Kategori: English Text

  • Cerita Legenda Nyi Roro Kidul Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Cerita Legenda Nyi Roro Kidul Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Cerita Legenda Nyi Roro Kidul Dalam Bahasa Inggris – Sahabat-sahabat SBI tentu pernah mendengar tentang mitos Nyi Roro Kidul. Dibawah ini adalah cerita legenda Nyi Roro Kidul Dalam Bahasa Inggris. Check This Out.

    Once Upon A Time, there was a beautiful woman named  Kadita. Because of her beauty, she is often called the Dewi Srengenge, which means that the sun was shining brightly. Kadita is the daughter of King Munding Wangi. Although Kadita has a very pretty face, the king was upset because he did not have a son who could be prepared to be the next king.

    After that, the king decided to marry the Dewi Mutiara, and born baby boy. However, after getting a lot of attention, Dewi Mutiara started asking a lot of demands, such as ensuring that their children will be people who will replace the king and the Kadita should be expelled from the palace. The first demand is met, but the king did not want to drive out the Kadita. Knowing the answer to the king, Dewi Mutiara sweet smile, so the king’s anger slowly disappearing. But, she has a grudge in his heart.

    The next morning, Dewi Mutiara ask witch. His name Jahil. He ordered Jahil to send witchcraft to the Kadita. Ignorant receiving orders. When  Kadita was sleeping tight, the wind came into her room. The fetid wind, like a carcass. When  Kadita woke up, she was surprised that the full body got ulcers.

    The news came to the ears of King Munding Wangi. He’s really sad. He knew that the  Kadita not not in keadaam common pain but it is a magic. He considers that the planned Dewi Mutiara. However, it is difficult to prove. He had to take a decision in poor condition. He wondered what he should do to  Kadita. Due to the insistence of counsel, his daughter should be thrown away so as not to be a disgrace.

    Then,  Kadita go alone like a beggar who was expelled from the house of the rich. Her heart broke into pieces. She sobbed. But, she still believed that God would not let him be mocked by others. God’s help will come soon.

    Cerita Legenda Nyi Roro Kidul Dalam Bahasa Inggis

    One night, she runs and it was the seventh night he went through until he arrived at the coast of the southern sea. She stood up and saw the extent of sea south coast and she seemed to hear a voice that told him to get closer to the sea. Kadita followed the sound and she hit the water, his body recovered. He became a beautiful woman as before. Not only that, she will set the sea and build a great and wonderful empire. Now, she is referred to as the Queen of the South Seas or Nyi Roro Kidul.

  • Contoh Review Text (Sinopsis) Film Fast & Furious 7 2015 Terbaru

    Contoh Review Text (Sinopsis) Film Fast & Furious 7 2015 Terbaru

    Contoh Review Text (Sinopsis) Film Fast & Furious 7 2015 Terbaru – Tepat tanggal bulan april 2015 ini, bioskop di seluruh Indonesia menayangkan film “Fast & Furious 7 terbaru, tentu film ini sangat mengundang antusiasme masyarakat. Karena kita tidak asing lagi dengan cerita Film ini. Berikut ini contoh review text “Fast & Furious 7. Check This out!


    Fast & Furious 7. Quality and excitement in the movie “Fast & Furious” is not in doubt. In each series the movie Fast & Furious is waited andby  anticipated million lovers all over the world. The film featured a suspenseful and action scenes ingenuity in any resolve the problem, it is natural if the fans are expecting a continuation and for the continuation of the Fast & Furious.

    On November 1, the official trailer continuation Fast & Furious series officially released, but this time series titled “Furious 7”. The news of this was the emergence of the official trailer makes the whole lovers can not wait to watch the full drama in this film. This trailer can be regarded as the best trailer of “Fast & Furious”, this trailer showing thrilling action series of premium class cars that parachuted from a plane to hunt down cargo trucks carrying people in it. Not to forget, the late Paul Walker as Brian O’Conner who plays appear in the scene. Hollywood Movies List Released April 2015

    Curiosity in the Furious series 7 will also present a new action that replaces the late actor Paul Walker. Because we all know, Paul Walker got tragic accident that caused his life was not saved. It makes management Fast & Furious looking for a replacement actor Paul Walker as much as possible to have similarities.

    review text


    Synopsis Furious 7. Because this is an ongoing series of films, of course we all know, the film Furious 7 will continue the story of the previous movie, namely Fast & Furious 6 previous Acts tells where the team leader named Dom (Vin Diesel) successful rescue his beloved Ortiz ( Michelle Rodriguez) out of the hands of criminals, Owen Shaw (Luke Evans).

