Kategori: Exercise&Test

  • 1001 Contoh Soal Latihan Grammar Bahasa Inggris Part 2

    1001 Contoh Soal Latihan Grammar Bahasa Inggris Part 2

    1001 Contoh Soal Latihan Grammar Bahasa Inggris Part 2

    SekolahbahasainggrisSetelah sebelumnya kalian berlatih soal grammar keperawatan Part 1, nah sekarang admin akan membagikan soal grammar keperawatan part 2. Selamat berlatih sahabat SBI:

    With who, what, where, write the questions:

    1. A nurse does major surgery





    1. A nurse works in shift in hospital





    1. Radiologist works in pediatric wards





    1. The children play the toy of medical instruments




    1. I am professional nurse





    Vocabularies find the Indonesian meaning

    1. Cough=>>






    1. Irritate=>




    1. Make an Adjective (-al,ic, ical)






    Translate the following sentences into English

    1. Siapa yang membantu anda berjalan?


    1. Obat apa yang membuat anda alergi?


    1. Siapa yang merawat anda hari ini, Mr.Jono?


    1. Makanan apa yang membuat anda merasa ingin muntah?


    1. Siapa yang membantu anda berjalan?


    1. Obat apa yang sudah anda berikan kepada pasien itu , sus?


    1. Dimana kah ruang ICU berada?


    1. Sudahkah anda berolahraga hari ini, Tomi?


    1. Berapa harikah saya harus dirawat di sini, dok?


    1. Apakah obat untuk mengobati penyakit diabetes itu?


    1. Apa sajakah gejal yang kamu rasakan selama ini,Budi?


    1. Sudahkah kamu menyuntikan insulin kepada pasien itu?


  • Grammar Exercise 3: Combination With Go and Come

    Grammar Exercise 3: Combination With Go and Come

    Grammar Exercise 3: Combination With Go and Come

    www.sekolahbahasaingggris.com – Grammar adalah sub materi yang mengharuskan kita untuk banyak berlatih mengerjakan soal. Nah kali soalnya tentang Go dan Come.

    Grammar Exercise 3: Combination With Go and Come
    Grammar Exercise 3: Combination With Go and Come


    1. She goes………a lot because she is popular and has a good many friends.

              Jawab: She goes out a lot because she is popular and has a good many friends.

    Yuk berlatih soal dibawah ini:

    1. It was some time before Sonny came……. last year after being knocked out.
    2. Hendry had to wait for permission from Town Council before Hendry could go……..with his plans.
    3. He came………..to my way of thinking after a good deal of argument.
    4. The bull went……the dog and tossed him over the wall.
    5. He had a sandwich and a cup of coffee, then went……… working till twelve.
    6. It’s no use trying to keep it secret; it’s sure to come…………in the end.
    7. I went…….the proposal very carefully with my solicitor and finally decided not to accept their offer.
    8. The gun went…….by accident and wounded him in the leg.
    9. The question of salary increase will be coming……….at the next forum meeting.
    10. Long skirts went…… years ago.
    11. She went………. A beauty contest she only got a consolation prize.
    12. Those rust marks will come…… if you rub them with lemon.
    13. The price of fruit usually goes……in summer in England.
    14. If there isn’t enough soup to go in this breakfast…….just put some juices in it.
    15. She saw me across the room, she came……..me, and said that someone wanted to see me.
    16. The early colonist went…….many hardships.
    17. You can’t go…….your promise now; we are depending on you.
    18. I have changed my mind about marrying him; I simply can’t go………it.
    19. The aeroplane crashed and went……in flames.
    20. He came…….. a fortune last year.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!


    Baca Juga:

    1000 Penjelasan Lengkap Spoof Text Dan Contohnya

    1000 Tips Belajar Grammar Bahasa Inggris Mudah dan Cepat!

  • Grammar Exercise 2: Combination With Look and Keep

    Grammar Exercise 2: Combination With Look and Keep

    Grammar Exercise 2: Combination With Look and Keep

    www.sekolahbahasaingggris.com – Grammar adalah submateri yang mengharuskan kitauntuk banyak berlatih mengerjakan soal. Nah kali soalnya tentang Look dan Keep.

    Grammar Exercise 2: Combination With Look and Keep
    Grammar Exercise 2: Combination With Look and Keep


    1.Adi looks…… me because I spend my holidays in Blackpool instead of going abroad.

    Jawab: Adi looks down on for me because I spend my holidays in Blackpool instead of going abroad.

