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  • Contoh Naskah Drama Anak dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru

    Contoh Naskah Drama Anak dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru

    Contoh Naskah Drama Anak dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru

    Contoh Naskah Drama Anak dalam Bahasa Inggris TerbaruNaskah Drama anak dalam bahasa Inggris sekarang ini sangat banyak kita lihat. Tentu saja, anak-anak sudah seharusnya dikenalkan bahasa Inggris sejak dini agar penguasaan bahasa Inggris mereka jauh lebih baik di masa depan nanti. Salah satu media untuk memperkenalkan bahasa Inggris adalah drama anak. 

    Berikut ini, terdapat sebuah drama untuk anak-anak yang diambil dari sebuah kisah kelompok katak yang terbagi dua kelompok yaitu BELLA & SWAYLA. Lalu, bagaimana dengan kisahnya? Selamat membaca naskah drama anak ini. Saat anda menjadi seorang guru, maka berperanlah sebagai narator dan para siswa menjadi pemainnya.

    Contoh Naskah Drama Anak dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru
    Contoh Naskah Drama Anak dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru


    Storyteller : One day, when the war time of creature, there were three gatherings of frogs and each individual from frog is female, in spite of the fact that they were female, they had psyche like male, so it was change in their brain. They lived in the Muara Bening waterway, the stream situated in Bali island. They were BELLA frogs, SWAYLA frogs, and the littlest gathering was SOFIA frogs. BELLA frogs and SWAYLA frogs were enormous gathering that had the same force. They needed to be the pioneer of Muara Bening stream and they were at war that chose the victor. In any case, there was one gathering that needed peace for Muara Bening, this was SOFIA frogs.

    Also, In their home office of BELLA frogs, the pioneer and the guide talked about their system.

    BELLA FROGS (Trumpet sound) : BELLA! BELLA!! We are best!, and we will be victor.

    BELLA’S ADVISER : what do you think about them?

    BELLA’S LEADER : Hmmm.., SWAYLA frogs, I think we have the same force, however I need us to be the champ!!!

    BELLA’S ADVISER : Yes, I suspect as much, however we must be cautious about their troop, that is a major troop, you realize that?

    BELLA’S LEADER : Don’t stress that is little issue, we have a major troop we simply need to assault their first barrier, the troops get prepared!!, (trumpet sound).

    Storyteller : In their base camp SWAYLA frogs additionally talked about their technique.

    SWAYLA’S LEADER (trumpet sound) : SWAYLA frogs… ., Get prepared. Yes obviously, we are the best, you know my companion, we have numerous sort of troop, there are bowmen, rifle keeps an eye on, opposing demise troops, and contenders.

    SWAYLA’S ADVISER : That’s great, however I think we need to reinforce the barrier, we frequently get an issue there.

    SWAYLA’S LEADER : Hmmm… , alright, we will include the back watchman at the protection.

    Storyteller : In somewhere else, There was a gathering, that is a littlest gathering called SOFIA, that needed peace and request. They went to Dewa, the King of the Sky.

    SOFIA FROGS (come to dewa) : O fantastic Dewa… ., Give us a ruler who will let us know what to do. We need the lord that give us the peace condition, and we truly require your assistance.

    DEWA : SOFIA Frogs! What happen with Muara Bening?

    SOFIA FROG 1 : BELLA and SWAYLA need to be a pioneer of Muara Bening and they will be at war, we would prefer not to battle at war, we need peace.

    SOFIA FROG 2 : Yes my master, we require your help, I can’t suppose they battle, what about frog’s live. I am truly dismal contemplating that.

    (Dewa’s music) : I as lord of sky, and the pioneer of animals in the earth has an assignment to keep the earth life comparable to conceivable, so I need to help you to determine this issue. Try not to stress over it, and a debt of gratitude is in order for your generosity, I am by and by pleased with you.

    SOFIA FROG 1 : Thank you my master, we simply need a decent state of Muara Bening.

    DEWA : So, where are they?

    SOFIA FROG 2 : They are in their home office and they will come here to fight.

