi unsur-unsur juga umum bagi banyak puisi.


    Sebuah puisi dapat berisi sejumlah keistimewaan. Biasanya puisi dipecah menjadi garis dan bait. Mereka dapat berisi kalimat penuh atau hanya fragmen, atau kombinasi keduanya. Aturan tata bahasa dapat ditarik, tapi skill ini agak misterius. Banyak penyair mempertahankan bahwa puisi harus menunjukkan penguasaan atas salah satu yang vernakular bahkan saat menghindari itu. Sebuah puisi bisa jadi bahagia atau sedih, sederhana atau kompleks, tradisional atau memberontak.


    Ciri dari puisi adalah bahwa ia mengatakan banyak dalam beberapa kata. Hal ini dapat eksis dalam kerangka prosa, atau bisa eksis sendiri. Kepala fungsinya adalah untuk meminjamkan wawasan, menusuk hidung ke sudut yang tak terlihat, mencium tanda-tanda kehidupan di mana tidak ada yang terdeteksi sebelumnya. Sebuah puisi dapat membangkitkan kekaguman, mengilhami tindakan atau memberikan makanan untuk berpikir. Hal ini dapat memberikan jalan keluar lucu (seperti dalam humor), atau dapat perintah kesungguhan (seperti dalam himne keagamaan). Sebuah puisi juga dapat berfungsi sebagai tujuan tersendiri.


    Manfaat puisi sering mulai di mana orang-orang dari prosa meninggalkan dari. Sebuah puisi dapat meregangkan aturan tata bahasa sedikit lebih, menggunakan jeda baris inventif atau tanda baca untuk menonjolkan frase. Puisi menekankan penggunaan musik kata-kata untuk kepentingan mereka sendiri selain memberikan makna dan konteks. Singkat manfaat penting lain puisi.

    Puisi membangkitkan jiwa aktif dalam diri kita. Kita semua datang dari di tempat , di mana kita merasa sedih dan tersingkir dengan dunia materialistik ini , sekali dalam hidup kita. Saat itu kondisi belum ditentukan dan kebingungan terjadi dimana-mana, puisi akan membuat hati kita jelas dari semua puing-puing dan perasaan tidak diinginkan dan membuat hati kita murni dengan jiwa terbangun. Kita harus membuat dengan jelas bahwa kita ingin damai dan cinta dalam hidup ini indah atas semua hal-hal lain dari materialisme. Berikut adalah contoh-contoh puisi yang berada di bawah alam seperti ini untuk membuat diri Anda bangga terlahir pria / Wanita di dunia yang indah ini. Kami telah mengumpulkan puisi-puisi ini dengan sabar dan waktu yang panjang . Daftar dapat bervariasi dari orang ke orang. Tentu saja, tidak ada yang bisa menentukan puisi terbaik. Pilihan Anda mungkin berbeda . Dibawah ini adalah contoh puisi dalam Bahasa Inggris terpopuler

    10 contoh puisi dalam bahasa inggris terpopuler tentang cinta 

    A Dream within A Dream :
    By: Edgar Allan Poe
    Take this kiss upon the brow!

    And, in parting from you now,

    Thus much let me avow-

    You are not wrong, who deem

    That my days have been a dream;

    Yet if hope has flown away

    In a night, or in a day,

    In a vision, or in none,

    Is it therefore the less gone?

    All that we see or seem

    Is but a dream within a dream.

    I stand amid the roar

    Of a surf-tormented shore,

    And I hold within my hand

    Grains of the golden sand-

    How few! yet how they creep

    Through my fingers to the deep,

    While I weep- while I weep!

    O God! can I not grasp

    Them with a tighter clasp?

    O God! can I not save

    One from the pitiless wave?

    Is all that we see or seem

    But a dream within a dream?



    Arti dalam Bahasa Indonesia!!!

    Ambilah kecupan ini diantara alis !

    Dan , dalam berpisah dari Anda sekarang,

    Jadi banyak biarkan aku dalam sebuah sumpah-

    Kamu tidak salah, yang menganggap

    Bahwa hari-hari saya telah diisi dengan mimpi ;

    Namun jika harapan telah terbang jauh

    Dalam malam , atau dalam satu hari ,

    Dalam visi , atau tanpanya ,

    Apakah karena itu semua pergi ?

