Kategori: Bahasa Inggris SMK

  • Contoh Soal Latihan Materi Tentang Conditional Sentence

    Contoh Soal Latihan Materi Tentang Conditional Sentence

    Contoh Soal Latihan Materi Tentang Conditional Sentence


    Contoh Soal Latihan Materi Tentang Conditional Sentence

    Contoh Soal Dikutip Dari BUKU : MEGA BANK OF GRAMMAR



    1.    Rina would have visited me if………….

    A.    She had had a lot of free time
    B.    She has had a lot of time
    C.    She has a lot of time
    D.    She had a lot of time
    E.    She had have a lot of time

    2.    If I read the newspaper, ……

    A.    I would get a lot of information
    B.    1 will get a lot of information
    C.    I’m getting a lot of information
    D.    I get a lot of information
    E.    I have got a lot of information

    3.    If I were you,……..

    A.    I will attend that international conference
    B.    I attend that international conference
    C.    I would attend that international conference
    D.    I would have attended that international conference
    E.    I attended that international conference

    4.    If I had read the mathematics material, I would have understood this formula well. What is the fact of the previous sentence?

    A.    I’m not studying the mathematics material. Therefore, 1 have not understood about the material.
    B.    I do not read the mathematics material. Therefore, I do not understand this formula well.
    C.    I did not read the mathematics material. Therefore, I did not understand this formula well.
    D.    I did not read the mathematics material. Therefore, 1 do not understand this formula well.
    E.    I do not read the mathematics material. Therefore, I did not understand this formula well.


    5.    If it had not been raining, I would have visited my grandmother’s home What is the fact of the previous conditional sentence?

    A.    It was raining, so I did not go to my grandmother’s home
    B.    It is raining, so 1 do not go to my grandmother’s home
    C.    It has been raining, so I have not gone to my grandmother’s home
    D.    It is raining, so I did not go to my grandmother’s home
    E.    It rains, so I do not go to my grandmother’s home

    6.    If I had been finishing my thesis last year,…….

    A.    I would have been working as a lecturer in a state university
    B.    I would work as a lecturer in a state university
    C.    I will work as a lecturer in a state university
    D.    I would working as a lecturer in a state university
    E.    I work as a lecturer in a state university

    7.    If I had been applying for a scholarship last year, I would have been continuing my study in a foreign country.
    What is the fact of the previous conditional sentence?

    A.    I am not applying for a scholarship last year. I am not continuing my study in foreign country.
    B.    I do not apply for a scholarship last year. I do not continue my study in a foreign country.
    C.    1 was not applying for a scholarship last year. 1 was not continuing my study in a foreign country.
    D.    I did not apply for a scholarship last year. 1 did not continue my study in a foreign country.
    E.    I have not applied for a scholarship last year. 1 have not continued my study in a foreign country.

    8.    If it has not been raining, ……

    A.    I will go to the library
    B.    1 am going to the library
    C.    I would go to the library
    D.    I go to the library
    E.    I would have gone to the library


    9.    If I work hard,…..

    A.    I would get a lot of money from my boss
    B.    I get a lot of money from my boss
    C.    I got a lot of money from my boss
    D.    I will get a lot of money from my boss
    E.    I would have got a lot of money from my boss.


    10.    If I had mastered the presentation’s material last night,……..

    A.    I will not be nervous right now
    B.    I would not be nervous right now
    C.    I am not nervous right now
    D.    I would have not been nervous right now
    E.    I was not nervous right now

    11.    If I had had lunch, I would not be hungry right now. What is the fact of the previous conditional sentence?

    A.    I haven’t had lunch, so I am hungry right now
    B.    I did not have lunch, so 1 am hungry right now.
    C.    I was not having lunch, so I am hungry right now.
    D.    I am not having lunch, so I am hungry right now
    E.    I do not have lunch, so I am hungry right now.

    12.    If I finished my Chemistry assignments, I would accompany you to the bookstore What is the fact of the previous conditional sentence?

    A.    I did not finish my assignments.
    B.    I was not finishing my assignments.
    C.    I don’t finish my assignments.
    D.    I am not finishing my assignments.
    E.    I haven’t finished my assignments.

    13.    I would have finished my assignments, but I have helped my sister preparing for her wedding. What does the previous sentence mean?

    A.    If I had not helped my sister preparing for her wedding, I assignments.
    B.    If I did not help my sister preparing for her wedding, I would have finished my assignment.
    C.    If I don t help my sister preparing for her wedding, I would have finished my assignment.
    D.    If I am not helping my sister preparing for her wedding, I would have finished my assignment.
    E.    If I was not helping my sister preparing for her wedding, I would have finished my assignment.

    14.    I would have cleaned my house, but I have had a big project in my office. What does the previous sentence mean?

    A.    If I haven’t have a big project in my office, I would have cleaned my house.
    B.    If I don’t have a big project in my office, I would have cleaned my house
    C.    If I had not had a big project in my office, I would have cleaned my house.
    D.    If I did not have a big project in my office, I would have cleaned my house,
    E.    If I did not had a big project in my office, I would have cleaned my house.

    15.    If I had a lot of money,……

    A.    I would go traveling around the world.
    B.    I will go traveling around the world.
    C.    I have to go traveling around the world.
    D.    I would have gone traveling around the world.
    E.    I will have to go traveling around the world.