    DEWA : Okay, quiet down I will stop the war.

    Storyteller : The two gatherings of frogs came and they brought enormous troops.

    SWAYLA FROGS (trumpet sound) : SWAYLA !! SWAYLA !!

    BELLA FROGS (trumpet sound) : BELLA !! BELLA !!

    BELLA’S LEADER : We are the best, we will vanquish you!

    SWAYLA’S LEADER : Hey!! You see that, we have numerous sort of troop, you will be vanquished!

    SWAYLA’S ADVISER : You are correct, we have huge back gatekeeper, toxophilite, rifle man, challenging demise troops, and contenders. What about your troops, hah!!.

    BELLA’S ADVISER : We have proficient troops in every segment, and we have known your shortcoming.

    BELLA AND SWAYLA!! (war sound) (At war)

    SWAYLA’S LEADER : We will make you get to be… , (delay the talking and astonishing with rise of Dewa) Hey that is Dewa… (dewa’s nearing)

    SWAYLA’S ADVISER (dewa’s nearing) : And SOFIA frogs, what will they do?

    DEWA : Stop the war, on the off chance that you proceed with this war, I will offer discipline to you. I will utilize my flame, my air, my earth, and my water.

    BELLA’S ADVISER : Hey, what will we do, Dewa furious with us, and I stress over it, I have seen Dewa utilized his power and that was terrifying.

    BELLA’S LEADER : You are anxious, I don’t and never. We have much troops, I believe its unthinkable that Dewa can vanquish us.

    DEWA : You don’t hear me !!

    SOFIA FROG 1 : My companions… , would you be able to hear that, Dewa has reminded us.

    SOFIA FROG 2 : Please stop this war…

    SWAYLA’S LEADER : No!!!, this war will choose the pioneer of Muara Bening, and I trust you, don’t bother us Dewa, despite the fact that you are the ruler of sky.

    Storyteller : Dewa was irate, however he would not like to assault BELLA and SWAYLA frogs. He realized that in the event that he utilized his constrain, all the frogs would kick the bucket. Thus, he just demonstrates his power to the greater part of the frogs.

    DEWA : You don’t regard me!! Alright, I will utilize the majority of my power.( Dewa indicate how he utilizes the four components).

    Storyteller : All of the frogs were anxious about Dewa’s power, and they chose to stop this war.

    ALL FROGS : Oh no!! Dewa stop…

    DEWA : You realize that, on the off chance that I assault you with my power, every one of you will kick the bucket.

    BELLA’S and SWAYLA’S LEADER : Dewa, my ruler, we guarantee that we will stop this war and we will live with peace in Muara Bening, together with the majority of the frogs.

    DEWA : Yes, I glad for you that you concede your mix-up and I trust all frogs come back to Muara Bening and live respectively without threatening vibe.

    SOFIA FROGS : What about our lord, we require the astute ruler.

    BELLA’S and SWAYLA’S ADVISER : Yes we require, Dewa.. help us.

    DEWA : I am your lord, and I will turn into your ruler until the end of time.

    ALL FROGS : Horaay!! Horaay!!

    Storyteller : The war was end and the frogs live in peace. The message of this play is, whether you need something, you can’t

    Semoga contoh naskah drama diatas bisa bermanfaat dan menghibur teman-teman dan adik-adik SBI, dan dapat membuat anak-anak Indonesia meningkatkan kemampuan mereka dalam Bahasa Inggris.

  • Naskah Drama Percintaan Romantis Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaik

    Naskah Drama Percintaan Romantis Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaik

    Naskah Drama Percintaan Romantis Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaik

    Naskah Drama Percintaan Romantis Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaik – Cerita yang bertemakan cinta sangat digandrungi oleh para kawula muda. Nah untuk itu admin akan membagikan Naskah Drama Perceritaan Romantis. Semoga bisa bermanfaat untuk sahabat SBI yang sedang mencari contoh naskah drama bertemakan percintaan. Tanpa berlama-lama lagi, saya sajikan sebuah naskah drama khusus kepada sahabat SBI dimanapun anda berada. Selamat membaca.

