Kategori: Contoh Soal

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris

  • 14 Soal Text Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMP Kelas 2

    14 Soal Text Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMP Kelas 2

    14 Soal Text Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMP Kelas 2


    14 Soal Text Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMP Kelas 2
    14 Soal Text Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMP Kelas 2


    Kumpulan Soal Text Untuk SMP Kelas 2


    Hai sahabat SBI! saatnya kita berlatih untuk belajar bahasa inggris yuk, yaitu dalam bentuk soalnya. Soal ini akan berkaitan dengan skill reading, yaitu admin akan memberikan text dalam bahasa inggris dan terdapat beberapa pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan teks tersebut, sehingga sahabat SBI bisa langsung mencari jawabanya di teks tersebut ya? Tunggu apa lagi? Yuk langsung saja simak berikut ini 🙂

    A price of clean Air

    After years of talk but no action at all, Jakarta’s administrators seem to have arrived at the realisation to free the indonesian capital from the problem of pollution, in this case air pollution.

    As of january this year, no less than 4.5 million motor vehicles plied the city roads. About 4.4 million of them were private motor vehicles, 1.5 millions cars, and 3 million motor bikes.

    Although, relatively small in number, the 600.000 two stroke motor bike in jakarta and cars are the major offender’s of air polution. One such vehicle causes emission about the same as 20 maintained cars. Thus, it is not surprisingly that jakarta is among the worst cities in the world-third after mexico and bangkok-in terms of air pollution.

    In light of all this, the jakarta city council puts forward that all motor vehicles must be checked regularly. The city council propose to achieve this not only by making regular emission checks compulsory, but by banning from the streets all public transportation vehicles older than 10 years and private cars older than 15 years. If the proposal is passed into law, Jakartan’s will be fined rp 50,000,000 if they neglect to have their cars tested once every 6 months.

    It can be argued that the same things should be given to polluting industries 30% of the air pollution one caused by these industries.

    As for smokers, the bad news is that a rp 50 million panalty will await them if they smoke in public places where smoking is prohibited.

    Obviously, we have to see how such a plan could could be realised without causing social disruption in a city where the majority of the population is poor and most of the vehicles are old.


    1. What is the main idea of paragraph 1?
    2. What are the major offenders of air pollution in jakarta?
    3. What did the city council propose to decrease the air pollution?
    4. What will happen to the people who don’t check their cars regularly every six months?
    5. What was the bad news for smokers?
    6. What is a possible effect of the new laws in society?
    7. what is the major issue of the above text?
    8. in which paragraph do you find the issue?
    9. write any opinions related to the issue.
    10. do you find any arguments on the text above?
    11. write any sentences related to the arguments of the writer concerning the issue.
    12. what is the writer’s position on the issue?
    13. what is the conclusion of the text above?
    14. what is the text type?

    Happy studying ya sahabat SBI 🙂

    Check Materi SBI Lainnya :


  • Soal Bahasa Inggris ‘Expression’ Untuk SMP Kelas 2

    Soal Bahasa Inggris ‘Expression’ Untuk SMP Kelas 2

    Soal Bahasa Inggris ‘Expression’ Untuk SMP Kelas 2


     Soal Bahasa Inggris 'Expression' Untuk SMP Kelas 2
    Soal Bahasa Inggris ‘Expression’ Untuk SMP Kelas 2


    Soal Expression Bahasa Inggris


    Hai sahabat SBI! apakah kalian masih semangat untuk belajar bahasa inggris? Pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan membahas soal bahasa inggris yang berkaitan dengan expression ya?

    Masih ingat kan apa yang dimaksud dengan expression? expression atau ekspresi merupakan bentuk ungkapan diri. baik dalam perbuatan maupun kata-kata, nah soal bahasa inggris kali ini berkaitan dengan expresi anxious ataupun afraid.

    Berikut beberapa contohya dalam bahasa inggris :

    saying you are anxious or afraid

    • I am very worried/uneasy
    • I am really frightened of
    • I am very anxious about
    • I am very concerned about
    • I am afraid of
    • I am scared that

    dan lain sebagainya.

    Yuk langsung simak saja contoh soalnya dalam bahasa inggris 🙂

    Complete these dialogues using the expressions you have learned

    1.your partner : I am (very) anxious about my grandfather. He’s really sick.

    you : What’s wrong with your grand father?

    your partner : he is at the hospital and he will have surgery.

    you : Don’t you worry, the doctors will take care of him, won’t they?

    your partner : the doctors who take care of my grandfather are really profesional.

    you : oh, that’s a relief

    2.Andy : __________I can’t finish my assignment on time.

    Bob : Why are you so worried?