    Semua yang kita lihat atau tampaknya

    Hanyalah mimpi didalam mimpi .

    Aku berdiri di tengah gemuruh

    Dari pantai berselancar dngan  tersiksa ,

    Dan saya pegang tanganmu dalam tanganku

    Biji-bijian dari  sepasir emas

    Betapa sedikit ! namun bagaimana mereka merayap

    Melalui jari saya ke dalam,

    Sementara aku tersapu sementara aku menangis !

    Ya Tuhan ! saya tidak bisa memahami

    Mereka dengan ikatan yang kencang ?

    Ya Tuhan ! Saya tidak dapat menyimpan

    Salah satu dari gelombang kejam ?

    Apakah semua yang kita lihat atau tampaknya

    Tapi mimpi dalam mimpi ?




    Fire and Ice :

    By Robert Frost
    Some say the world will end in fire,

    Some say in ice.

    From what I’ve tasted of desire

    I hold with those who favor fire.

    But if it had to perish twice,

    I think I know enough of hate

    To say that for destruction ice

    Is also great

    And would suffice.

    Arti dalam Bahasa Indonesia:


    Api dan Es :


    Ada yang mengatakan dunia akan berakhir dalam api ,

    Beberapa mengatakan dalam es .

    Dari apa yang saya rasakan keinginan

    Aku terus dengan mereka yang mendukung api .

    Tetapi jika itu harus binasa dua kali,

    Saya pikir saya cukup tahu apa itu kebencian

    Untuk mengatakan bahwa penghancuran es

    Juga besar

    Dan akan cukup .





    Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

    By Robert Frost

    Whose woods these are I think I know.

    His house is in the village, though;

    He will not see me stopping here

    To watch his woods fill up with snow.

    My little horse must think it queer

    To stop without a farmhouse near

    Between the woods and frozen lake

    The darkest evening of the year.

    He gives his harness bells a shake

    To ask if there is some mistake.

    The only other sound’s the sweep

    Of easy wind and downy flake.

    The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,

    But I have promises to keep,

    And miles to go before I sleep,

    And miles to go before I sleep.


    Arti dalam Bahasa Indonesia

    Mampir Ke Hutan Di Malam Yang Bersalju :

    Hutan yang saya rasa saya tahu .

    Rumahnya adalah di desa , meskipun;

    Dia tidak akan melihat saya berhenti di sini

    Untuk menyaksikan hutan nya diisi dengan salju .

    Kuda kecil saya harus berpikir itu aneh

    Untuk menghentikan tanpa rumah pertanian dekat

    Antara hutan dan danau beku

    Malam gelap tahun .

    Dia memberikan sabuk yang ada loncengnya dan terus bergoyang

    Untuk menanyakan apakah ada beberapa kesalahan.

    Satu-satunya suara lain yang menyapu

    Angin mudah dan serpihan berbulu halus .

    Hutan yang indah , gelap , dan dalam,

    Tapi aku harus janji untuk menjaga ,

    Dan ber mil-mil untuk pergi sebelum aku tidur ,

    Dan ber mil-mil untuk pergi sebelum aku tidur .







    I Do Not Love You Except Because I Love You :

    By Pablo Neruda
    I do not love you except because I love you;

    I go from loving to not loving you,

    From waiting to not waiting for you

    My heart moves from cold to fire.

    I love you only because it’s you the one I love;

    I hate you deeply, and hating you

    Bend to you, and the measure of my changing love for you

    Is that I do not see you but love you blindly.

    Maybe January light will consume

    My heart with its cruel

    Ray, stealing my key to true calm.

    In this part of the story I am the one who

    Dies, the only one, and I will die of love because I love you,

    Because I love you, Love, in fire and blood.

    Arti dalam Bahasa Indonesia Aku tidak mencintaimu kecuali karena aku mencintaimu ;


    Aku pergi dari mencintaimu untuk mencintaimu ,

    Dari menunggu untuk tidak menunggu untukmu

    Hatiku bergerak dari dingin ke api .

    Aku mencintaimu hanya karena kamu satu-satunya yang aku cinta;

    Aku membencimu mendalam, dan membencimu

    Berbelok kepada mu, dan ukuran cintaku berubah untuk mu

    Adalah bahwa aku tidak melihatmu, tetapi mencintai kamu membabi buta .