    Naskah Drama Percintaan Romantis Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaik

    Cerita Romantis Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Companion and Adoration

    Nilam puts on something else in view of Dona has sitting tight for her, they need to hang out with their companions. At that point Nilam consent to her guardians

    Dona: “Father Mother I need to run with Dona and Companions”

    Mother: “alright” be watchful.

    She was strolling before her home, then she found in her neighbor’s yard, there is a good looking kid that was perched on his cruiser and he is grinning to her and Nilam gave it back and she felt apprehensive.

    Nilam: (Sayto herself) “Gracious My God, so good looking”

    Dona: “We should go Nilam!”

    Nilam: “Ok,.Dona, do you realize that kid, so great looking would he say he isn’t?”

    Dona: “Yes he is, yet I don’t have any acquaintance with him, really who is he?”

    Nilam: (with confounding expression)

    When they land in the Café, their companions have officially requested the espresso and sustenances.

    Companion: “Nilam, simply arrange the nourishments please!”

    Nilam&Dona:”Ok,, we are going to request it, (with a little grin)

    Nilam: “fellows how about we go home, in light of the fact that it is very night”

    Friends:”Yes,, we suspect as much”

    At the point when arrived home, Nilam scrubbed down and after that staring at the television. After that she supper with her family and afterward she listen to music in her room. A couple of minutes after the fact there is a message sent to her and the message is around a kid and the name is Putra, he needs to know all the more about her and Nilam is replythat message. A short time later the kid called her and her answer the telephone and they present themselves one another.

    Putra:”Hello Nilam, what’s happening with you?”

    Nilam: “I’m listening to music”

    Putra: (Apprehensive and timid) Nilam, “might I visit your home, tomorrow?”

    Nilam: : “alright Putra, you might”

    Furthermore, the following day, Putra visits Nilam’s home with one of his companions and the name is Andri. At first sight age has affection to Nilam, however he noiseless and would not like to enlighten Putra concerning it. Nilam abandons them for some time and back with a chilly tea and a cake.

    Putra:”Nilam what is your action now?”

    Nilam: (Putting a plate of cake and some tea on to the table) “Goodness,, ehm I’m an understudy”, “you should Putra?”

    Putra:”I’m an understudy as well yet now I am simply sitting tight for graduation day on me”

    Nilam: (See to the kid other than Putra) “Andri you should?”

    Andri: (With cheerful and grin expression) “I have completed my study”

    Andri: “Putra.. We should go home!! It is looks need to rain and the climate looks so dull”

    Putra :”alright, we should backtrack”

    Putra & Andri: “Nilam much obliged for all!!”

    Nilam: “the pleasure is all mine”.

    In his room Putra was considering Nilam, he becomes hopelessly enamored with Nilam,

    Putra: (Converse with himself on the mirror) “Nilam, you’re so excellent furthermore kind”.

    In better places Andri was considering Nilam

    Putra: “gee, I generally consider herself” (Set down himself on the bed straightforwardly)

    Andri: “Who?” (Inquisitive feeling),

    Putra: “She is Nilam, I surmise that I cherish her”

    Andri: (Advises to himself) “Putra, as you most likely are aware, Nilam is mine, I cherish her and I will never permit other individuals lift her up from me”

    Putra: (Yawning) “Gie its my late time, I’m tired thus languid, let me back home!!”

    Andri: “alright, be watchful”.

    Putra and Andri welcome Nilam and Dona go to some sentimental place in their town, yet Andri desirous to Nilam in light of the fact that Nilam and Putra look inviting and truly glad

    Andri: “ha.. It is discipline for you, in light of the fact that you have lifted her up”, “Dona, my mom called me, and she needs me back home”,

    Dona: “alright, however before that we must advise to Putra and Nilam,

    Andri: “How about we go there!!

    Putra:”Guys we need to back home in light of the fact that I have something that I need to do”

    Nilam: “No issue”

    Following two hours after the fact,,

    Nilam: (Watching her watch) “Fan how about we go home!!”

