Penulis: sekolahinggris

  • Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 1

    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 1

    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 1

    SekolahbahasainggrisHai sahabat SBI Akoh…….! Api khabakh?! (Apa kabar?!) Semoga hari-hari nya indah ya sahabat SBI! Bagaimana skill dalam bahasa Inggris nya? Apakah sudah bertambah? Apakah kalian semakin paham dan lancer sahabat?

    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 1
    Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 1

    Yak, bahasa Inggris membutuhkan banyak latihan loh sahbat untuk memperkaya skill kalian. Tak cukup satu kali atau dua kali jika ingin benar-benar fluent dalam bahasa Inggris. Harus berates-ratus bahkan beribu-ribu kali loh sahabat!

    Selamat mengerjakan soal Reading Comprehension 1 ini yak:

    Aturan untuk pertanyaa no 1 dan 2:

    A.Jika pernyataan Betul, alas an Betul dan Keduanya menunjukkan hubungan Sebab Akibat.

    B.Jika pernyataan Betul, alas an Betul tetapi keduanya tidak menunjukkan hubungan sebabt akibat.

    C.Jika pertanyaan Betul tetapi alasannya Salah.

    D.Jika pernyataan Salah dan alasannya Betul.

    E.Jika pernyataan dan Alasannya keduanya Salah.

    • The Effect Of Televisison Violence On Children

    Parents and Teacher in Bandar Lampung are worried about the effect of TV violence on children. Many children watch TV for several hours everyday; even though they are watching children’s programs, they are still confronted with scenes of violence and terror. Many cartoons include violence like Spongebob, Tom and Jerry, Shinchan, etc. Whether this will encourage children to act more violently themselves is not certain.

    There has been a general increase in violence in society in recent years, but experts haver not been able to trace ths trend directly to TV. Yet, they point out that the situation is dangerous because TV, and films as well, teaches children at an early age to accept violence as anatural part of life.

    1. Parents and teachers are worried about the effect of TV programmes on children.


              Not all the programmes. Even children programmes, are always suitable for them


    1. There has been a general increase in violence in society in recent years certainly


               TV, and films as well, teaches children at an early age to accept violence as a natural part of life.

    1. This in “Whether this will encourage children……” (line 5) refers to..

    A.Children’s watching Televisison for several hours

    B.Children’s TV programmes

    C.Children’s watching TV violence

    D.the Effect of television

    E.A general increase in violence

    1. “…….TV, and films as well, ………” (line 10) means

    A.TV is as well as films

    B.TV is as good as films


    D.TV and films are equally good

    E.TV and also films

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    English For Nursing-Unit 1: Affirmative

    English For Nursing-Unit 2: Suffix

  • 8 Units Modul Bahasa Inggris Untuk Mahasiswa Keperawatan (English For Nursing)

    8 Units Modul Bahasa Inggris Untuk Mahasiswa Keperawatan (English For Nursing)

    8 Units Modul Bahasa Inggris Untuk Mahasiswa Keperawatan (English For Nursing)

    SekolahbahasainggrisHai sahabat SBI! How are you nih! Semoga wawai gawoh ya….. Apakah kalian masih semangat dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris? Semoga kalian masih joss aja ya belajarnya! Nah kali ini admin akan membagikan kepada kalian modul loh.

    8 Units Modul Bahasa Inggris Untuk Mahasiswa Keperawatan (English For Nursing)
    8 Units Modul Bahasa Inggris Untuk Mahasiswa Keperawatan (English For Nursing)

    English For Nursing atau bahasa Inggris untuk Keperawatan itu memiliki perbedaa layaknya English For Bussiness. Perbedaan nya tentu saja pada pengguanaan kata atau kalimat yang disesuaikan dengan dunia keperawatan.

    Biasanya berhubungan dengan rumah sakit, pasien, doctor, penyakit, serta istilah-istilah di dalam dunia keperawatan dalam bahasa Inggris. Untuk lebih jelasnya yuk disimak 8 bab units materi modul bahasa Inggris dibwah ini yang bisa kalian pelajari satu per satu:

    1. English For Nursing-Unit 1: Affirmative

    2. English For Nursing-Unit 2: Suffix

    3. English For Nursing-Unit 3: WH Questions

    4. English For Nursing-Unit 4: Yes/No Questions

    5. English For Nursing-Unit 5: Questions +Dialogue For Nursing

    6. English For Nursing-Unit 6: Present Tense

    7. English For Nursing-Unit 7: Diagnostic Post Test

    8. English For Nursing-Unit 8: Diagnostic Post Test 2

    Pada bab- bab diatas terdiri dari 6 bab materi dan latihan dan 2 bab post test yang dapat kalian guankan sebagai bahan belajar kalain.


