Kategori: Cerita Bahasa Inggris

  • Dongeng Singkat: The Pinocchio (Pinokio) Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Dongeng Singkat: The Pinocchio (Pinokio) Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Dongeng Singkat: The Pinocchio (Pinokio) Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris-Kita bisa belajar dari kisah Pinokio bahwa berbohong itu tidak baik. Penasaran seperti apa ceritanya dalam bahasa Inggris. Yuk disimak bacaan berikut di bawah ini. Selamat membaca:

    Dongeng Singkat: The Pinocchio (Pinokio) Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    Dongeng Singkat: The Pinocchio (Pinokio) Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Along time ago, in small city, there was a shop doll maker whose Grandfather named Geppetto. He made kid doll an said “How wonderful this sweet kid doll.”

    One day after the grandfather finally made the doll he whispered “If I had a boy it would be great”.  Thus, a miracle happened. “Good afternoon, Papa.” The doll turned to be like a human and was talking and start walking. In the first time he shocked what happened. But after that he felt very happy. The grandfather said, “Thanks God, from now you will be my son. I’ll give you the name. The best is Pinocchio. ” ” Because you are a smart kid, you will start to go to school tomorrow!”

    The next morning, Grandpa Geppetto sold clothes and with that money he bought Pinocchio an ABC book. “You can learn to from this book. This is good for you Pinocchio!” “Thank you, Papa. I will go to school, and work hard. ” “Be careful!”said grandfather.

    But when Pinocchio went to the school he did opposite, he went to other direction then saw the school’s voice, “Drum, dum, dum, dum.” He was curious about that and wanted to go inside. But he did not have enough money. Pinocchio then sold his ABC book, buy a ticket with the money and go inside. In the play tent, a doll girl would have besieged soldiers swords. “Look! All evil soldiers …

    “Pinocchio took the stage, and crashing puppet soldiers. Rope had broken doll and the doll fell. The Owner got angry immediately tried to caught Pinocchio and would throw him into the fire. “I am sorry. If I were burned, sorry old papa, “said Pinocchio. Pinocchio so scared. He said “I promised to papa to learning at school diligently. Please forgive me!” The owner felt so sad, then give him a few coins. “Just go and use this money to buy your lesson books.” said the owner of the play.

    Then Pinocchio went to buy the book. But on the way, Fox and Cat saw the situation. They were greeted with a friendly Pinocchio. “Good afternoon, good Pinocchio. If your gold was increased, surely your father would feel happy?! “

    How do I add this gold money? “Asked Pinocchio. “Easy…. You can put it under the magic tree. Then go to sleep, so when you wake up, the tree will bear fruit including much money.” Then Pinocchio escorted by Fox and the Cat, invested the money under the gold in a magical tree. When Pinocchio began to take a nap. Foxes and cats dig gold and hang it on the tree Pinocchio, then they fool him and just went.

    “Please … .. “cried Pinocchio when he woke up and discovered he was hanging on a tree. A goddess, who saw the state of Pinocchio, sent an eagle to help him. Eagle brought Pinocchio with his beak, and took him to the room where the Goddess had been waiting for. Goddess lull Pinocchio in bed and gave him medicine.

    Well, took this medicine then you would get better soon. After this he returned it to goddess and he said “Better to die than drink the bitter medicine.” Pinocchio continued to refuse. Finally Goddess became angry, “Plaque plaque!” He slapped. Then came four rabbits that carried the coffin. Pinocchio surprised at all, he quickly drank the bitter medicine. “Pinocchio, why do not you go school?” Asked the Goddess. “Hmm .. on the road, I sold my books to poor children who hunger and bought bread for him. Therefore I could not go to school …. “Suddenly” syuut “Pinocchio’s nose began to elongate. “Pinocchio!” If you lie, your nose will stretch up to the sky.” “I’m sorry. I will not lie anymore.” Pinocchio apologized. Goddess smiled, and ordered a woodpecker pecking at Pinocchio’s nose, restore it to its original shape. “Come back to the house, and learning to school!”

    On the way home, he met with the train. Pinocchio could not hold his desire to play but go up. Pinocchio had forgotten his promise to the Goddess, every day he just playing around anyway.

    There one day, Pinocchio surprised to see his face on the water surface. “Ah! So my ears donkey ears! I also entailed! “He shouted. It turned out that other children had become a donkey. Finally Pinocchio becomes a donkey and sold to the circus. Pinocchio had broken his promise to the Goddess, then he got the punishment.

    Each day he was whipped, and had to jump over a hot fire circle. Although fear, Pinocchio still jump. Eventually he fell that his leg was broken. The Owner circus became angry.  “Donkey, imbecile! You had better thrown into the sea.” Then Pinocchio was thrown into the sea.

    “Blup blup blup” Pinocchio sank to the bottom of the sea, the fish came to bite. Then the donkey skin apart, and from it emerged the Pinocchio. “Thank you for the fish.” Actually Goddess saw that Pinocchio has realized his mistake and ordered the fish to help him.