    Andy : you know, the task is very hard and makes me so confused

    Bob : No, it isn’t. If you don’t mind, I can help you.

    Andy :________

    3.Jamie : I’m going to have a long drive tomorrow. _____ about the weather forecast.

    Rony : Don’t worry. It will be sunny tomorrow. I saw the weather forecast for tomorrow. I saw the weather forecast for tomorrow and it will turn out good.

    jamie : ______________

    4.Scott : I slept late last night.

    ________ I will come to school late

    Nancy : take it easy . I will wake you up early in the morning.

    Scott :_______________

    5.wilie : ______that we may not meet the deadline on this project.

    smith : well, there will be  a few problems, certainly, but I am sure we can manage it.

    willie : _______if we’re optimistic.

    Happy studying ya sahabat SBI 🙂

    Check Materi SBI Lainnya :


  • Soal Reading Tentang ‘Surat’ Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Soal Reading Tentang ‘Surat’ Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Soal Reading Tentang ‘Surat’ Dalam Bahasa Inggris


    Soal Reading Tentang 'Surat' Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    Soal Reading Tentang ‘Surat’ Dalam Bahasa Inggris


    Kumpulan Soal Reading Dalam Bahasa Inggris


    Reading merupakan bentuk skill dalam bahasa inggris yang wajib untuk kita kuasai selain dari speaking, listening dan writing. Apakah sahabat SBI pernah mendengar atau belajar mengenai reading?

    Nah, reading sendiri memiliki banyak jenisnya, seperti dalam bentuk teks, surat dan lain sebagainya, Pada kesempatan kali ini, yuk kita belajar soal reading yang berkaitan denga surat. Seperti apa contohnya? Yuk langsung simak saja 🙂

    17 July, 2004


    Dear Larry,

    Yesterday, I have a big argument with my boss. The bus was late, so I arrived late for work at 9:30. Before I take my coat off, she starts to give me a lot of work. I tell her I am not ready yet, but she didn’t listen. Then, I try to explain to her that the bus was really late this morning, and she still doesn’t listen. Finally, she demanded a written explanation. at first, I refused. Then, I realised that I really loved my job, so I write it in the afternoon when I’m not so angry.

    I hope I still have a job the next time I write.












    17 Juli 2004


    Dear Larry,


    Kemarin, saya punya argumen besar dengan bos saya. Bus ini terlambat, jadi saya tiba terlambat untuk bekerja di 9:30. Sebelum mengambil saya mantel, dia mulai memberi saya banyak pekerjaan. Aku katakan padanya aku tidak siap belum, tetapi dia tidak mendengarkan. Kemudian, saya mencoba untuk menjelaskan kepadanya bahwa bus itu benar-benar larut pagi ini, dan dia masih tidak mendengarkan. Akhirnya, dia menuntut penjelasan yang tertulis. pada awalnya, saya menolak. Kemudian, aku menyadari bahwa aku benar-benar menyukai pekerjaan saya, jadi saya menulis pada sore hari ketika saya tidak begitu marah.


    Aku berharap aku masih memiliki pekerjaan yang waktu berikutnya saya menulis.





    Semoga bermanfaat 🙂

    Simak Materi KBI Lainnya :
  • 10 Soal Bahasa Inggris WORDS INTHE BOX Untuk SMP Kelas 7

    10 Soal Bahasa Inggris WORDS INTHE BOX Untuk SMP Kelas 7

    10 Soal Bahasa Inggris WORDS INTHE BOX Untuk SMP Kelas 7



    Hai sahabat SBI, materi kali ini kita akan berhubungan dengan materi sebelumnya yaitu past tense. Apakah sahabat SBI masih ingat apa yang dimaksud dengan past tense dalam bahasa inggris?

    Yaps! Past tense merupakan bentuk tenses dalam bahasa inggris yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan suatu kejadian di masa lampau, Past tense sendiri menggunakan verb 2 atau kata kerja kedua.

    Nah, berikut ini admin akan menyediakan soal bentuk words in the boc namun menggunakan past tense, soal ini tentu saja sangat berguna untuk melatih kosakata yang sahabat SBI miliki, seperti apa contohnya? Yuk simak langsung J


    A.Complete the sentences with one of the words in the box. Be careful they are not all used. Work with your partner. Do it in your workbook.


    -Worrying      -worried            -annoying     -tired

    -surprising      -frightening     -tiring             -excited

    -interesting      -interested       -bored

    -Exciting          – annoyed       -surprised



    1.The radio program was…….. so I turned it off

    2.Children can’t get to sleep on christmas eve. They’re too…….