    Untuk Menyelesaikan Soal Diatas Anda Harus Menyimak Materi SBI Sebelumnya

    >> Pengertian,Rumus Dan Contoh Conditional Sentence Tipe 1 2 3 Dan Belajar Conditional Sentences Terlengkap


    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Sahabat SBI 🙂

  • Pengertian, Rumus, Present Continuous Tense Dan Contoh Kalimat

    Pengertian, Rumus, Present Continuous Tense Dan Contoh Kalimat

    Pengertian, Rumus, Present Continuous Tense Dan Contoh Kalimat



    Kalimat Positif:

    S + to be + Verb + -ing + O
    You, We, They + are + Verb 1 + -ing
    She, He, It + is + Verb 1 + -ing

    Contoh Kalimat : You are watching Football Match.

    Kalimat Negatif:

    S + to be + not + Verb + -ing + O
    You, We, They + are + not + Verb 1 + -ing
    She, He, It + is + not + Verb 1 + -ing

    Contoh Kalimat : You are not watching Football Match.

    Kalimat Pertanyaan:

    to be + S + Verb + -ing + O ?

    Are + You, We, They + Verb 1 + -ing?
    Is + She, He, It + Verb 1 + -ing?

    Contoh Kalimat : Are you watching Football match?

    Keterangan waktu yang sering digunakan dalam Present Continous tense diantaranya :

    At the present ( saat ini )                      Tomorrow ( Besok )                           Now ( Sekarang )

    At the  moment ( saat ini )                   Tonight ( Nanti Malam )                   Right Now ( Sekarang )

    Dalam pembentukan tense ini, dibutuhkan :

    A. Bentuk “to be”

    1. Tunggal,

    I am (orang pertama)

    You are (orang kedua)

    He / she / it is (orang ketiga)

    2. Jamak,

    We are (orang pertama)

    You are (orang kedua)

    They are (orang ketiga)

    B. bentuk kata kerja “-ing”

    Contoh :

    go + ing = going

    Tipe 1 : Now ( Sekarang )

    Menggunakan Present Continous dengan Normal Verb untuk mengungkapkan ide yang sedang terjadi sekarang juga. Ini juga dapat digunakan untuk menunjukkan sesuatu yang tidak terjadi sekarang juga.


    • You are learning Physics now. ( Kamu sedang belajar Fisika sekarang )
    • You are not reading now. ( Kamu sedang tidak membaca sekarang )
    • Are you sleeping? ( Apakah kamu sedang tidur )
    • I am standing. ( Saya sedang berdiri )
    • I am not sitting. ( Saya sedang tidak duduk )
    • Is he sitting or standing? ( Apakah dia sedang duduk atau berdiri
    • They are reading English book. ( Mereka sedang membaca )
    • They are not watching Football match. ( Mereka sedang tidak menonton pertandingan sepakbola)
    • What are you doing? ( Apa yang sedang kamu lakukan ?)
    • Why are not you doing your homework? ( Mengapa kamu tidak mengerjakan PR?)

    Tipe 2 : Kegiatan yang sudah berjalan lama dan masih dilakukan sekarang

    Dalam Bahasa Inggris “now” dapat berarti : Today, this month, this year, adan so on. Terkadang, kita menggunakan Present Continous untuk mengatakan bahwa kita sedang dalam proses melakukan sesuatu yang sudah lama berjalan dan dalam progress; bagaimanapun kita tidak mungkin melakukannya dalam waktu yang singkat.

    Contoh : Semua kalimat dibawah ini dapat dikatakan ketika sedang makan malam di resataurant)

    • I am studying to become a teacher. ( Saya sedang kuliah untuk menjadi Guru )
    • I am not studying to become a Lawyer. ( Saya sedang tidak belajar untuk menjadi pengacara )
    • I am reading the book Tere Liye. ( Saya sedang membaca buka Tere Liye )
    • I am not reading any books right now. ( Saya tidak sedang membaca buku apapun )
    • Aren’t you teaching at the school now? ( Tidakkah kamu sedang mengajar di sekolah sekarang )

    Tipe 3 : Dekat ke Future

    Kadang-kadang, pembicara menggunakan Present Continous untuk menunjukkan sesuatu yang akan terjadi atau tidak terjadi sebentar lagi ( near future ).

    Contoh :

    • I am meeting some friends after stdying ( Saya akan menemui beberapa temanku setelah belajar ).
    • I am not going to the cinema tonight. ( Aku tidak akan pergi ke bioskop malam mini)
    • Is he visiting his uncle next weekend? ( Apakah dia akan mengunjungi pamanya minggu depan)
    • Isn’t she coming with us tonight? ( Tidakkah dia akan datang mala mini )

    Present Continous Tense (google image)

    Tipe 4 Pengulangan dan gangguan dari “Always”

    Present Continous dengan kata seperti “always” atau “constanly” mengungkapkan ide tentnang sesuatu yang menganggu atau mengejutkan yang sering terjadi. Catat bahwa artinya sama dengan Simple Present tetapi dengan negative emotion. Ingat untuk menaruh kata “Always” atau “ constantly” anatara “be” dan “Verb-ing”

    Contoh :

    • Rudi is always coming to class late.
    • He is constantly talking. I wish he would shut up.
    • I don’t like them because they are always complaining.


    Contoh kalimat dibawah ini menunjukkan penempatan Adeverb seperti : always, only, never, still, just, dll.

