Kategori: English Text

  • 55 Contoh Makalah Tentang Komputer Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    55 Contoh Makalah Tentang Komputer Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    55 Contoh Makalah Tentang Komputer Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Pernahkah sahabat mendapatkan tugas untuk membuat sebuah makalah dalam bahasa Inggris? Membuat makalah bukanlah hal yang sulit jika kita mengetahui format-formatnya. Tentu saja tujuannya agar siswa ataupun mahasiswa mengetahui dan paham atas tugas yang diberikan.

    55 Contoh Makalah Tentang Komputer Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    55 Contoh Makalah Tentang Komputer Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Jika kalian bingung seperti apakah makalah dalam bahasa Inggris, akan admin bagikan kepada kalian contoh referensi singkat makalah tenntang Komputer yakni tentang Komunikasi data dalam bahasa Inggris sebagai berikut:



     BY :




     PART I




    The rise of internet user already become part of our daily life. This is because the use of information in cyberspace will be important in everyday life. These characteristics are one of the effects of globalization in Indonesia.

    We often do a good interaction with other people in the exchange of information text, images and sound through the tools or devices that we use (electronic media or other media).

    Communication is what we use are almost always present in everyday life. The use of the Internet as one of the networks that we use in communicating data to the public free of charge makes it easy to communicate. To be sure, the Internet is one of the communication data very widespread among the general public. So what is a data communication? For more details about the data communication network based in the paper are We learn this.

     Basis Theory

    Computer Network

    Computer network (the network) is a system that consists of computers that are designed to be able to share resources (printer, CPU), communication (e-mail, instant messaging), and can access the information (web browser). [1] The purpose of the network computer is [1] In order to achieve its objectives, each part of the computer network may request and provide the service (service). [1] The party requesting / receiving services called client (client) and that provide / send service called the waiter (server). [1] This design is called a client-server system, and is used in almost all computer network applications. [1] Two computers, each of which has a network card, and then connected via a wired or wireless as a data transmission medium, and there are devices Network operating system software will form a simple computer network. [2]: If you want to create a computer network that is wider-reaching, it would require additional equipment such as Hubs, Bridges, Switches, Routers, Gateways as interconnection equipment.

    Data Communications

    Data communication is the process of sending and receiving data / information from two or more devices (tools, such as a computer / laptop / printer / and other communication devices) are connected in a network. Both local and wide, like the Internet.





    Data communication is the transmission or the process of sending and receiving data from two or more devices (source), through multiple media. The media can be a coaxial cable, fiber optic (fiber optic), microware and sebagainya.Komunikasi data is a combination of several data processing techniques. Where telecommunication means all activities relating to the transfer of information from point to another. While the data processing are all activities related to the processing yag.


    In general, the types of data communication are divided or classified into two kinds:

    1. terrestrialAksesnya infrastructures using wired and wireless media. To build this terrestrial infrakstuktur high costs, limited bandwitch capacity, high costs due to the use of cables is not diprngaruhi by weather factors so that the signal is strong enough used.
    2. Through the use of satellite satelit Aksesnya. Areas covered satelit wider access so as to reach a location that can not be reached. By terrestrial infrastructure but for a long time need for ongoing communication process. Because of the interference due to solar radiation (sun outage) the most severe occur once every 11 years

    Of both types can be divided into two forms of data communication. System communicates the data can also be formed offline communication system (communication system offline) and on line communication system (on-line communication system)

    1. 1. System communication offline

    Offline communication system is the process of sending data by using telecommunications to data processing center but will be processed first by using a modem terminal then sent via telecommunications and proceed directly by the CPU data is stored on a floppy disk, magnetic tape and other equipment necessary

    1. Terminal, 1/0 It is a device to send data and receive data remotely with telecommunication facilities. Terminal equipment is a magnetic tape unit, disk dirivepaper tape.
    2. Lines of communication, Track a communication facilities such as telephone, telegraph, telex etc.
    3. Modem, A device that transfers data from a digital code system analogous to the system code.





    Thus, based on the data communications network that is sending data that can not be separated from the performance of the device – an electronic device as a medium to transmit data from one terminal to another terminal or from one computer to another computer, one of which uses the internet.