    3.’Hi, Mom’! ‘Liz, thank goodness you called! Where have you been? We’ve been so…. about you

    4.Hello, darling. I’ve got a present for you

    For me?

    ‘Don’t look so…… I often buy you presents’

    ‘But it isn’t my birthday!’

    5.The art exhibitation was very……..I loved it, but I had to leave after three hours, My feet were killing me! I found going a round art galleries and museums very……..

    6.Some people don’t go out at night because they’re …… that someone will rob them

    7.Sue has been two days in the hospital. However, she is still in coma. Her condition is….

    We don’t know what will happen to her.

    8.’You’re yawning. Are you listening to what I’m saying?’

    ‘I am! I’m really…. I want to know what happened. It’s just that I feel very…. I went to bed very late  last night’.

    9.’I am going on a one-month holiday to the hawaii’, ‘How…! lucky you!’

    10.’Was your mother….. when you told her your exam results?’

    ‘she was furious’.

    Happy studying guys 🙂

    Check Materi SBI Lainnya :


  • 11 Contoh Soal Descriptive Text Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMP Kelas 7

    11 Contoh Soal Descriptive Text Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMP Kelas 7

    11 Contoh Soal Descriptive Text Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMP Kelas 7


    Dalam materi bahasa inggris, kita mengenal adanya beberapa bentuk teks dalam bahasa inggris, seperti contohnya adalah report text, explanation text, narrative text dan lain sebagainya, namun yang paling sering kita temui adalah descriptive text.

    Apakah sahabat SBI masih ingat apa yang dimaksud dengan descriptive text dalam bahasa inggris? Yaps!

    Descriptive text merupakan jenis text dalam bahasa inggris yang digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan atau menggambarkan suatu hal. Tujuan dari descriptive text tentu saja untuk memberikan informasi kepada si pembaca.

    Yuk, langsung saja kita berlatih mengenai soal descriptive text dalam bahasa inggris, check this out J



    A.Look at the picture. Then read the text.


    Lusia is my classmate. She is very beautiful and friendly. Her hair is aslong as her shoulders. She is very energetic. She is very active in her school and takes some extracurricular subjects. One of them is dancing.

    She has been practicing dance since she was six years old. She can dance both traditional and modern dances, but she prefers traditional dances to modern ones. Her favourite dance is pakarena dance. It is from makassar.

    Every time she performs the dance on the stage, she always gives her best performance to her audience so they really enjoy her dance .

    So far, she has appeared may times in formal ceremonies so she is very famous in our school. She often performs abroad as a member of Indonesia cultural delegations. Someday, she dreams to become a well-known dacer and if she has enough money, she will own a dancing company.


    Read the text again and then answer the question below.


    1.Who is Lusia?

    2.What does they refer to? See the last sentences of the second paragraph.

    3.what kind of dance does she prefer?

    4.How did she become very popular?

    5.what is the main idea of the third paragraph?

    6.Why does the audience like her performance?

    7.What is her experience?

    8.What is a good title of the text above?

    9.What doest the text describe? Person or thing?

    10.What kind of a person is she?

    11.What tense does the writer mostly use in the end?

    Semoga bermanfaat 🙂

    Check Materi SBI Lainnya :



  • 20 Soal ‘Very, Too Dan Enough’ Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMP Kelas 8

    20 Soal ‘Very, Too Dan Enough’ Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMP Kelas 8

    20 Soal ‘Very, Too Dan Enough’ Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMP Kelas 8



    Materi bahasa inggris kali ini akan berhubungan dengan kata very, too dan enough. Sahabat SBI pasti sudah tidak asing lagi bukan dengan ketiga kata tersebut? Kita sudah sering menggunaka nya dalam kalimat bahasa inggris, agar sahabat SBI tidak lupa, yuk kita ulas sedikit.

    Too dan enough merupakan bentuk kata dalam bahasa inggris yang digunakan untuk mengataka ekspresi cukup.  Ketiga kata ini banyak digunakan dalam kalimat bahasa inggris. Selain too dan enough, kata lainya lagi yaitu very. Kata ini memiliki arti sangat, digunakan untuk menggambarkan suatu hal yang berlebih.

    Agar sahabat SBI lebih memahami bagaimana cara penggunaan nya dalam bahasa inggris, Yuk kita langsung saja simak contoh soalnya berikut ini J


    A.Combine the sentences using too, do it in your workbook

    1.the poem is very long.  I can’t memorize it…………………………………..

    2.The play is very interesting. We ca enjoy it…………………………………..

    3.the film is very boring. I can not enjoy it…………………………………

    4.The ticket is very expensive. We can’t buy it………………………………….

