Kategori: Contoh Soal

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris

  • 15 Contoh Soal ‘There is vs There are’ Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawaban

    15 Contoh Soal ‘There is vs There are’ Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawaban

    15 Contoh Soal ‘There is vs There are’ Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawaban


    15 Contoh Soal 'There is vs There are' Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawaban
    15 Contoh Soal ‘There is vs There are’ Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawaban


    Kumpulan Soal ‘There is vs There are’ Dalam Bahasa Inggris


    Sahabat SBI pasti sudah tidak asing lagi bukan dengan kata there is dan there are dalam bahasa inggris? Kedua kata tersebut memiliki arti ada. Namun penggunaan keduanya berbeda. There is digunakan untuk benda berbentuk singular atau tunggal sedangkan there are digunakan untuk bernda berbentuk jamak.

    Langsung saja ke contoh soalnya dalam bahasa inggris ya sahabat SBI 🙂

    1._______some students in the class

    a.there is

    b.there are

    2.I see many flowers in the garden and______one flower that I like the most

    a.there is

    b.there are

    3.______many vegetables in the market and you can buy it

    a.there is

    b.there are

    4._____a bowl of soto for you

    a.there is

    b.there are

    5.I give him many foods and______a food that I like

    a.there is

    b.there are

    6._____many people in their house

    a.there is

    b.there are

    7._______ a cup of coffee on the table for you

    a.there is

    b.there are

    8.I will buy many books in this shop because ______many interesting books here

    a.there is

    b.there are

    9.______your favourite food in this restaurant

    a.there is

    b.there are

    10.______your enemy in this party

    a.there is

    b.there are

    11. _______ men in this party

    a.there is

    b.there are

    12.I see _______some people in that event

    a.there is

    b.there are

    13.Look at that! _____ a man standing alone

    a.there is

    b.there are

    14.______my friends in the living room

    a.there is

    b.there are

    15.I believe______a good human in this word

    a.there is

    b.there are


    1. b
    2. a
    3. b
    4. a
    5. a
    6. b
    7. a
    8. b
    9. a
    10. a
    11. b
    12. b
    13. a
    14. b
    15. a

    Selamat mengerjakan ya sahabat SBI 🙂

    Check Materi SBI Lainnya :

  • 20 Contoh Soal “But vs And” Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawaban

    20 Contoh Soal “But vs And” Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawaban

    20 Contoh Soal “But vs And” Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawaban


    20 Contoh Soal "But vs And" Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawaban
    20 Contoh Soal “But vs And” Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawaban


    Kumpulan Soal But vs And Dalam Bahasa Inggris


    Materi mengenai ad da but, pernah kita bahas sebelumnya dalam bahasa inggris, sahabat SBI masih ingat bukan bagaimana penggunaan but dan and dalam bahasa inggris? Nah, pada kesempatan kali ini, kita akan langsung membahas mengenai contoh soalnya beserta dengan jawaban nya dalam bahasa inggris ya sahabat SBI? Langsung simak yuk 🙂

    1. I will go to school, ______my motorcycle was broken
    2. I____you are bestfriend from we were young
    3. They wanna be happy,______they never act like happy people
    4. I wanna close with you,_____you never wanna close with me
    5. She____me are not close anymore
    6. I love him,____he loves me too
    7. She can sing a song, _____she never sing anymore
    8. You____I are couple
    9. It is not only a book____also an interesting media
    10. She is not only a singer______ also a dancer
    11. She is not only a teacher______ also a model
    12. I will be with him,_______he never wanna be with me
    13. I love him____I hates him too
    14. I will pass the examination,_____I never study
    15. Diana _____her mom are so friendly
    16. They call me_____  I don’t hear
    17. I____my father are so proud with him
    18. She loves me,_______I never know her
    19. Tiara_____sinta are siblings
    20. I miss him,_____I can not be with him


    1. But
    2. And
    3. but
    4. but
    5. and
    6. but
    7. but
    8. and
    9. but
    10. but
    11. but
    12. but
    13. but
    14. but
    15. and
    16. but
    17. and
    18. but
    19. and
    20. but

    Semoga bermafaat untuk sahabat SBI semua 🙂

    Check Materi SBI Lainnya:

  • 15 Contoh Soal “Again vs Anymore” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    15 Contoh Soal “Again vs Anymore” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    15 Contoh Soal “Again vs Anymore” Dalam Bahasa Inggris


    15 Contoh Soal "Again vs Anymore" Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    15 Contoh Soal “Again vs Anymore” Dalam Bahasa Inggris


    Kumpulan Soal Again vs Anymore


    Hai Sahabat SBI, pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan membahas materi bahasa inggris yag berhubungan dengan kata agin dan anymore. Sahabat SBI masih ingat penggunaan dan juga perbedaan dari kedua kata tersebut? Sebelum mengerjakan soalnya, kita ulas dulu berikut ini ya 🙂

    Apa itu Again dan Anymore?

    Again merupakan kata dalam bahasa inggris yang memiliki arti lagi, lagi disini yaitu digunakan untuk menjelaskan peristiwa yang berulang. Seperti contohnya sebuah keterlambatan dan lain sebagainya. Sedangkan anymore merupakan kata dalam bahasa inggris yang memiliki arti lagi , maksud dari kata ini yaitu masih berlaku atau tidaknya suatu fakta.

    Kumpulan Contoh Soalnya Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    1. I can not love you________
    2. I have not been here_______
    3. It is too late to clean the room_______
    4. My money lost and it is too late to take money_______
    5. I heard that you came late_______ this morning
    6. Please be careful, try to not drop anything________
    7. It is hard to love a man_______
    8. My mom cooks a mate_________ this morning
    9. I just heard that you won’t work there_______
    10. I promise, I will not call you________
    11. She has not been singing_______
    12. I still care with you, but I can not love you______
    13. Dina, I heard that you came late ____ this morning
    14. They rewrite a letter to their parents________
    15. I fallin in love with a same girl_________
    16. Sinta drinks a cup of coffee_______this afternoon
    17. Riris cries____ because of her boyfriend
    18. I will go to Bali_____to visit my neighbour
    19. My teacher explains the lesson______for us
    20. she goes to doctor_____because she is sick now


    1. anymore
    2. anymore
    3. again
    4. again
    5. again
    6. again
    7. anymore
    8. again
    9. anymore
    10. again
    11. anymore
    12. anymore
    13. again
    14. again
    15. again
    16. again
    17. again
    18. again
    19. again
    20. again

    Semoga bermanfaat sebagai referensi belajar ya sahabat SBI semua 🙂

    Check Materi SBI Lainnya:

  • Kumpulan Soal Vocabulary Pilihan Ganda Part II Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawaban

    Kumpulan Soal Vocabulary Pilihan Ganda Part II Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawaban

    Kumpulan Soal Vocabulary Pilihan Ganda Part II Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawaban


    Kumpulan Soal Vocabulary Pilihan Ganda Part II Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawaban
    Kumpulan Soal Vocabulary Pilihan Ganda Part II Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawaban


    Hallo sahabat SBI, bagaimana kabarnya hari ini? semoga selalu sehat dan bahagia ya 🙂 pada kesempatan kali ini admin ingin menjelaskan kepada sahabat SBI mengenai vocabulary dalam bahasa inggris, sahabat SBI masih ingat apa yang dimaksud dengan vocabulary? dalam bahasa inggris,  Vocabulary is all about words — the words in a language or a special set of words you are trying to learn.

    Vocabulary atau kosakata sendiri pun banyak macam nya, berikut ini akan admin berikan soal latihan dalam bahasa inggris mengenai vocabulary, check this out 🙂

    1.In spite of his many faults, paul is very dedicated to his mother.





    2.Mrs.Smith will demonstrate how this computer works.





    3.The columnist’s remarks were inappropriate and rude.





    4.The argument, although understandable was not very convincing.





    5.The judge would not hear the case because the evidence was not sufficient.





    6.Being meek, the stranger had difficulty making friends.





    7.The gem is so rare it could be fake





    8.an inexperienced driver is a potential danger.





    9.when the wind died, the sailboat drifted toward the beach.





    10.this course focuses primarily on the history of early civilizations.





    11.Success is most deserved by amiable people.





    12.An ulterior motive is behind the question.

    a.a concealed

    b.a good

    c.an important


    14.There was a long pause before the music began.





    15.A brisk walk in cool weather is invigorating.





    16.some tall people often feel clumsy





    17.all typing errors must be deleted from this memo.