    Contoh :
    • You are still watching TV.
    • Are you still watching TV?

    UNTUK KALIMAT Aktif dan Pasif

    • Right now, Dedi is writing the letter. ( Dedi sedang menulis surat ) Aktif
    • Right now, the letter is being written by Dedi. ( Surat sedang ditulis dengan Dedi ) Pasif

    Semoga Materi  Kali Ini Tersampaikan Dengan Jelas Dan Padat Sahabat SBI 🙂


    Simak Juga Materi SBI Lainnya :

  • Pengertian, Rumus Past Future Perfect Tense Dan Contoh Kalimatnya

    Pengertian, Rumus Past Future Perfect Tense Dan Contoh Kalimatnya

    Pengertian, Rumus Past Future Perfect Tense Dan Contoh Kalimatnya


    Past Future Perfect Tense


    Referensi : Buku English 16 Tenses Dan english0201.blogspot.co.id


    Past Future Perfect Tense (Waktu Akan Datang Sudah Selesai di Masa Lampau) adalah bentuk waktu untuk tindakan atau kegiatan tertentu yang diandaikan dan tidak mungkin terjadi karena persyaratan yang diajukan sudah pasti tidak dapat dipenuhi.

    Namun, past future perfect tense merupakan bentuk angan-angan atau bayangan saja tentang apa yang mungkin telah terjadi pada masa lampau.

    Contoh Kalimat :

    • They would have finished the experiment if they had started a lot quicker. (Mereka akan telah menyelesaikan penelitian itu bila mereka telah memulai lebih cepat.)

    Kalimat ini mengisyaratkan perasaan kecewa dan kesal atas kegagalan subjek they dalam usaha mencapai sesuatu. Kekecewaan dan kekesalan tersebut ditunjukkan dalam kalimat pengandaian tersebut.

    Fakta yang terjadi sebenarnya adalah seperti ini:

    • They did not finish the experiment because they started late. (Mereka tidak menyelesaikan penelitian itu karena mereka terlambat mengerjakannya.)

    Bentuk simple past tense ini adalah fakta yang sebenarnya dari keadaan past future perfect tense yang diandaikan sebelumnya.

    Contoh lain :

    • My sister looked for his test. She would have been here yesterday. (Kakakku sedang mengerjakan ujiannya. Dia akan disini besok.)
    • The plants rised. The flowers should have been beautiful last night. (Tumbuh-tumbuhan bersemi. Bunga-bunga akan menjadi indah tadi malam.)
    • Devi would have finished her college by the time. I finished my college in the university a year ago.  (Devi akan menyelesaikan kuliahnya waktu itu. Aku menyelesaikan kuliahku di Universitas setahun yang lalu.)
    • You should have worn t-shirt to the party yesterday night. (Kamu seharusnya memakai kaos ke pesta kemarin malam.)

    Pola-pola atau Rumus kalimat past future perfect tense dapat dilihat di bawah ini :

    Pola Baku
    I/We + Should + Have + Past Pariciple
    He/She/It/You/They + Would + Have + Past Participle


    Kalimat Positif:

    Seluruh Subjek + Would + Have + Verb 3
    (I, She, He, It, We, They)

    I, We, + Should + Have + Verb 3

    Contoh : You would have gone to beach yesterday.

    Kalimat Negatif:

    Seluruh Subjek + Would + Have + Not + Verb 3
    (I, She, He, It, We, They)

    I, We, + Should + Have + Not + Verb 3

    Contoh : You would not gone to beach yesterday.

    Kalimat Pertanyaan:

    Would + Seluruh Subjek + Have + Verb 3 ?

    (I, She, He, It, We, They)

    Should + I, We, + Should + Have + Verb 3 ?

    Contoh : Would not you have gone to beach yesterday?

    Penggunaan :

    1. Untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan atau kejadian yang akan telah dilakukan di waktu lampau.

    Contohnya :
    * She would have learnt English when her sister came yesterday.

    2. Untuk menyatakan suatu pengandaian di waktu lampau, tepatnya sebagai induk kalimat dalam kalimat pengandaian tipe ketiga atau conditional sentences type-3.

    Contohnya :

    * She would have not come late to school if she had got up early.

    Ciri-ciri Khusus Past Future Perfect Tense

    1. Predikat kalimat yang sering digunakan dalam bentuk ini kerap berpola : Should/Would + Have + Past Participle.

    Contohnya :
    * We should have seen the television.

    2. Kata “Have” yang diletakan setelah kata kerja bantu “Should” atau “Would” serta ditambah dengan bentuk kalimat Present Participle yang berarti “sudah” atau “telah”.

    Contohnya :
    * Rita would have played badminton last week.

    3. Keterangan waktu yang sering digunakan dalam bentuk ini adalah :
    At yesterday : kemarin
    On last week : pada minggu lalu
    On last month : pada bulan lalu
    In last year : pada tahun lalu

    Semoga Sukses Mempelajarinya Dan Bermanfaat Sahabat SBI 🙂


    Simak Juga Materi Tenses SBI Lainnya :

  • Pengertian, Rumus Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense Dan Contoh Kalimatnya

    Pengertian, Rumus Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense Dan Contoh Kalimatnya

    Pengertian, Rumus Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense Dan Contoh Kalimatnya

    Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

    Referensi : Buku English 16 Tenses Dan english0201.blogspot.co.id


    Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense (Dimulai Waktu Lampau Berlangsung/Dilanjutkan Masa Mendatang) adalah bentuk waktu untuk tindakan atau kegiatan yang dimulai pada waktu yang sudah tidak diketahui, serta masih berlangsung atau dilanjutkan hingga masa yang akan datang.