    5.It is very dark. The visitors  can’t see the paintings………………………………

    6.It is very cold. We can’t go out this evening…………………………………

    7.This grammar is easy. We can understand it……………………………


    Combine the sentences using enough, do it in your workbook

    1.The book is very fun. We love to read it…………………………..

    2.This grammar lesson is easy. They can understand it……………………………….

    3.Susie could not go to my party. She was very busy…………………………….

    4.it is very snowy. I can not go swimming………………………….

    5.She was very tired. She couldn’t finish her homework last night………………………..

    6.Meta and her friends don’t have money. They can’t go to the beach tomorrow…………………


    Complete the sentences by using your own words. Do it in your workbook


    1.Tono isn’t old enough to stay home alone………………….

    2.that bag is too heavy…………………………..

    3.The gallery is big enough……………………………

    4.Mary and carrie are strong enough………………………….

    5.they are too short………………………

    6.the milk is too hot………………………

    Happy Studying 🙂

    Check Materi SBI Lainnya :


  • 10 Soal TRUE/FALSE Dalam Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMP Kelas 9

    10 Soal TRUE/FALSE Dalam Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMP Kelas 9

    10 Soal TRUE/FALSE Dalam Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMP Kelas 9


    Reading merupakan salah satu bentuk skill dalam bahasa inggris yang wajib untuk dikuasai selain dari 3 skill lainya seperti writing, listening, and speaking. Bagaimana cara berlatih reading atau skill reading? Cukup mudah! Salah satunya dengan cara berlatih dengan soal berikut ini.

    Yuk langsung saja simak berikut ini contoh soalnya!


    Tsunami is a japanese word from a seismic sea wave generated by an undersea earthquake, landslide, or eruption. Most tsunami happen along the ring of fire. It is a zone of volcanoes and seismic activity. The zone encircles the pacific ocean.

    Historically, tsunami has caused much destruction and death. Sibce 1819, about 40 tsunami have struct the hawaiian islands and since 1883, about 20 tsunamis have struck indonesia. The last one was on december 26, 2004, which caused over 100,000 deaths.

    A tsunami can have a width of 100 to 200 km and may spread far across the deep ocean. The speed is as fast as a jet plane. When the wave reaches land it can be very high, about 15 m or more.


    A.In pairs, take turns reading the text loudly.

    B.True or Fals? Do it in your workbook.


    No Statement True/False Evidence
    1. Tsunamis can only happen in Japan
    2. Tsunamis are caused by undersea earthquake or landslides
    3. The ring of fire is the area of volcanoes and seismic activities
    4. The speed of the wave can be as fast as a jet plane
    5. Tsunamis are not very high


    C.In Which Paragraph did you find the following information? Do it in your workbook.


    No Information Paragraph
    1. The cause f tsunamis …………………………
    2. The places where tsunamis occur ……………………………
    3. The number of tsunamis that have happened in indonesia ……………………………….
    4. The height of tsunamis …………………………………..
    5. The speed of tsunamis …………………………………………..


    Semoga bermanfaat 🙂

    Check Materi SBI Lainnya :


  • 10 Contoh Soal ‘More/-er or Less” Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap

    10 Contoh Soal ‘More/-er or Less” Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap

    10 Contoh Soal ‘More/-er or Less” Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap


    10 Contoh Soal 'More/-er or Less" Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap
    10 Contoh Soal ‘More/-er or Less” Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap


    Hallo sahabat SBI, pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan membahas mengenai soal comparative namun lebih spesifik yaitu more/er dan less. Untuk materi lengkapnya sudah pernah kita bahas ya pada materi sebelumnya? Sahabat SBI bisa mengeceknya dalam materi bahasa inggris sebelumnya.


    Nah, sekarang yuk langsung kita coba untuk Mengerjakan 10 soal berikut ini. Check this out 🙂

    Complete the following with comparatives by using more/-er or less, as appropriate. Use the words in parantheses plus your own words.

    1.This test wasn’t hard. It was a lot (difficult)_________

    2.Dr.Lee tests are far (difficult)____________

    3.A piano is a lot(heavy)______________

    4.To me, sciance is much (interesting)________

    5.Saltwater is (dense)________

    6.people are far (intelligent)___________

    7.fish are considerably (intelligent)_________

    8.she rarely comes to see us. she visits us much (frequently)_____

    9.when you’re hot and tired, nothing is (refreshing)_______

    10.in my life, I have always tried to help those who are (fortunate)_______

    11.A rabbit is_______than a turtle

    12.I made_______on the last test than (I did) on the first one, so I got a worse grade.

    13.A-twelve-year-old has______at home and in school than a nine-year-old.

