Penulis: sekolahinggris

  • Tips+Langkah-Langkah Memperkenalkan Diri dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Tips+Langkah-Langkah Memperkenalkan Diri dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Tips+Langkah-Langkah Memperkenalkan Diri dalam Bahasa Inggris

    sekolahbahasainggris Apakah kalian bingung bagaiamana memperkenalkan diri kalian di dengan bahasa Inggris di depan orang lain sobat? Seringkali orang-orang kebingungan saat mereka disuruh memperkenalkan diri dalama baahsa Inggris, karena sulit katanya?

    Tips+Langkah-Langkah Memperkenalkan Diri dalam Bahasa Inggris
    Tips+Langkah-Langkah Memperkenalkan Diri dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Katanya? Ya itu hanya katanya saja toh… Faktanya mudah kok. Asalkan kalian tahu teknik atau cara memperkenalkan diri dalam bahasa Inggris! Lalu bagaimana kah cara nya? Nah jika kalian penasaran teknik atau cara memeperkenalkan diri, yuk disimak:

    1. Salam

    Hal ini adalah pembukaan untuk menghormati orang laian yang ingin kita perkenalkan. Apa sajakah salam itu:

    • Assalamualaikum (Untuk muslim)
    • Good morning
    • Goo evening
    • Serta Good Afternoon.
    1. Menanyakan Kabar.

    Hal kedua ini juga penting loh, ini dilakukan sebagai pengantar kalian untuk memperkenalkan diri. Bayangkan saja , kalian naik keatas panggung langsung bilang “My name is…..” Kan aneh toh? Tanaykan lah kabar mereka seperti:

    • How’s everything
    • How are guys
    • How are you ladies and gentlemen (formal)
    1. Utarakan Maksud Tujuan

    Nah disini lah kalian member tahukan bahwa kalian ingin memperkenalkan diri, cirri-cirinya diikuti kalimat;

    • Let me introduce my self…..” (Ijinkan saya memperkenalkan diri…..)
    • May I introduce myself…
    • I’m here to introduce myself…
    1. Perkenalkan Nama

    Sertakan nama kalian jika kalian memperkenalkan diri kalian sobat. Jika memperkenalkan diri orang lain kalian sertakan nama orang tersebut:


    • My name is………(Nama saya….)
    • Her/his name is……..(Nama dia…….)


    1. Sertakan Alamat

    Setelah memperkenalkan nama kalian juga bisa menambahkan kalian tinggal dimana atau asalnya juga dari mana sobat.


    I live in…..(saya tinggal di…_)

    I am from….(Saya asalnya dari…..)

    1. Identitas Personal

    Setelah member tahu asal kalian atau tempat tinggal kalian, kalian bisa menyertakan identitas diri untuk diperkenalkan, missal:

    • Tentang Keluarga
    • Hobi kalian
    • Serta hal-hal penting yang perlu untuk disam,mpaikan dalam perkenalan diri.
    1. Penutup

    Kalian bisa menutup perkenalan diri kalian dengan:

    • Thanks for your attention
    • Thank you
    • Wassalamualaikum

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    1000 Narrative Text:Penjelasan Lengkap+Contoh

    1000 Contoh Procedure Text dalam Bahasa Inggris+Penjelasannya

  • Contoh Teks Argumentasi Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pendidikan+ Artinya

    Contoh Teks Argumentasi Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pendidikan+ Artinya

    Contoh Teks Argumentasi Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pendidikan+ Artinya

    sekolahbahasainggris Teks Argumentasi ada berbagai macam contohnya. Bisa berupa larangan, berupa himbauan dan juga berupa pendapat-pendapat terhadap suatu hal yang akan dibahas di suatu teks yang dibuat.

    Contoh Teks Argumentasi Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pendidikan+ Artinya
    Contoh Teks Argumentasi Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pendidikan+ Artinya

    Kali ini admin akan memberikan contoh teks argumentasi tentang Pendidikan di Indonesia. Nah untuk lebih jelasnyqa kalian bisa simak berikut ini:

    Indonesian Education Now

     Education is a form of factor which can reflect how’s the country looks like, Development or developing? Indonesia is the developing country. We are not a poor country like others countries in the Africa continent. Based on the fact, The education which as the main factor to build the great generation

    Education is the strongest way to be survive, as the key to assesses of someone’s successes. On the scope of the state, education is the main instrument in the formation of future generation. The success of a country depends on the quality of Human Resources

     Indonesia, with one of the ideals contained in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution, as like paragraph 4 “the intellectual life of the nation“ as the promise of independence. And the only exeptions to reach that goal is a knowledge.

