Kategori: Grammar

  • Penggunaan Will dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris dan Contoh Kalimatnya Lengkap

    Penggunaan Will dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris dan Contoh Kalimatnya Lengkap

    www.sekolahbahasainggris.com –Rekan SBI semua, kali ini kita akan membahas tentang Will dan Would. Pertama kita akan membahas tentang will terlebih dahulu.

    “Will” digunakan untuk mengatakan janji atau tindakan sukarela yang akan dilakukan seseorang di masa depan. “Will” juga dapat digunakan untuk membuat prediksi tentang masa depan.


    • Samantha promise that she will call you every single day. Janji
    • Samantha berjanji bahwa dia akan menelponmu setiap hari.
    • I will make a phone call tonight. Tindakan sukarela
    • Aku akan menelfonnya malam ini.
    • Harun thinks it will be great this night. Dugaan/prediksi
    • Harun pikir akan seru nanti malam.

    Penggunaan Will dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris dan Contoh Kalimatnya Lengkap

    Contoh lebih lanjut dari “Will”

    Modal Bentuk Positif Bentuk Negatif Dapat juga menggunakan
    will future action,prediction The head security will be replaced by a man from the Lost Angeles office.Ferdiansyah will be here by 9:00. The head security will not be replaced after all.Ferdiansyah will not be here. He has bunch of jobs. shall
    will volunteering,promising Kinan will take care of everything for her mother.Kinan will make the arrangements. Don’t worry. Kinan will never forget her mother.Kinan will never give up the fight for recover. shall

    Setelah rekan SBI paham tentang penggunaan Will, mari kita lanjutkan pembahasan kita ke penggunaan Would. Check it out!!!

  • Penjelasan Collocations dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Cara Menggunakannya Lengkap

    Penjelasan Collocations dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Cara Menggunakannya Lengkap

    www.sekolahbahasainggris.com – Rekan SBI semua, Apa kalian tahu apakah Collocation dalam bahasa Inggris itu?

    Collocation adalah kata-kata yang digunakan secara teratur dengan kata tertentu. Sebagai contoh, tiga kata kolokasi untuk kata ‘friend’ adalah ‘best,’ ‘good,’ dan ‘loyal.’

    Berikut adalah beberapa contoh kalimat yang menggunakan Collocation:

    • “Rizal go home with his best friend every day.” (best)
    • “Rizal eats with his good friends.” (good, close)

    Kata ‘good’ adalah Collocation lain yang dapat digunakan untuk menggantikan ‘good‘ seperti ” Rizal eats with his close friends.”

    • “Rizal has been a loyal friend for decades.” (loyal, true, real, faithful, trusted)

    Semua kata dalam kurung dapat digunakan untuk menggantikan kata “loyal” semua ini adalah contoh lain dari Collocation untuk kata ‘friend’.

     Penjelasan Collocations dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Cara Menggunakannya Lengkap

    Mengapa penting untuk mempelajari Collocation dalam bahasa Inggris?

    Ketika kita belajar kosa kata, kita mungkin memahami arti kata menggunakan kamus, namun berkali-kali, kita tidak tahu bagaimana menggunakan kata itu dalam kalimat. Bagaimana cara menggunakan kata itu? Apa contoh kalimat dengan kata itu? Ini semua adalah pertanyaan umum ketika kita mempelajari kosa kata. Cara terbaik untuk belajar kosa kata adalah untuk mempelajari apa kata-kata yang umum digunakan dengan kata dalam contoh kalimat. Mempelajari kosa kata yang paling sering digunakan dalam bahasa inggris akan membantu pelajar bahasa Inggris meningkatkan kosa kata dasar mereka dan membantu mereka belajar bagaimana menggunakan kata-kata dengan cara yang benar.

    Bagaimana cara belajar Collocation dalam bahasa Inggris?