    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    Materi Pronunciation 13: Latihan Listening Pronunciation CD 05

    10 Contoh Brosur Bahasa Inggris Terbaik+Terupdate

  • 99 Contoh Puisi Bahasa Inggris Tentang Persahabatan+ Artinya

    99 Contoh Puisi Bahasa Inggris Tentang Persahabatan+ Artinya

    99 Contoh Puisi Bahasa Inggris Tentang Persahabatan+ Artinya

    Sekolahbahasainggris- Semua orang di dunia ini pasti memiliki sahabat. Tak terkecuali….. Sahabat menjadi bagian dari puing- puing kehidupan yang tersusun membentuk bintang bersinar di malam kita.

    99 Contoh Puisi Bahasa Inggris Tentang Persahabatan+ Artinya
    99 Contoh Puisi Bahasa Inggris Tentang Persahabatan+ Artinya

    Puisi untuk persahabatan yang kita bina pun seakan menjadi perwakilan isi hati masing-masing setiap anggotanya. Kita kadang berdekat-dekatan kaya kepompong sahabta. Kadang juga kita berjauh-jauhan kayak kecebong. Hehe….

    Nah buat sahabat yang sedang mencari referensi puisi bahasa Inggris tentang persahabatan yuk disimak contoh dibawah ini:



    9 Years 5 Person 1000 love

    By Muhammad Tri Sutrisno

    I remembered the winds flow me

    On that time we didn’t know

    Among another

    I remembered on 2 may

    This date when we formed

    It called 5fc

    I got you more

    In childish way

    We gather by 5 person

    I remembered it

    2 boys 3 girls

    It is complicated

    We can’t make us be one

    In our selfish character

    We just respect

    To all

    It is totally adorable


    You are irreplaceable

    9 years we have run

    One knew one

    Added in another year

    It is not easy, huh!

    It is so hard

    But we can

    Be forever

    5 Family Cartoon



    9 Tahun 5 Orang 1000 Sayang

    By Muhammad Tri Sutrisno

    Aku ingat sekali angina mengalirkanku

    Pad waktu kita dulu tak saling tahu

    Satu sama lain

    Aku ingat tentu pada tanggal 2 mei

    Tanggal saat terbentuk

    Yang disebut 5FC

    Aku tahu lebih

    Bagaimana kita begitu kekanak-kanakan

    Kita berlima bersama

    Aku ingat betul….

    2 Laki-laki 3 Wanita

    Sangat rumit

    Kita tak kan bisa jadi satu

    Dalam karakter egois kita

    Hanya saling menghargai

    Ke semuanya

    Sangat manis sekali


    Kalian tak tergantikan

    9 tahun berjalan

    Satu persatu saling tahu

    Hingga bertambah di tahun lain

    Tidaklah mudah, huh!

    Sangat sulit

    Tetapi kita bisa

    Selamanya bersama

    5 Family Cartoon


    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    1000 Ucapan Selamat Untuk Kelahiran Bayi Dalam Bahasa Inggris+ Artinya

    101 Istilah Akuntansi dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Artinya

  • English For Nursing-Unit 8: Diagnostic Post Test 2

    English For Nursing-Unit 8: Diagnostic Post Test 2

    English For Nursing-Unit 8: Diagnostic Post Test 2

    SekolahbahasainggrisIn this section you will have a n exercise in Diagnostic Post Test 2. So just do it by your self.

    English For Nursing-Unit 8: Diagnostic Post Test 2
    English For Nursing-Unit 8: Diagnostic Post Test 2


    1. He specializes in administering…….





    1. I suggest you to visit….





    1. Hadi works in the……..ward.





    1. My father is a…………





    1. Hilda cares for patients during a………..





    1. Excuse me nurse, I want to see a dentist. Where is the………..unit.





    1. My leg is fracture and I need to be X-Rayed. Can you show me where the……..





    1. My father has a pain on his chest and I need to visit the cardiologist. Show me the way to………unit.





    1. There are many children hospitalized in…………wards.





    1. The obstetricians work in…………..wards





    1. Where…………Mrs…… Shinta live?





    1. Where did you…………





    1. ………………do usually bowel matrion? In the morning





    1. (Injecting – what – call – medical instrument – you – do – used for )

    a.What is used for injecting medical instruments?

    b.What do you call for medical instruments used for injecting

    c.What do you call medical instruments used for injecting

    d.What injecting medical instruments used for

    1. Am – right – the – ward – in

    a.Am I the right wards?

    b.I am in the right wards

    c.In the right wards I am

    d.In the right ward am i



    1. Part 2

    With who, what, or where, write the questions on the blanks.