    Mungkin cahaya Januari akan menghabisi

    Hatiku dengan  kejam

    Ray, mencuri kunci untuk ketenangan sebenarnya .

    Dalam hal ini bagian dari cerita saya satu yang

    Kematian , satu-satunya , dan saya akan mati karena cinta karena aku mencintaimu ,

    Karena aku mencintaimu , Cinta , dalam api dan darah.

  • Pengertian & Contoh Narrative Text Singkat About Love + Artinya

    Pengertian & Contoh Narrative Text Singkat About Love + Artinya

    Pengertian & Contoh Narrative Text Singkat About Love Beserta Artinya

    Pengertian & Contoh Narrative Text Singkat About Love Beserta Artinya – Narrative text merupakan salah satu text yang harus dikuasai ketika belajar bahasa inggris. Narrative text merupakan text yang menceritakan tentang sesuatu ha yang fiktif yaitu hanya di karang oleh si pengarang dengan tukuan untuk menghibur, meskipun terkadang terdapat narative text yang bersifat faktual.

    Pengertian & Contoh Narrative Text Singkat About Love + Artinya
    Pengertian & Contoh Narrative Text Singkat About Love + Artinya

    Generic structure dari narrative text ialah: Orientation (menceritakan peristiwa apa, tokoh, dimana dan kapan peristiwa tersebut terjadi), Complication (menceritakan awal mula konflik antar pelaku peristiwa yang menciptakan sebuah konflik atau pertentangan), Resolution (pemecahan dari konflik), dan Re-orientation (menceritakan perubahan yang terjadi pada tokoh dan nilai moral dari cerita tersebut). Tujuan narrative text umumnya adalah untuk menghibur para pembaca. Dibawah ini adalah contoh narrative text text tentang cintayang menghibur. Chekidot!!!

    Contoh Narrative Text Singkat Tentang Cinta

    Beginning to fall in love

    Long time ago, carried on a young lady named Sekar Arum. She lived in a town named Bengawan. She was a kind young lady eventhough she was not by any means lovely. She became hopelessly enamored to somebody named Banyu Aji. He was truly good looking. He chips away at the corn field each and every day. Sekar Arum constantly went with Banyu Aji on the field. She generally brought him nourishment to eat. She likewise helped him on the field. Be that as it may, Banyu Aji never cherish Sekar Arum, he simply utilize her to help him. He believed that he will never adore a young lady who are not lovely.

    Sekar Arum attempted her best to get Banyu Aji consideration, yet as the time passes by Sekar Arum felt tired to battle just to get Banyu Aji love. When she needed to surrender, all of a sudden in her town an attractive man showed up. His name was Segoro Kidul. He was a metal forger. Sekar Arum who effectively drained on getting Banyu Aji consideration, then attempt to draw near to Segoro Kidul. She was truly cheerful to draw near to Segoro Kidul, in light of the fact that he was exceptionally decent to her.

    Step by step passed, Segoro Kidul and Sekar Arum getting a great deal all the more closer. Banyu Aji who generally get Sekar Arum consideration now felt desolate. At that point he attempted to figure out what happen. One day, when he went to Sekar Arum house, he saw Sekar Arum and Segoro kidul sat together before Sekar Arum house. He didn’t realize what transpire, yet he felt envious.

    Banyu Aji then attempted to get Sekar Arum consideration back. He attempted to approach Sekar Arum. He brought her nourishment, garments, shoes, and whatever other things. Yet, Sekar Arum effectively experiencing passionate feelings for to Segoro Kidul. At that point she advised Banyu Aji to stop give her such a large number of things, in light of the fact that her heart would never fall again for him. Banyu Aji was extremely baffled. He understood that he was doltish not acknowledge Sekar Arum love. Then again, Sekar Arum then got hitched with Segoro Kidul and they live joyfully many.