    Mempelajari Collocation tidak dapat dilakukan dengan cara mengambil kamus dan mempelajari semua kata di sana. Demikian pula, mempelajari Collocation tidak dapat dilakukan dengan cara mengambil kamus collocation untuk mempelajari semua kata. Cara terbaik adalah dengan menemukan kata-kata yang paling sering digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris dan mempelajari kolokasi yang paling sering digunakan dengan kata-kata tersebut.

    Perlu diingat bahwa Anda harus mempelajarinya secara mendalam. Jangan hanya membaca kalimat. Pelajari setiap kalimat dan membacanya keras-keras sampai Anda bisa mengatakan itu tanpa berpikir tentang hal itu.

  • 123 Grammar Corner:Fungsi Simple Present Tense dan Present Continuous!

    123 Grammar Corner:Fungsi Simple Present Tense dan Present Continuous!

    123 Grammar Corner:Fungsi Simple Presesnt dan Present Continuous!

    www.sekolahbahasainggris.com– -Apa sih fungsi dari simple present tense? dan juga apa fungsi  dari present continuous tense. Pelajari selengkapnya disini:

    123 Grammar Corner:Fungsi Simple Present Tense dan Present Continuous!
    123 Grammar Corner:Fungsi Simple Present Tense dan Present Continuous!


    1. General Truth

    Natural (biology, physics, mathematics, medical science, chemistry, geography, botany, zoology,  dan juga astronomy)

    e.g. water consist of hydrogen and oxygen

    1. General Truth

    – Sosial study (politics, theology, law, culture, economy, sociology, anthropology, linguistic)

       e.g. economics contains demand and supply laws

    – Human interset (belief, character, origin, condition, some, residence, opinion, situation, sense,       residence, opinion, situation, language, skill/ profession)   → S. Present / Pres. Continuous

       e.g. Mr. Adi comes from Bandung

             Mr. Adi is coming from Bandung

    1. Short Habitual Action (short term verbs + specific time signal + adv. of frequency)

    e.g Ms. Tri always studies in the class everyday

    1. Long habitual Action (long term verbs + general time signal + adv of frequency)

    SBY often drafts new rules now

    1. Future Time Signal (short term verbs + specific time signal)

    Aktvitas yang dilakukan masa mendatang, terjadwal, segera, formal dan tidak pribadi

    e.g. The plane arrives at 9 o’clock tonight

    1. Future Time Signal (long term verbs + general time signal)

    Aktvitas yang dilakukan masa mendatang, terjadwal, agak lama, formal dan tidak pribadi

    e.g. The final examination is carried out next week


    1. At The Moment of Speaking action (short term verbs + specific time signal)

    e.g I am writing a letter now

    1. Long temporary Action (long term verbs + general time signal)

    e.g She is studying in university today

    1. Short Annoying Habitual Action (short term verbs + specific time signal + adv. of frequency)

    e.g she is always calling me at this time

    1. Long Annoying Habitual Action (long term verbs + general time signal + adv of frequency)

    e.g our government is often building a new prodject today

    1. Future time signal (short term verbs + specific time signal)

    Aktivitas yang akan dilakukan, sudah terencana, segera, bersifat pribadi

    e.g I am meeting him tonight

    1. Future time signal (long term verbs + general time signal)

    Aktivitas yang akan dilakukan, sudah terencana, agak lama, bersifat pribadi

    e.g We are playing football next week

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!


    Related Posts:

    1000 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar:Present Perfect-Simple Past

    Part 1:Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar

  • 1000 Knowldege:Kind Of Pronouns (Macam-macam Pronoun)

    1000 Knowldege:Kind Of Pronouns (Macam-macam Pronoun)

    1000 Knowldege:Kind Of Pronouns (Macam-macam Pronoun)

    www.sekolahbahasainggris.com– Sahabat tahu tidak tentang materi Pronoun.

    1000 Knowldege:Kind Of Pronouns (Macam-macam Pronoun)
    1000 Knowldege:Kind Of Pronouns (Macam-macam Pronoun)

    Sahabat pasti sering menggunakannya:

    I love you, beb!?