    1. A nurse give the injection to the patient.

    What ………(does a nurse give to the patient)

    Who ……….(does give the injection to the patient)

    1. The nurses treat the casualty in the emergency room.



    1. The maternity unit is across from the pediatric wards



    1. The patient wants something to eat.



    1. The doctor orders you to go to the radiological unit




    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    Materi Pronunciation 13: Latihan Listening Pronunciation CD 05

    3 Cara 11 Langkah Membaca Bahasa Inggris Yang Baik Dan Benar

  • English For Nursing-Unit 7: Diagnostic Post Test

    English For Nursing-Unit 7: Diagnostic Post Test

    English For Nursing-Unit 7: Diagnostic Post Test

    SekolahbahasainggrisIn this section you will have a n exercise in Diagnostic Post Test. So just do it by your self.

    English For Nursing-Unit 7: Diagnostic Post Test
    English For Nursing-Unit 7: Diagnostic Post Test
    1. It…….. quit normal for young people to have several cough and winter.





    1. The children…………nothing for you to worry about.





    1. At the school, the child…… to all kinds of new viruses





    1. The nurse students…………studying English for nursing now.





    1. There………….many parents worry about their children’s food at school.





    1. The syringes…………putting on the trolley.





    1. The symptoms of the disease………clear to be seen.





    1. If a recurrent cough……….not accompanied by a cold, you should consult to your doctor.





    1. My mother………….getting better now.





    1. I……… of the new students in the Nursing Academy.





    1. Rita………. married next week.




    d.Will be

    1. My patient’s named is Mr. Patrick and……………is 22 years old





    1. My patient………of hungry.

    a.Will be




    1. Jack………….lazy about his insulin injection.




    d.Will be

    1. One of his problem at nights……….after urination.




    d.Will be

    1. We……..students nurse.





    1. My lecturer…………….a doctor.




    d.Has been

    1. Janet and I………………..patients in Urip Hospital.

    a.Has been




    1. I………..on duty now.





    1. The hospital…………pack of patients.

    a.Will be

    b. Will could

    c. Are



    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    Pilihan Ucapan Hari Valentine Untuk Orang yang Kita Sayangi

    1000 Tips Belajar Grammar Bahasa Inggris Mudah dan Cepat!

  • English For Nursing-Unit 6: Present Tense

    English For Nursing-Unit 6: Present Tense

    English For Nursing-Unit 6: Present Tense

    SekolahbahasainggrisIn this section you will have a n exercise in purpose to enrich your knowledge about Present Tense.


    • The students of nurses are hoped to be able to use the words symptoms, examination, illness, fracture, ambulatory, assess
    • The students are hoped to be able to make sentences using Simple Present Tense
    English For Nursing-Unit 6: Present Tense
    English For Nursing-Unit 6: Present Tense


    • Please say the following words and find the meanings of it.

    1. Record->>
    2. Symptoms->>
    3. Prevent->>
    4. Prevention->>
    5. Preventive->>
    6. Observe->>
    7. Observation->>
    8. Illness->>
    9. Curative Immunizations->>
    10. Recover->>
    11. Recovery->>
    12. Implement->>
    13. Implementation->>
    14. Progress->>
    15. Examination->>
    16. Health->>
    17. Healthy->>


    • Please memorize the following vocabularies

    1. Immunization (n) ->> Imunisasi
    2. Immunize (v) ->> Memberi imunisasi
    3. Implement (v) ->> Menerapkan
    4. Implementation (n) ->> Penerapan
    5. Assess (v) ->> Mengkaji
    6. Assessment (n) ->> Pengkajian
    7. Symptom (n) ->> Gejala
    8. Symtomatic (adj) ->> Gejala
    9. Dress (v) ->> Membalut luka
    10. Dressing (n) ->> Kain pembalut luka steril


    • Grammar Focus (Present Tense)

    1. It is used to tell the daily activities, example: My class begins at 7.42 a.m everyday.
    2. It is used to tell the general truth, example: Antiseptic fluid kills bacteria.
    3. It is used to tell the fact’s activities of being spoken, example: Mr.Santo suffers from dehydration. He needs more fluid.


    • Do the following exercise by changing into negative and interrogative form.

    1.(+) A nurse does major surgery.

    (-) A nurse does not do major surgery.

    (?) Does a nurse do major surgery?

    2.(+) A nurse works in shift in hospital.



    3.(+) Radiologist works in Pediatric Ward.



    4.(+) The child plays the toy of medical instrument.




