Penulis: sekolahinggris

  • 21 Vocabulary Corner: Clothes Of Man (Pakaian Pria)

    21 Vocabulary Corner: Clothes Of Man (Pakaian Pria)

    21 Vocabulary Corner: Clothes Of Man (Pakaian Pria) Beserta Contoh Kalimat– Pakaian adalah kebutuhan primer setiap orang. Sahabat SBI senang menggunakan pakaian apa? kardigan? Jas? atau T-shirt yang terkesan santai. Disini kalian kan mempelajari kosa kata tentang Pakaian Pria atau dalam  bahasa Inggris sih Clotes Man

    16 Vocabulary Corner: Clothes Man (Pakaian Pria)
    21 Vocabulary Corner: Clothes Man (Pakaian Pria)

    Yuk disimak ya Sahabat!

    [table id=65 /]

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Related Posts:

    Kosa Kata Alfabet Dan Angka Bahasa Inggris

    16 Vocabulary Corner: Accessories Man ( Perlengkapan Pria)

  • 16 Vocabulary Corner: Accessories Man ( Perlengkapan Pria)

    16 Vocabulary Corner: Accessories Man ( Perlengkapan Pria)

    16 Vocabulary Corner: Accessories Man ( Perlengkapan Pria)– Great days Sahabat SBI! Masih di materi vocabulary nih. Kali ini kita akan membahasa Acessories Man. Apa sih accessories Man? Kayak sepatu, sendal, jam, tas pria, dll.

    16 Vocabulary Corner: Accessories Man ( Perlengkapan Pria)
    16 Vocabulary Corner: Accessories Man ( Perlengkapan Pria)

    Yuk dibaca kosa kata dibawah ini, untuk memperkaya vocabulary kalian:

    [table id=7 /]

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Related Posts:

    Kosa Kata Alfabet Dan Angka Bahasa Inggris

    1000 Tips Belajar Grammar Bahasa Inggris Mudah dan Cepat!

  • Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar Tentang Verb

    Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar Tentang Verb

    1001 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar Tentang Verb– Berlatih dan berlatih adalah kunci kesuksesan anda dalam menguasai grammar bahasa Inggris! Dengan banyak menemukan kesulitan dalam soal-soal yang baru anda secara langsung akan memperkaya wawasan anda.

    1001 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar Tentang Verb
    1001 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar Tentang Verb

    Sahabat SBI bingung dengan soal bahasa Inggris yang menurut kalian itu sulit? Enggak kok, grammar mudah! Asalkan banyak berlatih loh.

    Nah kali ini SBI mau berbagi soal tentang auxulary,verbal,nominal, dan ordinary!

    Apa sih kak auxulary itu? Waduh,

    buat kamu yang belum tahu soal:


    Itu loh; are, is, am,were,was,

    Ordinary Verb (kata kerja utama)

    Ordinary verb adalah kata kerja utama atau inti dalam sebuah kalimat.

    e.g/:bring             lend              play           sell             write

    Nah kalau Verbal itu kalimat yang mangandung unsur kata kerja.

    e.g/: I work in the office

    Kalau Nominal Kalimat yang tidak mengandung unsur kata kerja.

    e.g/: I am happy

    Bagaimana, mudah bukan?

    Selamat Mengerjakan!

    Name : 


    Tentukan auxiliary, ordinary, verbal, nominal!

    1. She had been singing many songs
    2. You will be a wonderful actress
    3. Don’t you see my wallet?
    4. How can I change the world?
    5. He must be sharing his stories
    6. Does she go to Elfast everyday?
    7. Brown does a research
    8. Nobody knocked my door last night
    9. Did you eat your lunch?
    10. Norman has been famous
    11. I’am is calling me
    12. Will she have been the next superstar?
    13. This book seems new
    14. My T-Shirt will be dirty because of mud
    15. Players play plays
    16. The seller is interesting
    17. He drives me crazy
    18. The last play is this play
    19. A great movie is watched by a lot of people
    20. Have little children chosen the games?
    21. If life is so short
    22. Someone special would have given me a flower
    23. The power of dream can show you the power of life
    24. These are mine
    25. Everything has not been over


    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!