    Ya kan…

    I dan you dari kalimat diatas adalah contoh pronoun. Nah untuk lebih jelasny bisa dilihat dibawah ini:


    Kinds of Pronoun


    [table id=5 /]



    Kata ganti yang sekaligus digunakan sebagai conjunction


    • who
    • whom
    • what
    • which




    Who are you?E.g


    I will speak with othersE.g.


    Somebody help me!E.g.




    She is the girl whom I love


    Nah jangan lupa diperaktekkan loh sahabat SBI! Bagaimama pun juga kita bisa karena terbiasa loh!

    Kalo sahabat biasa mempraktekkan ilmu grammar pastilah sahabat SBI bisa!

    Good luck!


    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!


    Related Posts:

    Part 1:Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar

    1000 Contoh, Pengertian,dan Rumus Mudah Past Continuous Tense

  • 101 Adjective Clause Exercise

    101 Adjective Clause Exercise

    101 Adjective Clause Exercise

    www.sekolahbahasainggris.com- Apa sih yang dimaksud dengan adjective clause? Bagaimana belajar materinya dengan ajib dan mudah?[Baca:Apa Yang Dimaksud Dengan Adjective Clause (Relative Clause)??]

    101 Adjective Clause Exercise
    101 Adjective Clause Exercise

    Dan berikut ini latihan tentang Adjective Clause dan Noun Clause:

    Identify the independent clause as an adjective clause or noun clause.

    1. Anderson knows who told you the news.
    2. All the men who attended the class were doctors.
    3. I enjoyed the novel which you lent to me last week.
    4. I can’t remember what you told me about it.
    5. Do you remember the man who is walking with Mr. Brown?
    6. We did not know who had suggested that plan to them
    7. I do not know the fellow that you mentioned last night.
    8. I gave Martha the letters the letters that I wanted her to mail.
    9. The postcard they sent us had been mailed early last week.
    10. Have you seen the pictures Bill took several days ago?
    11. Kent’s secretary said he had already left for Chicago.
    12. The part of the lesson that’s most difficult for me is this one.
    13. It’s true that the gorilla will fight, but only in life-treathening situations.
    14. It was Tom who broke the window.
    15. It was a supernova that produced the famous Crab nebula.


    Complete all the sentences below with the correct relative pronoun or relative adverb.

                I don’t know if the agency (1) ………… sent you told about this job. We are the kind of firm (2) …………deals with important people, (3)…………… means that anyone (4)…………… we employ must be exceptional. That is the reason (5) ………… we asked the agency to send us the best girl (6) …………….they had. The girl  (7) ………….. we are looking for is someone (8) ……………. not only knows shorthand and typing but (9) ……………manners and dress sense are perfect. The office (10) ………….. she will work is next to Mr. Barker’s, any question?

                Yes. Will the man (11)……………… I work for be as well-mannered and well-dressed as I am?


    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!!


    Related Posts:

     1000 Contoh, Pengertian,dan Rumus Mudah Past Continuous Tense

    1000 Tips Belajar Grammar Bahasa Inggris Mudah dan Cepat!

  • 100 Materi Full Tentang Preposition Dan Interjection

    100 Materi Full Tentang Preposition Dan Interjection

    100 Materi Full Tentang Preposition Dan Interjection

    www.sekolahbahasainggris.com-Ingin Sukses mempelajari Grammar Bahasa Inggris tentang Preposition Dan Interjection? Pelajari selengkapnya dibawah ini:

    100 Materi Full Tentang Preposition Dan Interjection
    100 Materi Full Tentang Preposition Dan Interjection

    Definisi : kata depan yang terletak sebelum Noun atau kata Bendaa, Pronoun atau Kata Ganti, Noun Phrase atau prase noun, Noun Clause atau klausa noun, dan Gerund atau verb+ing.

    E.g :     –   I studied together with her last night.