    Arti dalam Bahasa Indonesia:

    Jatuh Cinta

    Pada jaman dahulu kala, hiduplah seorang gadis bernama Sekar Arum. Dia hidup di sebuah desa bernama Bengawan. Dia adalah gadis yang baik walaupun dia tidak terlalu cantik. Dia jatuh cinta kepada seseorang bernama Banyu Aji. Dia sangat tampan. Dia bekerja di ladang jagung setiap harinya. Sekar Arum selalu menemani Banyu Aji di ladang. Dia selalu membawakan Banyu Aji makanan. Dia juga membantu Banyu Aji di ladang. Tetapi Banyu Aji tidak pernah mencintai Sekar Arum, dia hanya memanfaatkan Sekar Arum untuk menbantunya. Dia berpikir bahwa dia tidak akan pernah mencintai seorang gadis yang tidak cantik.

    Sekar Arum mencoba kemampuan terbaiknya untuk mendapat perhatian Banyu Aji, tetapi seiring berjalannya waktu Sekar Arum merasa lelah berjuang hanya untuk mendapatkan cinta dari Banyu Aji. Ketika dia sudah ingin menyerah, tiba-tiba datanglah seorang lelaki tampan di desanya. Namanya adalah Segoro Kidul. Dia adalah seorang tukang pandai besi. Sekar Arum yang sudah lelah berusaha mendapatkan perhatian Banyu Aji, iapun mencoba untuk mendekati Segoro Kidul. Dia sangat senang bisa dekat dengan Segoro Kidul, karena dia sangat baik terhadap Sekar Arum.

    Hari-hari berlalu, Segoro Kidul dan Sekar Arum menjadi semakin dekat. Banyu Aji yang biasanya mendapatkan perhatian dari Sekar Arum sekarang merasa kesepian. Lalu iapun mencoba mencari tahu apa yang terjadi. Suatu hari, ketika dia pergi ke rumah Sekar Arum, dia melihat Sekar Arum dan Segoro Kidul duduk bersama di depan rumah Sekar Arum. Dia tidak tahu apa yang terjadi pada dirinya, tetapi dia merasa cemburu.

    Banyu Aji lalu mencoba untuk mendapatkan perhatian Sekar Arum kembali. Dia membawakan Sekar Arum makanan, pakaian, sepatu, dan hal-hal lainnya. Tetapi, Sekar Arum sudah terlanjur jatuh cinta pada Segoro Kidul. Lalu dia mengatakan kepada Banyu Aji untuk berhenti memberikannya berbagai hal, karena hatinya tidak akan pernah jatuh lagi kepadanya. Banyu Aji sangat kecewa. Dia menyadari bahwa dia bodoh tidak menerima cinta Sekar Arum. Disisi lain, Sekar Arum lalu menikah dengan Segoro Kidul dan merekapun hidup bahagia selamanya.

    Demikianlah Contoh Narrative Text Singkat About Love. Semoga bisa bermanfaat untuk kita semua.!!!

  • Naskah Drama Percintaan Romantis Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaik

    Naskah Drama Percintaan Romantis Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaik

    Naskah Drama Percintaan Romantis Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaik

    Naskah Drama Percintaan Romantis Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaik – Cerita yang bertemakan cinta sangat digandrungi oleh para kawula muda. Nah untuk itu admin akan membagikan Naskah Drama Perceritaan Romantis. Semoga bisa bermanfaat untuk sahabat SBI yang sedang mencari contoh naskah drama bertemakan percintaan. Tanpa berlama-lama lagi, saya sajikan sebuah naskah drama khusus kepada sahabat SBI dimanapun anda berada. Selamat membaca.

    Naskah Drama Percintaan Romantis Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaik

    Cerita Romantis Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Companion and Adoration

    Nilam puts on something else in view of Dona has sitting tight for her, they need to hang out with their companions. At that point Nilam consent to her guardians

    Dona: “Father Mother I need to run with Dona and Companions”

    Mother: “alright” be watchful.

    She was strolling before her home, then she found in her neighbor’s yard, there is a good looking kid that was perched on his cruiser and he is grinning to her and Nilam gave it back and she felt apprehensive.

    Nilam: (Sayto herself) “Gracious My God, so good looking”

    Dona: “We should go Nilam!”

    Nilam: “Ok,.Dona, do you realize that kid, so great looking would he say he isn’t?”

    Dona: “Yes he is, yet I don’t have any acquaintance with him, really who is he?”

    Nilam: (with confounding expression)

    When they land in the Café, their companions have officially requested the espresso and sustenances.

