Kategori: Idiom

  • 100 Ungkapan dalam Bahasa Inggris Yang Sering Dipakai Didalam Kelas Beserta Artinya

    100 Ungkapan dalam Bahasa Inggris Yang Sering Dipakai Didalam Kelas Beserta Artinya

    100 Ungkapan dalam Bahasa Inggris Yang Sering Dipakai Didalam Kelas Beserta Artinya – Bagi para sahabat SBI yang sedang belajar untuk menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dalam kelas. Berikut ini adalah Ungkapan yang sering dipakai didalam kelas.

    100 Ungkapan Bahasa inggris yang sering dipakai dalam Kelas

    Expressions in The Classroom:

    Expression Meaning ( Arti )

    Good morning, students!

    Good afternoon, class!

    How’re you feeling today??

    How’re you today?

    How have you been?

    What a nice day

    What have we learnt so far?

    What we are learning today?….

    First of all, I’d like to talk about….

    Today’s topic is…

    What I want to do today is….


    Giving command

    Please sit down, everyone!

    Look at me!

    Sit down please!


    Pay attention to me!


    Open your book page…!

    Get out your books and pencil!

    Take a paper for quiz!

    Open your book!

    Enough, now..

    Raise your hand!

    Come in front!

    Listen to your friend!

    Now, let us come to page….

    Open page….

    Explain it by your own words



    Asking for Request

    Please repeat!

    What is the example?

    Speak up, loud your voice

    Please speak louder

    I don’t speak in bahasa

    Please wait

    Please help your friend

    Please hand out

    Please exchange your seat position

    Please clean the room first

    Please open/ close the door

    Please slow down/ hurry up

    Please turn on/off the lamp

    Please turn on/off the fan

    Please open/close the window

    Please move your seat out

    Please read it carefully

    Please read your answer number….

    Asking for Question

    Anyone knows?

    Any question?

    Do you understand?

    Now please submit your homework!

    Do you bring your book?

    Are you ready?

    have you finished?

    Pardon me!

    What is the answer for question number…?

    What do you think?

    What is this about?

    Can you guess?

    What happened?

    Can you help me?

    What do you think?

    Is this correct?

    Is it okay?

    What is our homework?

    Could you repeat that?

    What does it mean?



    Asking permission

    Can I sit here?

    Can I go to the bathroom?

    Can I start it?

    Can you help me, please?

    Can we do this?

    Can I borrow….?

    May I borrow your pencil?


    Giving Examples

    For example….

    Take….for example

    To be more specific

    Let me give you an example

    For instance

    Giving Conclusion

    In summary…

    To conclude…

    In conclusion…

    The conclusion we can draw from this are…

    What we have been talking about…

    Okay, we have discussed…

    So far, I’ve been trying to show you…

    Ending The Lesson

    There will be no homework for today

    For homework, please do the exercise on page…

    Today’s homework is…

    Tomorrow, we’ll study…

    That’s all for today…

    The lesson is over for today.

    Time is up.

    Good job today.

    Have a good day!

    Have a nice weekend!

    Have a nice holiday!

    See you on…

    See you next week…

    Good bye.


    Selamat pagi anak-anak !

    Selamat siang kelas !

    Apa kabar kalian hari ini?

    Apa kabar kalian hari ini?

    Apa kabar kalian hari ini?

    Hari yang sangat indah

    Hal apa saja yang sudah kita pelajari sejauh ini

    Apa yang kiita pelajari ini

    Ok, saya akan membicarakan tentang…

    Hari ini topiknya adalah…

    Yang ingin saya lakukan hari ini adalah…


    Memberi perintah

    Silahkan duduk semuanya!

    Perhatikan saya!

    Silahkan duduk semuanya!


    Perhatikan saya!


    Buka buku kalian!

    Keluarkan buku, dan pensil

    Siapakan kertas untuk ulangan!

    Bukalah buku kalian!

    Cukup. Sekarang…

    Angkat tangan kalian!

    Maju kedepan kelas!

    Dengarkan teman kalian!

    Sekarang, mari kita buka halaman!

    Buka halaman!

    Jelaskan dengan kata-kata kalian sendiri




    Tolong ulangi!

    Berikan contohnya!

    Silahkan berbicara, keraskan suara anda

    Tolong bicara dengan lebih keras!