    Past future perfect continuous tense memang merupakan bentuk lampau dari future perfect continuous tense yang telah dijabarkan pada bagian-bagian sebelumnya.

    Perbedaan dari past future perfect continuous tense dengan future perfect continuous tense ialah penggunaan frasa would have been, serta kata kerja yang diberi akhiran -ing pada past future perfect continuous tense.

    Sedangkan pada future perfect continuous tense, digunakan frasa will have been serta kata kerja yang diberi akhiran -ing.

    Contoh Kalimat :

    • By the end of this month last semester, Jana would have been studying economic at London University for three years. (Menjelang akhir bulan ini semester yang lalu, Jana akan telah belajar ilmu ekonomi di London University selama tiga tahun.)

    Pola-pola atau Rumus kalimat past future perfect continuous tense dapat dilihat sebagai berikut:

    Pola Baku
    I/We + Should + Have + Been + Present Participle
    He/She/It/You/They + Would + Have + Been + Present Participle

    Kalimat Positif :

    Seluruh Subjek + Would + Have + Been + Verb 1 + -ing

    I, You, We, She, He, It, They
    I, We + Should + Have + Been + Verb 1 + -ing

    Contoh : We should have been watching television by last night.

    Kalimat Negatif :

    Seluruh Subjek + Would + Not + Have + Been + Verb 1 + -ing

    I, You, We, She, He, It, They
    I, We + Should + Not + Have + Been + Verb 1 + -ing

    Contoh : We should not have been watching television by last night.

    Kalimat Pertanyaan :

    Would + Seluruh Subjek + Have + Been + Verb 1 + -ing?

    I, You, We, She, He, It, They
    Should + I, We + Have + Been + Verb 1 + -ing?

    Contoh : Should we have been watching television by last night?

    Ciri-ciri Khusus Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

    1. Predikat kalimat yang lazim dipakai dalam bentuk ini berupa : Should/Would + Have + Been + Present Participle.

    2. Kata “have” tidak mengalami perubahan walaupun kalimat tersebut menunjukkan kalimat ketiga tunggal. Dan setelah kata “have” diikuti oleh kata “been” yang berarti “sudah sedang”.

    3. Keterangan waktu yang sering dipergunakan dalam tenses bentuk ini adalah :
    By last… : menjelang akhir
    By the end of….. : menjelang akhir
    By…. last year : menjelang…. tahun lalu

    Semoga Sukses Mempelajarinya Dan Bermanfaat Sahabat SBI 🙂

    Simak Juga Materi Tenses SBI Lainnya :

  • Rumus Present Perfect Continuous Tense, Pengertian, Dan Contoh Kalimatnya Lengkap

    Rumus Present Perfect Continuous Tense, Pengertian, Dan Contoh Kalimatnya Lengkap

    Rumus Present Perfect Continuous Tense, Pengertian, Materi Present Perfect Continuous Tense Dalam Bahasa Inggris, Dan Contoh Kalimatnya Lengkap


    Present Perfect Continuous Tense


    Materi Dikutip Dari Buku : English 16 Tenses Dan Penulis : Suci Mulyani S.Pd

    Present Perfect Continuous Tense (Sekarang Selesai dan Sekarang Berlangsung) adalah bentuk waktu untuk menjelaskan bahwa suatu tindakan atau kegiatan tengah berlangsung hingga akhir-akhir ini atau hingga waktu subjek berbicara.


    • Roxane has been working in that company since I was a baby. (Roxane telah bekerja disana sejak aku masih bayi.)
    • I have been waiting you since this shop still close. (Aku telah menunggumu sejak toko ini masih tutup.)
    • My Aunt has been living in Borneo since 2000. (Bibiku telah tinggal di Borneo sejak tahun 2000.)
    • They have been looking for the address for two hours. (Mereka telah mencari alamat tersebut selama dua jam.)
    • She has been making that cake for twenty minutes. (Dia telah membuat kue itu selama dua puluh menit.)
    • He has been cutting the grass for a half hour. (Dia telah memotong rumput tersebut selama setengah jam.)
    • They have been cleaning the floor for one hour. (Mereka telah membersihkan lantai itu selama satu jam.)

    Dalam present perfect continuous tense dipergunakan frasa-frasa yang menyatakan waktu tertentu yang merujuk pada “seberapa lama tindakan atau kegiatan tersebut telah berlangsung”.

    Present Perfect Continuous Tense (Sekarang Selesai dan Sekarang Berlangsung) adalah bentuk waktu untuk menunjukan bahwa tindakan atau kegiatan tersebut baru saja selesai dan kita dapat melihat hasilnya, khususnya tindakan yang mengacu pada hal yang dilakukan berulang- ulang atau sering dilakukan.


    • Steve has been working all afternoon and needs rest! (Steve telah bekerja seharian ini dan ia harus segera istirahat!)