    18.animals in the wild seem more ferocious than they really are.





    19.The manager was found to be harassing his employees.





    20.The government will issue a statement about tax increases soon.



    c.give out


    21.The garments of colonial times, if in good condition, are highly prized.





    22.children must learn to tolerate one another.

    a.put up with



    d.play with

    23.more responsibility and higher salaries are incentives for on-the-job training.


    b.integral part of

    c.priviligese of

    d.inducement for

    24.the product to use to douse a grease fire is salt or baking soda.





    25.The suspect is being held for arraignment without bail.





    26.The quant style of the homes is typical of this region.





    27.Doctors discourage massive doses of drugs for infants.





    28.The provisions of the contract exclude any division of the property for 50 years.





    29.History has shown that rulers do not relinquish power easily.





    30.modern music is usually characterized by a remarkable dissonance.





    Demikian contoh soal mengenai vocabulary dalam bahasa inggris semoga dapat bermanfaat untuk Sahabat SBI semua ya 🙂

  • Contoh Soal ‘Reflexive Pronoun’ Beserta Jawaban Lengkap

    Contoh Soal ‘Reflexive Pronoun’ Beserta Jawaban Lengkap

    Contoh Soal ‘Reflexive Pronoun’ Beserta Jawaban Lengkap


    Contoh Soal 'Reflexive Pronoun' Beserta Jawaban Lengkap
    Contoh Soal ‘Reflexive Pronoun’ Beserta Jawaban Lengkap


    Agar bahasa inggris dari sahabat SBI semua semakin bagus, maka kita harus sering-sering berlatih, because english is habit. Berlatih bahasa inggris bisa sahabat SBI lakukan dengan cara mengerjakan soal-soal bahasa inggris, seperti berikut ini admin akan memberikan soal kepada sahabat SBI yang berhubungan dengan reflexive pronoun beserta denga jawaban nya, seperti apa kira-kira? yuk langsung saja kita coba untuk mengerjakan nya 🙂

    Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns.

    1.Are you okay, Heidi? Did you hurt______?

    2.David was really embarassed when he had to go to the job interview with a bandage on his face. He had cut_____while he was shaving.

    3.Do you ever talk to______? most people talk to_____sometimes

    4.It is important for all of us to have confidence in our own abilities. We need to believe in_______

    5.Sara is self-employed. She doesn’t have a boss. She works for____

    6.Steve, who is on the wrestling team, wishes______good luck before each match.

    7.There’s plenty of food on the table. would all of you please simply help_____to the food?

    8.Brian, don’t blame______for the accident. It wasn’t your fault. You did everything you could to avoid it.

    9.I couldn’t believe my good luck! I had to pinch_____to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.

    10.A newborn puppy can’t take care of_____

    11.I know Nicole and Paul have had some bad luck, but it’s time for them to stop feeling sorry for_____and get on with their lives.

    12.Jane and I ran into someone she knew. I’d never met this person before. I waited for Jane to introduce me, but she forgot her manners. I finally introduced_____to Jane’s friend.


    1. yourself
    2. himself
    3. yourself,theirselves
    4. ourselves
    5. herself
    6. himself
    7. yourself
    8. yourself
    9. myself
    10. itself
    11. theirselves
    12. myself

    Happy Studying Dan Semoga Bermanfaat Ya Sahabat SBI 🙂

  • Kumpulan Soal ‘Complete the sentence’ Beserta Kunci Jawabannya

    Kumpulan Soal ‘Complete the sentence’ Beserta Kunci Jawabannya

    Kumpulan Soal ‘Complete the sentence’ Beserta Kunci Jawaban nya


    Kumpulan Soal 'Complete the sentence' Beserta Kunci Jawaban nya
    Kumpulan Soal ‘Complete the sentence’ Beserta Kunci Jawaban nya


    Bahasa inggris merupakan bahasa internasional yang wajib dipelajari, mengapa? karena bahasa inggris sangat penting digunakan untuk berkomunikasi baik  nasional baik internasional Agar sahabat SBI lebih mahir dalam bahasa inggris, berikut ini akan admin sajikan beberapa soal bahasa inggris yang berkaitan dengan complete the sentence, jadi disini sahabat SBI hanya mengisi kalimat rumpang dalam bahasa inggris. Yuk langsung saja kita coba soal nya! check this out 🙂

    Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in parentheses.