    Companion: “Nilam, simply arrange the nourishments please!”

    Nilam&Dona:”Ok,, we are going to request it, (with a little grin)

    Nilam: “fellows how about we go home, in light of the fact that it is very night”

    Friends:”Yes,, we suspect as much”

    At the point when arrived home, Nilam scrubbed down and after that staring at the television. After that she supper with her family and afterward she listen to music in her room. A couple of minutes after the fact there is a message sent to her and the message is around a kid and the name is Putra, he needs to know all the more about her and Nilam is replythat message. A short time later the kid called her and her answer the telephone and they present themselves one another.

    Putra:”Hello Nilam, what’s happening with you?”

    Nilam: “I’m listening to music”

    Putra: (Apprehensive and timid) Nilam, “might I visit your home, tomorrow?”

    Nilam: : “alright Putra, you might”

    Furthermore, the following day, Putra visits Nilam’s home with one of his companions and the name is Andri. At first sight age has affection to Nilam, however he noiseless and would not like to enlighten Putra concerning it. Nilam abandons them for some time and back with a chilly tea and a cake.

    Putra:”Nilam what is your action now?”

    Nilam: (Putting a plate of cake and some tea on to the table) “Goodness,, ehm I’m an understudy”, “you should Putra?”

    Putra:”I’m an understudy as well yet now I am simply sitting tight for graduation day on me”

    Nilam: (See to the kid other than Putra) “Andri you should?”

    Andri: (With cheerful and grin expression) “I have completed my study”

    Andri: “Putra.. We should go home!! It is looks need to rain and the climate looks so dull”

    Putra :”alright, we should backtrack”

    Putra & Andri: “Nilam much obliged for all!!”

    Nilam: “the pleasure is all mine”.

    In his room Putra was considering Nilam, he becomes hopelessly enamored with Nilam,

    Putra: (Converse with himself on the mirror) “Nilam, you’re so excellent furthermore kind”.

    In better places Andri was considering Nilam

    Putra: “gee, I generally consider herself” (Set down himself on the bed straightforwardly)

    Andri: “Who?” (Inquisitive feeling),

    Putra: “She is Nilam, I surmise that I cherish her”

    Andri: (Advises to himself) “Putra, as you most likely are aware, Nilam is mine, I cherish her and I will never permit other individuals lift her up from me”

    Putra: (Yawning) “Gie its my late time, I’m tired thus languid, let me back home!!”

    Andri: “alright, be watchful”.

    Putra and Andri welcome Nilam and Dona go to some sentimental place in their town, yet Andri desirous to Nilam in light of the fact that Nilam and Putra look inviting and truly glad

    Andri: “ha.. It is discipline for you, in light of the fact that you have lifted her up”, “Dona, my mom called me, and she needs me back home”,

    Dona: “alright, however before that we must advise to Putra and Nilam,

    Andri: “How about we go there!!

    Putra:”Guys we need to back home in light of the fact that I have something that I need to do”

    Nilam: “No issue”

    Following two hours after the fact,,

    Nilam: (Watching her watch) “Fan how about we go home!!”

    Putra: “alright”

    At that point they took after the road and strolling to the spot that Putra stopping his cruiser.

    Putra & Nilam:(Surprise expression)

    Nilam: “What’s the matter with your wheel?”

    Nilam: “Putra we should convey your bike to carport”

    Putra: “Yes”

    In Nilam’s home,

    Mother: “Nilam, how was the voyaging?”

    Nilam: “Just so Mother”

    Nilam: (Close the entryway)

    Andri: “Putra, to the extent I know Nilam has a beau and they adore one another”

    Putra: “Would you say you are certain?”

    Andri: “Yes, really her companion has let me know about that”

    Putra: (Look accept and baffled as a result of that) Nilam you are a liar and I despise you.

  • Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 5

    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 5

    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 5

    Sekolahbahasainggris In this reading section you will have a new text of reading comprehension to enrich your skill on reading.

    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 5
    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 5
    • Text 5:

    Radio and Television

    There are many homes in our country today which have either a radio or television set. Both of them have become essential part of our daily life. They inform us the news of the day, instruct us in many fields of interest, and entertain us with singing, dancing, and acting.