    Putra: “alright”

    At that point they took after the road and strolling to the spot that Putra stopping his cruiser.

    Putra & Nilam:(Surprise expression)

    Nilam: “What’s the matter with your wheel?”

    Nilam: “Putra we should convey your bike to carport”

    Putra: “Yes”

    In Nilam’s home,

    Mother: “Nilam, how was the voyaging?”

    Nilam: “Just so Mother”

    Nilam: (Close the entryway)

    Andri: “Putra, to the extent I know Nilam has a beau and they adore one another”

    Putra: “Would you say you are certain?”

    Andri: “Yes, really her companion has let me know about that”

    Putra: (Look accept and baffled as a result of that) Nilam you are a liar and I despise you.

  • Contoh Biografi Dalam Bahasa inggris: “Bill Gates”

    Contoh Biografi Dalam Bahasa inggris: “Bill Gates”

    Contoh Biografi Dalam Bahasa inggris: “Bill Gates”

    Sekolahbahasainggris- Apakah kalian mencari contoh biogafi seseorang dalam bahasa Inggris. Untuk lebih jelasnya yuk disimak contoh referensi yang admin kasih dibawah ini:

    Bill Gates

    William Henry Gates III or who is popular well known in the public. He, Bill Gates, was born in 1985 in Seattle, Washington in United States Of America. He is a well known as the American business executive, who serves as chairman of One of the popular IT corporation, Microsoft Corporation, as the leading computer software company in the United States Of America. Before his success came, he attended public school through the sixth gradeof his school. In the seventh grade he entered Seattle’s exclusive Lakeside School, in which he met his best friend Paul Allen. Surprisingly, they cofound Microsoft, in 1975 which now everybody know it as popular software corporation.

    Contoh Biografi Dalam Bahasa inggris: "Bill Gates"
    Contoh Biografi Dalam Bahasa inggris: “Bill Gates”

    In 1980 Microsoft closed a pivotal deal with International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) and as also popular American corporation,which to provide the operating system for the IBM PC personal computer. In 1986 Microsoft offered its stock to the public so that is why everyone in the world now can use microsoft application; by 1987 rapid appreciation of the stock had made Gates, 31, as the youngest over self-made billionare person. Wow.

    In 1989 he founded Cobis Corporation, which now owns the largest collection of digital images in all over the world. In the 1990s, as Microsoft’s Windows Operating system and Office application software achieved worldwide market dominance by their works, so that Gates ammased a fortune who tens of billions of dollars.

    In the late 1990’s, with his wife, Melinda, he established the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as the corporate social responsibility, which at that time, ranked by assets, quickly became the largest foundation in the world. In addition, Gates has also authored some books that: The Road Ahead (1995;revised, 1996), which details his vision of technology’s in society, and Business @ the Speed of Thoughout (1999), which is discussed the role technology that can play in running a business.

    In 1998 Gates appointed as an executive vice president of Microsoft, with Steve Ballmer, to as the position of president, but Gates continued to serve as Microsoft’s chairman and chief executive officer (CEO).In 2000 Gates transferred the title of CEO to Ballmer. It is as his great works. While remaining chairman, Bill also took on the title of chief software architect to focus on the development of new products and technologies in Microsoft.

    In June 2006 Gates announced that he would begin transitioning from a full-time role working at Microsoft to a full-time role at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. He relinquished his title of chief software architect to Ray Ozzie, who as a veteran leader in computer technology and creator of Lotus Notes. Bill Gates planned to remain chairman of Microsoft and to continue as its largest shareholder in his life, but he said that by July 2008 he would have only a part-time role at the company he cofounded. Great Job Bill Gates!

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

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    D. Surgiologist

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    1000 Resep Makanan Dalam Bahasa Inggris: Corn Patty

    1000 Resep Makanan Dalam Bahasa Inggris: Corn Patty

    Sekolahbahasainggris Apakah sahabat suka dengan makanan. Ya makanan adalah salah satu kebutuhan kita sehari-hari yang termasuk dalam halprimer. Itu berarti makanan sangan kita butuhkan untuk memenuhi gizi kita.