    While swimming, Pinocchio promises to myself “This time when I go home I will go to school and study hard. I will also help with housework and keeping papa.” At that moment “Hrrr …., A large shark came closer with the creepy voice. “Ohhh …. Please. “Pinocchio swallowed by the big sharks. “Hap” In the belly of a shark really dark. But in the distance visible beam of light. Turns out it was the grandfather Geppetto.

    “Papa! ” c” Pinocchio! “They both hugged each other. “I went to the sea to look for you, and I swallowed by this shark. But it turns out here I met you. Luckily we survived! “

    “Let’s get out of here! “” My body is weak. You’ll go. ” ” I do not want to if not with you Papa. “When the shark was sleeping, Pinocchio escape from the mouth of a shark with Geppetto grandfather carrying on his back.

    With all his strength he swam until finally arriving at the beach. They rented a cottage nearby farmers. While taking care of his grandfather, Pinocchio work every day. Finally grandfather became healthy again. “Pinocchio, because of you I get well soon like this. Thank you! “

    Papa, from now on I’ll be in again. “Suddenly around them into shining light,” Pinocchio, you have to be a good boy. “Goddess appears, and change the puppet Pinocchio became a real human child.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

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    1000 Contoh Degrees of Comparison Beserta Penjelasan Lengkap

  • 1.Cerita Pendek Bahasa Inggris: “Told Me When I Wake Up”

    1.Cerita Pendek Bahasa Inggris: “Told Me When I Wake Up”

    1.Cerita Pendek Bahasa Inggris: “Told Me When I Wake Up”

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Cerita pendek yang berjudul “Told Me When I Wake Up” berkisah tentang suatu pencarian jati diri. Penasaran dengan kisahnya sebagai referensi cerita pendek bahasa       Inggris kalian! Selamat membaca!

    1.Cerita Pendek Bahasa Inggris: “Told Me When I Wake Up”
    1.Cerita Pendek Bahasa Inggris: “Told Me When I Wake Up”

    “Told Me When I Wake Up”

    It’s been 9 years after I have felt the wind on my mind flowing all those kinds of ambition that never ends until now. I see that the golden leaves comes to say “This is spring” to this boring years. All of my life is single. So I never thought that I would have the impressed one that can fall me down to her heart.

    My friends call me that I am only single who never felt love. This is a curse or what. It still been a mysterious to me. When was 12 years old I see her as my first hope that I never felt before to see how bad love is and how great love is.

    Her name is Sandy Cheeks, I remembered all the time her name until the dreams comes to me everyday. It is so unique. I saw her on the outside of the class in 7 grade class C in the small public junior high school in Bandar lampung.

    I heard that had been a boy came to me and said “Hi…,my name is Jojo” “Hi, I’m Patrick. Just call me Pat!” I answered.  May be I’m the only boy who was weak to be a real boy. I’m so fuckin ugly to say something  good to girlfriend. But after I met Jojo, he reminded me that I was not the only one. At least I have a friend.

    My whole life was not good when I was young, it was a process how I could be like this. So heavy to say and so heavy to analogize the life. When the bright light of the sun came, I have to prepared all the stuff of my books.

    The time before dawn is my sacrifices to my family that I was not a rich man, or handsome man, or anything good. I was not hating but I am telling you.

    My father is a mechanic, my mother is seller. They have different background of school. My father took the old elementary school which equals to high school now. My mother took until junior high school. May be this is the reason why life.

    The big reason why i can stand in the world is still a big question in my life. Please told me when I wake up from this. Why god must create me to be born. Why I am a boy. Why my name is Patrick. Why the life must be survived. Why don’t we just take a rest in peace.

    “Mom, I don’t understand why God must create me” I asked to my mom when I was 15 years old. I think I was big enough. But all those kind of questions always been on my mind. “The only things you can know it, you just have to look around you in finding God.”

    “I still do not understand what are you talking about, Mom?” I asked again. “You will know it later when God let.” She answered me. You know that all of my life still as my question for me.

    For love, I still do not find her who can match to me. For my religion I find it great by some unique moment. It was not from muslim like me. It was from another religion. My friends was cristian, he asked me a lot of question. He tried to rebut all the ways of my religion. But I realized that we are in the different way to respect God. But the God we respect is still the One and only one. We took a debate a long duration. But this taught me that we must respect each other.

    After this moment I pray to the God more often. This kinda mercy for me. In other hands of my findings I thought why we have to make money. Why don’t we just pray to the God and God would given to me a meals, clothes, or all the things I need. It was simple? But I was wrong on understand. This would never happened to us as human. No things without actions. So we have to do something to get something. That’s would be a cycles of life.