    When we consider the effects of the radio broadcast we realize that a radio is more than a form of entertainment. It is in fact a very powerful instrument of communication which can influence our lives very deeply.

    Television is another major instruement of communication. It permits us to see as well as to hear the performer. Since its appearance, TV has had a great effects on the daily life of people everywhere.

    Improvement of all kinds are constantly being made in television so that receprtion will be as perfect as possible. Perhaps the most recent advancement is the use of satellites. Those specially equipped capsules orbit the globe and make the entire world closer than ever before.


    1. One function of radio which is NOT mentioned in the passage is..

    A.To inform

    B.To instruct

    C.To make the world closer

    D.To entertain

    E.To influence people

    1. The practical difference between radio and television is that….

    A.Radio is smaller than television

    B.Radio uses only alittle service of satellites

    C.Television is constantly improved

    D.Television permits us to see as well as to hear the performer

    E.Radio can influence our lives very deeply

    1. Them in “Both of Them have become……” (line 2) refers to…


    B.Our Country

    C.Radio and Television

    D.The news and fields of interest

    E.Our lives

    1. Capsules in “Those specially-equipped capsules……….” (line 17) refers to..



    C.All kinds

    D.Medical substance

    E.Radio and Television broadcasts

    Semoga Bermanfaat para pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    1000 Contoh, Pengertian, dan Rumus Kalimat Present Perfect Tense

    Materi Pronunciation 11: Latihan Listening Pronunciation CD 03

  • Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 4

    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 4

    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 4

    SekolahbahasainggrisIn this reading section you will have a new text of reading comprehension to enrich your skill on reading.

    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 4
    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 4
    • Text 4:

    A Geyser is the result of underground water under the combined conditions of high temperatures and increased pressure beneath the surface of the earth. Since termperature rises approximately one degree F for every sixty feet under the earth’s surface, and pressure increases with depth, water that sweeps down in creaks and fissures until it reaches very hot rocks in the earth’s interior becomes heated to a temperature in excess of 290 degrees F. Because of the greater presuure, it shoots out of the surface in the form of steam and hot water. The result is a geyser.

    For the most part, geysers are located in three regions of the world; New Zealand, Iceland, and the Yellowstone National Park area of the United Staes. The most famous geyser in the world is old faithful in Yellowstone Park. Old Faithful erupts almost every hour, rising to a height of 125 to 170 feet and expelling more than ten thousand gallons during each eruption


    1. In order for a geyser to erupt

    A.Hot rocks must rise to ther surface of the earth

    B.Water must flow underground

    C.It must be a warm day

    D.The earth must not be rugged or broken

    1. Old faithful is located in…

    A.New Zealand


    C.The United States


    1. Old Faithful erupts

    A.Every 10 minutes

    B.Every 125 minutes

    C.Every 60 minutes

    D.Every 170 minutes

    1. A geyser is……

    A.Hot water and steam

    B.Cracks and fissures

    C.Hot Rocks

    D.Great pressure

    1. As depth increases..

    A.Pressure increases but temperature does not

    B.Temperature increases but pressure does not

    C.Both pressure and temperature increase

    D.Neither pressure nor temperature increases

    Semoga Bermanfaat para pembaca SBI!!!

    Further Reading:

    English For Nursing-Unit 5: Questions +Dialogue For Nursing

    Ucapan Hari Valentine Bahasa Inggris dan Kata-kata Cinta Romantis

  • Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 3

    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 3

    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 3

    SekolahbahasainggrisIn this reading section you will have a new text of reading comprehension to enrich your skill on reading.

    Aturan untuk pertanyaan sebab akibat:

    A.Jika pernyataan Betul, alas an Betul dan Keduanya menunjukkan hubungan Sebab Akibat.

    B.Jika pernyataan Betul, alas an Betul tetapi keduanya tidak menunjukkan hubungan sebabt akibat.

    C.Jika pertanyaan Betul tetapi alasannya Salah.

    D.Jika pernyataan Salah dan alasannya Betul.

    E.Jika pernyataan dan Alasannya keduanya Salah.

    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 3
    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 3
    • Text 3:

    Einstein’s Law Of Relativity

    The most people it is not easy to explain why Einstein’s theory eventually shook the whole scientific and intellectual world. But because of it, scientist never egain regarded the world as they had before.