                –   I put my book on the table

                –   She is interested in me

                –   Thank you for coming here

                         FREE (Bebas) :

    about                 beneath           in                          sinceabove                 beside              in front of            through

    across                between           into                       till

    after                   beyond            to                          toward

    among                but                   near                      under

    around               by                    of                         until

    as far as             inside              on                         up

    at                       down               onto                      upon

    at the back of     during              out of                   up to

    before                except             outside                 with

    behind               for                   over                      within

    below                 from                round                   without






     Kinds :

    BOUND (Terikat):

    • Verb : look in, ask for, look at, get out, wait for, stand for,believe in, …
    • Noun : on account of, attention to,…
    • : interested in, proud of, angry with, afraid of,…
    • : by heart, in fact, in a hurry, by chance,…


    Definisi : kata seru yang muncul secara tiba-tiba dari sesuatu yang terjadi. Interjection tidak ada artinya. Interjection muncul ketika :

    1. Untuk menarik perhatian :

           Look! Hey! See! Ho! Ehm!

    1. Untuk menunjukkan keengganan

           Poh! Ugh! Nonsense!

    1. Untuk memanggil

           Hello! Hi!

    1. Untuk menunjukkan celaan

           Humph! Nonsense!

    1. Untuk menunjukkan suatu temuan

           Aha! Well! Never!

    1. Untuk menunjukkan perpisahan

           Bye! Farewell! Bye!

    1. Untuk menunjukkan rasa takut

           No no! Hah! Ugh!

    1. Untuk menunjukkan suatu pengusiran

           Out! Off! Away!

    1. Untuk menunjukkan kegembiraan

           Bravo! Bingo! Thank God! Whee!

    1. Untuk menunjukkan interogasi

           What! Hah! Sure!

    1. Untuk menunjukkan gelak tawa

           Hehe! Hahaha! Yiyiyi!

    1. Untuk menunjukkan rasa sakit

           Oh! Ough! Ow!

    1. Untuk menunjukkan pujian

           Good! Fine! Bravo!

    1. Untuk menujukkan suatu penghormatan

           Welcome! Excuse!

    1. Untuk menyuruh diam

    Hisst! Hust! Ssst! Quit!

    1. dst


    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!


    Related Posts:

    Part 1:Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar

    7 Must To Know About KINDS OF Conjunction

  • 7 Must To Know About KINDS OF Conjunction

    7 Must To Know About KINDS OF Conjunction

    7 Must To Know About KINDS OF Conjunction

    www.sekolahbahasainggris.com-Ingin Sukses mempelajari Grammar Bahasa Inggris tentang Conjuntion? Ada 7 Kata Penghubung yang harus anda ketahui jika ingin menguasai grammar bahasa Inggris.

    7 Must To Know About KINDS OF Conjunction
    7 Must To Know About KINDS OF Conjunction

    Belajarlah hanya di SBI!!!



    Conjunction yang menghubungkan hal yang setara

    1. Coordinate ”FAN BOYS”





    Or :a


    So :



    – FAN BOYS tidak bisa berposisi di depan kalimat

    For I came late, I got a punishment.


    • FAN BOYS tidak menghasilkan Main clause dan Sub clause

    Her father was angry, and he didn’t want to meet her


    • FOR, YET, dan SO hanya bisa menghubungkan kalimat


    1. Correlative conjuntion.


    Both                      and                           (keduanya … dan ….)      

    Not only               but also                   (tidak hanya… tapi juga… )

    Either                    or                               (kalau tidak … ya …)

    Neither                 nor                            (baik … dan … tidak…)


    Both       …    and ….                         (2 poin tercapai)

    Not only ….   but also …                     (2 poin tercapai)

    Either     ….   or …                                (1 poin tercapai)

    Neither …    nor ….                            (2 poin tidak tercapai)


    1. Both you and I (is/am/are) doing difficult homework.
    2. Not only I but also he (has/have) a new roommate.
    3. Either my mother or theyv(was/were) called by my teacher
    4. Neither you nor your father (has/have) washed the car




    Penghilangan unsur kalimat yang sama dengan subject yang berbeda agar tidak terjadi pengulangan kata yang sama.