    14.my son is________about doing his homework than his older sister is.

    15.This soup doesn’t taste quite right. I think it needs just a little_________

    16.I made________on the last test than (I did) on the first one, so I got a worse grade.

    17.there is_______about geography in an encyclopedia than (there is) in a dictionary.

    Semoga bermanfaat ya sahabat SBI semua 🙂

    Check Juga Materi Penting SBI Lainnya :

  • 12 Contoh Soal Narrative Text Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap

    12 Contoh Soal Narrative Text Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap

    12 Contoh Soal Narrative Text Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap


    12 Contoh Soal Narrative Text Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap
    12 Contoh Soal Narrative Text Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap


    Pada materi sebleumnya kita telah membahas mengenai teks dalam bahasa inggris dan kali ini admin akan memberikan contoh soal dari text tersebut. Sahabat SBI pernah mendengar Narrative text dalam bahasa inggris? Pasti pernah bukan? Yaps! Narrative text merupakan teks bahasa inggris  yang menceritakan sesuatu yang imajinatif atau sesuatu yang hanya khayalan belaka dan tujuannya hanya untuk menghibur pembaca.

    Nah, bagaimana dengan bentuk soalnya? Yuk langsung coba kerjakan berikut ini 🙂

    Read the text and do the exercise

    On the night of the flood. Mr sarkawi ad his wife were on their way home from visiting his brother in another village. They went home by bicycle, Mr sarkawi peddling and Mrs Sarkawi on the back seat. They just left his brother’s village when it suddenly began to rain. They stopped at the side of the road and wheeled the bicycle under a shade. It was a hut belonging to Mr Sarkawi’s neighbour.

    The rain did not stop. it even got heavier and heavier. water poured down very hard. Dark clouds hung heavily in the sky. They started to get tired and worried. ‘This will take a long time, Mrs sarkawi said. Mr sarkawi though the same thing. ‘we must get moving ‘ he said. ‘the children migh be in danger.’ His wife agreed and she took the raincoat from her bag.

    They were on the bicycle again, under one raincoat. Mr Sarkawi peddled as fast as he could and the rain poured even harder. Suddenly, they heard the sound of kentongan from the direction of their village. Mr Sarkawi tried to peddler harder. Mrs Sarkawi got very worried, too. but she kept silent. They knew that something bad was happening in their village.

    They finally reached the gate of their village. The road was flooded. The water rose knee-high. People were running in and out their houses. Now Mr Sarkawi had to push the bicycle toward their house. he put the bicycle in the shade and they burst into their  house. their two children were pushing chairs to the side of the room. They were glad that their parents were home. Now, every body was busy packing some clothes and other things. Outside, the water rose still higher. They gathered their bags and things in the front room. they waited for the truck that would take them to a safer place.

    1.The story is mainly about……

    a.the flood

    b.Mr sarkawi’s bicycle

    c.the shade

    d.Mr Sarkawi’s children

    e.Mr sarkawi’s village

    2.The main idea of paragraph 1 is…..

    a.it suddenly began to rain

    b.The hut belonged to Mr Sarkawi’s neighbour

    c.two people went home from visiting

    d.Mr sarkawi only had one bicycle for two persons

    e.Mr sarkawi and his wife are visiting his brother

    3.It started to rain…….

    a.when Mr ad Mrs Sarkawi were still in their brother’s house

    b.before they reached their house

    c.Just after they left their brother’s house

    d.after they went home

    4.Mr and Mrs Sarkawi got tired and worried because…..

    a.They were in danger

    b.they had only one raincoat

    c.They got tired

    d.they didn’t agree with each other

    5.Mr and Mrs Sarkawi knew that something bad was happening in their village from…..

    a.The sound of the water on the hut

    b.The sound of the rainwater

    c.the sound of kentongan

    d.the speeding

    e.The sound of the people in the village

    6.Paragraph 4 mainly tells that….

    a.Mr and Mrs Sarkawi finally reached  their house

    b.many people were running in and out of their houses

    c.the bags and things were in the side of the room.

    d.Mr sarkawi had to push the bicycle toward their house

    e.they found their children.

    7.How many peole in that text?






    8.How is the main actor on that text?

    a.Mr sarkawi

    b.Mr jamaldi

    c.Mr munwir

    d.Mr anwar

    e.Mr dino

    9.’Flood’ in that text means…..






    10.’Raincoat’ in that text has meaning…..


    b.tempat teduh

    c.jas hujan



    11.How many children who pushing the chairs?






    12.What is the suitable tittle for that text?






    Selamat mengerjakan 🙂

    Check Juga Materi Penting SBI Lainnya :