    Related Posts:

    Part 1:Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar

    1000 Contoh, Pengertian,dan Rumus Mudah Past Continuous Tense

  • 321 Vocabulary:Days, Months, Periods, And Indicator Of time

    321 Vocabulary:Days, Months, Periods, And Indicator Of time

    321 Vocabulary:Days, Months, Periods, And Indicator Of time– Dalam materi sebelumnya SBI sudah membahas cara pelafalan alfabet dan number.

    [Baca:Kosa Kata Alfabet Dan Angka Bahasa Inggris]

    Nah kali ini kalian akan belajar tentang

    1. Days(Nama-nama hari dalam bahasa Inggris).
    2. Periods(Periode)
    3. Dan Indicators of Time (Petunjuk waktu).

    Jangan lupa di hafal dengan mengikuti pronunciation nya(agar kalian kedepannya paham dan langsung melafalkan kata bahasa Inggris dengan baik serta benar.

    [table id=14 /]

    [table id=15 /]

    [table id=16 /]

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Related Posts:

    Kosa Kata Alfabet Dan Angka Bahasa Inggris

    1000 Tips Belajar Grammar Bahasa Inggris Mudah dan Cepat!

  • 101 Tips Menguasai Materi Adjective, Adverbial,Noun Clause

    101 Tips Menguasai Materi Adjective, Adverbial,Noun Clause

     101 Tips Menguasai Materi Adjective, Adverbial, Noun Clause– Materi Adjective/Relative Clause terkadang bagi beberapa orang merupakan materi yang sulit. Apalagi jika ditambah dengan Adverbial Clause dan juga Noun Clause yang sama-sama membuat pusing kepala.

    101 Tips Menguasai Materi Adjective, Adverbial,Noun Clause
    101 Tips Menguasai Materi Adjective, Adverbial,Noun Clause

     Lalu bagaimana membedakan ketiganya? Dan tips ajib bagaimnakah agar kita menguasai ketiga materi tesebut? Disini kalian akan dapat mengetahuinya segera bagaimana menguasai materi clause dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris.

    Lihat Tabel berikut:

    ADJ. CLAUSE * *
    ADV. CLAUSE * *

    JADI : Adjective clause : R O , Noun clause : A O , Adverbial clause : R A

    Reducing: menghilangkan dan mengganti

    Reducing merupakan teknik menghilangkan atau mengganti dari adjective clause agar grammar writing kita terlihat lebih advance. Orang-orang yang sudah memahami materi ini teknik writing nya terlihat natura, advance dan tidak kaku.

    Adapun 2 hal yang perlu diperhatikan:

    1. REDUCING DARI ADJECTIVE CLAUSE : Ving , V3, To infinitive ( no. 5 (RPO) dan 9 (RPS) )

    2. Form reducing adj. clause in RPS

    verbal Nominal
    Active Vt/in passive
    1. present
    Ving V3 (omitting) complement
    1. past
    Pr. Cont Being + V3
    Ps. Cont
    Pr. Perfect Having + V3 Having + been + V3 Having + been + SC
    Ps. Perfect
    Pr. Perf. cont Having + been + Ving
    Ps. Perf.cont

    Meaningnya akan menjadi passive dan setelah to infinitive tidak diikuti object.

    I need some food which I can eat.I need some food to eat.

    (saya butuh makanan untuk dimakan)


    Merupakan reducingan dari adjective clause di RPS

    To infinitive bermakna “yang”

    e.g. He was the first man who loved me.

    => He was the first man to love me.

    He is the cleverest student who has studied here.

    =>He is the cleverest student to have studied here.

    He is the only one who knows the case.

    =>He is the only one to know the case.


    • ( VING/ V3 , S + V )

    Syarat : subject di main caluse dan sub clause harus sama.

    Concepts Meaning Events
    Berpotongan Ketika
    Berurutan ( cause and effect )

    KarenaBerurutan ) tanpa cause and effect )Setelah BersamaanSambil

    • FORM : S + V ( O ) + VING
    Concepts Meaning Events
    Berpotongan Ketika
    Berurutan ( degn atau tanpa cause and effect )

    Kemudian / sebelum

    Form : s + v + (o) , VIng /v3BersamaanSambil

    Reducing dari adjective clause

    1. The man who is talking to John is my friend > the man talking to John is my friend.
    2. The man who runs in the corner is my brother > the man sitting in the corner is my brother.
    3. The ideas which are presented are interesting > the ideas presented are interesting.
    4. The topics which are being talked are hot news > the topics being talked are hot news.