    Now I am 21 years old almost 22 in this month. I would found al the things until I got the answer of my life. Why we must die, why we must life. Told me when I wake up.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

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    1000 Pengetahuan Tentang Hortatory Exposition Text

  • 16 Cerita Rakyat Singkat “Batu Menangis”  Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    16 Cerita Rakyat Singkat “Batu Menangis” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    16 Cerita Rakyat Singkat “Batu Menangis”  Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasaingris– Pesan moral yang ada di cerita rakyat tentang kisah batu Menangis bisa kita ambil pelajaran nya agar kita tidak durhaka terhadap orang tua. Penasaran dengan cerita rakyat Batu Menangis dalam bahasa Inggris? Yuk disimak cerita berikut:

    16 Cerita Rakyat Singkat "Batu Menangis"  Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    16 Cerita Rakyat Singkat “Batu Menangis” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Along time ago in Borneo, on a hill away from the village, there lived a widow who was poor with her daughter.

    The daughter was very beautiful. Unfortunately, she had a very bad attitude. The girl was very lazy, never helped her mother did the chores. It worked just preening each day.

    Besides lazy, she was spoiled girl’s. All requests of her must be obeyed. Every time she asked for something to her mother must be granted, regardless of the state of the poor mother, every day must toil looking for a bite of rice.

    One day the girl invited her down to the village for shopping. The layout of the village market so far, so they had to walk quite a tiring. The girl was walking breezed by wearing good clothes and preen. People in the way who saw her would be admired her beauty while her mother walked behind, carrying a basket with a very dirty clothes. Because they live a secluded place, no one knew that the woman who runs was a mother with a daughter.

    When they began to enter the village, people looking at them. They were so fascinated the beauty of the girls, especially the young man who impressed by the face of the girl. But when people saw whom walking behind her, starkly contrasts with the situation. It makes one wonder.

    Among those who saw it, a young man approached and asked her, “Hey, pretty girl. Is that running behind you, isn’t your mother?”

    However, what a bad answer of the girl.

    “No,” she said haughtily. “She is a servant!”

    Both mother and child were then continued on walking. Not how much, again a young man approached and asked the girl child.

    “Hi, honey. Is that runs behind you that your mother?”

    “No, no,” replied the girl looked up. “He is servant!”

    That every man she met, someone along the way, who asked about his mother, she always answered it. Her mother was treated as servants or slaves. Mother felt so sad.

    At first heard her answer when asked the rebellious, the mother still could refrain. However, after repeatedly hearing the same answer and very hurtful, finally the poor mother could not resist. The mother prayed.

    “Oh God, I can not take this insult. My daughter called me servant that so how bad she is. God….., punish this rebellious child! Punish her ….”

    Of the power of God Almighty, slowly perfidious girl’s body turned to the stone. The change started from the feet. When the changes it had reached half of the body, the girl was crying begging for mercy to her mother.

    “Oh, Mom…i am so sorry, please forgive me…, forgive the iniquity of your daughter for this. Mother … Mother … forgive your daughter ..” The girl continued to wail and cry appealed to her mother. However, everything was too late. The whole body of the girl was eventually turned into stone. Even into stone, but every one could see that her eyes still shed tears, as was crying. Therefore, rocks derived from the girl who got her mother’s curse called “Batu Menangis (Crying Stone)”.

    Semoga Bermanfaat para pembaca SBI!!!

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    Perubahan Tense Ketika Menggunakan Reporting Speech dan Contoh Kalimatnya Lengkap

    Perubahan Tense Ketika Menggunakan Reporting Speech dan Contoh Kalimatnya Lengkap

  • Cerita Rakyat Singkat “Cindelaras” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Cerita Rakyat Singkat “Cindelaras” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Cerita Rakyat Singkat “Cindelaras” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Keberanian Cindelaras dalam cerita berikut bersama ayam ajaibnya patut kita contoh. Penasaran dengan cerita rakyat Cindelaras dalam bahasa Inggris? Yuk disimak!

    Cerita Rakyat Singkat “Cindelaras” Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    Cerita Rakyat Singkat “Cindelaras” Dalam Bahasa Inggris


    Along time ago, there was Jenggala Kingdom led by a king named Raden Putra. He was accompanied by a consort of a kind and a concubine who had jealousy and envy to him. The king’s son and his wife both had been living in a very magnificent palaces and peaceful. One day the king’s concubines had planning something bad on the king consort. This was done because the concubine Raden Putra want to become empress.

    Concubine of the king and of conspiring was with a royal physician to implement the plan he had. Concubine of the king pretended to severe pain. The royal physician immediately called the King. After checking the concubine, the physician said that there was someone who had put poison in princess’ drink.

    “The man was none of other than the King himself empress,” said the physician. The king became angry to hear the explanation of the royal physician. He immediately ordered the governor to throw into the woods and kill his consort.

    Raden Patih immediately brought empress who was pregnant to the middle of the jungle. However, a wise governor did not want to kill the queen. Apparently the governor already knew the evil intentions of the king consort. “Mr. daughter not to worry, I will report to the king that the princess had committed servant,” said the governor.