    Aku tidak bicara dalam Bahasa Indonesia

    Harap Tunggu

    Tolong bantulah teman anda

    Tolong angkat tangan kalian

    Tolong tukar tempat duduk kalian

    Tolong bersihkan ruangan terlebish dahulu

    Tolong tutup atau buka pintunya

    Tolong lebih lambat / lebih cepat

    Tolong hidupkan/matikan lampu

    Tolong hidupkan/matikan kipas angin

    Tolong buka/atau tutup jendelanya

    Tolong pindahkan kursimu keluar

    Bacalah dengan teliti

    Bacalah jawaban nomor….



    Adakah yang tau?

    Ada pertanyaan?

    Apakah kalian mengerti?

    Sekarang kumpulkan PR kalian?

    Apakah kamu membawa buku kamu?

    Apakah kalian siap?

    Sudah selesaikah kalian?


    Apakah jawaban nomor… ?


    Apa yang kamu pikir

    Ini membicarakan tentang apa?

    Dapatkah kamu menjawab?

    Apa yang terjadi

    Bisakah kamu menolong saya

    Apa yang kamu pikirkan

    Apakah ini benar?

    APakah ini Ok?

    Apakah PR kita kemarin?

    Bisakah kamu mengulangi?

    Apakah maksudnya?




    Bolehkah saya duduk disini?

    Bolehkan saya pergi ke toilet?

    Bolehkah saya memulainya?

    Dapatkah kamu menolongku?

    Bisakah kita melakukan ini?

    Bisakah saya meminjam…..?

    Bolegkah saya memnjam pensil kamu?




    Sebagai contoh…..

    Ambilah… Sabagai contoh

    Untuk lebih jelasnya

    Biarkan saya memberi kamu contoh




    Kesimpulannya adalah…



    Kesimpulan yang bisa kita ambil adalah


    Apa yang telah kita bicarakan…

    Oke kita telah mendiskusikan…

    Sejauh ini, saya telah menunjukkan kepadamu



    Tidak ada PR untuk hari ini,

    Untuk PR, tolong kerjakan latihan pada halaman….

    PR untuk hari ini….

    Besok kita akan belajar tentang…

    Itu saja untuk hari ini…

    Pelajaran telah berakhir untuk hari ini

    Waktu habis

    Bagus sekali hari ini

    Semoga hari kalian meneyenangkan

    Semoga akhir pecan kalian menyenangkan

    Semoga liburan kalian menyenangkan

    Sampai jumpa lagi pada

    Sampai jumpa lagi minggu depan

    Sampai jumpa



  • 10 Idiom Yang Sering Dipakai Untuk Mengungkapkan Kebahagiaan Dan Kesedihan

    10 Idiom Yang Sering Dipakai Untuk Mengungkapkan Kebahagiaan Dan Kesedihan

    10 Idiom Yang Sering Dipakai Untuk Mengungkapkan Kebahagiaaan dan Kesedihan

    10 Idiom Yang Sering Dipakai Untuk Mengungkapkan Kebahagian dan Kesedihan – Idiom dapat dipakai untuk menyatakan berbagai jenis ungkapan, sebagai contoh ekspresi kebahagian dan kesedihan. Ingin tahu apa saja idiom-idiom tersebut? Langsung saja kita simak pembahasan lengkapnya dibawah ini.

    10 Idiom Yang Sering Dipakai Untuk Mengungkapkan Kebahagiaaan Dan Kesedihan

    Fulls Of The Delights Of Spring

    Adalah idiom, yang dipakai saat seseorang begitu bahagia, bersemangat dan sangat termotivasi. Biasanya sih karena ketiban rezeki. Contoh: My uncle was advanced as another branch chief a week ago and it made him fulls of the delights of spring right then and there.

    Down In The Dumps

    Idiom ini dapat diartikan saat seseorang sedang mengalami depresi dan sedih karena sesuatu, misalnya, gagal memenuhi sebuah keinginan yang secara serius ingin diraihnya. Contoh: Since she fizzled in SBMPTN Test, Dewi has been down in the dumps for quite a while.

    Face Like A Wet Week-end

    Ini bisa diartikan seperti hari minggu yang telah berakhir, dan harus menatap kmbali hari senin untuk sekolah atau bekerja. Orang yang face like a wet week-end, tampak tidak bergairah, lelah, dan pastinya murung! Contoh: We didn’t know why Suci got a face like a wet week-end.