    Interaction or relationship is in purpose to transmit or receive data between devices both within a narrow range or wide reach.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

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    Contoh Review Text Film Soekarno Dan Artinya Terupdate

  • Contoh Essay Cause and Effect (Sebab-Akibat) Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Contoh Essay Cause and Effect (Sebab-Akibat) Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Contoh Essay Cause and Effect (Sebab-Akibat) Dalam Bahasa Inggris – Oke sahabat SBI yang baik hatinya! dibawah ini adalah Essay atau karangan Sebab-Akibat tentang Sepeda, Bagaimana sepeda bisa mengakibatkan kecelakaan dan membuat kita cidera. Chekidot!!!

    People around the world has known bicycle since a long time ago. When bicycle invented for the first time, it has function as transportation equipment, people used it to go everywhere, but now bicycle can be used as exercises equipment, or just for hobby. When people ride a bicycle, accident can happened . This bicycle accident can be caused by the broken equipment, weather condition, or the biker’s carelessness.

    The failure of the equipment can be one of the cause of the bicycle accident. For example, if the brake of the bicycle do not work well, it can be problem for a biker, because without a brake, bicycle can not controlled well too, especially when a biker rides in steep descent, or if a biker wants to hit something. There are many another equipments of the bicycle can be the root of the problems in a bike, such as handlebar, tire, etc. The equipment also can not work proper if it or they have been out of their work time, too old. The bikers should take care and give attention to the bike’s equipment to keep away the accident from them when they ride their bike. Therefore it is important for the biker to check everything before they ride their bicyle. This is can be the best way for the biker to avoid the accident caused by the failure of the bike’s equipment. The safety of  riding bicycle can create by the biker itself.

    Paragraph cause and effect

    Weather condition can be another cause of the bicycle accident, such as in the rainy and windy situation. In the rainy situation, the water may impair the brakes and obstruct the brakes. Besides of it, in the rainy weather, a biker also has difficulties in controlling the bike because of the wet road they through. In windy weather I think it is imposible to handle the bicycle as good as in the good weather, because it may cause the bicycle unsteady. The bikers should pay attention in weather if they want to ride for exercise or just riding around a place. They should not ride after the big rain or when the wind flow fast around the bikers.

    The last cause of the bicycle accident is the carelessness of the biker. If the reason above are include to non human factor, this is the human factor that can cause bike accident. This is the most happen to the bikers when they ride. Sometimes they do that by their awareness or they do that just because it is a habit. Sometimes the bikers do not care about the traffic signs. They stop in the place where they should not stop. This carelesness is the number one of the cause of bicycle accident in riding bike. To avoid the accident which caused by this factor, the bikers should give attention more in traffic sign and focussed well when they ride a bike.

    In conclusion, there is some factor which can caused bicycle acccident such as the broken equipment of the bike, the weather, and the human carelessnes. Actually this aciident can be avoid if every biker check their bike’s equipment before they go by bicycle, do not ride in bad weather, and improve their awareness of traffic sign. It is better to prevent than we have to treat. We can make ourselves safe if we can create the safety way in riding bicycle.

  • Penjelasan Hortatory Exposition Text Beserta Contoh

    Penjelasan Hortatory Exposition Text Beserta Contoh

    Penjelasan Hortatory Exposition Text Beserta Contoh  – Buat Sahabat SBI yang pernah membaca sebuah artikel dan isi artikel tersebut merupakan sebuah ajakan atau bujukan untuk melakukan sesuatu?? Tidak salah lagi itu adalah teks yang tergolong Hortatory Exposition Text.

    Untuk lebih memahami mengenai apa itu hortatory exposition text dan bagaimana cara membuat teks jenis ini. Baca dan Pahami Kerangka dan Text hortatory tentang mempunyai sebuah perpustakaan pribadi dirumah seutuhnya. Check this out!!!


    Thesis Statement : Having a private library at home is a good decicion.

    1. It brings satisfaction by collecting books. ( Paragraph 1 )

    – It is challenging.

    –  Collecting books is an interesting hobby.

    2. It ornates our home.  ( Paragraph 2)

    – A home which has a private library looks more artistic.

    – It brings people who visit the home exited.

    3. Get more knowledge.  ( Paragraph 3 )

    – By collecting book we will be motivated to read book.

    – Get communicated with world.

     hortatory exposition

    It is a good decision for people who have extra-money to shop some books and make a private library at their homes. What many Indonesian people  might never strive to complete their beautiful life is making a library at their homes. Library which many people consider as a boring place to visit or to spend their time for actually is a nice interesting place which in some modern countries has been set in their homes. Having a library at home can bring many advantages. The first is it brings satisfaction for us when we can collect many books like collecting stamps. Next it ornates our homes. It also makes us get more knowledge.