    The success of Dom (Van Diesel) in rescue his girlfriend and beat Shaw (Luke Evans) it raises a new problem, it is true revenge will not solve a problem. However, without rancor, the series an action movie would not be sustainable. Family is everything, perhaps the fact that the underlying nature of the actor who played Jason Statham. Feeling not accept the defeat received by his brother, Owen, played by Jason Statham was getting revenge.

    The film ‘Fast and Furious 7’ still with Dominic Toretto and Brian O’Conner implement new missions, namely rescue a girl. While the girl who will be saved, played by Michelle Rodriguez. In order to prevent the story becomes disoriented, Screenwriter Chris Morgan decided to make a departure scene character Brian O’Connor (Paul Walker).

  • Contoh Discussion Text tentang Kenaikan BBM 2015 Beserta Artinya

    Contoh Discussion Text tentang Kenaikan BBM 2015 Beserta Artinya

    Contoh Discussion Text tentang Kenaikan BBM 2015 Beserta Artinya – Baik sahabat SBI yang super, Dalam kesempatan ini saya akan mencoba berbagi contoh discussion text singkat tentang kenaikan BBM 2015. Berikut ini adalah contoh discussion text kenaikan BBM 2015. Semoga bisa membantu teman-teman dalam mempelajari discussion text.

    Fuel prices in Indonesia are always an interesting topic for discussion. There are various viewpoints out community respond to the fuel price hike in 2015 during the last few months.

    Community groups who agree with premium fuel price increase from Rp 6,800 / ltr to Rp 7,300 / ltr while diesel from Rp6.400 / ltr to Rp 6,900 / ltr of the opinion that the allocation of subsidies for this misses the point. They told the government subsidy should be allocated into other budgets, such as health, education and infrastructure development. Jokowi President has also prepared three magic cards to approximately 16 million poor and near poor. three magic cards are prosperous family card (PSC), Indonesia smart card (KIP), and healthy Indonesia card (KIS).

    But for community groups who balked fuel price hike saying that automatically rise in fuel will create rising prices of basic necessities, even today some food commodity prices began to rise. In addition, there are many small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are the losers and it is definitely a lot of termination of employment (FLE) in enterprises increasingly high unemployment. They also have the opinion that the Indonesian government is currently deceive the people by plotting the state budget (Budget) for based on the assumption of oil price of 108 dollars per barrel, whereas the current world oil prices fell to 85 dollars. Even still expected to drop again around 70 dollars As. However, why pemerintahIndonesia actually increase fuel prices?

    It seems that the Indonesian government policy surrender fuel prices to the world market price would be a debate that continues from year to year. As an intelligent society we must still respond to the government’s policy for the welfare of the people regardless of its form well.

    Contoh Discussion Text Kenaikan BBM 2015

    Terjemahan Dalam Bahasa Indonesia

    Harga BBM selalu menjadi topik yang menarik untuk dibicarakan. Ada berbagai macam sudut pandang masyarakat keluar menanggapi kenaikan BBM 2015 selama beberapa bulan terakhir ini.

    Golongan masyarakat yang setuju dengan kenaikan harga bbm premium yang semula Rp 6.800/ltr menjadi Rp 7.300/ltr sedangkan solar dari Rp6.400 /ltr menjadi Rp 6.900/ltr memiliki pendapat bahwa alokasi subsidi BBM selama ini tidak tepat sasaran. Mereka mengataka subsidi pemerintah seharusnya dialokasikan kedalam anggaran yang lainnya, seperti kesehatan, pembangunan infrastruktur dan pendidikan. Presiden Jokowi juga sudah mempersiapkan tiga kartu sakti untuk sekitar 16 juta rakyat miskin dan hampir miskin. tiga kartu sakti tersebut adalah kartu keluarga sejahtera (KKS), kartu Indonesia pintar (KIP), dan kartu Indonesia sehat (KIS).