    1. While the students were walking down the street, they saw beautiful architecture.

    Walking down the street, they saw beautiful architecture. (memiliki arti KETIKA)

    1. They saw beautiful architecture while they was walking down the street.

    They saw beautiful architecture walking down the street.(memiliki arti KETIKA)


    1. While she was watching TV, she was eating breakfast.

    Watching TV, she was eating lunch.(memiliki artiSAMBIL)

    1. She was watching TV while she was eating breakfast.

    She was watching TV eating lunch.(SAMBIL)



    When Budi finished his homework, Budi went home.

    Budi went home when Budi finished his homework.

    Finishing his homework, Budi went home (setelah)

    Before Budi finished his homework, Budi went home

    Budi went home before Budi finished his homework.

    Budi went home, finishing his homework. ( kemudian/sebelum)

    Note :

    Kalau reducingan di awal akan menjadi kejadian pertama.

    Kalau reducingan di akhir akan menjadi kejadian kedua.


    When/after I had finished my work, I went home

    I went home when/after I had finished my work.

    I went home, having finished my work (kemudian)

    Having finished my work, I went home. (setelah)

    Note : keajaddian pertama diatndai dengan tenses perfect.

    Note : kalau hasil reducingan AVC berada di awal maka akan bermakna “setelah” tapi kalau berada di akahir akan bermakna “kemudian/sebelum


    1. Simple vs simple ( because, since, as)

    (active)   Because I felt tired, I took a rest. > feeling tired, I took a rest

    (passive) because she was visited by him, she was glad

                     Visited by him, she was glad.

    (nominal) because she was sick, she was absent.

                            Being sick, she was absent.


    Bisa semua type

    1. If he were given money, he would do anything.

    Given money, he would do anything.


    1. He saves his money in order that he can buy new bicycle.

    He saves money to buy new bicycle.


    1. I am so weak that I can not lift that box.

    I am too weak to lift that box.

    1. I am so strong that I can lift that box.

    I am strong enough to lift that box.

    1. Omitting : menghilangkan conjunction dan” be” ketika nominal
    2. form omitting adj clause in RPO
    1. present / past
    Syarat : adj /noun yg pnya bound
    Pr. Cont / ps. Cont
    Verbal All tenses
    1. Noun clause : all tenses

                            E.g. I think that you are kind. I think you kind.



    VERBAL ( RPO )

    1. I saw a handsome boy whom I love

    I saw a handsome boy I love

    1. The movie that we saw was wonderful

    The movie we saw was wonderful

    1. He is the man about whom I told you last night.

    He is the man I told you about last night.

    1. The house where he lives is so old.

    The house he lives is so old.

    1. The house in which he lives is so old.

    The house he lives in is so old.

    1. I will never forget the day when I met you.

    I will never forget the day I met you.

    1. She will never forget the day on which Doni met her.

    She will forget the day Doni met her.


    1. Ann is the woman who is responsible the budget.

    > Ann is the woman responsible the budget.

    1. The books that are on the table are min.

    > the books on the table are mine.


    1. I think that he is teacher.

    I think he is teacher.

    1. That students do not understand about physic is obvious.

    Note : jika noun clause mengambil posisi subject ‘conjunction” tidak bias di omitting.

    1. Everybody knows that the world is round.

    Everybody knows the world is round.



    ABRIDGEMENT : process penyingkatan kalimat tapi masih menyisakan conjunction.

    1. AVC OF TIME

    When you are here, you must obey my rule.

    When here, you must obey my rule


    I can sleep whenever I stay.

    I can sleep whenever I


    Although he was sick, he went to study

    Although sick, he went to study


    He teaches me English as if he were teacher.

    He teaches me English as if teacher.


    Since he was sick, she looked thin.

    Since sick, she looked thin.


    If he were given money, he would do anything.

    If given money, he would do anything.


    you are as handsome as my father (is)


    I don’t know what I must do.

    I don’t know what to do.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!!


    Related Posts:

     1000 Contoh, Pengertian,dan Rumus Mudah Past Continuous Tense

    Apa Yang Dimaksud Dengan Adjective Clause (Relative Clause)??