    Why I said that it brings satisfaction is that because when we have successfully collected many good books, there is a kind of feeling proud of ourselves, because collecting books which have good quality is not easy, such these books must be expensive or difficult to find. It is like collecting something which needs effort to get it. It is challenging and amusing. Many people spend their money to buy stamps, paintings, pictures, or something unique. So are books, books are considered as valuable, useful, and precise things to be collected which are arranged  in the bookshelf tidily, then it becomes a library. So that’s why I said that it is an interesting hobby.

    No matter whether we have read all our books collection or not, having many books keeps giving advantages. People who have read many books are considered have much knowledge, so are we if we have a library at our home.we will be considered intellectual by people who visit our home and see our books collection, eventhough we haven’t read the books, at least for first impression. It can be a good ornament for our homes and it makes our homes looks more artistic. Although it can fool people who visit our home but it makes them exited to our home.

    The most important thing that we must set as a main purpose of having a library at our home is getting the contents of the books. Having many books without reading the books is like saving garbages at our homes. For many people, reading book is a boring activity and some think that it makes sleepy, but having many books will drive us feel guilty to not reading the books. It will motivate us to read more and more, and finish all the books. The more we have  books that we have not read the more we feel guilty. Beside that we can also broaden our knowledge. Books give many information about world. We can get communicated with world as if we open the window of the world.

    Having a library at home is however considered important. Collecting books and building a library at home offer many profits. Those who have had their own library with their favourite books spend their leisure time to increase their knowledge. They tend to speak confidently since they are more intellectual. No matter they have consumed all their collection, it keeps giving profit. Those who displayed their collection get more respect from people who visit their home. So there is no doubt to make a library at home.


  • Contoh Naskah Interview Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru

    Contoh Naskah Interview Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru

    Contoh Naskah Interview Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru – Menginterview seseorang dalam sebuah acara “Talkshow” memang tidak mudah. Teman-teman dituntut untuk harus percaya diri dan interaktif dalam memberikan pertanyaan secara jelas dan dimengerti. Oke simaklah dengan baik Contoh Naskah Interview Dalam Bahasa Inggris ini.


    Audience nice to see you again. You’re still with me in our favorite TV program Black and White. Audience, life is not always beautiful. There are black and white life. Today we will talk about prostitution happens in indonesia.

    We will get a guest from Lampung who works in prostitution. He is the head of those sinful actifities. He is the pimp.

    Please welcome Mr. X. He doesn’t want to tell his name, so we ought to call him Mr. X.

    Good afternoon Mr. X

    How are you?

    How about your bussines?

    Mr. X could please tell me what your job is?

    When did you start this job?

    Do you aware that it is a sinful job?

    Do your children know about your job?

    What is the factor which makes you do this job?

    Do you believe in god?

    Do you ever think to quit from that sinful job?

    Have you ever got a problem with the people around your environment ?

    How much is your income per month?

    How many prostitutes do you have?

    Where did you get those girl?

    What can make those girls want to be prostitutes?

    Contoh Naskah Interview Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Arti Dalam Bahasa Indonesia


    Pemirsa senang untuk melihat Anda lagi. Masih dengan saya dalam program TV favorit kita Hitam dan Putih. Pemirsa, hidup tidak selalu indah. Ada kehidupan hitam dan putih. Hari ini kita akan berbicara tentang prostitusi yang terjadi di Indonesia.

    Kami akan mendapatkan tamu dari Lampung yang bekerja di prostitusi. Dia adalah kepala atau pimpinan dari sebuah prostitusi. Dia adalah germo.

    Silakan menyambut Mr X. Dia tidak ingin memberitahu namanya, jadi kita harus memanggilnya Mr X.

    Selamat siang Pak X

    Bagaimana kabarmu?

    Bagaimana tentang bisnis Anda?

    Mr X bisa tolong katakan padaku apa pekerjaan Anda?

    Kapan Anda mulai pekerjaan ini?

    Apakah Anda menyadari bahwa itu adalah pekerjaan yang berdosa?

    Apakah anak-anak Anda tahu tentang pekerjaan Anda?

    Apa faktor yang membuat Anda melakukan pekerjaan ini?

    Apakah Anda percaya pada tuhan?