    To deceive the king, the governor rubbed his sword with the arrest of rabbit blood. King was satisfied when the governor reported that he had killed the empress.

    After a few months of being in the woods, the queen born a boy. The child was named Cindelaras. Cindelaras grew into an intelligent and handsome boy. Since childhood he had been friends with forest-dwelling the animals. One day, when he was playing, an eagle dropped a chicken egg. Cindelaras then took the egg and intends its born.

     After 3 weeks, the eggs hatch into a chick which was very funny. Cindelaras diligently maintained chicks. Day by day the chicks grew into a cock that was stout and strong. But there was one strange from the chicken. Crowing sound was different from the other chickens. “Kukuruyuk … lord Cindelaras, his house in the middle of the jungle, the roof of palm leaves, and his father is Raden Putra …”, the crowing of the cock

    Cindelaras was amazed to hear the crowing chickens and ran back home, he immediately showed to his mother. Then, the mother Cindelaras recount the origins of why they were in the woods. Hear the story of his mother, Cindelaras determined to go to the palace and expose evil king’s concubine.

    After his mother’s permission, Cindelaras went to the palace accompanied by a rooster. While on the way there were some people who were risking chicken. Cindelaras then called by the fighter chicken. “Come on, if you dare, go fight your chicken with my chicken,” she challenged. “All right,” replied Cindelaras. When pitted, it turned Cindelaras rooster fight with the mighty and in a short time, it could beat his opponent. After a few times pitted, chicken Cindelaras won.

    News about the greatness of chicken Cindelaras spread quickly up to the palace. Raden Putra eventually even heard the news. Then, Raden Putra told her servants to invite Cindelaras to the palace. “Servant face his excellency!,” said Cindelaras politely. “The boy was handsome and intelligent, it seems he was not a descendant of the commoners,” thought the king.

    Chicken Cindelaras pitted with chicken Raden Putra with one condition, if chicken Cindelaras lose then he was willing to head beheaded, but if the chicken won the half wealth Raden Putra belong to Cindelaras.

    Two chickens were fought gallantly. But in a short time, chicken of Cindelaras conquered the King. The audience cheered and cheered Cindelaras chicken. “Okay I admit defeat. I will keep my promises. But who are you, young man?” Asked King Raden Putra.

    Cindelaras immediately bent like a whisper something in his chicken. Not how long the chicken immediately rang. “Kukuruyuk … lord Cindelaras, his house in the middle of the jungle, the roof of palm leaves, his father is Raden Putra …,” the rooster crowed repeatedly.

    Raden Putra aback Cindelaras rooster. “Is that true?” The king asked in astonishment. “True King, my nameis Cindelaras, my mother is the consort of you.”

    At the same time, the governor immediately face and tell all the events that actually happened to the empress. “I’ve made a mistake,” said King Raden Putra. “I will provide just punishment on my mistress,” said the king with anger.

    Then, concubines Raden Putra was thrown into the woods. Raden Putra immediately hugged her and apologized for his mistakes After that, Raden Putra and commanders were immediately picked consort to the forest . Finally Raden Putra, empress and Cindelaras could regroup. After Raden Putra died, Cindelaras took the place of his father. He ruled his Kingdom villages with fair and wise.

  • Contoh Naskah Drama Anak dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru

    Contoh Naskah Drama Anak dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru

    Contoh Naskah Drama Anak dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru

    Contoh Naskah Drama Anak dalam Bahasa Inggris TerbaruNaskah Drama anak dalam bahasa Inggris sekarang ini sangat banyak kita lihat. Tentu saja, anak-anak sudah seharusnya dikenalkan bahasa Inggris sejak dini agar penguasaan bahasa Inggris mereka jauh lebih baik di masa depan nanti. Salah satu media untuk memperkenalkan bahasa Inggris adalah drama anak. 

    Berikut ini, terdapat sebuah drama untuk anak-anak yang diambil dari sebuah kisah kelompok katak yang terbagi dua kelompok yaitu BELLA & SWAYLA. Lalu, bagaimana dengan kisahnya? Selamat membaca naskah drama anak ini. Saat anda menjadi seorang guru, maka berperanlah sebagai narator dan para siswa menjadi pemainnya.

    Contoh Naskah Drama Anak dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru
    Contoh Naskah Drama Anak dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaru


    Storyteller : One day, when the war time of creature, there were three gatherings of frogs and each individual from frog is female, in spite of the fact that they were female, they had psyche like male, so it was change in their brain. They lived in the Muara Bening waterway, the stream situated in Bali island. They were BELLA frogs, SWAYLA frogs, and the littlest gathering was SOFIA frogs. BELLA frogs and SWAYLA frogs were enormous gathering that had the same force. They needed to be the pioneer of Muara Bening stream and they were at war that chose the victor. In any case, there was one gathering that needed peace for Muara Bening, this was SOFIA frogs.