    1000 Resep Makanan Dalam Bahasa Inggris: Corn Patty
    1000 Resep Makanan Dalam Bahasa Inggris: Corn Patty

    Karen kegunaan inilah serta kebutuhan yang sangat primer inilah yang membjuat kita sering mengolah bahan makanan dengan resep-resep baru yang menggugah selera. Lalu bagaimana jika dalam bahasa inggris? Nah buat sahabat yang sedang mencari resep makanan dalam bahasa Inggris bisa dilihat contohnya berikut ini:

    Corn Patty (Perkedel Jagung)


    • 150 grams of wheat flour
    • 2 medium sweet corn
    • 4 eggs
    • 1,5 teaspoon of Salt
    • 3 red onion
    • 2 cloves of medium garlic
    • ¼ teaspoon of black pepper
    • ¼ tablespoon of sugar
    • Frying oil
    • 3 red chili


    1. First, you blend the red chili, garlic, onion together.
    2. Put the sweet corn with flour, and the eggs in a bowl. Give a little water and blended seasoning that you mixed before.
    3. Give the black pepper, sugar and the salt into the corn.
    4. Heat the frying oil in frying pan.
    5. Fry the corn until it become golden.
    6. And your corn patty are ready to be eaten

    Itulah contoh resep makanan Perkedel Jagung dalam bahasa Inggris. Nah jika sahabat ingin resep-resep makanan lain dalam bahasa Inggris, teteap stay tune di website resmisekolahbahasainggris ya…

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

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  • 101 Ungkapan Cinta Dalam Bahasa inggris Terupdate

    101 Ungkapan Cinta Dalam Bahasa inggris Terupdate

    101 Ungkapan Cinta Dalam Bahasa inggris Terupdate

    Sekolahbahasainggris- Apakah sahabat sedang Pedekatean dengan seseorang? Orang bilang masa pedekate itu masa paling berbunga-bunga loh. Ada juga yang bilang masa paedekate itu masa paling romantis.

    Tak luput dari semua itu, rasa cinta kita ke orang lain haruslah diungkapkan, tetapi dengan cara yang indah. Nah untuk contoh sebagai referensi kamu admin akan membagikan 101 ungkapan cinta dalam bahasa Inggris sebagai berikut:

    “You are 1 3 4 5 6 7 who there is number two, dear!”

    Kamu itu 1 3 4 5 6 7 yang tidak ada duanya saying!


    “Don’t you know why I don’t forget you from my mind and my memories, because both of them so cruel!”

    Tahu tidak kenapa saya tidak mau melupakan kamu dari pikiranku dan ingatanku, karena dua-duanya menyakitkan!


    “If there was a fate, that I can’t control is to loving you.”

    Jika ada takdir yang diluar dayaku adalah mencintaimu.


    “You are my apple of my eye.”

    Kamulah hal yang terindah di dalam (mata) hidupku.


    “Do you know why love is beautiful, because you was born for me.”

    Kmau tahu tidak mengapa cinta itu indah, karena kamu terlahir untukku.


    “If I had a choice to life or die, I will choose to life or die only for you.”

    Jika aku harus memilih, maka aku memilih untuk hidup atau untuk mati hanya untukmu.


    “You can’t see my love by your eyes, but you can always feel my love by your heart.”

    Kamu tidak bisa melihat cintaku, tetapi kamu bisa merasakan nya dengan hatimu.


    “You are my first love impression.”

    Kamu adalah cinta pandangan pertamaku.


    “I can hold my desire to eat, but I can’t hold my feel to leve you.”