    Yuk berlatih soal dibawah ini:

    1. Rony wanted to talk to Sony but Sony kept…….. working and refused to listen.
    2. Aldi is a good secretary but Aldi is kept……. By his ignorance of languages.
    3. The country was in state of rebellion in 1945 and was only kept…….by in 1945 repressive measures.
    4. Look……. The cute boy baby while I am out.
    5. Budi kept…… all the persons who had come to school late.
    6. You must look….. and make plans for the future.
    7. ‘Keep……..!’ he said. ‘Don’t come any nearer.’
    8. If Budi and I look……it carefully Budi and I will see the mark.
    9. Rara told the children in room 202 to keep……….the room 201 that was being painted yesterday.
    10. Looking……..Dody and I see now all the mistakes Sony and I made when we was younger.
    11. I have started getting up at Four a.m. to study but I don’t know if I can keep this………
    12. Renaldy had an unhappy childhood and Renaldy never looks……. On it every moment with any pleasure.
    13. The man with red T-shirt walked so fast that Budi couldn’t keep………him.
    14. Anita looked……..to see who was following her.
    15. There were so many panes of glass broken that the windows in our green class couldn’t keep…….the rain on last Monday.
    16. We’ve been looking……. a cup to match the one we broke.
    17. Look…….. him at the station. He’ll be at the bookstall.
    18. Look………. You and Willy nearly knocked my cup out of my hand.
    19. He was kept……in his research by lack of money.
    20. Look….. on your way home and tell me what happened.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    1000 Tips Belajar Grammar Bahasa Inggris Mudah dan Cepat!

    100 Slogan dalam Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pendidikan+Artinya

  • Grammar Exercise 1: Combination With Get and Be

    Grammar Exercise 1: Combination With Get and Be

    Grammar Exercise 1: Combination With Get and Be

    www.sekolahbahasaingggris.com – Grammar adalah sub materi yang mengharuskan kita untuk banyak berlatih mengerjakan soal. Nah kali ini soalnya tentang Get dan Be.

    Grammar Exercise 1: Combination With Get and Be
    Grammar Exercise 1: Combination With Get and Be

    Yuk berlatih soal dibawah ini:

    1. A: Is Annisa in?

              B: No,She is………. And will not be……..till 7.20a.m

    1. A: What shall Doni and I do now?

              B: You all are ……… keeping quite and saying nothing

    1. If Susi got……..Susi works instead of talking, she’d be finished in half the time
    2. Sammy promised to act as keeper, so Sonny afraid he can’t get…………it now.
    3. Sally wants to do all the work herself but I don’t think she is………….it.
    4. Agil leaves her car at a parking meter for over three hours and always gets ………it. When I do that, I am fined.
    5. Father doesn’t think they’ll be……yet. It’s only 6 o’clock in the morning.
    6. They didn’t want the news of their party to get…….till it was officially announced.
    7. The office closes early on Saturday and we get……… at Six o’clock instead of six.
    8. If Mina and Soib don’t give the children something to do in that case, it’ll be……….. some mischief.
    9. The red bike stopped in front of the exchange office and three men with revolvers got….
    10. Winda is a friendly girl who gets…… everyone she meets.
    11. As soon as the examinations are…… We are going awayon holiday.
    12. It took her along time to get……. A case of the death of her father.
    13. We usually get…….a play among ourselves at the end of the term.
    14. I’m going to Berlin on business and I shall be….. for aweek.
    15. Tommy hasn’t been working; Tommy won’t get…….. his exams.
    16. The police knew Budi had committed the crime but Budi got……. As there was not enough evidence on the investigation against him.
    17. A: Shall I marry her?

              B: Well it is…… you. I can’t very well decide for you.

    1. Shinta and I tried to ring him up but we couldn’t get…….. Shinta and I think some of the lines in that moment are down after last night’s storm.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Further Posts:

    20 Vocabulary Corner: Around home (Di Sekitar Rumah)

    1000 Contoh, Pengertian, dan Rumus Kalimat Present Perfect Tense

  • Latihan Translation 1: Mengidentifikasi Unsur-Unsur Kalimat

    Latihan Translation 1: Mengidentifikasi Unsur-Unsur Kalimat

    Latihan Translation 1: Mengidentifikasi Unsur-Unsur Kalimat

    SekolahbahasainggrisPada artikel kali ini kalian kan berlatih soal-soal grammar bahasa Inggris dengan mengidentifikasikan unsur-unsur kalimat di dalamnya.

    Soal translation bukanlah soal yang mudah untuk dikerjakan tanpa adanya latihan berulang-ulang kali sehingga mendapatkan gaya penerjemahan yang baik dan benar. Jika kalian melihat penerjemahan suatu bahasa itu merupakan pekerjaan yang dibayar cukup mahal, karena pekerjaan itu harus membutuhkan pengetahuan yang cukup tentang suatu bahasa.

    Latihan Translation 1: Mengidentifikasi Unsur-Unsur Kalimat
    Latihan Translation 1: Mengidentifikasi Unsur-Unsur Kalimat

    Nah, admin kali ini akan memberikan tips dan contoh sebelum kalian mengerjakan soal.