    Also, In their home office of BELLA frogs, the pioneer and the guide talked about their system.

    BELLA FROGS (Trumpet sound) : BELLA! BELLA!! We are best!, and we will be victor.

    BELLA’S ADVISER : what do you think about them?

    BELLA’S LEADER : Hmmm.., SWAYLA frogs, I think we have the same force, however I need us to be the champ!!!

    BELLA’S ADVISER : Yes, I suspect as much, however we must be cautious about their troop, that is a major troop, you realize that?

    BELLA’S LEADER : Don’t stress that is little issue, we have a major troop we simply need to assault their first barrier, the troops get prepared!!, (trumpet sound).

    Storyteller : In their base camp SWAYLA frogs additionally talked about their technique.

    SWAYLA’S LEADER (trumpet sound) : SWAYLA frogs… ., Get prepared. Yes obviously, we are the best, you know my companion, we have numerous sort of troop, there are bowmen, rifle keeps an eye on, opposing demise troops, and contenders.

    SWAYLA’S ADVISER : That’s great, however I think we need to reinforce the barrier, we frequently get an issue there.

    SWAYLA’S LEADER : Hmmm… , alright, we will include the back watchman at the protection.

    Storyteller : In somewhere else, There was a gathering, that is a littlest gathering called SOFIA, that needed peace and request. They went to Dewa, the King of the Sky.

    SOFIA FROGS (come to dewa) : O fantastic Dewa… ., Give us a ruler who will let us know what to do. We need the lord that give us the peace condition, and we truly require your assistance.

    DEWA : SOFIA Frogs! What happen with Muara Bening?

    SOFIA FROG 1 : BELLA and SWAYLA need to be a pioneer of Muara Bening and they will be at war, we would prefer not to battle at war, we need peace.

    SOFIA FROG 2 : Yes my master, we require your help, I can’t suppose they battle, what about frog’s live. I am truly dismal contemplating that.

    (Dewa’s music) : I as lord of sky, and the pioneer of animals in the earth has an assignment to keep the earth life comparable to conceivable, so I need to help you to determine this issue. Try not to stress over it, and a debt of gratitude is in order for your generosity, I am by and by pleased with you.

    SOFIA FROG 1 : Thank you my master, we simply need a decent state of Muara Bening.

    DEWA : So, where are they?

    SOFIA FROG 2 : They are in their home office and they will come here to fight.

    DEWA : Okay, quiet down I will stop the war.

    Storyteller : The two gatherings of frogs came and they brought enormous troops.

    SWAYLA FROGS (trumpet sound) : SWAYLA !! SWAYLA !!

    BELLA FROGS (trumpet sound) : BELLA !! BELLA !!

    BELLA’S LEADER : We are the best, we will vanquish you!

    SWAYLA’S LEADER : Hey!! You see that, we have numerous sort of troop, you will be vanquished!

    SWAYLA’S ADVISER : You are correct, we have huge back gatekeeper, toxophilite, rifle man, challenging demise troops, and contenders. What about your troops, hah!!.

    BELLA’S ADVISER : We have proficient troops in every segment, and we have known your shortcoming.

    BELLA AND SWAYLA!! (war sound) (At war)

    SWAYLA’S LEADER : We will make you get to be… , (delay the talking and astonishing with rise of Dewa) Hey that is Dewa… (dewa’s nearing)

    SWAYLA’S ADVISER (dewa’s nearing) : And SOFIA frogs, what will they do?

    DEWA : Stop the war, on the off chance that you proceed with this war, I will offer discipline to you. I will utilize my flame, my air, my earth, and my water.

    BELLA’S ADVISER : Hey, what will we do, Dewa furious with us, and I stress over it, I have seen Dewa utilized his power and that was terrifying.

    BELLA’S LEADER : You are anxious, I don’t and never. We have much troops, I believe its unthinkable that Dewa can vanquish us.

    DEWA : You don’t hear me !!

    SOFIA FROG 1 : My companions… , would you be able to hear that, Dewa has reminded us.

    SOFIA FROG 2 : Please stop this war…

    SWAYLA’S LEADER : No!!!, this war will choose the pioneer of Muara Bening, and I trust you, don’t bother us Dewa, despite the fact that you are the ruler of sky.

    Storyteller : Dewa was irate, however he would not like to assault BELLA and SWAYLA frogs. He realized that in the event that he utilized his constrain, all the frogs would kick the bucket. Thus, he just demonstrates his power to the greater part of the frogs.

    DEWA : You don’t regard me!! Alright, I will utilize the majority of my power.( Dewa indicate how he utilizes the four components).

    Storyteller : All of the frogs were anxious about Dewa’s power, and they chose to stop this war.

    ALL FROGS : Oh no!! Dewa stop…

    DEWA : You realize that, on the off chance that I assault you with my power, every one of you will kick the bucket.