    But in 2010 there are 1.080.000 student quited their study because of the high cost education. There prefer to not study and work to make a money rto survve their life. This is a bad situation if Indonesia wants to be developed country, We must get the better education first.

    The Infrastructure being the second problems that Indonesia have in education sector. This is so pity by seeing the region in the east of Indonesia that students there cannot go to school comfortably and they get only a broken facility in their school, like roof, floor, and also chair and board the school have.

    The third is when looking the uneven distribution education in every region in Indonesia. Not all the city can have the equals education. Means in the small village and compare to big cities is totally different in all the aspect.

    So this is the homework of government to solve the problemor case in education sector in purpose to get better place in Indonesia especially Education.


    Pendidikan Indonesia Saat Ini

    Pendidikan merupakan bentuk dari pandangan bagaimana keadaan di suatu Negara saat ini. Hal ini menjadi factor penting seperti apa yang terjadi, Apakah maju atau sedang berkembang? Indonesia adalah Negara berkembang. Kita ini kaya dan juga tidak miskin seperti Negara di benua Afrika. Dan faktanya pendidikan adalah factor utama untuk membangun generasi yang lebih baik.

    Pendidikan adalah jalan penting dalam berkembang, sebagai kunci [enting kesuksesan seseoramg. Atau pendidikan merupakan instrument utama dalam pembentukan generasi masa depan. Kesuksesan suatu Negara bergantung dari kualitas sumber daya manusianya.

    Indonesia, seperti yang tercantum di UUD 1945, di paragraph ke 4 “………mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa,……” itu artinya adalah suatu bentuk janji Negara untuk mencapai itu.

    Tetapi tahun 2010 ada 1.080.000 siswa yang outus sekolah karena tidak mampu untuk membiayai sekolah. Mereka lebih memilih untuk tidak belajar dan lebih ingin bekerja mencari uang dalam bertahan hidup. Ini adalah situasi yang tidak baik jika Indonesia ingin menjadi Negara maju, Kita harus mendapatkan pendidikan yang lebih baik.

    Infrastruktur menjadi permasalahan kedua yang Indonesia miliki di sector pendidikan. Ini sanagt memprihatinkan ketika melihat daerah-daerah di Indonesia timur yang siswanya sulit untuk pergi kesekolah dan mereka juga hanay mendapatkan fasilitas sekolah yang kurang memadai seperti atap bocor, lantai juga, dan kursi serta papan tulis yang rusak.

    Pemerataan pendidikan pun yang menjadi permasalahan ketiga ini tidak ada di semua daerah. Tidak semua kota mendapatkan pendidikan yang sama. Berarti ketika kita membandingkan di desa terpencil dengan di kota besar sangatalah jauh.

    Jadi Inilah tugas pemerintah untuk menyelesaikan masalaha yang ada di sector pendidikan sehingga Indonesia memiliki pendidikan yang lebih baik.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    1000 Pengetahuan Tentang Hortatory Exposition Text

    The Beatles Dan Harry Potter, Inspirator Manusia Untuk Belajar Bahasa Inggris

  • 101 Contoh Kalimat Majemuk(compound Sentence) Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    101 Contoh Kalimat Majemuk(compound Sentence) Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    101 Contoh Kalimat Majemuk(compound Sentence) Dalam Bahasa Inggris Apakah kalian sudah tahu apa itu compound sentence atau kalimat majemuk? Kalimat majemuk ialah penggabungkan 2 atu lebih kalimat menjadi satu kalimat.

    101 Contoh Kalimat Majemuk(compound Sentence) Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    101 Contoh Kalimat Majemuk(compound Sentence) Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Ciri-ciri nya ada kata majemuk ada kata penghubungnya seperti:

    • And
    • Or
    • But
    • Neither
    • So
    • For
    • Yet

    Nah itulah cirri-ciri kalimat majemuk, Lalu bagaimana penggunaannya? Nah kalian bisa melihat di contoh-contoh kalimat berikut ini:

    Contoh Kalimat Menggunakan kata “and” sebagai kata penghubung:

    1. Budi enjoys playing football and fathers enjoys cutting the grass.
    2. My father Cut my hair and I feel so lucky then.
    3. Ninuk cleans the bathroom and she makes it beautiful.
    4. Ayu lent his doll to his niece and her niece looked very happy.
    5. Desi love listening to the music and Budi love singing.
    6. Indri got a valentine’s gift form her boyfriends and Budi is that boy.
    7. I love my mo and my mom love me.
    8. Alfiyyah and I were playing a game.
    9. Adis and Rara are friends
    10. Winda and Oswari are playing football.