    1.Last friday was a holiday. it (be)____independence

    2.Day, so I didn’t have to go to classess. I (sleep)____a little

    3.later than usual. around ten, my friend larry (come)____

    4.over to my apartment. we (pack)_____a picnic basket and

    5.then (take)______the bus to forest park. we (spend)

    6.______most of the day there

    7.when we (get)____to the park, we (find)

    8._____an empty picnic table near a pond. There were some

    9.ducks on the pond, so we (feed)_____them. we (throw)

    10.______small pieces of bred on the water, and the ducks

    11.(swim)_____over to get them. one duck was very clever. it

    12.(catch)_____the bread in midair before it (hit)

    13._______the water. Another duck was a thief. it (steal)

    14._______bread from the beaks of other ducks. while we (feed)

    15._______the ducks, larry and I (meet)_______a

    16.man who usually (come)______to the park every day to feed

    17.the ducks. we (sit)______on a park bench and (speak)

    18.______to him for fifteen or twenty minutes

    19.after we (eat)______our lunch, I (take)_____

    20.a short nap under. while I

    21.(sleep)_______, a

    22.mosquito (bite)_______

    23.my arm. when I (wake)

    24._______up, my arm

    25.itched, so I scratched it. suddenly I

    26.(hear)_________a noise

    27.in the tree above me. I (look)

    28._______up and (see)

    29._____an orange and

    30.gray bird. After a few moments, it


    32.During the afternoon, we (do)______many things, first

    33.we (take)_____a long walk. when we (get)_____

    34.back to our picnic table, I (read)____a book, and larry.

    35.who (be)______an artist, (draw)________

    36.pictures. later we (play)_____a game of chess. larry (win)

    37._______the first game, but I (win)______the

    38.second one. then he (teach)_______me how to play a new

    39.game, one with dice. while we (play)____this new

    40.game, one of the dice (fall)_____from the picnic table onto

    41.the ground. we finally (find)______it in some tall grass

    42.In the evening, we (join)_____a huge crowd to watch

    43.the fireworks display. the fireworks (be)_____beautiful

    44.some of the explosions (be)______very loud, however. they

    45.(hurt)______my ears. when the display (be)

    46._____over, we (leave)_____all in all, it

    47.(be)______a very enjoyable day.















    15.feed, met


















    33.took, got


    35.was, drew


    37.won, won











    Semoga bermanfaat untuk sahabat SBI semua ya 🙂

  • Kumpulan Soal ‘IRREGULAR VERB’ Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Kunci Jawaban

    Kumpulan Soal ‘IRREGULAR VERB’ Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Kunci Jawaban

    Kumpulan Soal ‘IRREGULAR VERB’ Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Kunci Jawaban


    Kumpulan Soal 'IRREGULAR VERB' Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Kunci Jawaban
    Kumpulan Soal ‘IRREGULAR VERB’ Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Kunci Jawaban


    Hallo sahabat SBI, apakah sahabat SBI pernah mendengar mengenai irregular verb dalam bahasa inggris? apa yang sahabat SBI ketahui mengenai irregular verb dalam bahasa inggris? Sedikit mengulas mengenai irregular verb dalam bahasa inggris atau kata kerja yang tidak beraturan dalam bahasa inggris. Yaitu merupakan bentuk verb atau kata kerja dimana bentuk verb 1, verb 2 dan verb 3 nya berubah. Agar sahabat SBI mudah dalam menggunakan nya, yuk langsung kita simak contoh soal beserta jawaban nya berikut ini 🙂

    Complete the sentences by using the simple past of the given verbs. Use teach verb only one time. All of the verbs have irregular past forms.

    • Begin
    • cut
    • drink
    • eat
    • find
    • go
    • hold
    • keep
    • lose
    • meet
    • read
    • shake
    • shut
    • speak
    • spend
    • bite
    • draw
    • drive
    • fall
    • feed
    • feel
    • forget
    • get
    • hear
    • hurt
    • leave
    • lend
    • ride
    • steal
    • take

    1.Sue_____a cup of coffee before class this morning.