    BELLA’S and SWAYLA’S LEADER : Dewa, my ruler, we guarantee that we will stop this war and we will live with peace in Muara Bening, together with the majority of the frogs.

    DEWA : Yes, I glad for you that you concede your mix-up and I trust all frogs come back to Muara Bening and live respectively without threatening vibe.

    SOFIA FROGS : What about our lord, we require the astute ruler.

    BELLA’S and SWAYLA’S ADVISER : Yes we require, Dewa.. help us.

    DEWA : I am your lord, and I will turn into your ruler until the end of time.

    ALL FROGS : Horaay!! Horaay!!

    Storyteller : The war was end and the frogs live in peace. The message of this play is, whether you need something, you can’t

    Semoga contoh naskah drama diatas bisa bermanfaat dan menghibur teman-teman dan adik-adik SBI, dan dapat membuat anak-anak Indonesia meningkatkan kemampuan mereka dalam Bahasa Inggris.

  • Dongeng Gunung Tangkuban Perahu (Sangkuriang And Dayang Sumbi) Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Dongeng Gunung Tangkuban Perahu (Sangkuriang And Dayang Sumbi) Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Dongeng Gunung Tangkuban Perahu (Sangkuriang And Dayang Sumbi) Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Tahu kan gunung Tangkuban Perahu di Jawa Barat? Nha ternyata dibalik keindahan itu terdapat kisah dongeng mengapa gunung Tangkuban Perahu terbentuk. Selamat membaca:

    Dongeng Gunung Tangkuban Perahu (Sangkuriang And Dayang Sumbing) Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaik.
    Dongeng Gunung Tangkuban Perahu (Sangkuriang And Dayang Sumbing) Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terbaik.

    Gunung Tangkuban Perahu

    (Sangkuriang And Dayang Sumbing)

    A thousand years ago the land of parahyangan led by a King and a Queen who only have one princess. Her name was dayang sumbi. She was beautiful and smart, but unfortunately she was spoiled. One day when she was weaving in the palace dayang sumbi felt limp and dizziness. She dropped her tools many times to the floor .

    When the tools fell for the umpteenth time dayang sumbi become angry and swear that she will marry whoever wants to get it to her. Right after the oath of words spoken, suddenly came a dog way which named tumang and give the tools to dayang sumbi’s hand. Because of her swear, dayang sumbi must marry the magic dog.

    Dayang sumbi and Tumang lived happily until they had have a child of a human child but having the power of his father .The boy named sangkuriang. In times of growth, sangkuriang was accompanied by a  dog named tumang that he knew only as a faithful dog, not as his father. Sangkuriang grew into a young handsome teenager.

    One day dayang sumbi asked him to go with his dog to hunt deer for the purposes of a party. Longer time after their hunts they can’t find any deer in the forest. Sangkuriang feel desperate, but he did not want to let his mother be sad. Then very forced to he took a bow and led to tumang. When they arrived in the house he gave tumang meat on his mother. Dayang sumbi who thought the flesh was a deer, she was happy over the success of her children.

    As soon as the party after dayang sumbi endedDayang Sumbi asked “Son, where is tumang?” At first sangkuriang feared,  then finally he said what had happened to his mother. Dayang sumbi was very angry. In his anger she hit sangkuriang until faint right in at his forehead. For her actions that dayang sumbi were turned away from the kingdom of by his father. Fortunately sangkuriang regain consciousness but the blow his mother leaving a scar very wide across the forehead. When became adult, sangkuriang walked away to wander to know the state of the world outside.

    Years later, sangkuriang met a womanwho was very beautiful. He immediately fell in love with the woman. That woman was her own mother, but they were not mutually recognize each other. Sangkuriang askedher to marry with him, dayang sumbi was received with pleasure. A day before the wedding day, while being petted her fianc – hair , dayang sumbi see scars on the forehead’s sangkuriang, she shocked, finally she realized that she almost marry her own son.

    Found out about the dayang sumbi trying to thwart her wedding. Think very hard after she was ultimately decided to propose a requirement marriage which was impossible accommodated sangkuriang. Virtues of was: sangkuriang. “You had to make a dam that can cover the whole hill and then make a boat to down the dam. All that should be finished before daybreak” asked Dayang Sumbi.

    Sangkuriang started working. Love was so great in sangkuriang’s heart gave him a strange and strong power. He also not forgot that he could use the power of his father to call the satyrs and help him. With mud and stem their ground water of streams and springs. Some time before dawn, sangkuriang cut down a large tree to make a boat. When Dayang sumbi see that almost finished of his work, she prayed to the god to hamper the work of her son and speed up the morning.

    A cock crowed, the sun rises faster than normal. But unfortunately Sangkuriang knew it soon that she had been duped. With very angry she cursed dayang sumbi and kicked a boat construction work which was nearly to the middle of the jungle. The boat was be there in the state of upside down, and forming a mountain(lay down). Not far from that place there are the stump of a tree a remnant of tree’s cut from sangkuriang, now we know it only as a hillside the stump .