  • Question Word, Question Tag Dan Contoh Kalimatnya

    Question Word, Question Tag Dan Contoh Kalimatnya

    Question Word, Question Tag Dan Contoh Kalimatnya– Pertanyaan yang jawabannya bukan berupa “yes atau no” dan digunakan untuk menanyakan bagian-bagian kalimat (S V O Adv)

    Question Word, Question Tag Dan Contoh Kalimatnya
    Question Word, Question Tag Dan Contoh Kalimatnya
      Menanyakan Subject (QW (+noun) + V+ O ?) Menanyakan Object (QW (+noun) + aux + S ?)
    Subject/ Object Who/what + V + (O) ?(+) Rika is sleeping.(+) They wash their cars.

    (+) Cats have eaten my fish.

    Whom/what + Vaux + S + V?(+) Three people called you(+) They wash their cars.

    (+) Cats have eaten my fish.

    Kepemilikan Whose + N + V + (O) ?(+) Their classrooms have been painted(+) Novita’s cat catches mice. Whose + N + Vaux + S + V?(+)   My teacher will visit my mother.(+)   He borrwed Novita’s book.
    Pilihan Which/What + N + V + (O) ?(+)   My beautiful sister is reading a famous novel.(+)   Two book stores are being built near my house. Which/What + N + Vaux + S + V?(+)   My beautiful sister is reading a famous novel.(+) People built many departement stores.
    Jumlah How many + Nplural + V + (O) ?How much + UCN       + V + (O)?(+) little water is in the bottle.

    (+)   Two book stores are being built near my house.

    How many + Vaux + S + V?How much + UCN   + Vaux + S + V?(+) I met many people during the party.

    (+) He drank much water.

      Menanyakan Verb Menanyakan Adverb (QW (+noun) + aux + S ?)
    What + aux + S + Do/ Doing/ Done ?(+)   My beautiful sister is reading a famous novel.(+)   I will go to her party


    • Waktu : When + aux + S + V ?
    • Tempat : Where + aux + S + V ?
    • Cara : How + aux + S + V ?
    • Frekuensi : How often + aux + S + V ?
    • Alasan : Why + aux + S + V ?




    • Pertanyaan singkat yang terletak di belakang, biasa menyertai kalimat affirmative (berita).
    • Fungsi : sebagai penegas atau emphasizes dengan arti=…., kan?!
    + They have bought many clothes

    She has homework2.-+My sister doesn’t come

    They have not been angry3.Negative words (seldom, never, hardly, rarely, little, few)+He seldom speaks English

    She never found a reason4.Modal + / –/+Her brother can drive by himself

    She will not be loved5.Indefinite pronoun thing

    (anything, something, nothing, dst )ItEverything is not going to be Ok

    Nothing is ipossible6.Indefinite pronoun person

    (somebody, anybody, everybody, dst)theySomebody called her last night

    Everybody is dancing7.Demonstrative singular (this, that)itThis is a big problem

    That will be mine8.Demonstrative plural (those, these)theyThose are yours

    These can be reasons9.TherethereThere are many ways

    There is a man there10.Neutral : the doctor, student, baby,…heThe doctor did not operate the patient

    Baby often cries in the night11.I am notam II am not a brave man

    12.I amaren’t II am a new star

    13.Let’s (let us)Shall weLet’s sing together

    14.Imperative (perintah)Will youOpen the door

    Let me know the story

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!


    Related Posts:

    Part 1:Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar

    1000 Contoh, Pengertian,dan Rumus Mudah Past Continuous Tense

  • Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar: Preposition-Tenses

    Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar: Preposition-Tenses

    1000 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar: Preposition-Tenses berlatih soal-soal grammar online lewat internet? Belajar aja di SBI. Pelajari soal-soal dibawah ini:

    1000 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar: Preposition-Tenses
    1000 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar: Preposition-Tenses