    1. SO dan TOO (untuk 2 kalimat positive)

    (+) , and SO + aux + S

    (+) , and S   + aux + TOO


      • She plants a flower.

    You plant a flower



      • They are doing the exam.

    I am doing the exam




    1. EITHER dan NEITHER (untuk 2 kalimat negative)

    (-) , and NEITHER + aux + S

    (-) , and S + aux not + EITHER


      • He didn’t go to the party.

    I didn’t go to the party



      • They are not swimming with me

    She is not swimming with me




    1. BUT (untuk 2 kalimat berlawanan)

    (+) , but S + aux not

    (-) , but S + aux

      • She has bought a dictionary, but I haven’t
      • I don’t like this cake, but you do


    1. BOTH .. AND..
    • She brings much water

    You bring much water






    Conjunction yang menghubungkan main clause dengan sub clause.

    Anggota : selain anggota compound conjunction

    e.g : – When I was eating my cakes, she came

    – if I were you, I would go abroad


      • Kalimat yang terdapat compound conjunction disebut compound sentence (kalimat majemuk setara)

    You and I should help the poor.


      • Kalimat yang terdapat complex conjunction disebut complex sentence (kalimat majemuk bertingkat)

    After I took a bath, I went to ELFAST.


      • Kalimat yang terdapat compound- complex conjunction disebut compound-complex sentence (kalimat majemuk setara bertingkat)

    After I took a bath, I and my sister went to ELFAST yesterday.


    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!


    Related Posts:

    Part 1:Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar

    101 Materi Lengkap Modals: The Functions Of Similar Modal

  • 101 Materi Lengkap Modals: The Functions Of Similar Modal

    101 Materi Lengkap Modals: The Functions Of Similar Modal

    101 Materi Lengkap Modals: The Functions Of Similar Modal

    www.sekolahbahasainggris.com-Ingin Sukses mempelajari Grammar Bahasa Inggris tentang modals? Berlatihlah hanya di SBI!!!

    101 Materi Lengkap Modals: The Functions Of Similar Modal
    101 Materi Lengkap Modals: The Functions Of Similar Modal
    1. Digunakan untuk menghindari double modal dalam satu kalimat

    e.g   I will can study abroad

    >  be able to<

    maka: i will be able to study abroad

    He must can win the game

    Be able to

    1. Digunakan untuk memberi makna modal pada To Infinitive

    e.g   saya ingin bisa menguasai bahasa Inggris

    I want to can master English

    Be able to

    1. Digunakan untuk memunculkan perfect tense atau future tense dalam modal (hanya untuk modal yang mempunyai similar modal)

    e.g   HE SLEEPS

    (Should K.III) Present perfect            : he has been supposed to sleep

    Past perfect       : he had been supposed to sleep

    1. Digunakan untuk memberi makna tambahan (extra meaning)

    2. Must (+) internal wish

    e.g   I must study hard

    ( – ) strong prohibition

    e.g   You must not smoke in the class

    • Have to (+) external wish

    e.g I have to study hard because my mother wants it

    ( – )weak prohibition

    e.g you have not to regret your mistake

    • Should (+) internal wish

    e.g I should do this because it is my responsibility

    • Be supposed to (+) external wish

    e.g I am supposed to do this because my boss will angry if I don’t finish it

    • May (+) internal wish

    e.g May I sleep now? Because I feel sleepy

    • Be allowed to (+) external wish

    e.g Am I allowed to borrow your car? My father asks me to pick him up

    • Be used to   ® Dulu terbiasa

    He was used to smoking

    • Sekarang terbiasa

    He is used to smoking

    • Akan terbiasa

    He will be used to smoking


    1. Digunakan untuk memunculkan past tense pada modal Kloter II

    e.g   HE SLEEPS

    (can K.II) Simple past                        : he was allowed to sleep

    Past Continuous       : he was allowed to sleep


    NB :   Jika fisik sama antara Spontaneity and conclusion, dibedakan melalui :