    Pola-pola kalimat atau Rumus untuk present perfect continuous tense adalah sebagai berikut:

    Kalimat Positif:

    I, You, We, They + Have + + Been + Verb 1 + -ing
    She, He, It + is + Has + Been + Verb 1 + -ing

    Kalimat Negatif:

    I, You, We, They + Have + not + Been + Verb 1 + -ing
    She, He, It + Has + not + Been + Verb 1 + -ing

    Kalimat Pertanyaan:

    Have + I, You, We, They + Been + Verb 1 + -ing?
    Has + She, He, It + Been + Verb 1 + -ing?

    Beberapa frasa yang digunakan present perfect continuous tense dan present perfect tense adalah:

    • expect (mengharapkan),
    • hope (mengharap),
    • learn (mempelajari),
    • lie (berbaring),
    • live (hidup),
    • look (melihat),
    • rain (hujan),
    • sleep (tidur),
    • sit (duduk),
    • snow (bersalju),
    • stand (berdiri),
    • stay (tinggal),
    • study (belajar),
    • teach (mengajar),
    • wait (menunggu),
    • want (menginginkan), dan
    • work (bekerja.)


    Note : Perbedaan antara present perfect continuous tense dan present perfect tense adalah bahwa biasanya present perfect continuous tense tidak memerlukan frasa waktu tertentu, sedangkan present perfect tense menggunakan frasa waktu untuk menjelaskan bahwa tindakan atau kegiatan tertentu selesai/telah selesai dalam jangka waktu tersebut.


    • For ten days, (selama sepuluh hari),
    • Since October, (Sejak bulan Oktober), Dan Iain-lain.

    Present Perfect Continuous Tense (Sekarang Selesai dan Sekarang Berlangsung) adalah bentuk waktu untuk mengacu pada tindakan atau kegiatan yang tengah dilakukan dan belum tentu tindakan atau kegiatan tersebut selesai sepenuhnya.


    • He has been fixing the toy. ( Dia telah memperbaiki mainan itu ) Bandingkan Dengan
    • He has fixed the toy. ( Dia telah selesai memperbaiki mainan itu.

    Pada kalimat pertama (present perfect continuous tense), subjek hanya menyatakan bahwa dia tengah melakukan sesuatu dalam jangka waktu tertentu dan kemungkinan tindakan atau kegiatan tersebut belum selesai pada masa sekarang.

    Sebaliknya, pada kalimat kedua (present perfect tense), subjek menjelaskan bahwa kegiatannya tersebut memang telah selesai.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Sahabat SBI 🙂

    Simak Juga Materi Tenses Lainnya :

  • Contoh Review Text Harry Potter Beserta Generic Structurenya “LENGKAP”

    Contoh Review Text Harry Potter Beserta Generic Structurenya “LENGKAP”

    Contoh Review Text Harry Potter Beserta Generic Structurenya “LENGKAP”

    Contoh Review Text Beserta Generic Structurenya

    Contoh Review Text ini dikutip dari buku Panca Prastowo

    Book Review

    Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix Orientation


    I absolutely love the Harry Potter series, and all of the books will always hold a special place in my heart.

    Evaluation 1

    I have to say that of all of the books, however, this was not my favorite.

    Evaluation 2

    When the series began it was as much of a “feel good” experience as a huge mug of hot cocoa. The stories were bright, fast-paced, intriguing, and ultimately satisfying.


    Order of the Phoenix is a different kind of book. In some instances this works. You feel a whole new level of intensity and excitement by the time you get to the end. I was truly moved by the last page. Other times the book just has a slightly dreary, depressing feel. The galloping pace of the other books has slowed to a trot here, and parts of it do seem long, as if we’re reading all about Harry “just hanging out” instead of having his usual adventures. Reading in detail about Harry cleaning up an old house, for example – housekeeping is still housekeeping, magical or no, and I’m not very interested in doing it or reading about other people doing it.

    A few other changes in this book, the “rear world comes much more in to play rather than the fantasy ^universe of the previous books, and Harry has apparently been taken off his meds. I know that he had a lot to be grumpy m this book, especially with being a teenager and all, but the sudden change in his character seemed too drastic. He goes from being a warm-hearted, considerate person to someone who will bite his best friend’s heads off over nothing. It just seemed like it d’dn t fit with his character, like he turned into a walking cliche of the “angry teen” overnight.


    The “real” story seemed to happen in the last 1/3 of the book, and this part I loved. I actually liked the ending and yes, I cried as sad as it was. It packed a punch and it made me care about the story even more. Still a really good book, with some editing it would have been great.

    Itulah Contoh Review Text Harry Potter Beserta Generic Structurenya. Semoga Bermanfaat Sahabat SBI 🙂

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  • Contoh Soal Materi Review Text Dan Kunci Jawabannya Lengkap

    Contoh Soal Materi Review Text Dan Kunci Jawabannya Lengkap

    Contoh Soal Materi Review Text Dan Kunci Jawabannya Lengkap

    Contoh Soal Materi Review Text Dan Kunci Jawabannya Lengkap

    Contoh Soal ini dikutip dari buku Panca Prastowo


    Contoh Soal

    Undead, Unwed, and I also wish I could say unread! Okay so here I think I have finally sunk to the bottom of the barrel to try to catch up and complete my challenge. I do have a bit of a thing for vampire novels! And that said I bought three different first in the series, to see if it would help me catch up and bring me back to target.

    Seriously, this was one of the trashiest novels I have ever read! It was OK and fun, but I feel like a complete fraud and fake adding this to the list of books I’ve read this year! But I did nevertheless read it! So it’s going to be added.