    Name : ____________________



    1. The building is hidden ….. some trees.
      • on
      • at
      • to
      • which
      • by
    2. Professor Patrick has translated many English books …. from Indonesia.
      • for
      • with
      • into
      • after
      • to
    3. My mother was so angry that he did not even look …. me.
      • for
      • at
      • into
      • in
      • on
    4. The public library has …. books than our school library.
      • must
      • more
      • many
      • much
      • So much
    5. Are there …. things to do before we leave?
      • many more
      • much more
      • more of many
      • very many
      • few only of
    6. He is …. than I am.
      • more happy
      • most happy
      • happier
      • happiest
      • the more happy
    7. “if I taught the class, I …. give tests”, Ann said.
      • wouldn’t
      • will not
      • will not to
      • would to not
      • shall
    8. I could fly home if I …. a bird.
      • was
      • were
      • is
      • has being
      • has been
    9. Water will freeze if the temperature …. below 00
      • gone
      • went
      • is going
      • goes
      • going
    10. We were still eating our dinner when the visitor…
      • arrived
      • were arrived
      • arriving
      • had arrive
      • have arrived
    11. As I …. crossing the street, two cars went by at full speed.
      • am
      • is
      • were
      • was
      • had
    12. Sam is not eating his food. He …. be hungry
      • must not
      • may
      • must have been
      • can not
      • must to


    1. ‘When I called Jane at home there was no answer; She might have gone to school’ The underlined words mean ….

    • It is clear that she went to school
    • I am sure that she has gone to school
    • It is not likely that she will go to school
    • It is possible that she has gone to school
    • I don’t think that she has gone to school

    2.’I could have somebody else to carry that box’ means ….

    • I carried that box
    • Somebody else carried that box
    • I asked somebody to carry that box
    • I would ask somebody to carry that box
    • I don’t want to carry the box

    3.My brother …. to write a letter last month.

    • is used
    • can
    • dare to
    • used
    • will

    4.Excuse me. I didn’t understand …. you …. repeating what you said?

    • would, mind
    • must, for
    • could,like
    • would, like
    • can, mind

    5.Nina asked me, “why did those visitors leave so early?”

    Nina asked me why the visitors …. so early.

    • have been leaving up
    • have left
    • had left
    • leaving
    • lack not


    6.“Don’t lock your door!”, my mother asks.

    My mother asks me …. my door.

    • to not lock
    • not to lock
    • to lock
    • lock to
    • lock not to

    7.Prabu: “Ratu, are you going to let me go without you?”

    It means :

    • Prabu asked whether Ratu is going to him go without her.
    • Prabu asked Ratu to let him go without me
    • Prabu told Ratu that she was going to let him go without her
    • Prabu asked Ratu if she was going to let Ratu go without him.
    • Prabu asked if she was going to let Ratu go without him

    9.…. in the demonstration.

    • I ordered them to not become involved
    • I ordered not to become involved to them
    • I ordered them not to become involved
    • I ordered to them become not involved
    • I ordered become not involved to them

    10.“Since when hasn’t she called you?”

    “Since she …. from Surabaya.”

    • returned
    • has returned
    • was returning
    • had returned
    • has been returning

    11.Who do you …. Will win the match?


    • think
    • had think
    • thinks
    • thinking
    • thought

    12.A strong wind …. down a few rubber trees yesterday

    • blown
    • blowed
    • blew
    • blowing
    • blow


    13.We seldom see bats flying …..the day.

    • inside
    • for
    • during
    • until
    • on to

    14.Next week, I …. My old friend in my favourite café.

    • will be meeting
    • would met
    • am meeting
    • would have been
    • meets

    15.She can’t speak Arabic at all, and ….

    • he can either
    • he cant either
    • neither can’t he
    • so can’t he
    • he can’t too

    16.Dewi had brought two magazines and ….

    • so did Ella
    • neither had Ella
    • Ella did too
    • Ella does too
    • So had Ella

    17.Didi works …. than Nunu.

    • most careful
    • more careful
    • more carefully
    • most care
    • most carefully

    18.My young sister is …. of her friends.

    • more and more beautiful
    • the more beautiful
    • the most beautiful
    • most beautiful
    • more beautiful

    19.I have just been aware of the fact that …. you.

    • 2 times more smart as
    • much more smart than
    • much smarter than
    • twice sweater than
    • twice so smarter as

    20.Alis bag …. as Didi’s bag.

    • is the same shape
    • is likes
    • are similar
    • is alike
    • is same with

    21.The …. question is read ….

    • good, good
    • good, well
    • well, good
    • well, well,
    • best, well

    22.Lisa was ….

    • real happy
    • really happily
    • happy happily
    • happily really
    • really happy

    .23Anna washes her plates

    • clean
    • cleanly
    • cleanny
    • cleaner
    • cleaning

    24.My mother …. buys an …. book for me.

    • unusually, unusual
    • unusual, unusual
    • unusual, unusually
    • unusually, unusually
    • Unusual, usually


    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!