    Namun untuk golongan masayarakat yang menolak keras kenaikan harga BBM mengatakan bahwa secara otomatis kenaikan bbm akan membuat harga kebutuhan pokok naik, bahkan saat ini sejumlah komoditas pangan harganya mulai naik. Selain itu, banyak terdapat usaha kecil menengah (UKM) yang merugi dan sudah pasti terjadi banyak pemutusan hubungan kerja (PHK) di perusahaan-perusahaan angka pengangguran semakin tinggi. Mereka pun memiliki pendapat bahwa pemerintah Indonesia saat ini sedang menipu rakyat dengan menyusun rencana anggaran pendapatan dan belanja negara (RAPBN) berdasarkan asumsi harga minyak dunia sebesar 108 dollar AS per barrel, padahal harga minyak dunia saat ini turun menjadi 85 dollar AS. Bahkan masih diperkirakan akan turun lagi kisaran 70 dollar As. Namun, kenapa pemerintahIndonesia  justru menaikkan harga BBM ?

    Kelihatannya kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia yang menyerahkan harga BBM ke harga pasar dunia akan menjadi sebuah polemik yang terus berlanjut dari tahun ke tahun. Sebagai masyarakat yang cerdas kita harus tetap merespon kebijakan pemerintah untuk kesejahteraan rakyat apapun bentuknya dengan baik.




    Opini adalah kata yang hampir selalu berdampingan dengan kata fakta dan keduanya memliki perbedaan yang sangat signifikan baik dalam Bahasa Indonesia maupun Bahasa Inggris.  Dalam artikel kali ini admin akan menjelaskan keduanya baik dari pengertiannya maupun melalui contoh – contoh kalimat opini dan fakta dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk membedakan antara keduanya.

    Opini bersifat pendapat atau ide untuk menggambarkan kecenderungan akan tetapi bersifat tidak objektif karena belum mendapatkan kepastian atau belum diuji. Meskipun bukan sebuah fakta tetapi opini yang dapat dibuktikan, maka opini tersebut akan menjadi sebuah fakta. Sedangkan Pengertian Fakta adalah segala sesuatu yang nyata yang terbukti dan telah menjadi kenyataan.

    Dari pengertian Fakta dan Opini  dapat bahwa opini adalah lawan dari fakta dan dibawah ini adalah contoh kalimat opini dan contoh kalimat fakta dalam Bahasa Inggris.

    Examples Opinion ( Contoh Opini )

    • The food tastes better if it added a little sugar
    • The room was very narrow class
    • Jakarta is the most beautiful city in Indonesia
    • If I live in Jakarta, it would have been more fun
    • You have not to wear this cloth at this place
    • This place is so haunted
    • After running 50 m, We must be tired.

    Example Facts ( Contoh Fakta )

    • Sukarno was the first president of Indonesia
    • Denpasar is the capital of Bali
    • Mount Merapi has erupted more than once
    • The sun sets in the west and rises in the east
    • One hour consists of 60 minutes
    • Indonesia is an archipelago
    • My father is a teacher
    • Earth is round

    contoh fakta dan opini dalam bahasa inggris

    Dari contoh – contoh kalimat di atas dapat diketahui perbedaan antara kalimat opini dan kalimat fakta yaitu:

    Facts ( Fakta )

    1. Kebenarannya bersifat Objektif
    2. Merupakan kenyataan yang sebenarnya terjadi
    3. Terdapat data yang valid sebagai pendukung

    Opinion ( Opini )

    1. Kebenarannya bersifat subyektif
    2. Menunjukkan peristiwa yang belum terjadi
    3. Belum adanya data pendukung

    Oke sekian penjelasan dan contoh kalimat opini dan fakta. Semoga bermanfaat bagi sahabat – sahabat SBI dirumah.