    Apakah Anda pernah berpikir untuk berhenti dari pekerjaan berdosa?

    Apakah Anda pernah punya masalah dengan orang-orang di sekitar lingkungan Anda?

    Berapa penghasilan Anda per bulan?

    Berapa banyak pelacur yang Anda miliki?

    Dari mana Anda mendapatkan gadis itu?

    Apa yang bisa membuat gadis-gadis ingin menjadi pelacur?

  • 99 Contoh Teks Iklan Produk Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    99 Contoh Teks Iklan Produk Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    99 Contoh Teks Iklan Produk Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbaahsainggris- Iklan begitu banyak jenisnya, termasuk dengan iklan suatu produk yang dapat berbentuk teks. Ada juga yang hanya berbentuk gambar, da nada juga yang merupakan kombinasi kedua-duanya.

    99 Contoh Teks Iklan Produk Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    99 Contoh Teks Iklan Produk Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Ketika kita melihat di suatu Koran pun begitu. Ada berbagai macam jenisnya. Penasaran dengan teks iklan suatu produk dalam bahasa Inggris? Yuk disimak contohnya disini:

    • Contoh Teks Iklan Perumahan

    Dandelion Residents

    A higher level to live

    Bandar Lampung

    Are you looking for the new smarter and luxurious living in Bandar Lampung?

    Congratulation you had read the best deal of residential in Bandar lampung. You will be fascinated by all the advantages and facilities that includes in Dandelion residents that you will consider more by:


    The location near from the downtown

    Free from flood

    Near to shopping center

    Fresh and New edition of resident

    Smart residents with high technology

    24/7 of Security system

    Smart Investment


    24/7 of Security system

    Sport center

    Recreation center

    Free pool center

    Education center

    With best deal price start  from 100 million rupiahs you can have new comfortable, smarter, and safe living in Bandar Lampung.

    Visit our official websites in www.dandelionresidents.com

    Or visit our office in Jalan Danau Towuti No.88 Bandar Lampung, Lampung 35148.

    Or call (0721) 783-114

    • Contoh Teks Iklan Restoran

    International Classic Café

    The best barista in Indonesia with smart modern traditional concept.

    Cafe is not a place you just eat and go. In ICC you would have the best advantages more than just Barista or Café.


    -Meeting in convention hall

    -Smart education center

    -The best barista in Indonesia


    -Meeting product (Free all exclusive product included)

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    -Students product(smart outdoor class+all product with coffee break)

    -Live music concert

     Open At:

    24/7 all day long


    Jalan Zainal Abdidin Pagar Alam No.88 Bnadar Lampung

    Phone: (0721) 762 354

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

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  • Contoh Lesson Plan Bahasa Inggris ( English For Traveller ) Terbaru

    Contoh Lesson Plan Bahasa Inggris ( English For Traveller ) Terbaru

    Contoh Lesson Plan Bahasa Inggris ( English For Traveller ) Terbaru –  Lesson plan atau dalam Bahasa Indonesianya disebut rencana pembelajaran atau RPP  sangat berguna untuk guru atau pengajar dalam memudahkan dan melancarkan proses belajar mengajar didalam kelas. Berikut ini adalah contoh lesson plan atau RPP untuk English Spesific Purpose.




    Class                           : ESP for Traveler

    Participant                 : 6

    Time allocation         : 1 X 90 Minutes

    Topic                          : Greeting



    General Instructional Objective

    The learners are able to develop their English language skills and language components


    Specific Instructional Objective

    The learners are able to listen a paragraph and write a letter correctly and know how to use English relating to the topic in the correct utterance and pronunciation fluently and properly.

    The learners are able to do the exercises given both orally or written.


    Teaching Methodology

    Community language learning and direct method


    Teaching aids

    A tape recorder

    A cassette player

    A text of letter


    Procedures of Teaching and Learning Process:

    Pre activities

    The teacher greets the learners.

    The teacher tells the learners about the topic that is going to be learnt and the objectives of the materials.


    While activities

    The teacher asks the learners to mention some steps needed as the preparation, such as “How to make a correct letter and what should they do in writing a letter.

    The teacher writes the learner’s answer down and explain the case.

    The teacher plays a cassette recording of the letter.

    The teacher asks some question related to the conversation.

    The teacher check the learner’ answer.

    The teacher repeats the cassette again until some learners find the answer correctly.

    The teacher asks the students to retell the main point in the letter.