    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    Pilihan Ucapan Hari Valentine Untuk Orang yang Kita Sayangi

    Ucapan Hari Valentine Bahasa Inggris dan Kata-kata Cinta Romantis







  • English For Nursing-Unit 5: Questions +Dialogue For Nursing

    English For Nursing-Unit 5: Questions +Dialogue For Nursing

    English For Nursing-Unit 5: Questions +Dialogue For Nursing

    SekolahbahasainggrisIn this section you will have a n exercise in purpose to enrich your knowledge about vocabularies and dialogue between doctor, nurse, and the patient.


    • The students of nurses are hoped to be able to use the words guard, birth, irritate, tract, persist, attack, contagious.
    • The students are hoped to be able to make questions concerning about subject.
    English For Nursing-Unit 5: Questions +Dialogue For Nursing
    English For Nursing-Unit 5: Questions +Dialogue For Nursing


    • Please say the following words into the right pronunciation and find the meanings of it.

    1. Attack->> Terserang
    2. Subside->>
    3. Persist->> Bertahan Hidup
    4. Swell->>
    5. Soreness->> Sakit
    6. Irritation->>
    7. Analgesic->> Meringankan nyeri
    8. Antipyretics->> Penurun Panas
    9. Birth->>
    10. Feverish->> Merasa Demam
    11. Track->>
    12. Contagious->> Menular
    13. Shrink->>
    14. Protuberance->> Bengkak/ (n) Pembengkakan
    • Dialogue (Understand the meaning then practice it with your friends)

    Shinta sends her classmate Dina, who’ve just got accident to the emergency unit of Graha Husada Hospital. “Soon after arriving there”

    Shinta: Help…. Help…… nurse….. she is injure.

    Dina: Ouh….. I feel pain on my leg.

    A nurse comes to them

    Nurse: What’s the matter?

    That will be alright

    Get in, please…

    Shinta and the nurse move Dina to the stretch

    Nurse: Not too strong….

    Calm down, please

    Shinta: Yes, of course

    Dina: Oh gosh…… It’s so painfull

    Nurse let them to take pethidine and some gauze

    Nurse: You will be alright, miss

    Dina: Thank you, Nurse

    Shinta: Doe she have a serious injure, nurse?

    Nurse: let me call the doctor

    A doctor comes……

    Doctor: No, matter on your leg. That will be fine.

    Doctor touches dina’s leg

    Dina: It’s so pain, doctor

    Doctor: You have got fracture

    Nurse, schedule it for her operation?!

    Nurse: Yes. Doctor

    Dina: Excuse me, have I got operation doctor?

    Shinta: Yes alright, Dina

    Dina: No… God….. Help me…..

    Nurse: Be calm down Dina..

    You will be better soon.

    Dina: But nurse…..

    Doctor: Don’t take it to serious…. This is only minor operation

    So, are you ready?

    Dina: If it is must, I will… Please do your best doctor….?!

    Doctor: Yes, surely…..

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    Pilihan Ucapan Hari Valentine Untuk Orang yang Kita Sayangi

    Ucapan Hari Valentine Bahasa Inggris dan Kata-kata Cinta Romantis

  • 13 Arti Kata Idiom Yang Digunakan Saat Meeting+Contoh Kalimatnya

    13 Arti Kata Idiom Yang Digunakan Saat Meeting+Contoh Kalimatnya

    13 Arti Kata Idiom Yang Digunakan Saat Meeting+Contoh Kalimatnya

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Idiom banyak digunakan saat pertemuan (meeting). Apa sajakah itu? Yuk disimak materi berikut tentang kat-kata idiom yang digunakan saat pertemuan beserta contohnya:

    13 Arti Kata Idiom Yang Digunakan Saat Meeting+Contoh Kalimatnya
    13 Arti Kata Idiom Yang Digunakan Saat Meeting+Contoh Kalimatnya
    1. Take part=>> Berpartisipasi

    Emtris was sick and could not take part in the meeting last week.

    You did not want to take part in their argument.

    1. At all=>> Semuanya

    Rommy said that he did not have any money atall.

    When I asked Mrs. Sulis whether she waired, she said, “Not at all!”

    1. Look up=>> Mencari

    Every student in SDN 2 Surabaya should look up all the words in his dictionary every week.

    Winda said that she did not know Tommy’s number but that she would look it up in the Gadget.

    Look this date up in the dictionary, please.

    1. Wait on=>> Menghadirkan/Menghadiri

    A very pleasant young man waited on me in Caffe yesterday.

    The clerk asked, “Have you been waited on yet, sir?”

    1. At least=>> Minimal

    Every student should spend at least 3 hours on her homework every day.