    Dam that created sangkuriang causing the whole hill filled with water and form a lake where sangkuriang and dayang sumbi buried myself and not be heard again leaving him to this day.

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    Materi Pronunciation 9: Belajar Consonant Sounds- Africates

  • 101 Kumpulan Dongeng Bahasa Inggris: Cinderella

    101 Kumpulan Dongeng Bahasa Inggris: Cinderella

    101 Kumpulan Dongeng Bahasa Inggris:Cinderella

    SekolahbahasainggrisSetelah sebelumnya admin membagi cerita dongeng nan apik dalam bahasa Inggris yang berjudul Malin Kundang, sekarang kalian pasti penasaran cerita dongeng apalagi sih dalam bahasa Inggris. Nah kali ini dalam kesempatan ini admin akan membagi cerita Cinderella.

    101 Kumpulan Dongeng Bahasa Inggris: Cinderella
    101 Kumpulan Dongeng Bahasa Inggris: Cinderella

    Pernakah sahabat SBI mendengar cerita Cinderella? Itu loh sepatu kaca dan pangeran tampan? Bagaimana, sudah ingat sekarang? Jika masih penasaran ceritanya seperti apa kalaina bisa lihat dibawah ini:


    Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl, her name is Cinderella. She lived with her step mother and her two stepsister. They were very bossy. Her mother was dead, so her father had married the woman who she called as stepmother.

    All the things about Cinderella was a mistakes in her stepmother’ eyes. Not only bossy woman, her stepmother was cruel and bad. She only gave all the nice things to her own daughters. No love at all which Cinderella got.

    Cinderella like a civil servant in her own house. No cheer up at all. No nice rests and comfort place at all. It was like a hell. Cinderella only has a beautiful cat. It was a funny and kind animals. It like a friend for Cinderella.

    “Cinderella, come here ugly!” Said her stepmother. “Yes mom!” answered Cinderella. “Clean my room, and Bathroom, don’t forget cook for lunch, now!” “But mom, I’m sick!” said Cinderella. “I don’t care!” answered her stepmother.

    There was an invitation to all the girls in that village to come to the palace. And the lucky girl would marry with prince. Neither her stepsister was so happy nor her stepmother. They try to buy a beautiful new dresses, shoes, and all the beautiful and expensive stuffs.

    Cinderella even dare ask to her stepmother, “What about me mom!” And the answer would be “Hey, you dumb Cinderella, you just staying at home to clean all the room, wash all the plate, scrub the floor! You know that Cinderella, you are ugly, and prince never look at you even a bite!”

    Cinderella run to her room and cried. “Oh God, why they are so cruel. Help me!” Suddenly the amazing happened to her, there was a burst of light and then the fairy appeared. “Don’t be sad beautiful. I will help you!” said fairy.

    The fairy changed Cinderella, she became beautiful with her new princess dress wear on. With a magic wand. The fairy make a beautiful shoes by her magic wand. It was like a glass shoes.

    Cinderella went to the ball by taking a pumpkin cart. But she must come back before a midnight gone. Because the magic would be over then. When Cinderella came to the ballroom at the beautiful palace. The prince so happy and love at the first impression and said “she would be my wife” But Cinderella was using a mask on that party. “Who are you beauty!” asked prince.

    But all sudden, the clock sound that midnight would over. It meant she must go home. She run to her pumpkin. “Wait…” asked prince. Cinderella lost her left side of her glass shoes. But Cinderella just went and run. “I would find you!” said prince. He after that party, would go to find a girls whose foot fits to the glass shoe.

    No one can be fit to the glass shoe. Until he went to Cinderella’s home. But her stepmother didn’t allow Cinderella out from room. Prince was deppresed that her stepsisters was not that girl. Until prince saw Cinderella unexpectedly.

    “Hey you, please come!” So amazingly that Cinderella is the only one who can fit to the glass shoe. “You are that girl. I believe!”

    After that moment, the prince had married to Cinderella. And they live happily forever.

  • 101 Kumpulan Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris:Malin kundang

    101 Kumpulan Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris:Malin kundang

    101 Kumpulan Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris:Malin kundang

    Sekolahbahasainggris- Apakah sahabat sedang mencari cerita malin kundang? Tapi dalam versi berbahasa Inggris? Untuk lengkapnya bisa dilihat dibawah ini:


    Malin Kundang

    Once upon a time, in the beautiful village in West Sumatra, there was a family lived a boy named Malin Kundang with his mom. They lived so poor. His father was so frustrated, he went to make a money but never come back again to home.

    101 Kumpulan Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris:Malin kundang
    101 Kumpulan Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris:Malin kundang

    His mom was very sad, he lived as single parent, because people said that his father was dead. Day by day they lived lonely. Malin Kundang was so kind and humble person. He loved his mom, he knew that his mom can not buy him anything.