    Incandescently happy

    Bisa Diandaikan saat orang sedang bahagia karena sesuatu yang luar biasmenyenagkan sedang terjadi, sebagai contoh kenaikan pangkat, kenaikan gaji tiga kali lipat, atau mendapatkan banyak kado pada hari ulang tahun. Contoh: I am incandescently happy on the grounds that my granddad just gave me a game auto at the beginning of today.

    Sob on and on

    Artinya adalah menangis terisak-isak dalam waktu yang lama. Expression ini umumnya dikatakan saat orang sangat sedih karena kehilangan sesuatu yang amat sangat dicintainya. Contoh: When my uncle passed on, my cousins sob on and on.

    Like A Puppy With Two Tails

    Anda bisa mengucapkan frase seperti ini, saat seseorang yang Anda ajak bicara benar-benar bahagia karena sesuatu hal yang sedang terjadi. Contoh: When he got a grant to Europe, he was similar to a puppy with two tails.

    Down In The Mouth

    Orang yang sedang down in the mouth, Itu artinya mereka kelihatan tidak bahagia, dan tidak bersemangat. Contoh: Howdy Rian, you look down in the mouth. What’s going on man?

    Ridiculous situation

    Ini berarti seseorang yang sedang berbahagia tetapi hanya sesaat dan tampak seperti imajinasi, maka orang itu berada dalam ridiculous situation. Apa yang dimaksud denga kebahagiaan sementara atau fiktif? Ini adalah kebahagiaan yang bersifat tidak nyata dan muncul karena rasa G-R. Baik dalam dunia kerja ataupun dalam dunia percintaan

    Contoh kalimat: Rita is living in the ridiculous situation. She feels that my rich sibling will wed her.

    Smile From Ear To Ear

    Orang-orang yang merasa puas terhadap apa yang ia dapatkan dan merasa bahagia, maka mereka bisa digambarkan dengan colloquialism ini. Contoh: Binsar is grining from ear to ear. Definitely, no big surprise in light of the fact that he passed the exam with the most astounding score.

    Demikianlah sedikit ulasan tentang idiom-idiom yang bisa menjadi ekspresi kebahagiaan maupun kesedihan dalam Bahasa Inggris. Terima Kasih.

  • 7 Cara Penggunaan Could Have Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap Dengan Contoh Kalimat

    7 Cara Penggunaan Could Have Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap Dengan Contoh Kalimat

    7 Cara Penggunaan Could Have Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap Dengan Contoh Kalimat

    7 Cara Penggunaan Could Have Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap Dengan Contoh KalimatCould have termasuk bagian penting dalam dunia grammar bahasa Inggris yang harus kita kuasai. Memahami cara memakai could have adalah suatu hal yang mustinya teman-teman kuasai. Seperti yang kita tahu, could have kebanyakan muncul dalam kalimat-kalimat Bahasa inggris, akan tetapi sayang sekali apabila kita tidak memahami bagaimana cara penggunaanya dalam kalimat Bahasa Inggris.

    7 Cara Penggunaan Could Have Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap Dengan Contoh Kalimat

    Dibawah ini, adalah berbagai jenis pemakaian could have dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris. Semoga bisa bermanfaat bagi pembaca setia SBI.

    Saat seseorang bisa melakukan sesuatu di masa lampau, namun ia tidak melakukannya.

    1. He could have proceeded with her study to America, yet she favored Japan.
    2. I could have purchased an auto yet I would not like to.
    3. My dad could have altered my bike yet he conveyed it to the repair shop.

    Sering dipakai untuk mengkritik sebuah kejadian di masa lampau

    1. You could have helped me without griping.
    2. She could have acquired me a telephone yet she didn’t.
    3. Nikita could have worked better.

    Could n0t Have dpakai untuk mengatakan sesuatu di masa lalu yang kita tidak bisa melakukannya

    1. I couldn’t have worked without him.
    2. I couldn’t have landed a position without your assistance.
    3. Much obliged to you for the beautiful day. I couldn’t have kicked my trouble away in the event that you didn’t request that I go.

    Could Have bisa dipakai untuk berspekulasi atau menebak mengenai apa yang terjadi di masa lalu.

    1. She could have recounted to you the story.
    2. Dante could have sent you a letter.
    3. They could have worked without paid.

    Dipakai untuk mengatakan situasi yang mungkin bisa terjadi sekarang namun pada kenyataannya tidaklah terjadi.