  • Kumpulan Announcement Text Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru Beserta Artinya

    Kumpulan Announcement Text Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru Beserta Artinya

    Kumpulan Announcement Text Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru Beserta Artinya – teks pengumuman atau announcement text biasanya memberikan informasi tentang sebuah acara atau mengumumkan sesuatu kepada orang banyak. Ada banyak sekali jenis jenis pengumuman atau announcement text yang sering kita temui mungkin salah satunya adalah pengumuman mading sekolah.Pada kesempatan kali ini admin akan membahas pengertian dari announcement text. Admin juga akan memberikan beberapa contoh announcement text sebagai referensi belajar bahasa inggris anda. Untuk lebih jelasnya langsung saja simak penjelasan mengenai announcement text dalam bahasa inggris dibawah ini.

    Pengertian announcement text

    announcement text atau pengumuman adalah sebuah pemberitahuan yang dibuat untuk publik dan disebarkan kepada orang banyak. Biasanya dalam pengumuman berisi sebuah produk atau sebuah acara. Sebagai contohnya, dalam sebuah sekolah akan mengadakan lomba futsal antar kelas yang akan diadakan pada akhir mingu ini, maka panitia lomba tersebut akan membuat sebuah pengumuman kepada siswa siswa mereka untuk memberitahu waktu dan tata cara pemdaftaran lomba tersebut dan syarat apa saja yang harus dipenuhi untuk mengikuti lomba tersebut.

    Dibawah ini adalah beberapa contoh announcement text atau pengumuman dalam bahasa inggris dengan bermacam-macam tema. Selamat mmbaca dan semoga membantu sahabat SBI dirumah.

    Contoh announcement disekolah


    to all grade 11 students to attend additional lessons that will hold on the date of 24/03/2015. For those who have not enrolled are expected to fill the registration form in the Office.

    All students are required to take an additional class to be successful in national exam.

    Arti bahasa indonesia


    Untuk siswa kelas 11 untuk menghadiri pelajaran tambahan yang akan dimulai pada tanggal 24/03/2015. Bagi siswa yang belum mendaftarkan diri diharapkan untuk datang mengisi formulir pendaftaran di kantor tata usaha.

    Seluruh siswa diwajibkan untuk mengikuti kelas tambahan demi sukses dalam ujian nasional.

    kumpulan announcement text beserta artinya

    Contoh Announcement Tempat belajar


    We Provide Math course (Erlangga Course). The course has been professional and established since 2008. We provide a wide range of Math language course material. We accept all students who want to be Clever in Math.

    Immediately register yourself at our courses:
    Address: Kamboja Street Metro, Lampung.

    Immediately Register Yourself.

    Terjemahan bahasa indonesia

    Pengumuman !

    Dibuka tempat kursus Matematika (Erlangga Course). Tempat kursus yang sudah profesional dan berdiri sejak 2007. Kami memberikan berbagai materi kursus Matematika. Kami menerima semua siswa yang berminat untuk mahir dalam Matematika.

    Segera daftarkan diri anda di tempat kursus kami:
    Alamat: Jalan Kamboja 6B Metro.

    Segera Daftarkan Diri Anda Sebelum Terlambat.

  • Contoh Procedure Text Cara Membuat Donat Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Contoh Procedure Text Cara Membuat Donat Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Contoh Procedure Text Cara Membuat Donat Dalam Bahasa Inggris – Dalam artikel sebelumnya sudah dijelaskan tentang pengertian procedure text beserta generic structure dan social functionnya. Namun dalam artikel ini  kita akan langsung belajar tentang cara membuat donut. Cara membuat donut atau how to make a doughnut adalah salah satu contoh procedure text, karena di dalamnya memuat langkah-langkah bagaimana cara membuat donut. Dalam procedure text, tentunya kita harus menjelaskan bahan-bahan atau materials apa saja yang kita butuhkan dahulu. Baru setelah itu kita menjelaskan step atau langkah pembuatannya dengan kalimat yang singkat namun jelas dan mudah dimengerti. Seperti apa cara membuat donat dalam bahasa Inggris itu? Check This Out.

    procedure text how to make doughnut

    Materials and how to make cake donuts.

