Kategori: Pronunciation

  • Belajar Pronunciation Atau Pelafalan Kosakata Dalam Bahasa inggris

    Belajar Pronunciation Atau Pelafalan Kosakata Dalam Bahasa inggris

    Belajar Pronunciation Atau Pelafalan Kosakata Dalam Bahasa inggris – Dalam Belajar Pronunciation Bahasa Inggris yang bukan merupakan bahasa asli kita. Orang-orang di Indonesia banyak menemukan kesulitan dalam mengucapkan atau melafalkan kata dalam bahasa Inggris secara benar. Pengucapan atau Pelafalan bahasa Inggris atau yang kita tahu dengan istilah English Pronunciation adalah bagaimana kita mengucapkan atau melafalkan sebuah kata dalam bahasa Inggris secara benar. Perbedaan kebiasaan berbicara lidah orang Indonesia dengan lidah native speaker (Penutur bahasa Inggris ) merupakan penyebab seringnya teman-teman sulit melakukan  dalam pengucapan bahasa Inggris.

    Hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam belajar pronunciation bahasa Inggris adalah Listening Skills atau kemampuan pendengaran kita terhadap kosakata yang ada dalam bahasa Inggris. Di Indonesia hanya memiliki dua sistem bunyi: bunyi vokal dan bunyi konsonan sedangkan dalam bahasa Inggris mmiliki lebih dar 2 sistem bunyi  vokal , diftong, konsonan & kluster.  Jika di Indonesia hanya mengenal huruf vocal  /a/- /i/-/u/-/e/-/o/ ttapi dalam bahasa Inggris  banyak jenis huruf vokal /æ/-/e/-/ǝ/-/ɔ:/-/ɑ:/-/ɒ/-/ɜ:/-/i:/-/ʊ/-/u:/-/Ʌ/-/I/ dan bunyi vokal tersebut tidak mudah dilafalkan dengan lidah kita sebagai penutur Bahasa Indonesia. Berikut ini adalah contoh kata Bahasa Inggris dan cara melafalkannya.