    1. Binsar could have got the best score on the off chance that he didn’t swindle.
    2. He could have landed a high pay position on the off chance that she was available in the meeting session.
    3. Deni could have been a president yet he got a money related embarrassment.

    Ya demikianlah berbagai jenis cara menggunakan could have di dalam bahasa Inggris. Semoga bisa bermanfaat. Terima kasih.

  • 13 Arti Kata Idiom Yang Digunakan Saat Meeting+Contoh Kalimatnya

    13 Arti Kata Idiom Yang Digunakan Saat Meeting+Contoh Kalimatnya

    13 Arti Kata Idiom Yang Digunakan Saat Meeting+Contoh Kalimatnya

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Idiom banyak digunakan saat pertemuan (meeting). Apa sajakah itu? Yuk disimak materi berikut tentang kat-kata idiom yang digunakan saat pertemuan beserta contohnya:

    13 Arti Kata Idiom Yang Digunakan Saat Meeting+Contoh Kalimatnya
    13 Arti Kata Idiom Yang Digunakan Saat Meeting+Contoh Kalimatnya
    1. Take part=>> Berpartisipasi

    Emtris was sick and could not take part in the meeting last week.

    You did not want to take part in their argument.

    1. At all=>> Semuanya

    Rommy said that he did not have any money atall.

    When I asked Mrs. Sulis whether she waired, she said, “Not at all!”

    1. Look up=>> Mencari

    Every student in SDN 2 Surabaya should look up all the words in his dictionary every week.

    Winda said that she did not know Tommy’s number but that she would look it up in the Gadget.

    Look this date up in the dictionary, please.

    1. Wait on=>> Menghadirkan/Menghadiri

    A very pleasant young man waited on me in Caffe yesterday.

    The clerk asked, “Have you been waited on yet, sir?”

    1. At least=>> Minimal

    Every student should spend at least 3 hours on her homework every day.

    Herry has been sick in bed for at least 2 weeks.

    1. So far=>> Sejauh ini

    So far Muhammad has been the best student in his English class.

    How many idioms have she studied in this book so far 40 or 100?

    1. Take a walk=>> Pergi berjalan kaki

    Last afternoon we took a walk along roadway.

    It is a fine day. How would you like to take a walk along Sixth avenue?

    1. Take a seat=>> Duduk

    Yuni asked me to come in and take a seat.

    After a few hour he said, “Won’t you please take a seat.”

    1. Try on=>> Mencoba/Mengetes

    Ully tried on several suits and finnaly picked out a blue one.

    Why is it necessary to try on hat before buying them

    Try tis brown dress on next.

    1. Think over=>>Mempertimbangkan

    You shall think over my offer and give me your answer tomorrow.

     Budi and Gerald don’t have to decide this matter at once. They can think it over and give her their decision tomorrow.

    1. Take place=>> Terjadi/ berlangsung

    The meeting took place in Novotel hall.

    Where didi the accident take place?

    1. Put away=>> Mengembalikan sesuatu ketempatnya

    After Kenny finished reading the report, he put it away in his safe.

    My mother told my elder brother to put his shoes away.

    Put your book away Shinta; it’s time for lunch now.

    1. Wait for=>> Menunggu

    I will wait for you on the corner of Roadway and Danau Towuti street.

    They waited for for him more than two hour and finally left.


    Semoga Bermanfaat para pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    Dongeng Rapunzel Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terupdate

  • 12 Arti Kata Idiom Yang Digunakan Saat Berbelanja+Contoh Kalimatnya

    12 Arti Kata Idiom Yang Digunakan Saat Berbelanja+Contoh Kalimatnya

    12 Arti Kata Idiom Yang Digunakan Saat Berbelanja+Contoh Kalimatnya

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Idiom sering kita gunakan dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Saat berbelanja pun kita sering menggunakan beberapa idiom. Nah jika kalian penasaran kata-kata idiom apa saja yang sering digunakan saat berbelanja. Yuk disimak materi berikut:

    12 Arti Kata Idiom Yang Digunakan Saat Berbelanja+Contoh Kalimatnya
    12 Arti Kata Idiom Yang Digunakan Saat Berbelanja+Contoh Kalimatnya
    1. Pick up=>>Mengambil

    I want to pick out some new red tie to give boyfriend as Idul Fitri present.