    Aku bisa menahan lapar, teteapi kau tak bisa menahan cintaku padamu.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

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  • Ucapan Hari Valentine Bahasa Inggris dan Kata-kata Cinta Romantis

    Ucapan Hari Valentine Bahasa Inggris dan Kata-kata Cinta Romantis

    Rekan SBI mencari sesuatu untuk diatakan atau ditulis ke orang yang dicintai pada Hari Valentine? Kami telah mengumpulkan daftar favorit kutipan kata-kata hari Valentine, termasuk kutipan kata-kata romantis Hari Valentine, kutipan cinta lucu, kutipan cinta dan inspirasi cinta.

    Catatan ucapan valentine pertama kali dikirim melalui pos pada tahun 1806 – dan tradisi mengirim surat masih kuat sampai hari ini. Tidak hanya kartu Hari Valentine dan kutipan cara mudah untuk menunjukkan cinta anda, kami juga menyediakan banyak ucapan dan cara yang indah untuk mengekspresikan perasaan anda kepada pasangan di hari valentine ini. Penyair, penulis, dan dramawan memiliki cara yang didedikasikan untuk menangkap cinta dalam kata-kata untuk Ribuan tahun. Jelajahi koleksi kutipan dan ucapan hari Valentine kami, termasuk kata-kata terkenal dan romantis dari orang ternama: seperti Oscar Wilde, Pablo Neruda, dan Aristoteles.

     Ucapan Hari Valentine dan Kata-kata Cinta Romantis

    Inspirational Quotes Cinta

    Men always want to be a woman’s first love — women like to be a man’s last romance. — Oscar Wilde

    Pria selalu ingin menjadi cinta pertama seorang wanita -. Wanita ingin menjadi cinta terakhir seorang pria

    You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly. — Sam Keen

    Anda mencinta tidak dengan cara mencari orang yang sempurna, tetapi dengan cara melihat orang yang tidak sempurna dengan cara sempurna.

    Love doesn’t make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile. — Franklin P. Jones

    Cinta takkan membuat dunia berputar. Cinta ialah sesuatu yang Membuat perjalanan itu berharga.

    The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart. — Helen Keller

    Hal-hal terbaik dan paling indah di dunia tidak dapat dilihat atau bahkan disentuh. Mereka harus dirasakan dengan Jantung.

    Where there is love there is life. – Gandhi

    Dimana terdapat cinta disanalah kehidupan berada.

    When you are in love you can’t fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams. — Dr. Seuss

    Ketika kita jatuh cinta kita tidak bisa tidur karena kenyataan lebih indah daripada mimpi.

    Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. – Aristotle

    Cinta adalah Terdiri dari satu jiwa yang menghuni dua tubuh.

    Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love. — Albert Einstein

    Gravitasi tidak dapat disalahkan atas manusia yang jatuh cinta.

    Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward in the same direction. — Antoine de Saint-Exupery

    Hidup mengajarkan kita bahwasanya cinta bukanlah saling memandang, tetapi sama-sama melihat ke satu arah yang sama.

    Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind. – Shakespeare

    Cinta dilihat bukan menggunakan Mata, tetapi menggunakan Pikiran.

    Let us always meet each other with a smile, for a smile is the beginning of love. — Mother Theresa

    Ayo kita saling bertemu dengan tersenyum, karena senyum adalah permulaan dari cinta.

  • 101 Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Dalam Bahasa inggris Bidang Administration Staff

    101 Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Dalam Bahasa inggris Bidang Administration Staff

    101 Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Dalam Bahasa inggris Bidang Administration Staff

    SekolahbahasainggrisSurat lamaran pekerjaan haruslah berdasarkan bidang pekerjaan yang kita apply. Jika sebelumnya admin membagikn contoh referensi kepada kalian surat lamaran pekerjaan bidang staff akunting, kali ini admin akan membagikan kepada kalian contoh surat lamaran kerja dalam bahasa Inggris di bidang staff administrasi.