    The teacher checks the students answer and give more explanation if the students made any mistake.

    The teacher asks the students to write the letter in the cassette and identify it.

    The teacher gives the text of the letter.

    The teacher asks the learners to make a letter in their own words.

    The teacher checks the learners work and correct it if there is an error


    Post activities

    The teacher asks the learners how they feel during the activity

    The teacher asks the learners whether they find some problems

    The teacher concludes the material

    The teacher closes the class





    This is an letter which is made by Melly. She told about his experience to go to Medan. She told about the how long was she arrived there, atmosphere, meal and tourisms place.


    I can’t believe I’m here at last. The flight was really long. It took almost four hours Anyway North-Sumatra’s great. We arrived in Medan nearly four days ago. It was really hot. I went around the town to see some historical sires. Maimun Empire and the fish market are on my list.

    I have just arrived in Brastagi. It’s very cold here. We are staying at the hostel. It’s very cheap but the meal is a little bit terrible. So, I prefer eating out. Restaurant “99” offers delicious. So, We almost go there for breakfast, lunch and dinner. From the hostel Ican see a beautiful view, especially in the morning it’s very fantastic.

    Tomorrow I am going to Samosir Island. I’ll go water skiing. People say that skiing on the Toba lake can be unforgettable experience. Other thing I’m planning to do is fishing in the lake. There are a lot of kinds of fish. I hope I can catch a lot of fish and I will bake them for dinner.

    I am arriving home on 16 July, in time for school. See you then.


    With love,






    Translate these sentences into English!

    Saya tidak percaya akhirnya saya tiba disini.

    Kami bisa melihat pemandangan yang indah di pagi hari.

    Dia (perempuan) tiba dirumah minggu depan.

    Kami lebih menyukai makan di luar.

    Mereka berharap mereka bisa menangkap banyak ikan.


    Fill in the blank by appropriate answer in the box below

    The restaurant … delicious meal.

    He is … in Medan next week.

    I am … to go to the lake

    She hopes she cans … many fish.

    We are … at apartment.



    It is done orally and written




    a) I can’t believe I’m here at last.

    b) We can see beautiful view in the morning.

    c) She is arriving home next week.

    d) We prefer eating out.

    e) They hope they can catch a lot of fish


    a) Offers

    b) Arriving

    c) Planning

    d) Catch

    e) Staying



    Repeat the subject materials

    1. Doing the reflection of the knowledge that has received by the student
    2. Give some home work


  • Contoh Recount Text Tentang Liburan Ke Bali Dan Artinya Terbaru

    Contoh Recount Text Tentang Liburan Ke Bali Dan Artinya Terbaru

    Contoh Recount Text Tentang Liburan Ke Bali Dan Artinya Terbaru  – Recount Text adalah teks yang menceritakan kembali kejadian-kejadian yang terjadi pada masa lampau atau sudah lewat. Nah, pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan memberikan contoh recount text tentang liburan beserta artinya supaya Para Sahabat SBI bisa memahaminya dengan cepat.

    Contoh Recount Text Tentang Liburan Ke Bali  dan Terjemahannya!


    My Vacation in Bali

    When I was 3nd grade of junior high school, my friends and I trip to Bali for vacation. We were there for five days. We got many precious experiences during the vacation.

    First day, we visited Kuta Beach in the morning. We saw the lovely sunrise there. It was an outstanding view. Then, we checked in to the hotel at the night. After taking a nap at the hotel, we went to Tanah Lot. Tanah lot was nice place. It was lovely place for taking photo. We saw so many tourists there.


    Second day, we spent our time on Tanjung Benoa beach. We played water sports at there. We drove banana boat and speed boat. In the afternoon, We went to Penyu island to see unique animals such as big turtles, snake, and sea birds. We felt enjoyed and happy.
    The last day, we went to Sangeh. We could enjoy the shady forest. There were so many monkeys. Sometimes the monkey could be naughty. We could be really close with them. After that, we visited to Sukowati Market. I bought Bali T-Shirt, souvenirs and some food for gift there

    At the night, we had to check out from the our hotel. We went back home and bring so many unforgettable memories of Bali.

     Contoh recount text liburan kebali terbaru


    Artinya :



    Liburan Ke Bali


    Ketika saya masih  duduk di kelas 3 SMP, saya dan teman-teman saya pergi ke Bali. Kami berada di sana selama lima hari. Aku mendapatkan  banyak pengalaman yang  mengesankan selama liburan.