    Which book did you pick out to send Maryam?

    If I want you to treat me to a dessert, pick one out

    1. To take one’s time=>> menghindari terburu-buru.

    There is no hurry Lisa! You can take your time doing those exercises.

    Willy never works rapidly. He always takes his time in everything that he does.

    1. Talk over=>> Mendiskusikan

    I talked over Mina’s plan to put in air conditioning, but I could not come to a decision.

    With whom did Winda talk over her plan to buy a new home?

    Before he accepted the new job offer, he talked it over with my wife.

    1. Lie down=>> Tidur-tiduran

    If Budi is tired, why doesn’t he lie down for an hour or so?

    The dr. Shinta says that Muha mustlie down and rest an hour every morning.

    1. Stand up=>>Menaikkan/berdiri.

    When the 7th President entered, everyone in the room stood up.

    When the Music is played, everyone must stand up and remove her hat.

    1. Sit down=>>Duduk

    After standing for so long, it was a pleasure to sit down in the chair and take a rest a while.

    They sat down on the park bench and watched the pigeons as it fly.

    1. All day long=>>Sepanjang hari

    You have been working on your income-tax form all day long.

    Shinta shopped all day long looking a new hat.

    1. Oneself=>> Sendirian

    Johnny translated that Polish novel by himself. No one helped him.

    Reno likes to walk by herself through the woods.

    1. On purpose=>> Dengan tujuan

    It was no accident. Alfiyyah broke the dish on purpose.

    Do you think Doni made that mistake on purpose?

    1. Get along=>> Melakukan, sukses

    Muhammad is getting along very well in his study of Management.

    How is Mr.Tri getting along in his new job?

    1. Make no difference=>> Sama saja

    When you asked me whether I wanted to go in the morning or in the night, I said: “it doesn’t make any difference to me.”

    Does it make any difference to Mina whether she has a lesson at two p.m or at 3 p.m.

    1. Take out=>>Mengeluarkan

    Herman took out his handkerchief and wiped his forehead.

    Every night Doni takes his dog out for a walk

    Semoga Bermanfaat para pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    Dongeng Little Red Riding Hood (Gadis Berkerudung Merah) Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Program Summer exchange Kyoto University Amgen Scholars Program Di Jepang

  • Contoh Kata Prepositional Idioms Beserta Contoh Kalimatnya Part 2

    Contoh Kata Prepositional Idioms Beserta Contoh Kalimatnya Part 2

    Contoh Kata Prepositional Idioms Beserta Contoh Kalimatnya Part 2

    Sekolahbahasainggris- Yuk disimak contoh kata-kata prepositional idioms part 2berikut yang merupakan kelanjutan dari part 1:

    Contoh Kata Prepositional Idioms Beserta Contoh Kalimatnya Part 2
    Contoh Kata Prepositional Idioms Beserta Contoh Kalimatnya Part 2
    • Annoy With

    The students were annoyed with the crazy dogs.

    • Apparent In

    His attitude is apparent in his actions

    • Apparent To

    The trouble is apparent to everyone in the office.

    • Append To

    A rider was appended to the bill.

    • Appreciation For

    The student had a real appreciation for the arts.

    • Appreciation Of

    They expressed appreciation of their hard work.

    • Appreciative Of

    I am appreciative of their efforts.

    • Authority In

    Dr. Mulan is an authority in her field.

    • Authority On

    Dr. Mulan is an authority on Appendicitis.

    • Averse To

    She was not averse to hard work.

    • Basis for

    I had a sound basis for agreement.

    • Basis In

    That argument has no basis for agreement.

    • Basis In

    That argument has no basis in fact so I do not believe.

    • Coincide With

    Our wishes coincide with her in this situation.

    • Commensurate With

    My salary was commensurate with my abilities.

    • Comply With

    He must comply with the request.

    • Concur In

    They concur in the decision of the survey committee.

    • Concur With

    I must not concur with other member.

    • Conform To

    All employees must conform to the regulations.

    • Consist Of

    The handbook consists of math.

    • Consist In

    Her value consists in her ability to work with others.

    • Consistent In

    He is not consistent in applying the law.

    • Consistent With

    Their actions are not consistent with their statement.

    • Correspond With

    They have been corresponding with their new friends abroad.

    • Demand from

    What did the store owner demand from then in payment?

    • Demand Of

    They had demanded an accounting of the company funds.