    2.we_____a delicious dinner at a mexican restaurant last night

    3.when it____to rain yesterday afternoon, I_____all of the windows in the apartment

    4.Chris hurt his finger when he was fixing his dinner last night. He accidentally_____it with a sharp knife

    5.I don’t have any money in my pocket. I_____my last dime yesterday. I’m flat broke

    6.Jessica didn’t throw her old shoes away. She______them because they were comfortable.

    7.I_______an interesting article in the newspaper yesterday.

    8.Jack______his pocketknife at the park yesterday. This morning he______back to the park to look for it. Finally he_____it in the grass. he was glad to have it back.

    9.Peter was nervous when he______his baby in his arms for the first time

    10.I_____jennifer’s parents when they vivited her. She introduced me to them.

    11.Yesterday I called jason on the phone. He wasn’t home, so I_____to his sister

    12.When I introduced Tom to Ryan, they_____hands and smiled at each other

    13.Mary walked to school today. Rebecca_____her car Alison____her bicycle. Sandy_____the bus.

    14.When Alan slipped on the icy sidewalk yesterday, he______down and_____his back. His back is very painful today.

    15.I didn’t have any money yesterday, so my roomate____me enough so I could pay for my lunch

    16.the children had a good time at the park yesterday. They_____the ducks small pieces of bread.

    17.Alice called the police yesterday because someone_____her bicycle while she was in the library studying. she’s very angry.

    18.Dick ______his apartment in a hurry this morning because he was late for school. That’s why he____to bring his books to class.

    19.The children______pictures of themselves in art class yesterday

    20.I have a cold. Yesterday I_____terrible, but I’m feeling better today

    21.Last night I______a strange noise in the house around 2 : 00 A.M, so I_____up to investigate.

    22.My dog isn’t very friendly . Yesterday she_______my neighbor’s leg. Luckily, my dog is very old and doesn’t have sharp teeth she didn’t my neighbor.


    1. Drank
    2. ate
    3. began, shut
    4. cut
    5. spent
    6. kept
    7. read
    8. lost, went, found
    9. held
    10. met
    11. spoke
    12. shook
    13. drove
    14. rode, took
    15. fell, hurt
    16. lent
    17. fed
    18. stole
    19. leave
    20. forgot
    21. drew
    22. felt
    23. hear
    24. got
    25. bit

    Semoga bermanfaat ya sahabat SBI semua 🙂

  • Kumpulan Soal ‘The other & Another’ Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap

    Kumpulan Soal ‘The other & Another’ Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap

    Kumpulan Soal ‘The other & Another’ Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap


    Kumpulan Soal 'The other & Another' Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap
    Kumpulan Soal ‘The other & Another’ Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap


    Sahabat SBI pasti sudah tidak asing lagi bukan dengan the other dan another dalam bahasa inggris? kedua kata tersebut banyak digunakan dalam kalimat bahasa inggris, Nah, pada kesempatan kali ini kita langsung pada contoh soal nya ya sahabat SBI? sebagai bahan berlatih bagi sahabat SBI semua 🙂

    1.There are many kinds of animals in the world. The elephant is one kind. Some______are tigers, horses and whales.

    2.There are many kinds of animals in the world. The elephant is one kind. Some_____kinds are tigers, horses and whales.

    3.There are three colors in the U.S flag. one of the colors is red.______are white and blue

    4.there are three colors in the u.s flag. One of the colors is red.____colors are white and blue

    5.There are four seasons. Spring and summer are two._____are fall and winter.

    6.Spring and summer are two of the four seasons_____seasons are fall and winter

    7.There are many kinds of geometric figures. Some are circles._____figures are squares. Still______are rectangular

    8.There are four geometric figures in the above drawing. One is a square.______figures are a rectangle, a circle and a triangle

    9.Of the four geometric figures in the drawing, only the circle has curved lines._____have straight lines

    10.Some ships are fueled by potroleum_____are propolled by atomic power

    11.Some boats are used for pleasure______boats are used for comercial fishing.

    12.many people like to get up very early in the morning.______like to sleep until noon.

    13.out of the twenty students in the class, eighteen passed the exam_____failed

    14.Out of the twenty students in the class, only two failed the exam._____students passed.