    1. Kronologi

    • Spontaneity : suggestion for motivation/ advisability for a better result
    • Conclusion : summary of the former action


    He failed the exam

    He should have studied hard

    He was the best student


    He always fails the exam

    He should study

    He is the best student


    1. Adverb dan fungsi tenses

    • You can come here everyday
    • I must go now
    • Calcium can decrease the risk of osteophorosis
    • I can help you
    • You had to study when your parents came in order that your parents weren’t be angry with you
    • After you took Bussiness Program , you could have taken Mangement Program.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!


    Related Posts:

    Part 1:Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar

    43 Contoh soal Agreement (Grammar Online learning)

  • Contoh soal Agreement (Grammar Online learning)

    Contoh soal Agreement (Grammar Online learning)

    43 Contoh soal Agreement (Grammar Online learning)

    www.sekolahbahasainggris.com-Ingin Sukses mempelajari Grammar Bahasa Inggris tentang agreement? Berlatihlah hanya di SBI!!!

    43 Contoh soal Agreement (Grammar Online learning)
    43 Contoh soal Agreement (Grammar Online learning)


    Underline the correct answer

    1. My mom (reads, read) a short story to my little sister every night.
    2. Loving you with all my heart (are, is) a crime.
    3. Equality between men and women (was, were) often not taken for granted in the past.
    4. On the wall (was, were) several posters.
    5. This year’s deficit, together with those of previous years, (has, have) caused the company to go bankrupt.
    6. The poor (do, does) not have the same right to be here.
    7. To show what he feels (need, needs) a long time.
    8. Twenty dollars (is, are) too expensive to buy the bag.
    9. Sometimes what we face (is, are) never as beautiful as what we want.
    10. The police (has, have) just caught the thieves.
    11. Who (was, were) at the party?
    12. There (was, were) no one.
    13. Here (is, are) the news stories you asked.
    14. In my country, every house (has, have) a big stone fence.
    15. There (is, are) a lot of problems that (needs, need) to be discussed.
    16. Where (do, does) Dicky’s friends live?
    17. Maya and Alya (has, have) been here for 2 months.
    18. The star of the show (acts, act) very well, and so (does, do) all the other members of the cast.
    19. Everybody (are, is) coming to see the play.
    20. The shoes he always wear (was, were) stolen last night.


    Underline the correct answer

    1. My mom (reads, read) a short story to my little sister every night.
    2. Loving you with all my heart (are, is) a crime.
    3. Equality between men and women (was, were) often not taken for granted in the past.
    4. On the wall (was, were) several posters.
    5. This year’s deficit, together with those of previous years, (has, have) caused the company to go bankrupt.
    6. The poor (do, does) not have the same right to be here.
    7. To show what he feels (need, needs) a long time.
    8. Twenty dollars (is, are) too expensive to buy the bag.
    9. Sometimes what we face (is, are) never as beautiful as what we want.
    10. The police (has, have) just caught the thieves.
    11. Who (was, were) at the party?
    12. There (was, were) no one.
    13. Here (is, are) the news stories you asked.
    14. In my country, every house (has, have) a big stone fence.
    15. There (is, are) a lot of problems that (needs, need) to be discussed.
    16. Where (do, does) Dicky’s friends live?
    17. Maya and Alya (has, have) been here for 2 months.
    18. The star of the show (acts, act) very well, and so (does, do) all the other members of the cast.
    19. Everybody (are, is) coming to see the play.
    20. The shoes he always wear (was, were) stolen last night.


    Find the errors in these sentences

    1. She did not know where most of the people in the room was from.
    2. It is impossible to believe that everybody actually admire that man.
    3. Every man, woman, and child are required to sign the forms in order to complete the registration

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!


    Related Posts:

    Part 1:Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar

    1000 Contoh, Pengertian,dan Rumus Mudah Past Continuous Tense