    • Differ From

    My estimate of  the amount due differs from yours.

    • Differ In

    They differ in their opinions on the matter.

    • Differ On

    They differ on the amount owed.

    • Differ With

    I differ with their view of the situation.

    • Discrepancy Between

    There is a discrepancy between the two accounts.

    • Discrepancy In

    There are discrepancies in their accounts.

    • Displeased At

    The supervisor was displeased at the employee’s conduct.

    • Displeased With

    The supervisor is displeased with the employed.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    1000 Contoh Procedure Text dalam Bahasa Inggris+Penjelasannya

  • 120 Contoh Kata Prepositional Idioms Beserta Contoh Kalimatnya Part 1

    120 Contoh Kata Prepositional Idioms Beserta Contoh Kalimatnya Part 1

    120 Contoh Kata Prepositional Idioms Beserta Contoh Kalimatnya Part 1

    Sekolahbahasainggris- Prepositional idioms adalah Kata idiom yang terdiri dari preposisi yang mengikuti suatu kata.

    Dalam kamus besar oxford ada begitu banyak contoh idiom yang terdiri dari satu kata dengan berbagai preposisi yang mengikutinya dan namun artinya tetap sam jika dalam prepositional idioms. Hanya penggunaan nya saja yang mengikuti situasi dan kondisi dalam suatu kalimat.

    120 Contoh Kata Prepositional Idioms Beserta Contoh Kalimatnya Part 1
    120 Contoh Kata Prepositional Idioms Beserta Contoh Kalimatnya Part 1


    Dalam kamus ada sebuah kata “Accompany”=>> Artinya menemani

    Accompany by=>>Menemani (Untuk Orang)

    Accompany with=>>Menemani(Untuk benda)

    Nah untuk daftar katanya sebagai berikut:

    • Accede to

    They Cannot accede to the request for an extension of time.

    • Accommodate to

    My friend find it hard to accommodate to new situations.

    • Accommodate with

    I accommodated him with a loan of five dollars.

    • Accompany by

    The chief of police was accompanied by a lawyers.

    • Accompany with

    The letter was accompanied with a stamp.

    • Accused by

    Sony was accused by the plaintiff of having filed a false statement.

    • Accused Of

    The mechanic was accused ofovercharging.

    • Acquiesce in

    The dean acquiesced in the decision.

    • Acquit Of

    She was acquitted of the crime.

    • Acquit With

    The police acquitted himself with honor

    • Adapt For

    The work simplification guide was adapted for our use.

    • Adapt from

    The movie was adapted from the true story in Bandar Lampung.

    • Adapt To

    I find it difficult to adapt to new procedures.

    • Adequate To

    His ability was adequate to the job.

    • Advise Of

    The employees were advised of the new seminar.

    • Affix To

    A stamp was affixed to the letter.

    • Agree In

    They agree in principle with those who favor the plan.

    • Agree On

    They cannot agree on a plan of action.

    • Agree To

    I will agree to the compromise.

    • Agree With

    Santy agree with the doctor.

    • Amenable To

    I was amenable to our argument.

    • Analogous To

    The situation in the school is analogous to the one we faced last year.

    • Annoy By

    The clerks were annoyed by the frequent interruptions.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!

    See More:

    2000 Contoh Cover Letter+Tips Cara Penulisannya

  • 12 Arti Kata Idiom Yang Digunakan Saat Bekerja+Contoh Kalimatnya

    12 Arti Kata Idiom Yang Digunakan Saat Bekerja+Contoh Kalimatnya

    12 Arti Kata Idiom Yang Digunakan Saat Bekerja + Contoh Kalimatnya

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Idiom banyak digunakan saat Bekerja. Apa sajakah itu? Yuk disimak materi berikut tentang kat-kata idiom yang digunakan saat kita sedang bekerja beserta contoh kalimatnya:

    12 Arti Kata Idiom Yang Digunakan Saat Bekerja+Contoh Kalimatnya
    12 Arti Kata Idiom Yang Digunakan Saat Bekerja+Contoh Kalimatnya
    • Shake hands=>> Berjabat tangan

    You introduced them and they shook hands.

    When two men meet for the first time, they do usually shake hands

    Meeting with boss in the office, every employees must shake hands among another.

    • Look out=>> Hati-hati

    “Look out Budi!” Husin cried his friend almost stepped in front of the approaching car.