    belajar pronunciation

    class Kelas Noun /kla:s/ 1 Grade We are studying English in class
    clay Tanah Liat Noun /Klei/ 1 She made handicraft farm clay
    clean Bersih Adj /kli:n/ 1 Dirty This room is very clean
    Clear Jelas Adj /klia(r)/ 1 Plain His voice is very clear
    clerk Pelayan toko Noun /kla:k/ 1 The owner She is clerk in the store
    clever Pandai Adj /kleva(r)/ 2 Competent Stupid They are very clever
    cliff Jurang Noun /klif/ 1 Volley They are a cliff dwellers
    climate Iklim Noun /’klaimat/ 2 Sphere Indonesian has a tropical climate
    climb Mendaki Verb /klaim/ 1 Ascend Descend We climber for two days
    clock Jam Noun /klak/ 1 Watch He work round the clock
    close Menutup Verb /klauz/ 1 Shut Open Close the window, please!
    cloth Kain Noun /klod/ 1 Textile Stuff She washes her cloth
    clothe Memakaikan baju Verb /klaud/ 1 She clothes her child
    clothes Baju Noun /klaudz/ 1 Blouse I buy a clothes
    clothing Pakaian Noun /’klaudin/ 2 Dress They wear a winter clothing
    cloud Awan Noun /klaud’/ 1 Sky The cloud is very beautiful
    club Perkumpulan Noun /klab/ 1 Group Individual He includes in this club
    coach Pelatih Noun /kauts/ 1 Trainer He is a coach in that team
    Coal Batu bara Noun /kaul/ 1 The train carried coals
    Coast Pantai Noun /kaust/ 1 Beach They live in the coast
    Coat Jas Noun /kaut/ 1 Jacket He wears a coat
    Coffee Kopi Noun /kdfi/ 2 I make a cup of coffee
    Coin Mata uang Noun /kain/ 1 We have some coin
    Cold Dingin Adj /kauld/ 1 Cool Hot The weather is very cold
    Collar Kerah Noun /’kdla(r)/ 2 She used a lace collar
    Collect Mengumpulkan Verb /ka’lekt/ 2 Gather Her hobbies is cillect the stamp
    College Perguruan tinggi Noun /’kalid3/ 2 University They study in the famous college
    Colonel Kolonel Noun /’k3:nl/ 3 He is a good colonel
    Colony Perkampungan Noun /’kolani/ 3 Settlement We live in the same colony
    Colour Warna Noun /’kala(r)/ 2 You look well in that color
    Column Kolom Noun /’kalam/ 2 Row I make some column in my computer
    Comb Sisir Noun /kaum/ 1 She always brings a comb
    combine Menggabungkan Verb /kam’bain/ 2 Unite Separate She combines one by one
    Come Datang Verb /kam/ 1 Arrive Go I will come to your house
    comfort Kenyamanan Noun /’kamfat/ 2 Pleasant He lives in complete comfort
    comfortable Nyaman Adj /’kamfetbl/ 4 Pleasurable Make your self comfortable
    command Perintah Noun /ka’ma’:nd/ 2 Instruction He gave command for us
    commerce Perdagangan Noun /kom3:s/ 2 Sell She has engaged in commerce
    commercial Bersifat Niaga Adj /ka’m3:sl/ 3 Advertisement They decide a commercial low
    Commission Panitia Noun /ka’misn/ 3 Chairman She is a commission sport
    Committee Panitia Noun /ka’miti/ 3 Chairman He to be on a committee
    Common Umum Ajd /’koman/ 2 General Specific It’s common knowledge
    Community Masyarakat Noun /ka’myu:neti/ 3 Society I include member of sport community
    Companion Teman Noun /kam’paenian/ 3 Partner Rival We have many companions
    Company Perusahaan Noun /kampani/ 2 She has worked in that company
    Compare Membandingkan Verb /kam’pea(r)/ 2 Liken It’s difficult to compare the two man
    Compel Memaksa Verb /kam’pel/ 2 Coerce He completed me to go
    Complain Mengeluh Verb /kam’plein/ 2 Appeal She complain about the service
    Complaint Keluhan Noun /kampleint/ 2 Sigh A sore throat is a common
    Complete Lengkap Adj /kam’pli:t/ 2 Perfect The novel collection is no complete
    Concern Menyangkut Verb /kan’s3:n/ 2 Anxiety What happens anywhere concerusus
    Conclude Menyimpulkan Verb /kan’klu:d/ 2 Summarize I could conclude his remarks
    Condition Kondisi Noun /kan’disn/ 3 Situation The building is in poor condition
    Conduct Memimpin Verb /kan’dakt/ 2 Lead He conducted the tours
    Confess Mengakui Verb /kan’fes/ 2 Admit We must confess our sins
    Confidence Kepercayaan Noun /’kanfidans/ 3 Belief He has no confidence in himself
    Congress Kongres Noun /’kangres/ 2 They held a labor congress
    Connect Menyambungkan Verb /ka’nekt/ 2 Link Cut off The plumber connected the two pipes
    Conquer Menaklukan Verb /’konka(r)/ 2 Beat He could conquer his enemy
    Conscience Kata hati Noun /’konsans/ 2 Hearts of Let your conscience be your guide
    Consent Menyetujui Verb /kan’sent/ 2 Agree Disagree He consent with me
    Consider Mempertimbangkan Verb /kan’sida(r)/ 3 Think We must consider both sides
    considerable Sangat Adj /kan’sidarabl/ 5 Over He is a man considerable wealth
    Consist Terdiri Verb /kan’sist/ 2 Piled up True happiness consist in desiring little
    Constant Tetap Adj /’kanstant/ 2 Stabile It has constant value
    Constitution Undang-undang dasar Noun .kansti’tju:sn/ 3 We must obey the constitution
    Contain Berisi Verb /kan’tein/ 2 Filled with The box contain much bottles
    Content Isi Noun /kantent/ 2 Volume The content of his bag is book
    Contented Puas Adj /kan’tentid/ 3 Satisfied He is contented with what he has
    Continent Benua Noun /kantinant/ 3 Indonesia include in Asia continent
    Continue Melanjutkan Verb /kantinju:/ 3 Go on I’ll continue my words
    Contract Menyingkat Verb /kan’traekt/ 2 Brief I can contract my story
    we declined his offer to lift.