    Maybe one day when I’ve forgotten how bad this book was and just how trashy, I’ll read a few more in the series! But seriously guys I wouldn’t recommend it!


    1.    The text mainly tells about….

    (A)    a vampire novel
    (B)    a very bad novel
    (C)    an opinion on a novel
    (D)    a review on Undead and Unwed
    (E)    a review on Undead and Unwed movie

    2.    The second paragraph mainly told….

    (A)    the writer bought three novel
    (B)    the writer fond of vampire novel
    (C)    the writer thought the novel was very bad
    (D)    the writer thought the novel was fun and OK
    (E)    the writer didn’t recommend the readers read it

    3.    The Undead an Unwed is….

    (A)    an horror novel
    (B)    an romantic novel
    (C)    very interesting novel
    (D)    not a sequence novel
    (E)    made into the movie

    4.    Which of the following statement does not represent the writer’s opinion?

    (A)    The novel is very trashy.
    (B)    It really good and interesting novel.
    (C)    I will not add this novel to my book list.
    (D)    Don’t read this novel or you will be upset.
    (E)    I do really want to forget this bad novel soon.

    5.    The following statement is not true….

    (A)    the writer liked vampire novel very much
    (B)    the writer bought three novel in series
    (C)    the writer finished reading the novel
    (D)    the writer could satisfy his target
    (E)    the novel is not interesting

    6. In general, the writer….

    (A)    suggested the readers to buy the novel
    (B)    recommended the readers to read the novel
    (C)    didn’t recommend the readers to read the novel
    (D)    didn’t recommend the readers to review the novel
    (E)    suggested to collect the first three different series

    7. But seriously guys I wouldn’t recomended it! ( paragraph 3 )
    The sentence means….

    (A)    the reader shouldn’t recommend him to be seriously
    (B)    the writer didn’t oppose the idea of the novel
    (C)    the writer recommended to read the novel
    (D)    the writer recommended to read seriously
    (E)    the writer didn’t suggest to read the novel

    8.    The communicative purpose of the text is….

    (A)    to review the novel
    (B)    to promote the novel
    (C)    to tell the story of the novel
    (D)    to amuse the readers with the novel
    (E)    to persuade the readers to buy the novel

    9.    Seriously, this was one of the trashiest novels I have ever read, (paragraph 2)
    The bold word refers to….

    (A)    Mary Janice Oavidson    (D) the book
    (B)    the reviewer                      (E) the novel
    (C)    the reader

    10. It can be concluded that….

    (A)    Mary Janice Davidson is the main character of the novel
    (B)    Mary Janice Davidson is the reviewer of the book
    (C)    the book reviewer didn’t tell the reader to read it
    (D)    the book reviewer didn’t by the book
    (E)    the novel is very challenging

    Warna Merah Bercetak Tebal Merupakan Jawaban Dari Soal Diatas

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca Setia SBI 🙂


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  • Rumus Simple Present Tense, Pengertian, Fungsi, Dan Contoh Kalimatnya Lengkap

    Rumus Simple Present Tense, Pengertian, Fungsi, Dan Contoh Kalimatnya Lengkap

    Rumus Simple Present Tense, Pengertian, Fungsi, Simple Present Tense Dalam Bahasa Inggris Dan Contoh Kalimatnya Lengkap

    Rumus Simple Present Tense, Pengertian, Fungsi, Dan Contoh Kalimatnya Lengkap
    Rumus Simple Present Tense, Pengertian, Fungsi, Dan Contoh Kalimatnya Lengkap

    Tenses adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan dalam kata kerja. Dalam bahasa Inggris, waktu yang berbeda diekspresikan dengan bentuk yang berbeda juga. Dengan demikian, penggunaan tense dapat menyatakan kapan sebuah peristiwa terjadi.

    Dalam bahasa Inggris ada 16 macam tenses. Namun, hanya sekitar 10 tenses yang sering digunakan dalam percakapan se- hari-hari.

    Pengertian Simple Present Tense

    Simple Present Tense (Waktu Sekarang) adalah bentuk waktu untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang dilakukan karena kebiasaan atau digunakan untuk menyatakan kebiasaan sehari-hari.

    Rumus Atau Formula Simple Present Tense

    ( + ) S + V1 (s/es) + (O)

    ( – ) S + do/does + not + V1 + (O)

    ( ? ) do/does + S + V1 + (O)

    Catatan : 

    – s/es ditambahkan pada verbs dengan subjek she, he, dan it.
    – s untuk verbs yang berakhiran dengan huruf konsonan.

    – es untuk verbs yang berakhiran dengan huruf vokal, -ch, -sh, -X, -SS, dan -y.
    – Do digunakan subjek they, we, I, dan you.
    – Does digunakan subjek she, he, dan it.

    Keterangan waktu yang digunakan dalam present tense antara lain:

    • Always (selalu) • Everyday (setiap hari) • Often (sering)
    • Every month (setiap bulan) • Rarely (jarang) • Seldom (jarang)
    • Once in a day (sehari sekali) • Never (tidak pernah)  occasionally (sesekali)
    • Usually (biasanya) • Sometime (terkadang)  Every (Setiap)

    Kegunaan Dan Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense :

    Menunjukkan aktifitas atau kebiasaan sehari-hari.


    • I go to school by bus. ( Aku pergi ke sekolah naik bis. )

    Kebenaran umum.