    Hari pertama, kami mengunjungi Pantai Kuta di pagi hari. Kami melihat indahnya matahari terbit bersama-sama. Itu adalah pemandangan yang luar biasa indah. Kemudian, kami check in ke hotel pada malam harinya. Setelah menginap semalam, Kami pergi mengunjungi ke Tanah Lot. Tanah Lot adalah tempat yang indah. Sangat cocok untuk berfoto. Kami bertemu begitu banyak turis lain di sana.


    Hari kedua, kami mengunjungi di pantai Tanjung Benoa. Kami bermain olahraga air seperti banana boat dan speedboat. Pada sore harinya, kami juga pergi ke pulau Penyu untuk melihat banyak hewan yang unik seperti kura-kura, ular, dan burung laut. Kami sangat senang dan menikmatinya..


    Hari terakhir, kami menghabiskan waktu kita di Sangeh. Kita bisa menikmati hutan hijau dan teduh. Ada begitu banyak monyet. Mereka jinak tapi kadang-kadang mereka bias menjadi  nakal. Kita bias begitu dekat dengan mereka. Setelah itu, kami pergi ke pasar Sukowati untuk berbelanja. Saya membeli beberapa Bali T-Shirt,souvenir dan makanan khas Bali.


    Di malam hari, kami harus check out dari hotel. Kami akan pulang dan membawa begitu banyak kenangan yang tidak akan terlupakan dari Bali.




    Oke itu tadi cerita tentang Recount text  tentang liburan ke Bali. Semoga bermanfaat bagi Sahabat SBI.


  • Pengertian & Contoh Narrative Text Singkat About Love + Artinya

    Pengertian & Contoh Narrative Text Singkat About Love + Artinya

    Pengertian & Contoh Narrative Text Singkat About Love Beserta Artinya

    Pengertian & Contoh Narrative Text Singkat About Love Beserta Artinya – Narrative text merupakan salah satu text yang harus dikuasai ketika belajar bahasa inggris. Narrative text merupakan text yang menceritakan tentang sesuatu ha yang fiktif yaitu hanya di karang oleh si pengarang dengan tukuan untuk menghibur, meskipun terkadang terdapat narative text yang bersifat faktual.

    Pengertian & Contoh Narrative Text Singkat About Love + Artinya
    Pengertian & Contoh Narrative Text Singkat About Love + Artinya

    Generic structure dari narrative text ialah: Orientation (menceritakan peristiwa apa, tokoh, dimana dan kapan peristiwa tersebut terjadi), Complication (menceritakan awal mula konflik antar pelaku peristiwa yang menciptakan sebuah konflik atau pertentangan), Resolution (pemecahan dari konflik), dan Re-orientation (menceritakan perubahan yang terjadi pada tokoh dan nilai moral dari cerita tersebut). Tujuan narrative text umumnya adalah untuk menghibur para pembaca. Dibawah ini adalah contoh narrative text text tentang cintayang menghibur. Chekidot!!!

    Contoh Narrative Text Singkat Tentang Cinta

    Beginning to fall in love

    Long time ago, carried on a young lady named Sekar Arum. She lived in a town named Bengawan. She was a kind young lady eventhough she was not by any means lovely. She became hopelessly enamored to somebody named Banyu Aji. He was truly good looking. He chips away at the corn field each and every day. Sekar Arum constantly went with Banyu Aji on the field. She generally brought him nourishment to eat. She likewise helped him on the field. Be that as it may, Banyu Aji never cherish Sekar Arum, he simply utilize her to help him. He believed that he will never adore a young lady who are not lovely.

    Sekar Arum attempted her best to get Banyu Aji consideration, yet as the time passes by Sekar Arum felt tired to battle just to get Banyu Aji love. When she needed to surrender, all of a sudden in her town an attractive man showed up. His name was Segoro Kidul. He was a metal forger. Sekar Arum who effectively drained on getting Banyu Aji consideration, then attempt to draw near to Segoro Kidul. She was truly cheerful to draw near to Segoro Kidul, in light of the fact that he was exceptionally decent to her.

    Step by step passed, Segoro Kidul and Sekar Arum getting a great deal all the more closer. Banyu Aji who generally get Sekar Arum consideration now felt desolate. At that point he attempted to figure out what happen. One day, when he went to Sekar Arum house, he saw Sekar Arum and Segoro kidul sat together before Sekar Arum house. He didn’t realize what transpire, yet he felt envious.