    Contoh Kalimat Menggunakan kata “But” dan “Yet” sebagai kata penghubung:

    1. I hate her, but I do love her so.
    2. You are good but naughty.
    3. The school were fired, but no ones there.
    4. The day I spoke to her is bad day, but I can explain what I feel.
    5. Toommorow there will be a storm, but we must go to school
    6. It is crazy, yet a little bit.
    7. You get angry to me yet you let me in to your home.
    8. The problem is not be solvet yet the government have tried concern.
    9. The building is too high yet it is been in revitalized.
    10. The job vacancy is open yet the employees has been still full.

    Contoh Kalimat Menggunakan kata “or” sebagai kata penghubung:

    1. Love me or kill my heart now.
    2. Do it or don’t
    3. Go or stay here bud.
    4. We want play the game or hang out?
    5. The investor see Indonesia or Malaysia first?
    6. The capital city of Indonesia will be replaced to Lampung or Balikpapan.
    7. I have to work or I will not get payment
    8. Do you love me or him, Aya?
    9. Do you love apple or orange?
    10. I will go to Bandung or Jakarta.

     Contoh Kalimat Menggunakan kata “so” sebagai kata penghubung:

    1. The problem will be solved, so we must be happy.
    2. I will submit the paper sooner, so I will not get the deadline.
    3. You must see the machines, so we can use it.
    4. Hve a look Budi in Hospital so se will feel happy.
    5. Do you cut the class? So the teacher will get angry then!

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

     Baca Juga:

    1000 Narrative Text:Penjelasan Lengkap+Contoh

    1000 Contoh CV Professional Dalam Bahasa Inggris

  • 1000 materi Lengkap “Part Of speech”!+Contoh (Bg.2)

    1000 materi Lengkap “Part Of speech”!+Contoh (Bg.2)

    1000 materi Lengkap “Part Of speech”!+Contoh (Bg.2) Materi ke 2 bagian dari Part Of speech adalah kelanjutan dari metri sebelumnya yakni:

    1000 materi Lengkap “Part Of speech”!+Contoh (Bg.1)

    1000 materi Lengkap "Part Of speech"!+Contoh (Bg.2)
    1000 materi Lengkap “Part Of speech”!+Contoh (Bg.2)

    Dalam materi selanjutnya anda kan mempelajari sebagai berikut:

    Kinds of pluralism


    1. Regular (sudah dibahas di quantity of time)
    2. Irregular :kata benda dg penjamakan secara irregular terbagi (8):
    • Nama nama mahkluk tertentu yg tidak mengalami perubahan bentuk ketika dijamakan

    Eg.      : carp, pike, salmon, trout, cod, plaice, squid, turbot, macharel.

    • Beberapa kata benda yg penjamakannya dg menambah vowelnya

    Eg.      :







    • Ada beberapa kata benda(alat transportasi dan profesi tertentu) yg penjamakanya tidak mengalami perubahan

    Eg.      : aircraft, craft, counsel, quid

    • Collective noun marupakan kata benda yg penjamakannya tidak mengalami perubahan,bentuk jamak dan tunggalnya ditentukan oleh kata kerja

    Eg.      : crew, team, committee, family, society.

    The team always shows its best performance

    The team are sleeping now

    • Beberapa kata benda selalu jamak bentuknya dan bermakna jamak

    Eg.      :Clothes, polise, pliers, scales, green, woods, dll.

    • Beberapa kata benda yg diakhiri “ics”

    Eg.      :physics, statistics, politics, dll.


    • Beberapa kata benda berbentuk plural tapi memiliki makna singular.

    Eg.      : Mumps, Draughts, Dominoes, Biliards, Shingles

    • Beberapa kata benda yg diambil dari bahasa Yunani atau latin memiliki ciri khas dalam bentuk tunggal maupun jamak.

    Eg.      :





    1. Kinds of gender

    [table id=28 /]

    Exception : Ada beberapa kata benda yg tidak mewakili salah satu gender tapi kedua-duanya.

    1. : Baby, artist, cook, dancer, driver,  etc.


     1. Kinds of pronoun

      1. Personal pronoun

    Personal pronoun dibagi menjadi 3 loh sahabat:

    • The speaker/the first person: kata ganti orang pertama atau kata ganti orang yang berbicara.

    Eg.  : I dan we

    • The person spoken/the second person: kata ganti orang kedua atau orang yang diajak bicara dengan orang pertama.