    • The sun rises from the east. ( Matahari terbit dari sebelah timur. )

    Judul surat kabar atau koran


    • Jokowi visits Surabaya ( Jokowi mengunjungi Surabaya. )


    Contoh Lain Kalimat Simple Present Tense

    Simple Present Tense (Waktu Sekarang) adalah bentuk waktu untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang dilakukan karena kebiasaan.


    • She eats bread every morning (Dia makan roti setiap pagi.)
    • He tells story everyday. (Dia bercerita setiap hari.)
    • She always kisses her child in the night. (Dia selalu mencium anaknya di malam hari.)
    • Chang always comes here everyday. (Pak Chang selalu datang kesini setiap hari.)
    • She’s always smile. (Dia selalu tersenyum.)
    • They buy apple every week. (Mereka membeli apel setiap minggu.)
    • He never comes late to get a course. (Dia tidak pernah datang terlambat untuk belajar.)
    • My mother always goes to church on Sunday. (Ibuku selalupergi ke gereja setiap Minggu.)
    • Sometimes, I go to the mall in the afternoon. (Kadang-kadang Aku pergi ke mall di sore hari.)
    • She gets up at 6 a.m everyday. (Dia bangun jam enam pagi setiap hari.)
    • She plays volleyball every Saturday. (Dia bermain voli setiap hari Sabtu.)
    • Bagus goes to school by bicycle everyday. (Bagus pergi ke sekolah naik sepeda setiap hari..)
    • Father always reads the newspaper in the morning. (Ayah selalu membaca koran di pagi hari.)

    Penggunaan frasa diatas untuk menekankan kebiasaan subjek melakukan tindakan tertentu.

    Pola-pola kalimat untuk simple present tense adalah sebagai berikut :

    Kalimat Positif :

    I, You, We, They + Verb 1

    She, He, It + Verb 1 + -s/es

    Kalimat Negatif :

    I, You, We, They + do + not + Verb 1

    She, He, It + does + Verb 1

    Kalimat Pertanyaan:

    Do + I, You, We, They + Verb 1?
    Does + She, He, It + Verb 1?

    Simple Present Tense (Waktu Sekarang) adalah bentuk waktu untuk menjelaskan kutipan dari sebuah buku dengan menggunakan frasa say.

    Contoh : What does the book say? I, says, ‘ drive carefully’ –  (Apa yang dikatakan dalam buku tersebut? Buku itu berkata, “menyetir dengan hati-hati”.)

    Simple Present Tense (Waktu Sekarang) adalah bentuk waktu untuk digunakan dalam judul berita di surat kabar.

    Contoh: The scientist find a new kind of animal. (Para llmuwan menemukan jenis binatang baru.)

    Simple Present Tense (Waktu Sekarang) adalah bentuk waktu untuk mendeskripsikan narasi dalam drama atau opera.

    Contoh : When the moon rises, a black man with a black coat appears. (Ketika bulan terbit, seorang lelaki hitam dengan jaket hitam muncul.)

    Simple Present Tense (Waktu Sekarang) adalah bentuk waktu untuk menunjukan tindakan atau sejumlah tindakan yang telah direncanakan, dalam sebuah perjalanan khusus.


    We leave London at 09.00 next Sunday and arrive in Paris at 12.00. We spend three hours in Paris and leave again at 15.00. (Kita akan meninggalkan kota London pada pukul 09.00 hari Minggu depan dan akan tiba di Paris pada pukul 12.00. Kita akan beristirahat selama tiga jam di Paris dan kembali berangkat pada pukul 15.00.)

    Simple present tense menggunakan 2 jenis kelompok kata kerja (verbs) :

    1. Verbs of feeling and emotion.
    2. Verbs of mental activity.

    1. Verbs Of Feeling And Emotion terdiri dari :

    appreciate (menghargai),
    care (peduli),
    desire (menginginkan),
    detest (sangat membenci),
    dislike (tidak menyukai),
    fear (menakuti),
    hate (membenci),
    like (menyukai),
    loathe (sangat tidak menyukai),
    love (mencintai),
    mind (ingatan),
    respect (menghargai),
    refuse (menolak),
    value (menghargai).
    want (menginginkan),
    wish (mengharap.)

    2. Verbs of mental activity terdiri dari :

    agree (menyetujui),
    appreciate (mengerti),
    assume (menganggap)
    believe (mempercayai),
    expect (mengharapkan),
    feel (merasakan),
    forget (melupakan),
    know (mengetahui),
    mean (mengartikan),
    perceive (memandang),
    realize (menyadari),
    recall (mengenang),
    recognize (mengenali),
    recollect (mencoba mengingat-ingat),
    remember (mengingat),
    suppose (mengira),
    think (berpendapat),

    Semoga Dengan Materi Full Lengkap Mengenai Simple Present Tense Ini Teman Teman SBI Bisa paham betul akan simple present tense ini 🙂


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  • Materi Review Text, Pengertian, Tujuan dan Contohnya “LENGKAP” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Materi Review Text, Pengertian, Tujuan dan Contohnya “LENGKAP” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Materi Review Text, Pengertian, Tujuan dan Contohnya “LENGKAP” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Materi Review Text, Pengertian, Tujuan dan Contohnya “LENGKAP” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Secara harfiah, review bermakna tinjauan, ringkasan, atau tinjauan ulang. Jika ada frasa book review berarti bermakna tinjauan buku. Oleh karena itu, Review Text dapat diartikan sebagai teks yang bertujuan untuk meninjau, mengkritik, atau mengulas suatu karya atau kejadian di masyarakat, seperti buku, film, acara tv, produk kecantikan, mobil, hand phone, laptop, rekaman, konser dan sebagainya.