    Banyu Aji then attempted to get Sekar Arum consideration back. He attempted to approach Sekar Arum. He brought her nourishment, garments, shoes, and whatever other things. Yet, Sekar Arum effectively experiencing passionate feelings for to Segoro Kidul. At that point she advised Banyu Aji to stop give her such a large number of things, in light of the fact that her heart would never fall again for him. Banyu Aji was extremely baffled. He understood that he was doltish not acknowledge Sekar Arum love. Then again, Sekar Arum then got hitched with Segoro Kidul and they live joyfully many.

    Arti dalam Bahasa Indonesia:

    Jatuh Cinta

    Pada jaman dahulu kala, hiduplah seorang gadis bernama Sekar Arum. Dia hidup di sebuah desa bernama Bengawan. Dia adalah gadis yang baik walaupun dia tidak terlalu cantik. Dia jatuh cinta kepada seseorang bernama Banyu Aji. Dia sangat tampan. Dia bekerja di ladang jagung setiap harinya. Sekar Arum selalu menemani Banyu Aji di ladang. Dia selalu membawakan Banyu Aji makanan. Dia juga membantu Banyu Aji di ladang. Tetapi Banyu Aji tidak pernah mencintai Sekar Arum, dia hanya memanfaatkan Sekar Arum untuk menbantunya. Dia berpikir bahwa dia tidak akan pernah mencintai seorang gadis yang tidak cantik.

    Sekar Arum mencoba kemampuan terbaiknya untuk mendapat perhatian Banyu Aji, tetapi seiring berjalannya waktu Sekar Arum merasa lelah berjuang hanya untuk mendapatkan cinta dari Banyu Aji. Ketika dia sudah ingin menyerah, tiba-tiba datanglah seorang lelaki tampan di desanya. Namanya adalah Segoro Kidul. Dia adalah seorang tukang pandai besi. Sekar Arum yang sudah lelah berusaha mendapatkan perhatian Banyu Aji, iapun mencoba untuk mendekati Segoro Kidul. Dia sangat senang bisa dekat dengan Segoro Kidul, karena dia sangat baik terhadap Sekar Arum.

    Hari-hari berlalu, Segoro Kidul dan Sekar Arum menjadi semakin dekat. Banyu Aji yang biasanya mendapatkan perhatian dari Sekar Arum sekarang merasa kesepian. Lalu iapun mencoba mencari tahu apa yang terjadi. Suatu hari, ketika dia pergi ke rumah Sekar Arum, dia melihat Sekar Arum dan Segoro Kidul duduk bersama di depan rumah Sekar Arum. Dia tidak tahu apa yang terjadi pada dirinya, tetapi dia merasa cemburu.

    Banyu Aji lalu mencoba untuk mendapatkan perhatian Sekar Arum kembali. Dia membawakan Sekar Arum makanan, pakaian, sepatu, dan hal-hal lainnya. Tetapi, Sekar Arum sudah terlanjur jatuh cinta pada Segoro Kidul. Lalu dia mengatakan kepada Banyu Aji untuk berhenti memberikannya berbagai hal, karena hatinya tidak akan pernah jatuh lagi kepadanya. Banyu Aji sangat kecewa. Dia menyadari bahwa dia bodoh tidak menerima cinta Sekar Arum. Disisi lain, Sekar Arum lalu menikah dengan Segoro Kidul dan merekapun hidup bahagia selamanya.

    Demikianlah Contoh Narrative Text Singkat About Love. Semoga bisa bermanfaat untuk kita semua.!!!

  • Contoh Naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pergaulan Bebas Beserta Artinya

    Contoh Naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pergaulan Bebas Beserta Artinya

    Contoh Naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pergaulan Bebas Beserta Artinya

    Contoh Naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pergaulan Bebas Beserta Artinya – Dalam edisi Bulan Ramadhan ini, admin akan membagikan sebuah contoh text pidato Bahasa Inggris tetntang Pergaulan Bebas. Untuk para sahabat SBI yang sedang mencari referensi naskah pidato Bahasa Inggris. Simak baik-baik sebuah contoh pidato bahasa Inggris tentang pergaulan bebas dilengkap dengan artinya berikut ini. Semoga bisa membantu.