    • In 2015, The Careless wasting of Indonesian natural resources is a great loss


    In 2015=Adverb

    The Careless wasting of Indonesian natural resources= Subject

    Is= To be

    A great loss= Kata Benda

    Yuk dikerjakan soal dibawah ini:

    Latihan 1; Identifikasikanlah unsur-unsur “Subjek”, “To be”, “PP”, dalam kalimat dibwah ini, lalu artikanlah kalimatnya:

    1. The President Candidates who apply for the position in the election taking a rest.
    2. Are we approaching the limit of the number of people the earth can hold in the next 100 years?
    3. If the advancement of modern technology like smartphone is not controlled, human beings are in danger.
    4. Some of the fallen Rambutan trees along the street were not brought by the trucks
    5. The important and critical point in a child’s growth that they must have is observed by scientists.
    6. The characteristics in social dimension that society have that we know are thoroughly compared.
    7. When are the results of the poet’s competition announcement?
    8. The marketer is mainly interested in seeing that supply in some product and also its demand are equal to each other.
    9. We are to finish the decoration work as soon as boss wants.
    10. The problem is how much the physic teacher could motivate his students to get good mark.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    1000 Tips Belajar Grammar Bahasa Inggris Mudah dan Cepat!

    1000 Pengetahuan Tentang Hortatory Exposition Text

  • Contoh Soal “Who,” “Whom” and “Whose” Lengkap

    Contoh Soal “Who,” “Whom” and “Whose” Lengkap

    www.sekolahbahasainggris.com –Setelah memahami cara penggunaan “Who,” “Whom” and “Whose.” Kali ini rekan SBI ditantang untuk mengetes pemahaman kalian tenteng penggunaannya dengan menyelesaikan latihan soal di bawah ini.

     100 Contoh Soal Who, Whom and Whose Lengkap

    Pilihlah jawaban yang benar untuk setiap gap bawah, lalu klik tombol “Check” untuk memeriksa jawaban Anda.

    1. _____ bring this bag?
    1. _____ are we going to school?
    1. _____ food is on the table?
    1. It doesn’t look like this is the right way. _____ did you ask for directions?
    1. He have one extra tickets for the movie. _____ wants to go with him?
    1. It wasn’t me! I have no idea _____ left the stove on.
    1. _____ cab is parked in the alley? The cab is being towed.
    1. The police have called in a detective to identify _____ everything messed up at the location.
    1. Do you remember _____ took the book from my desk when I was eating at the cafe? Was it Roni
    1. Elisa couldn’t remember the name of the teacher _____ the hair is ponytailed at the high school.
    1. He know exactly _____ he is going to choose in the upcoming election.
    1. That’s the person _____ spent 20 years living with the Eskimos in the Artic.
    1. He is the girl_____ he talks about in every conversation.
    1. Can you please tell me the names of the girl _____ helped you maintaining the caompany?
    1. The circuit is being renamed in honor of Marco Simonceli, _____ the riding skill, spirit, and soul keeps peoples to love the most prestigious motorcycle race in the world.

    Semoga berhasil rekan SBI!!!!

  • Sentence Structure Test:The Exercise Part 1

    Sentence Structure Test:The Exercise Part 1

    Sentence Structure Test:The Exercise Part 1

    Sentence Structure Test:The Exercise Part 1
    Sentence Structure Test:The Exercise Part 1

    www.sekolahbahasainggris.com-Only one of the following is correct. In the other four there should either be two sentences where there is now one, or one where there are now two. Rewrite them correctly.

    1. The repeated drenching in the icy water had had this effects on him his handsome coat was bedraggled.
    2. He feraed the beating. He knew to be waiting for him.
    3. John trembled. Waiting for the punishment to fall upon him.
    4. Each dog was fastened to the sled by a single rope. And also No two ropes were of the same length.
    5. Fortune seemed to favour him always when hardest pressed for food he found something to kill.


    Bearing in mind that a sentence expresses a complete thought and must have a subject and verb, whilst a phrase expresses an incomplete thought, has no verb and does the work of an adjective or adverb, decide which each of the following is:

    1. In the abandoned lair.
    2. He settled down
    3. During the early summer months
    4. He meet Lip-lip!
    5. Beware!
    6. Along the base of a high bluff
    7. How they fought!
    8. With a patience huge with hunger
    9. Into the scrawny throat of Lip-lip
    10. Clara resumed her course along the base of the bluff.


    Below is a list of condensed sentences. They are really complete, though certain words are omitted and have to be understood. When these understood words are inserted you will see that each sentence has its usual subject and verb. Thus you must be quick! Insert in square brackets the understood words in each sentence overleaf.

    1. Quick!
    2. Many happy returns!
    3. At once!
    4. All together!
    5. Jam, please.
    6. Thank you!
    7. Not today, young man!
    8. Gangway, please!
    9. Heads under!
    10. Where?