    His mother chose to work hard play hard. Every day is working. She did it to buy rice and all foods and stuff they need. By seeing, his mom worked and worked everyday, malin can’t hold his desire to work.

    He asked his mother to sail to other island and hope will made a money after his trip as much as possible. At that moment he believed he would be success in someday. “Bundo, I would like to go to sail and go to cross island. On there I will be success and will back to you.”

    His mother did not want to let him go at the first time. She was afraid that he would be like his father, “go and never back to home”.

    Day by day Malin just doing as he was. It was nothing improvement. By seeing his desires, his mother felt his son must be success as he wanted.

    And then, Malin’s mom let him go to sail. His mother was full with doubts, but on the other hand, she could not make her son be so hopeless. Mother was accompanying Malin’s departure. And Malin say good bye and promised to his mother would come back to her. “Mom, I promise to come back to you”.

    On board Malin began to know all about the ins and outs of the ships and all commerce. Year by year later on, he had not had time or opportunity to come back to his hometown and meet his mother. He got so many jobs to be done in his works, he was busy then.

    On that island, Malin began a success man because of his hard work. He was lucky, he got a love with pretty and rich girl. Then on that time he was a rich man with his wife.

    But he forgot to come back to hometown with all the wealth and prosperous life he got. He forgot his mother who allways standing out in the port in which she was waiting for Malin. All the neighbor said Malin would never come back like his Father. But mother was believed in God that the day she met Malin would come.

    Malin has a commercial affairs to his hometown, he and his wife set off to go to Malin’s Hometown.

    Accidentally, Malin met his mother and his mother said “Malin, is that you son? You become handsome and success man now like you had promised to me. Do you remember me, Your mother?”

    His wife was shocked, and asked Malin “Is that your Mother Malin? Don’t you said to me that you have no one anymore. And your parents was dead?”

    Malin was afraid that his wife would know that he lied to her. He afraid of ashamed poor mother. He said his mother was despicable and said that Malin do not know who she is.

    “I don’t know you old woman, I’m not your son. Please get way from me and my wife. Don’t disturb us!”

    His mother was so shocked and sad. After this broken heart moment, his mother said. “Malin I cursed you to be stone!” And then instantly the sky become overcast, rain was falling, and lighting coming. Malin became stone so unexpectedly with position knee down. After that it was known as the Malin Kundang stone.


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  • “Giants And Pygmies” Story By Ronald Ridout

    “Giants And Pygmies” Story By Ronald Ridout

    Giants And Pygmies” Story By Ronald Ridout

    Sekolahbahasainggris– In this section you will have a text an. So feel free and happy to enjoyed reading the text.

    "Giants And Pygmies" Story By Ronald Ridout
    “Giants And Pygmies” Story By Ronald Ridout

    Text 3:

    Giants And Pygmies

    By Ronald Ridout

    I feel into a high road, for so I took it to be, though it served to the inhabitants only as a footpath through a field of barley. Here I walked on for some time, but could see little on either side, it being now at least harvest, and the cornrising near forty feet. I was an hour walking to the end of this field, which was fenced in with a hedge of at leastone hundred and twenty feet high, and the trees so lofty that I could make no computation of their altitude.

    There was a stile to pass from this field into the next. It had four steps, and a stone to cross over when you came to the uppermost. It was impossible for me to climb this stile, because every step was six feet high, and the upper stone above twenty.

     I was endeavouring to find some gap in the hedge, when I discovered one of the inhabitants in the next field, advancing towards the stile, of the same size with him I saw in the sea, pursuing our boat. He appeared as tall as an ordinary spire-steeple, and took about ten yards at every stride, as near as I could guess.

     I was struck with the utmost fear and astonishment, and ran to hide myself in the corn, from whence I saw him at the to of the stile looking back into the next field on the right hand, and heard him call in a voice many degrees louder than a speaking-trumpet; but the nose was so high in the air, that at first I certainly thought it was thunder.

    Whereupon, seven monsters like himself came towards him with reaping hooks in their hands, each hook about the largeness of six scythes. These people were not so well clad as the first, whose servants or labourers they seemed to be; for, upon some words he spoke, they went to reap the corn in the field where I lay.

    I kept from them at as great a distance as I could, but was forced to move with extreme difficulty, for the stalks of the corn were sometimes not above a foot distant, so that I could hardly squeeze my body betwixt them.

    However, I made  shift to go forward, till I laid by the rain and the wind. Here it was impossible for me to advance a step; for the stalks were so interwoven that I could not creep through, and the beards of the fallen ears so strong and pointed that they pierced through my clothes into my flesh.

    At the same time I heard the reapers not above an hundred yards behind me. Being quite dispirited with toil, and wholly overcome by grief and despair, I lay down between two ridges, and heartily wished I might there end my days.