    Materials :

    • Wheat flour ½ kg
    • 11 grams of instant yeast ½ pack
    • 4 tablespoons sugar
    • Chicken eggs 2 eggs
    • Boiled water 200 ml
    • Milk powder 3 tablespoons
    • 3 tbsp butter
    • 3 tsp salt
    • butter cream (that donut has a dry texture)
    • Cooking oil to taste.

    As for the decoration of donuts, you can use sugar or flour can also with other ingredients such as cheese, butter, peanuts (chopped), and meisis brown.

    Steps to make the donuts:

    1. Prepare a container (bowl or other) to mix the ingredients for donuts.
    2. Enter the eggs in a container, add also flour, sugar, milk, butter, butter cream, and salt, then whisk all ingredients until well blended. (First batter)
    3. Enter the yeast in the other container, add water, stir
    4. Enter the yeast water into the first mixture, stirring until smooth.
    5. Knead the dough by hand until smooth.
    6. Close the container, let stand about 30 minutes (until the dough).
    7. Form the dough into small spheres (use a tablespoon of that same size), and then save the dough which has been formed on the container that has been previously sprinkle flour. Complete these steps until all the dough is formed.
    8. Let stand back about 20 minutes until dough which had been formed earlier looks swell.
    9. Heat the pan using a small fire, and enter the cooking oil to taste.
    10. Take the dough which had been formed earlier, bolongi middle (donut shape in general), and fry until soft and slightly brown color, remove and drain.
    11. Sprinkle donut that has been fried with flour sugar, or if you want, can also smear the surface with butter then sprinkled on top toping using meisis, cheese, or peanut.
    12. Artificial Doughnut you ready to be served.

  • Contoh Review Text (Resensi) Film Terbaru “Insurgent” (2015)

    Contoh Review Text (Resensi) Film Terbaru “Insurgent” (2015)

    Contoh Review Text (Resensi) Film Terbaru “Insurgent” (2015) – Pada tanggal 20 maret ini, bioskop di seluruh Indonesia mulai menayangkan film Terbaru “The Divergent Series : Insurgent”, – Film “The Divergent Series : Insurgent” adalah film terbaru Hollywood yang diproduksi di tahun 2015 ini. Film berjudul “The Divergent Series : Insurgent” mengangkat genre drama fantasi yang dicampur dengan petualangan. Film “The Divergent Series : Insurgent” ini dibintangi oleh actrees favorit mimin Shailene Woodley, Theo James, Ansel Elgort, Jai Courtney, Kate Winslet, Mekhi Phifer, Miles Teller, Naomi Watts, Octavia Spencer dan Zoe Kravitz.

    Informasi Film Terbaru “The Divergent Series : Insurgent” (2015)

    • Judul : Insurgent (2015)
    • Tanggal Rilis Perdana : 20 Maret 2015
    • Genre : Fantasi, Petualangan
    • Sutradara : Robert Schwentke
    • Penulis : Akiva Goldsmab, Brian Duffiled
    • Produser : Doug Wick, Lucy Fisher, Pouya Shahbazian
    • Produksi : Summit Entertainment
    • Durasi : 119 Menit
    • Rating : Remaja (R)
    • Cast : Shailene Woodley, Theo James, Ansel Elgort, Jai Courtney, Kate Winslet, Mekhi Phifer, Miles Teller, Naomi Watts, Octavia Spencer dan Zoe Kravitz.

     review insurgent

    Sci-fi western titled “The Divergent Series: Insurgent (2015)” This tells the story of a rebel (Insurgent) which raises the stakes Tris seeking allies and answers in the ruins of Chicago futuristic dystopian. Tris, played by (Shalene Woodley) along Four played by (Theo James) being a fugitive.

    They are hunted by Jeanine played by (Kate Winslet), a leader of the Erudite (Scientific) power-hungry elite. With a race with time, they have to figure out what Tris family sacrificed their lives to protect and why leaders Erudite always trying to do anything to stop them.