    Why did the driver tell Joko to look out as he was getting off the bus?

    Look out for the cars turning in your direction.

    • Think of=>> Berpendapat tentang

    What did you think of that accident which you saw last week?

    I don’t think much of him as a football player.

    • Get back=>>Kembali

    Mrs. Kenny got back from Indonesia last evening.

    When do you expect to get back from your trip to Tokyo?

    Can you get us beck by 5.30 a.m.

    • Catch cold=>>Demam

    If you go out in this rain, you will surely catch cold.

    How did she ever catch cold in such warm wether?

    • Make up one’s mind=>> Memutuskan

    Muhammad had made up his mind not to go to school this year.

    Have you made up your mind yet as to where you are going to spend your vacation in this summer?

    • Change one’s mind=>> Mengubah pikiran/Pendapat.

    They have changed their mind and are going to Bali instead of to Bandung on their vacation.

    Emtris has changed his mind about proposing to Jean atleast three times.

    • The time being=>> Sekarang

    For the time being my brother is clerking in Supermarket.

    They are living in a apartment for the time being, but later they will try to find a small house.

    • Get over=>> Pergi dari/Sembuh

    It took him more than one week to get over his cold.

    They do not think she will get over the loss of her husband.

    • Call off=>> Membatalkan

    The Adventure game was called off on account of lightness.

    The doctor had to call off all her appointments for the day and rush to the hospital.

    At first the workers planned to strike, but later they called it off.

    • For good=>> Selamanya/Permanen

    Tamin has gone back to Lampung for good. He will not return to Jakarta.

    Has your friend returned to Palembang for good?

    • In a hurry=>> Terburu-buru

    Michael is in a hurry to catch his bus.

    Gerald is the kind person who always seems to be in a hurry.

    Semoga Bermanfaat para pembaca SBI!!!

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    1000 Contoh Degrees of Comparison Beserta Penjelasan Lengkap

  • Latihan Soal Idiom 1: Find The Right Expression Of Idiom

    Latihan Soal Idiom 1: Find The Right Expression Of Idiom

    Latihan Soal Idiom 1: Find The Right Expression Of Idiom

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Setelah mempelajari idiom yang telah admin berikan, inilah saatnya kalian memahami nya lebih dalam dengan menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan dibawah ini mengenai idiom. Selamat Mengerjakan sahabat SBI:

    Idiom Exercise 1: Find The Right Expression Of Idiom
    Idiom Exercise 1: Find The Right Expression Of Idiom

    Subtitute in place of the italicized word or words the corresponding idiomatic expression partially indicated in parentheses.

    1. She doesn’t like to go the movies alone. (by______________)
    2. Suddenly the man removed a revolver from his pocket and began to shoot.(took_______)
    3. They discussed their plan for several hours. (talk____)
    4. You always like to recline for a half-hour or so after lunch.(lie________)
    5. It is always difficult for him to select a good present for my wife. (pick_________)
    6. Herry always works leisurely in everything that he does. (take_______)
    7. How is Marriam doing in her new English class? (get_______)
    8. It is of little importance to her whether she passes her French examination or not. (make_______)
    9. I am sure that Doni didn’t leave that cigarette there intentionally. (on__________)
    10. They spent the entire day looking for a new car. (all______)
    11. Answer these following questions, making use in your answers of the idiomatic expressions studied in this lesson.
    12. How are you getting along in you study of Math?
    13. Which student in your Class B seems to be getting along best?
    14. How is your friend getting along in her new job?
    15. Do you prefer to go to the Cinema by yourself or with your girlfriend?
    16. Does your friend live by herself or with someone?
    17. Did you come to Indonesia by yourself or with your family?
    18. Do you like talk over your personal problems with someone or do you prefer to decide these things by yourself?
    19. Is it easy or difficult for you to pick out gifts for your friends?
    20. Does someone help you to pick out your shirt or do you like to pick them out by yourself?
    21. What did you do all day long last night?
    22. When the music is played, what should you do: stand up or sit down?
    23. Do you take your time when you are writing an examination or do you prefer to finish quickly?
    24. What did Mr. Norman just take out of the drawer of his desk?
    25. During the lesson of Math do you prefer to sit in front of the room or in the back- or doesn’t it make any difference?
    26. Why must Doni lie down for several hours each afternoon?

    Semoga Bermanfaat para pembaca SBI!!!

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