    Good Luck SBI’s Friends!!!

    Related Posts:

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    100 Kosa Kata Bahasa Inggris + Cara Pengucapannya

  • Sentence Structure: What is a sentence?

    Sentence Structure: What is a sentence?

    Sentence Structure: What is a sentence?

    www.sekolahbahasainggris.com- What is a sentence in a paragraph? To clarify that a sentences’ meaning you must know the fact that sentence is a part of every form in a paragraph that become into one.

    Sentence Structure: What is a sentence?
    Sentence Structure: What is a sentence?

    The right sentences is when it has a subject and predicate and there is dot in the end of the sentences.

    For the example:

    1. I am happy.
    2. Emtris Works.
    3. Clara Studies.

    Even in the sentences above they do not have any objects, commas, and other adverbs that may able to be added in the sentences above. But the element above is enough to be said as “sentences”. Tio understand that a sentences just need at least a subject and a verb or predicate is as the pillar that no sentences without one or both two elements.

    For the example:

    1. I in the bathroom
    2. You crazy.
    3. The trees, the eagles, the grass, the flower, in the garden

    If you see the wrong example above that shows like in the number 1 you will see no verbs or predicates there. So this is a wrong sentence. And for the number 2 and number 3 are same. There are no verbs in the sentences.

    By looking these rules you can understand that sentences must have a subject and a verb.


    State whether the subject word or the verb is missing in the sentences, and fill the blank suitably.

    1. …………come before a fall season.
    2. Tris………………weak with hunger.
    3. By the middle of the third weeks he………………continuously for his works.
    4. The phone on the table……….
    5. How thickly fell…………..!

    Say why each of the following is not a complete sentence, and then make it complete:

    1. Possession seven points of the law.
    2. Stolen fruits the sweetest.
    3. Two wrongs not a right.
    4. Lends enchantment to the view.
    5. Atomic energy for the industry in peace time.
    6. Ran a mile in four minutes.

    Good Luck SBI’s Friends!!!

    Related Posts:

    English Learning: Practice Spelling Test Part 1

    1000 Contoh CV Professional Dalam Bahasa Inggris

  • English Learning: Practice Spelling Test Part 1

    English Learning: Practice Spelling Test Part 1

    English Learning: Practice Spelling Test Part 1

    www.sekolahbahasainggris.com– Remember that in adding the prefix mis- or dis- (which usually give a word its opposite meaning) you never get a double “s” unless the word to which you are adding already begins with an “s”;

    English Learning: Practice Spelling Test Part 1
    English Learning: Practice Spelling Test Part 1

    e.g: fire- misfire; please- displease; but spell- misspell; satisfy- dissatisfy.

    Can you spell these words?

    1. Misprint
    2. Disrespect
    3. Dissatisfy
    4. Disqualify
    5. Misinform
    6. Misbelieve
    7. Miscalculate
    8. Misstatement
    9. Disrelish
    10. Misgovernment
    11. Displacement
    12. Mispronunciation
    13. Disservice
    14. Misshapen
    15. Dissimilar


    Form new words from these by using the prefix dis- or mis. Check your answer with a dictionary.

    1. Doing (mis)
    2. Arm (dis)
    3. Direct (mis)
    4. Courage (dis)
    5. Connect
    6. Believe
    7. Deed
    8. Fortune
    9. Continue
    10. Place
    11. Comfort
    12. Spell
    13. Understand
    14. Arrange
    15. Demeanour
    16. State

    “c” and “g” are usually pronounced as hard sounds beore “a”, “o” and “u”;

    e.g. : cat, cousin,custard, gander, gondola,gush. But before “I”.:e: and “y” they are usually pronounced as soft sounds: e.g. cine,a, certain,cycle, giant, gentle, gymnast.

    Consequently if a word ends in a hard “c” (mimic) and we wish to add “ing”, we insert a ‘k” first, to keep the “c” hard; e.g. mimic-mimicking; but mimic-mimicry.

    Similarly, we insert a “u” to keep a “g” hard; e.g. Portugal-portuguese.

    On the other hand if we wish to keep a “c” or “g” soft, we insert an “I” or “e”; e.g. courage-courageous; malice-malicious.

    1. Exams:

    Can you spell these?

    1. Musical
    2. Picnic
    3. Picknicking
    4. Frolic
    5. Frolicking
    6. Frolicsome
    7. Guest
    8. Guilty
    9. Guard
    10. Guinea
    11. League
    12. Vengeance
    13. Catalogue
    14. Dialogue
    15. Fatigue
    16. Tongue
    17. Rogue
    18. Roguish
    19. Religious
    20. Outrageous
    21. Gracious
    22. Arctic
    23. Portuguese
    24. Guarantee



    Good Luck SBI’s Friends!!!

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