    Basically, the theory proposed, among other things, that the maximum speed possible in the universe is that of light; that mass appears to increase with speed; that the rate of a clock moving through space will decrease as its speed increases; and that energy and mass are equal and interchangeable.

    This letter claim, based on the formula E= m.c2 (energy equals mass times the square of the speed of the light) was later proved by atomic fission, on which the atomic bomb is based. Later in his life, when Einstein was asked to explain his law of relativity to a group of young students, he said.

    ‘When you sit with a nice girl for two hours, you think it’s only a minute. But when you sit on hot stove for a minute. You think it’s two hours. That’s relativity’.


    1. It u “……it is not easy to explain……” (line 1) refers to

    A.Einstein’s theory

    B.Most people

    C.Not easy

    D.To explain why Einstein’s theory……

    E.The scientific and intellectual world

    1. Scientist’ view of the world before and afeter Einstein’s was

    A.The same


    C.Not very clear



    1. One of Einstein’s propositions NOT mentioned in the passage is that

    A.The general theory of realtivity is based on atomic fission

    B.The maximum speed possible in the universe is that of light

    C.Mass appears to increase with speed

    D.The rate a clock moving through space will decrease as its speed increases

    E.Energy and mass equal and interchangeable

    1. That in “……..the maximum speed possible in the universe is that of light…….” In Bahasa Indonesia Means




    D.Yang Mana

    E.Kecepatan (refers to speed)

    1. “This latter claim,………..” (line 10) means

    A.Einstein’s theory eventually shook scientic world

    B.The maximum speed possible in the universe is that of light

    C.That mass appears to increase with speed

    D.That energy and mass are equal and interchangeable

    E.The atomic bomb is based on atomic fission

     Semoga Bermanfaat para pembaca SBI!!!

    Further Reading:

    1000 Contoh, Pengertian, dan Rumus Kalimat Present Perfect Tense

  • Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 2

    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 2

    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 2

    SekolahbahasainggrisIn this reading section you will have a new text of reading comprehension to enrich your skill on reading.

    Aturan untuk pertanyaan sebab akibat:

    A.Jika pernyataan Betul, alas an Betul dan Keduanya menunjukkan hubungan Sebab Akibat.

    B.Jika pernyataan Betul, alas an Betul tetapi keduanya tidak menunjukkan hubungan sebabt akibat.

    C.Jika pertanyaan Betul tetapi alasannya Salah.

    D.Jika pernyataan Salah dan alasannya Betul.

    E.Jika pernyataan dan Alasannya keduanya Salah.

    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 2
    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 2
    • Where is God?

    When the russian astronauts were first in space they mockingly said, ‘look! There is no God HERE’.

    Indeed, those who believe in God have never said that God in space. Christians, for example, believe that God is in Heave; other believers may have different opinions as to where God is. But one thing they have in common is that God exists in this universe.

    A moslem philosopher illustrates the existence of God in this universe as the existence of the soul in our body. We do not know for sure in which part of the body the soul is – in the head, breast, or limbs? But we know that those parts are living- they move and develop – we can feel it. The soul is there, everywhere in our body.

    It is quite similar to the existence of God in this universe. Everywhere we can see his creation – on green land, in the blue sky, even in the blackest deep of the sea or in the center of the earth. God is only one, but he is there, everywhere in this world; there is nothing to resemble Him. And God is very close to those who have faith in their hearts.


    1. The existence of God in the universe is

    A.Precisely the same as the existence of the soul in the body

    B.Now questionable

    C.Indicated by the existence of His creation in this world

    D.accepted by Russian astronauts

    E.Perceived in the same way by people who believe in Him

    1. Which of the statements is correcr according to the passage?

    A.God is in heaven

    B.God is in space

    C.God is everywhere

    D.God is in our body

    E.God is nowhere

    1. The blue sky,the green land, the large oceans and all other things in the world are God’s






    1. The existence of God in this universe is similar to the existence of the soul in our body


              The creations of the God and the live movement of the body are everywhere in this life.

     Semoga Bermanfaat para pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    1000 Contoh, Pengertian, dan Rumus Kalimat Present Perfect Tense

    1000 Contoh CV Professional Dalam Bahasa Inggris