    Contoh Naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pergaulan Bebas Beserta Artinya

    Naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pergaulan Bebas 

    Assalamualaikum, wr. Wb.

    I say thanks to God for giving me the chance to remain on this lectern.

    We, who right now sit as the instructor ought to realize that Indonesian adolescents are being undermined. Their future is in peril. Why do I say that? It is taking into account the way that numerous adolescents of Indonesia have surpassed their age. At their young age, I frequently see them smoking, then there is a considerable measure of information demonstrates that they are pregnant out of the marriage because of wantonness.

    The awful good that we more often than not see these days is a cruiser pack that do as such numerous harm to open offices; then another reliably performed by Indonesian young people, in particular fight.

    Social intercourse is the thing which ought to be protected extremely well. Our youngsters have not possessed the capacity to deal with which ones are great and which ones are terrible. So I welcome the instructors here to cooperate all together for directing our understudies to get the best good training. At the point when the ethica training they get is in a top notch, then I’m certain they will ready to stay away from all types of induction good abhorrence out there.

    Along these lines, we can not just give the scholarly instruction. On the off chance that we keep on focussing just on scholastic training, then the power of good instruction will be lessened and our understudies are not ready to be a keen including splendid.

    When we instruct in the classroom, it’s ideal to give a couple of minutes to prompt our understudies, with the goal that they find themselves able to get an ethical adequately. The division of the current training framework in the classroom ought to be 50:50. 50 percent is the scholastic training, while 50 percent is moral instruction. At the point when the system is run reliably, I accept Indonesian understudies will be better later on and wantonness will be diminished.

    I have not discovered some other thoughts I need to express. In this way, thank you to those of you who have listened to my vision.

    Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.

    Arti Dalam Bahasa Indonesia:

    Assalamualaikum, wr. Wb.

    Saya ucapkan terima kasih kepada Allah SWT karena telah memberikan kesempatan kepada saya untuk berada di mimbar ini.

    Kita saat ini duduk sebagai seorang pendidik seharusnya mengetahui bahwa remaja Indonesia sedang terancam. Masa depan mereka sedang berada di dalam bahaya. Kenapa saya berkata begitu? Ini berdasarkan banyak fakta bahwa pergaulan remaja Indonesia telah melampaui batas usia mereka. Di usia yang masih muda, sering saya lihat mereka merokok, kemudian ada banyak data yang menunjukkan bahwa mereka hamil di luar nikah akibat pergaulan bebas.

    Kerusakan moral lainnya yang biasa kita lihat adalah geng motor yang melakukan kerusakan-kerusakan terhadap fasilitas umum, kemudian ada satu lagi yang konsisten dilakukan oleh remaja Indonesia, yaitu tawuran.

    Pergaulan merupakan sesuatu yang harus kita jaga dengan baik. Anak-anak kita belum mampu untuk memilah mana yang baik dan yang buruk. Sehingga saya ajak pendidik yang ada ada disini untuk bersama-sama membimbing siswa kita untuk mendapatkan pendidikan moral yang terbaik. Ketika pendidikan moral yang telah mereka dapatkan kualitasnya begitu tinggi, maka saya yakin mereka mampu terhindar dari segala bentuk hasutan kejahatan moral yang ada di luar sana.

    Kita tidak bisa hanya memberikan pendidikan akademis. Jika kita terus berfokus pada pendidikan akademis, maka intensitas pendidikan moral akan berkurang dan siswa kita tidak mampu menjadi seorang yang cerdas dan mulia.

    Ketika kita mengajar di kelas, adalah baik apabila kita menyediakan waktu beberapa menit untuk menasihati siswa. Sehingga mereka mampu mendapatkan pendidikan moral yang cukup. Pembagian sistem pendidikan yang ada di kelas seharusnya 50 berbanding 50. 50 persen adalah pendidikan akademis sedangkan 50 persen adalah pendidikan moral. Saat teknik tersebut kita jalankan dengan konsisten, saya yakin pendidikan Indonesia akan lebih baik dan pergaulan bebas akan semakin berkurang.

    Ketika berdiri di sini, saya belum menemukan ide lain yang ingin saya ungkapkan. Jadi, terima kasih untuk Anda yang telah mendengarkan visi saya.

    Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.

    Iya itulah tadi Contoh Naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pergaulan Bebas Beserta Artinya. Semoga bisa bermanfaat bagi pengunjung setia SBI dimanapun anda berada. 🙂