    Herry has been sick in bed for at least 2 weeks.

    1. So far=>> Sejauh ini

    So far Muhammad has been the best student in his English class.

    How many idioms have she studied in this book so far 40 or 100?

    1. Take a walk=>> Pergi berjalan kaki

    Last afternoon we took a walk along roadway.

    It is a fine day. How would you like to take a walk along Sixth avenue?

    1. Take a seat=>> Duduk

    Yuni asked me to come in and take a seat.

    After a few hour he said, “Won’t you please take a seat.”

    1. Try on=>> Mencoba/Mengetes

    Ully tried on several suits and finnaly picked out a blue one.

    Why is it necessary to try on hat before buying them

    Try tis brown dress on next.

    1. Think over=>>Mempertimbangkan

    You shall think over my offer and give me your answer tomorrow.

     Budi and Gerald don’t have to decide this matter at once. They can think it over and give her their decision tomorrow.

    1. Take place=>> Terjadi/ berlangsung

    The meeting took place in Novotel hall.

    Where didi the accident take place?

    1. Put away=>> Mengembalikan sesuatu ketempatnya

    After Kenny finished reading the report, he put it away in his safe.

    My mother told my elder brother to put his shoes away.

    Put your book away Shinta; it’s time for lunch now.

    1. Wait for=>> Menunggu

    I will wait for you on the corner of Roadway and Danau Towuti street.

    They waited for for him more than two hour and finally left.


    Semoga Bermanfaat para pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    Dongeng Rapunzel Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terupdate

  • 12 Arti Kata Idiom Yang Digunakan Saat Berbelanja+Contoh Kalimatnya

    12 Arti Kata Idiom Yang Digunakan Saat Berbelanja+Contoh Kalimatnya

    12 Arti Kata Idiom Yang Digunakan Saat Berbelanja+Contoh Kalimatnya

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Idiom sering kita gunakan dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Saat berbelanja pun kita sering menggunakan beberapa idiom. Nah jika kalian penasaran kata-kata idiom apa saja yang sering digunakan saat berbelanja. Yuk disimak materi berikut:

    12 Arti Kata Idiom Yang Digunakan Saat Berbelanja+Contoh Kalimatnya
    12 Arti Kata Idiom Yang Digunakan Saat Berbelanja+Contoh Kalimatnya
    1. Pick up=>>Mengambil

    I want to pick out some new red tie to give boyfriend as Idul Fitri present.

    Which book did you pick out to send Maryam?

    If I want you to treat me to a dessert, pick one out

    1. To take one’s time=>> menghindari terburu-buru.

    There is no hurry Lisa! You can take your time doing those exercises.

    Willy never works rapidly. He always takes his time in everything that he does.

    1. Talk over=>> Mendiskusikan

    I talked over Mina’s plan to put in air conditioning, but I could not come to a decision.

    With whom did Winda talk over her plan to buy a new home?

    Before he accepted the new job offer, he talked it over with my wife.

    1. Lie down=>> Tidur-tiduran

    If Budi is tired, why doesn’t he lie down for an hour or so?

    The dr. Shinta says that Muha mustlie down and rest an hour every morning.

    1. Stand up=>>Menaikkan/berdiri.

    When the 7th President entered, everyone in the room stood up.

    When the Music is played, everyone must stand up and remove her hat.

    1. Sit down=>>Duduk

    After standing for so long, it was a pleasure to sit down in the chair and take a rest a while.

    They sat down on the park bench and watched the pigeons as it fly.

    1. All day long=>>Sepanjang hari

    You have been working on your income-tax form all day long.

    Shinta shopped all day long looking a new hat.

    1. Oneself=>> Sendirian

    Johnny translated that Polish novel by himself. No one helped him.

    Reno likes to walk by herself through the woods.

    1. On purpose=>> Dengan tujuan

    It was no accident. Alfiyyah broke the dish on purpose.

    Do you think Doni made that mistake on purpose?

    1. Get along=>> Melakukan, sukses

    Muhammad is getting along very well in his study of Management.

    How is Mr.Tri getting along in his new job?

    1. Make no difference=>> Sama saja

    When you asked me whether I wanted to go in the morning or in the night, I said: “it doesn’t make any difference to me.”

    Does it make any difference to Mina whether she has a lesson at two p.m or at 3 p.m.

    1. Take out=>>Mengeluarkan

    Herman took out his handkerchief and wiped his forehead.

    Every night Doni takes his dog out for a walk

    Semoga Bermanfaat para pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    Dongeng Little Red Riding Hood (Gadis Berkerudung Merah) Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Program Summer exchange Kyoto University Amgen Scholars Program Di Jepang