    Eg.  : You

    • The person/thing being spoken/the third person: yaitu kata ganti orang ketiga atau orang atau benda lain yang menjadi object pembicaraan antara orang pertama dan kedua.

    Eg.  : He, She, juga it,

    They   → Jamak (plural)

    2. Relative pronoun

    Relative pronoun adalah kata ganti yang juga berfungsi sebagai kata sambung. Kehadiran relative pronoun harus selalu didahului oleh kata benda yang diwakilinya dan selalu digunakan dalam komplek sentence adjective clause. Relative pronoun dibagi dua yaitu relative pronoun subject dan relative pronoun object.

    Eg.          :

    Subject   : Who     : person

    Object      : Whom: person

    Benda: Which: thing


    3. Demonstrative pronouns

    Demonstrative pronoun merupakan kata ganti yang secara spesifik menjelaskan benda atau orang yang telah disebut sebelumnya. Benda yang telah disebut itu bisa meliputi benda tunggal/jamak yang bisa berbentuk noun, phrase, sentence, clause etc. Demonstrative pronoun terdiri dari dua bentuk sobat SBI, yaitu:

    Tunggal (this, that) dan jamak (these, those)

    Person : A man like this is a good man.

    Such men as these are dangerous.

    Thing                    : I have a thick book and such kind of this book is   expensive.


    4. Indefinite pronoun

    Indefinite pronoun adalah kata ganti untuk menggantikan kata benda atau orang yang sebelumnya tidak jelas. Indefinite pronoun biasanya mendahului kata benda tunggal yang biasanya diawali oleh some, any dan no.


    Eg.          : Someday            : suatu hari

    Someone             : seseorang

    Something           : sesuatu


    5. Reflexive pronoun

    Reflexive pronoun merupakan kata ganti penegas yang muncul sebagai object atau adverb untuk menggantikan benda yang terletak di subject dalam satu kalimat. Dan inilah yang membedakannya dengan personal pronoun yang kehadiran pronoun dengan pelaku yang sama harus terlibat dalam kalimat baru yang lain.

    Eg.          : Tono is my friend. He is a kind boy.

    Atau kalau personal pronoun terlibat dalam satu kalimat, mereka terdiri dari point pronoun yang berbeda.

    6. Reciprocal pronoun

    Reciprocal pronoun merupakan kata ganti yang mengandung makna mutual correlation (saling).

    Mutual correlation dibagi dua loh :

    • Mutual correlation diantara dua orang (each other).

    Eg.  : Romie and Juliet loved each other.

    • Mutual correlation diantara lebih dari dua orang (one another).

    Eg.  : All students helped one another.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    1000 Pengetahuan Tentang Hortatory Exposition Text

    The Beatles Dan Harry Potter, Inspirator Manusia Untuk Belajar Bahasa Inggris

  • Dongeng Singkat: “Aladdin dan Lampu Ajaib” Dalam bahasa Inggris

    Dongeng Singkat: “Aladdin dan Lampu Ajaib” Dalam bahasa Inggris

    Dongeng Singkat: “Aladdin dan Lampu Ajaib” Dalam bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Siapa yang pernah dengar atau membaca kisah tentang Aladdin dan Lampu Ajaib dari negeri 1001 malam? Kisahnya yang unik dan banyak mengajarkan kebaikan sangat menginspirasi bagi kita semua. Penasaran kisah Aladdin dan Lampu Ajaib dalam bahasa inggris? Yuk baca kisahnya disini:

    Dongeng Singkat: “Aladdin dan Lampu Ajaib” Dalam bahasa Inggris
    Dongeng Singkat: “Aladdin dan Lampu Ajaib” Dalam bahasa Inggris

    “Aladdin dan Lampu Ajaib”

    Once upon a time, in the city of Persia, there were a mother lived with her son called Aladdin. One day a man approached Aladdin went to go outside. Then the man was his uncle.

     Men invited Aladdin go out of town and with the permission of Aladdin’s mother they went to out of the town. The ways they were taken so far. Aladdin complained of exhaustion to his uncle but instead he shouted at and told to look for firewood, if not Aladdin would be killed. Aladdin finally realized that the man was not his uncle but a witch. Male witch was then lit a fire with firewood and began to utter the incantation. “Kraak …” suddenly became hollow ground like a cave.