    Tujuan Review Text

    Sebagian tujuan besar dari review text adalah memberikan ulasan, tinjauan, bahkan kritik terhadap suatu karya seni, ilmiah, buku ataupun bentuk-bentuk lainnya agar diketahui oleh khalayak umum.

    Generic Structure

    • Introduction

    Pada bagian mi (paragraf pertama), penulisan berisikan P genalan terhadap pokok atau gambaran umum tentang sebuah karya/benda yang akan ditinjau. Gambaran umum tersebut dapat berupa nama, kegunaan, dan sebagainya.

    • Evaluation

    Bagian ini berisi gambaran detail dari sebuah karya, antara lain menceritakan kelebihan, keunikan, kualitas, serta hal- hal yang membuatnya menarik. Namun demikian, jangan terlalu banyak memberikan deskripsi mengenai karya atau benda tersebut karena seakan-akan mengajari calon pembeli karena hal itu tidak bagus. Jadi, evaluasi karya/benda sejauh yang dibutuhkan oleh pembeli adalah paling tepat. Bagian ini biasanya terdiri lebih dari satu evaluasi.

    • Interpretation

    Pada bagian interpretasi, penulis memberikan pendapat atau pandangannya terhadap sebuah karya. Tentu saja fase ini dilakukan setelah melakukan evaluasi yang cukup terhadap karya atau barang tersebut. Tidak jarang untuk mendukung, memperkuat, atau lebih meningkatkan kualitas/ hasil mengenai karya atau benda yang diulas, penulis dapat membandingkan dengan jenis lainnya. Pada fase ini. penulis juga menuliskan kelebihan dari karya atau benda tersebut. atau sebaliknya yang menjadikannya kurang bernilai.

    • Summary

    Pada bagian summary, penulis memberikan kesimpulan kepada pembaca terhadap karya atau benda yang telah diulas. Setelah memberikan penjelasan di evaluasi dan pan- dangan penulis sendiri di bagian interpretasi, di bagian ini penulis memberikan komentar mengenai karya atau benda yang diulas berharga atau tidak untuk calon pembeli.


    Pada Review Text terdapat beberapa ciri kebahasaan yang menonjol seperti berikut ini.

    1. Menggunakan Present Tense.
    2. Banyak menggunakan adjective (kata sifat) seperti bad, good, valuable, dan sebagainya.
    3. Sering menggunakan long clause (klausa panjang) dan kompleks.

    Contoh Review Text

    Product Review

    Acer Iconia Tab A100 (Reviewed By Mike Andrew)

    While the 10-inch tablet market is very crowded and highly competitive right now, when it comes to 7-inch powerful and reliable slates, there are still some gaps that need to be filled. The Iconia Tab A100 wants to do just that, being a very interesting, portable, and snappy gadget.

    Evaluation 1: Design and Display
    When talking about 7-inch tablets, the aspect is very important. The Tab A100 does not disappoint from this point of view, being elegant and classy. The front face is surrounded by glossy black plastic, while the back of the tablet is a dark gray plastic with Acer’s logo in the middle. In terms of portability, the Iconia Tab A100 is also a more than a satisfying device, being about the same size and weight as the HTC Flyer, for example.

          The 7-inch touch screen with 1024×600 pixels resolution offers great image quality, contrast, and brightness, but does more of a mediocre job when talking about viewing angles. Still, the display is overall decent and holds the comparison with the HTC Flyer or the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.


    Evaluation 2 : Performance and Software

    The Iconia Tab A100 features the already classic Nvidia Tegra 2 dual-core processor with 1 GB of RAM memory and is therefore at least as snappy and powerful as any other 7 or 10-inch tablet on the market right now. The cameras are surprisingly decent, the 2 MP front­facing and the 5 MP rear-facing devices offering pretty much the best image quality you might hope to find on a slate.

    In terms of software, Acer’s 7-inch tablet is set to be a pioneer, being the first slate of its category to be powered by the Android Honeycomb OS. Not only that, but it will run on the latest 3.2 version of the operating system, which means that you will get loads of apps and snappy performance.

    Evaluation 3: Connectivity and Pricing

    The Iconia Tab A100 is set to feature WiFi and Bluetooth compatibility, as well as a micro-USB port and a micro SD slot card. It would have been perfect if it would have featured HDMI as well, but still it is pretty decent for a 7-inch tablet.


    As far as pricing is concerned, the Acer Iconia Tab A100, which has not yet been released on the market, will be available for 329 dollars (the 8 GB version) or for 349 dollars (the 16 GB version). This is consistently less than HTC Flyer’s or Blackberry Playbook’s prices, to name two of the important 7-inch tablets right now.

    Wrap up, while the Iconia Tab A500 is still struggling to become one of the important names in the tablets’ world, the from this Android tablet review it looks like a winner right away. Packing good technical specifications, as well as a decent display and a revolutionary software for a 7-inch tablet, Acer’s new slate also comes at an affordable price tag and will probably mesmerize technology fanatics all around the world.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Sahabat SBI 🙂

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