    Tris themselves dancing allies at once answers related to the destruction of a futuristic Chicago. Tris and Four (Theo James) is now a fugitive being sought by the elite scientific leaders Jeanine (Kate Winslet). Jeanine itself is a scientific leader of the elite who are hungry for power.

    With the selection of flavors haunted past and desperate to protect loved ones, along Tris Four face an impossible challenge for the sake of opening the truth about the past and future end of their world.

  • 1 Contoh Berita Militer Internasional Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    1 Contoh Berita Militer Internasional Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    1 Contoh Berita Militer Internasional Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Jika kalian sedang mencari-cari contoh berita dalam bahasa Inggris. Kalian tepat sekali datang ke website ini. Karena kali ini admin akan membagikan contoh berita dalam bahasa Inggris. Topik berita kali ini yakni tentang militer Internasional.

    1 Contoh Berita Militer Internasional Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    1 Contoh Berita Militer Internasional Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Berita militer merupakan salah satu berita yang banyak dicari oleh masyarakat di seluruh Negara. Penasaran dengan berita militer dalam bahasa Inggris? Yuk disimak berita berikut ini:


    40 Israeli Military Intel Refused To Return Back, Why?

    There are so many problem of Military in Israel. Based on the new report that troops trauma, stress, in rehabilitation, a bleak future, and also much more acute problem is surrounding Israeli soldiers for the war against the Palestinians. Why? This if not soon be overcome with good, then the ability of the Israeli war would be easily defeated again by Palestinian fighters who continue to do a good consolidation.

    This time Israel gets tragedy by retreating military intelligence had strategic position. There were 40 soldiers of intelligence veteran refused re-charge in the Palestinian territories, because they are feeling guilty spying on innocent citizens.

    Rejection is delivered in an open letter which is published in a local newspaper published in Tel Aviv. The letter was signed by 40 veterans and reservists.

    They consist of the officers, a former instructor, and senior non-commissioned officers, military intelligence of a special unit called Unit 8200 is called Yehida Shmoneh-Matayim.

    The unit is separate from the Mossad. In the US and the UK, this unit is equivalent to the NSA and GCHQ.

    Originally they were in charge of collecting data on the people who take the fight against the occupation, and creating divisions among the Palestinian population. The Israeli military would scoop up those who identified Unit 8200, and politically persecuted him.

    Unit 8200 is the biggest task interception of electronic communications, breaking into an email, telephone eavesdropping, and social media glare. Additional task, spying on the military and diplomatic traffic.

    The dissidents say the majority of their tasks not related to the security of Israel, but to control all aspects of Palestinian society.

    “We, as veterans Unit 8200, declare to refused to take part in the action against the Palestinians and the Israeli military a tool mastery over the occupied territories,” the letter states.

    “Palestinian population in the occupied territories actually become victims Israeli espionage,” they continued.

    In Israeli society, the most prestigious Unit 8200. In most of the Jews who had served in this unit work in high-tech sectors, and has a smooth military career to the highest level.

    Haaretz wrote dozens of former Unit 8200 prestigious positions in the Israeli bureaucracy, almost in all sectors; courts, ministries of finance, corporate executives, the largest accounting services company in Israel, scientists, and fill the economic portfolio in each cabinet minister of Israel.

    There is an impression, by Unit 8200 is the chosen people with extraordinary intelligence.

    Bagaimana sahabat SBI? Semoga Artikel diatas dapat kalian jadikan sebagai bahan referensi belajar atau bacaan kalian tentang berita militer dalam bahasa Inggris.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    2015 Contoh Berita Bencana Alam Terkini Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    1001 Contoh Berita Politik Dalam Bahasa Inggris+ Artinya

  • Puisi Bahasa Inggris Tentang Persahabatan Beserta Artinya

    Puisi Bahasa Inggris Tentang Persahabatan Beserta Artinya

    Puisi Bahasa Inggris Tentang Persahabatan Beserta Artinya – Puisi adalah salah satu metode yang tepat untuk mengungkapkan perasaaan  mengenai suatu hal yang berarti atau penting baginya. Karya sastra ini  umumnya memberikan kebebasan bagi si penulis untuk mencurahkan pikirannya tanpa terikat oleh aturan-aturan bahasa tertentu. Pada umumnya, penulisan puisi  dalam bahasa Indonesia atau bahasa Inggris memiliki peraturan  yang sama. Berikut adalah contoh puisi berbahasa Inggris persahabatan beserta artinya.