    101 Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Dalam Bahasa inggris Bidang Administration Staff
    101 Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja Dalam Bahasa inggris Bidang Administration Staff

    Mengapa sih harus berbeda? Karena setiap bidang memiliki tips dan trik yang bisa sahabat SBI ambil sebagai contoh kalian dalam membuat surat lamaran. Untuk lebih jelasnya yuk disimak contoh surat lamaran kerja dalam bahasa Inggris bidang staff administrasi sebagai berikut:

    February 17, 2015

    Manager Of

    Head Of Human Resource Division

    Hayati Network

    Jl. Danau Towuti 88 Blok B

    Bandar Lampung


    Dear Manager,

    I enclosed to your job advertisement on Dandelion Magazines February 12 th, 2015 my resume so gladly.

    I have graduated from diploma program in Business and Management in which I have a precious experience in administrating division in my studies. This studies is including English training, Computer science on Microsoft Office, and interns in administration staff.


    This is what matched to your profession division as like your job advertisement on administration staff. I have a great experience in administration staff in International companies in France. So this related experience would eager my reputation through my ability to communicate and work on administration division.


    I may be reached freely at the phone number at +6285769967345 or email at [email protected] to set up an appointment for an interview further.





    Witney Herald

  • Contoh Berita Kesehatan Dalam Bahasa Inggris+Artinya

    Contoh Berita Kesehatan Dalam Bahasa Inggris+Artinya

    Contoh Berita Kesehatan Dalam Bahasa Inggris+Artinya

    SekolahbahasainggrisSetelah sahabat SBI sebelumnya belajar tentang berita pendidikan, sekarang sahabat SBI akan belajar tentang Kesehatan berbahasa Inggris. Ya, kesehatan menjadi salah satu sector yang penting dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari.

    Contoh Berita Kesehatan Dalam Bahasa Inggris+Artinya
    Contoh Berita Kesehatan Dalam Bahasa Inggris+Artinya

    Untuk lebih jelasnya tentang berita kesehatan bahasa Inggris, yuk disimak materi berikut ini:

    The Number Of Diabetic In Bandar Lampung in 2014 Reached 200 People

    Bandar Lampung-Based on the report by Ministry of Health in Bandar Lampung, The number of patients with diabetes reached 200 people in 2014. This reports is based on the real number of patients from all the hospital in Bandar Lampung.

    This number is higher than the number of patients with diabetes in 2013. Only 156 patients. They got the diabetes mellitus almost. The range of age of the patients is 20-30 15 people, 30-40 years old is 45 and 40-60 years old is 140 people. This number was surprising that the young people in productive age got higher than last years which only reach no one.

    The ministry of health said that this condition is followed by the bad habits which patients have before, they eats much many junk foods than healthy foods In addition, they do not do an exercise regularly in their activities.

    After this reports, the Ministry of Health in Bandar Lampung hopes that people in Bandar Lampung will do some dietary program and kick all their bad habits like eats more junk foods. Do some exercise regularly, he added.


    Jumlah Penderita Diabetes Di Bandar Lampung Tahun 2014 Mencapai 200 Orang

    Bandar Lampung-Berdasarkan laporan dari Dinas Kesehatan Kota Bandar Lampung, jumlah pasien dengan diabetes mencapai 200 orang di tahun 2014. Laporan ini berdasarkan dari jumlah pasien dari semua rumah sakit di Bandar Lampung.

    Angka ini jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan angka pasien dengan diabetes di tahun 2013. Hanya berkisar 156 pasien. Mereka menderita Diabetes Militus kebanyakan. Angka ini sangat mengejutkan bahwa generasi muda yang masih produktif pun jauh lebih banyak disbanding tahun sebelumnya yang tercatat tidak ada sama sekali.

    Dinas Kesehatan mengatakan bahwa kondisi ini diikuti dengan buruknya kebiasaan pasien sebelum menderita, mereka memakan makanan cepat saji hamper setiap hari dibandingkan makanan sehat. Ditambah lagi, mereka tidak rajin berolahraga secara rutin di tengah kesibukan mereka.

    Maka dengan laporan ini, Dinas Kesehatan kota Bandar Lampung mengharapkan masyarakat di Bandar Lampung akan mau melakukan berbagai program diet and membuang semua kebiasaan buruk mereka seperti makan makanan cepat saji. Lakukan olahraga secara rutin, tambahnya.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

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