    Semoga bermanfaat untuk Sahabat SBI semua 🙂

  • 10 Jenis Soal Reading TOEFL Beserta Pembahasannya Terlengkap

    10 Jenis Soal Reading TOEFL Beserta Pembahasannya Terlengkap

    10 Jenis Soal Reading TOEFL Beserta Pembahasannya Terlengkap

    10 Jenis Soal Reading TOEFL Beserta Pembahasannya Terlengkap – Baiklah pada kesempatan kali ini admin akan mengupas materi seputar Soal – Soal Reading yang ada pada TOEFL. Ada 10 jenis soal yang ada pada Reading Toefl seperti yang akan kami jabarkan dibawah ini. Chekidot!!!

    10 Jenis Soal Reading TOEFL Beserta Pembahasannya Terlengkap

    Jenis pertanyaan Reading Comprehension
    – Ada sepuluh macam pertanyaan umumnya ditemukan pada TOEFL.
    – Lima jenis pertama diminta paling sering (75 sampai 80% dari semua pertanyaan).
    – Lima jenis terakhir diminta lebih jarang (20 sampai 25% dari semua pertanyaan).

    Jenis Pertanyaan Reading Toefl yang sering muncul

    1.    Main idea questions
    – Anda akan diminta untuk mengidentifikasi gagasan utama atau topik dari keseluruhan bagian. Biasanya ada onloy satu ide utama.
    – Ini adalah jenis pertanyaan yang sangat penting, karena setiap bagian biasanya memiliki satu pertanyaan ide utama.

    Sample questions
    What is the main idea of the passage?
    With which of the following is the passage mainly concerned?
    What is the main part of the passage?
    Which of the following does the author mainoy discuss?
    Which of the following would be the best title?

    2.    Factual questions – positive
    – Anda akan diminta untuk informasi spesifik dibahas dalam bagian ini.
    – Ini adalah jenis pertanyaan yang sangat penting, karena setiap bagian biasanya memiliki beberapa pertanyaan faktual.

    Sample questions
    Which of the following questions does the passage answer?
    According to the passage, which statement is true?
    When did ‘something” happen?
    Who did “something”?

    3.    Factual questions – negative
    – Anda akan diminta untuk mengidentifikasi informasi tidak dibahas dalam bagian ini.
    – Ini adalah jenis pertanyaan yang sangat penting, karena setiap bagian biasanya memiliki beberapa pertanyaan faktual.

    Sample questions
    The author discussed all the following in the passage EXCEPT …
    According to the passage, which is the most likely reason?
    Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

    4.    Inference questions – specific applications
    – Anda akan diminta untuk membentuk kesimpulan berdasarkan informasi yang dibahas dalam bagian ini.

    Sample questions
    Which of the following does the author imply?
    Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

    5.    Inference questions – general applications
    – Anda akan diminta untuk menerapkan informasi dari bagian situasi umum di luar bagian ini.

    Sample questions
    How does the author feel about  the characters mentioned in the passage?
    Which of the following best describes the author’s purpose?
    What is the general tone of the passage?

    6.    Analogy questions
    – Anda akan diminta untuk membandingkan pertanyaan pilihan jawaban untuk ide-ide yang dibahas dalam bagian ini.

    Sample questions
    Which of the following is like “the main idea?”
    Doing “something” is analogous to which of the following?

    7.    Written expression questions
    – Anda akan diminta arti kata-kata dalam konteks suatu bagian atau referen (anteseden) untuk kata ganti.

    Sample questions
    The wotd this in the last sentence refers to…
    What does “word” mean in the context of this passage?

    8.    Organization questions
    – Anda akan diminta untuk menentukan bagaimana penulis disajikan informasi.

    9.    Following-on questions
    – Anda akan diminta untuk menebak informasi apa yang mungkin ada pada text.

    Sample questions
    In the next paragraph, the author will most likely mention….
    How might the author conclude the discussion?

    10.    View point questions
    – Anda akan diminta untuk menentukan penulis nada, sikap atau tujuan.

    Sample questions
    How does the author feel about the characters mentioned in the passage?
    Which of the following best describes the author’s purpose?
    What is the general tone of the passage?

    Demikianlah 10 Jenis Soal Reading TOEFL Beserta Pembahasannya Terlengkap. Semoga bisa membantu anda untuk mendapatkan skor TOEFL yang tinggi. Terima kasih!!!