    Why Can’t People See The Real Me?

    Why can’t people see the real me?
    I try so hard to be the perfect person I can be.
    Sure I’m young, quiet and shy.
    But I’m such an amazing person, which many pass by.
    Why can’t people just take the time?
    Just tell me your favorite thing to do and I’ll tell you mine.
    The people that do, I hold dear to my heart.
    They see me as mysterious, sweet, funny and smart.
    You can’t expect me to open up the very first day.
    It takes time, but trust me, I’ll soon have a lot to say.
    Why can’t people wait and get to know the real me?
    I bet you I’d be a much different person than you first did see.

    Artinya :

    Mengapa Orang-orang Tidak Bisa Melihat Aku Yang Sebenarnya?


    Mengapa orang tidak dapat melihat aku yang sebenarnya?

    Aku telah berusaha keras untuk menjadi orang yang sempurna sebisa mungkin.

    Tentu saja aku masih muda, pendiam dan pemalu.

    Tapi aku seperti orang yang mengagumkan, yang banyak terlewatkan.


    Mengapa tidak bisa orang sekedar meluangkan waktu?

    Katakan saja hal favorit kalian untuk melakukan dan saya akan memberitahu tentang kalian pada saya.

    Orang-orang yang melakukanm itu, akan memegang hatiku.

    Mereka melihat saya sebagai misterius, manis, lucu dan cerdas.

    Anda tidak bisa mengharapkan saya untuk membuka hari pertama.

    Butuh waktu, tapi percayalah, aku akan segera memiliki banyak untuk mengatakan.


    Mengapa orang tidak sabar dan mengenal diriku yang sebenarnya?

    Aku yakin kamu, aku akan menjadi orang yang jauh berbeda dari pertama kali memang melihat.

    puisi tentang persahabatan

    You Are My Sunshine

    You are my sunshine.
    You send color to my gray.
    When I’m in tears.
    You blow my heartbreak away.
    You make me happy when times are down.
    You turn my world upside and around.
    You catch my tears in your hand.
    When I’m in terror you understand.
    When I’m falling to the ground.
    You catch me and twirl my heart around.
    When I’m surrounded by darkness within the night.
    You come around and cast your light.
    If you weren’t here I don’t know what I’d do.
    Sunshine, I really love you.

    You are my umbrella when it rains.
    You cover me up when I’m in vain.
    You hold me in times of need.
    You are my bandage when I bleed.
    When I’m lonely and times are rough.
    You love me more than enough.
    You are my sunshine in times of rain.
    Please tell me you love me again.

     Artinya :

    Kamu Adalah Matahariku

    Kamu adalah matahariku.

    Kamu mengirim warna abu-abu untuk saya.

    Ketika aku menangis.

    Kamu meniup patah hati saya agar pergi.

    Kamu membuat saya bahagia saat-saat turun.

    Kamu membuat dunia saya terbalik dan berputar.

    Kamu menangkap air mataku di tangan Anda.

    Ketika aku di teror Anda mengerti.

    Ketika aku jatuh ke tanah.

    Kamu menangkap saya dan berputar sekitar hatiku.

    Ketika aku dikelilingi oleh kegelapan dalam malam.

    Kamu datang dan melemparkan cahaya Anda.

    Jika Kamu tidak di sini aku tidak tahu apa yang akan kulakukan.

    Sinar matahari, aku benar-benar mencintaimu.

     Kamu payung saat hujan.

    Kamu menutupi aku ketika saya sia-sia.

    Kamu memeluk aku pada saat dibutuhkan.

    Kamu adalah perbanku aku ketika saya berdarah.

    Ketika aku kesepian dan kali kasar.

    Engkau mengasihi Aku lebih dari cukup.

    Kamu sinar matahariku di kala hujan.

    Tolong beritahuku kau mencintaiku lagi.