    Related Posts:

    Part 1:Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar

    1000 Contoh, Pengertian,dan Rumus Mudah Past Continuous Tense




  • Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar:Present Perfect-Simple Past

    Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar:Present Perfect-Simple Past

    1000 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar:Present Perfect-Simple Past berlatih soal-soal grammar online lewat internet? Belajar aja di SBI. Pelajari soal-soal dibawah ini:

    1000 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar:Present Perfect-Simple Past
    1000 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar:Present Perfect-Simple Past

    Name :



    Put the right verb in the present perfect/ simple past on sentences below:


    1. My friend and I are a writer. He ……………… (write) many books.
    2. They …………… (not have) a holiday last year.
    3. She………………..(play) tennis yesterday afternoon.
    4. What time ……………………(he/go) to bed last night?
    5. ……………………………….(you/ever/meet) a famous person?
    6. The weather ……………………………..(not/be) very bad today.
    7. Your hair is wet. You……………………..(just/wash) it.
    8. I……………………………(wash) my hands before eating.
    9. Adam travels a lot of countries. He………………….(visit) many countries.
    10. “Is Jarot here?” “No, he…………………..(come/not) yet.”

    Terjemahkan kalimat berikut (gunakan tenses Present Perfect/Simple Past)


    1. Dia pergi ke Lampung seminggu yang lalu.
    2. Saya telah mencintai Hayati sejak saya masih SMP.
    3. Zaky telah membersihkan kamarnya tadi malam.
    4. Mereka melihat Taman bunga setengah jam yang lalu.
    5. Kami telah belajar Kimia selama dua tahun.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!


    Related Posts:

    Part 1:Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar

    1000 Contoh, Pengertian,dan Rumus Mudah Past Continuous Tense

  • Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar

    Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar

    1000 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar–  SBI-Sedang mencari contoh-contoh soal bahasa Inggris? Pelajari lah disini:

    1000 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar
    1000 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Grammar

    1. The speaker introduced herself, she told several interesting story and …… his speech with an emotional flea.


    b. finished finish


    2.She wants not only to take a trip to Europe but …… to Asia

    a.she also would like to travel

    b.also traveling travels also

    d.also to travel

    3.He could correct neither what I said ……

    a.nor I wrote

    b.nor what I wrote

    c.or what I wrote

    d.nor my writing

    3.Sam is always good-natured, generous and ……


    b.behave politely

    c.helps you

    d.wants to help everyone

    4.After retirement, he plans on travelling to exotic locations, …. and playing a lot of golf

    a.diner in the finest restaurant dine in the finest restaurant

    c.dining in the finest restaurant    d.dine in the finest restaurant

    5.Neither your clothes nor your veil which is liked by your sisters …… cheap

    a.will   b. are    d.were

    6.For me, living in both city ….. is interesting

    a.and in village                          b.or village

    c.and village                                   d.and staying in village

    7.A brankruptcy may be either voluntary ……

    a.nor involuntary    b.or involuntary

    c.or involuntarily    d.or volunteer

    8.By obeying speed limit, we can save energy,lives and …..

    a.It costs us less    d.comfortable

    9.He did not succeed in his life …… he was unlucky, but …..he did not attempt to get his success hard

    a.not for – for                               b.not because – because

    c.not because – because of    d.because of – because

    10.A baby’s development is influenced by both heredity and ……. environmental factors    b.they are influenced by environment

    c.environmentally                       d.environment

    11.Vitamin C is necessary for the prevention and …… of scurvy cures                                    b.cure

    c.cures for                                 d.curing

    12.Truman capote’s in cold blood is neither accurate ……

    a.a piece of fiction    b.or written in a fictious way

    c.nor a fictious    d.nor fictious

    13.Fire extinguishers can contain liquefied gas, dry chemicals …….

    a.watery   b.or water

    c.or watery   d. or consist of water

    Part II:

    1.She would like neither to see movie ……. swimming

    2.She held jobs as a typist, a civil servant ……

    3.Not only the tables but also the chair with the picture of flowers …… for wedding party

    4……. the tenants’ objections, the apartment manager decided to raise the rent by fourty dollars per month

    5.Neither going to movie not taking a walk with my friends …….. my mind

    6.I needed both fine brown sugar ……….. powdered sugar to bake a Hawaiian cake


    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!


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