    In the opening of the cave, there were stairs to the bottom. “Come on down! Get me an antique lamp in the bottom of the cave, “cried the witch. “No, I’m afraid to go down there,” replied Aladdin. The magician then took out a ring and gave it to Aladdin. “It is a magic ring, this ring will protect you,” said the witch.  Finally Aladdin down the stairs it with fear.

    Having reached the bottom he found the trees bear fruit gems. After the fruit gems and lamp, and he brought it, he immediately climbed the stairs back. However, the door was closed most holes. “Quickly give the lamp to me!”, Cried the witch. “Hell No! These lamp will give after I got out, “replied Aladdin. After debate, the witch became impatient and finally “Slam!” Entrance hole is closed by the magician then leaved Aladdin trapped in an underground pit. Aladdin be sad, and sat. “I’m hungry, I want to meet my mother, God, help me!”, Said Aladdin.

    Aladdin pressed his hands and rubbed his fingers to the lamp. Suddenly, around it became red and smoke rising. Along with that came a giant. Aladdin very frightened. “Forgive me, because it was shocking me”, “I was a fairy lamp” said giant. “Oh, then take me back home.” “Good Lord, go to my back, we’ll get out of here,” said the fairy ring. In a short time, Aladdin already up in front of his house. “If You want to call me just require rubbing the ring master.”

    Aladdin told all things in the natural to her mother. “Why the witch wanted this filthy light huh?”, Said Aladdin while rubbing cleaning the lamp. “Syut!” Suddenly smoke rose and appeared a giant fairy lights. “Yes sir”, said the fairy lights. Aladdin who’ve never experienced anything like this gave the order, “we are hungry, please prepare food for for us”. In a short time the fairy lights brought a delicious meal-delicious then. “If anyone wants anymore, just call me by rubbing the lamp,” said the fairy lamp.

    Thus the day, month, changed, Aladdin live happily with his mother. Aladdin had became a young man. One day there was a princess in front of his house. He was fascinated and fell in love with that gorgeous girl. Aladdin told to his mother about his desire to marry the king’s daughter. “Quiet Aladdin, Mother’ll try”. Mom went to the royal palace by bringing jewels belonging Aladdin. “Sire, it is a gift to  you majesty from my boy.” The king was very pleased. “Well …, son certainly a handsome prince, tomorrow I will come to your palace to take along my daughter”.

    Upon arriving at her house immediately rub the lamp and asked the fairy lamp to bring a palace. Aladdin and his mother waited at the top of the hill. Soon the fairy lamp came with a magnificent castle on his back. “Sir, this is your palace”. The next day the King and his daughter came to visit the magnificent Palace of Aladdin. “Will you make my daughter as your wife?”, Asked the King. Aladdin was very happy to hear it. Then they both performed weddings.

    Far away, the witch turned seeing it all through a crystal ball. He then went to the Aladdin and pretending to be a seller in front of the Aladdin’s palace. He shouted, “Change your old lights with new lights!”. Aladdin saw magic lamp obsolete soon come out and exchange it for a new lamp. Soon magician rubbed the lamp and ordered the fairy lamp and brought the castle and its contents to his wife Aladdin.

    When Aladdin came home from touring, he was very surprised. Then call the fairy ring and asked him what had happened. “Then please return it back everything to me,” cried Aladdin. “Sorry sir, my power was not as big as fairy lamp,” said the fairy ring. “Well, then I’ll take it. Please Deliver you there “, exclaimed Aladdin. Arriving at the Palace, Aladdin sneak in looking for a room where the princess locked up. “The witch was sleeping due to drinking beer,” said the Princess. “Well, do not worry I’ll take back the magic lamp, we will be victorious,” replied Aladdin.

    Aladdin settled approached the sleeping witch. Turns magic lamp sticking out of his pocket. Aladdin then picked it up and immediately rubded. “Get rid of these criminals,” cried Aladdin to the fairy lamp. Witch woke up, then attack Aladdin. But fairy lamp slammed witches to death. “Thank you fairy lights, and bring us back to the Persian Palace”. Arriving in the Persian Aladin happy life. He uses the magic of fairy lights to help the poor and distress.

     The End.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Further Reading:

    77 Contoh Teks  Abstrak Skripsi Terjemahan Bahasa Inggris Yang Baik&Benar

  • Dongeng Singkat: “Beauty And The Beast” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Dongeng Singkat: “Beauty And The Beast” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Dongeng Singkat: “Beauty And The Beast” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Cerita dongeng si cantik dan si buruk rupa mengajarkan kita akan cinta sejati terhadap siapapun. Penasaran dengan perjuangan si putri dan si buruk rupa dalam bahasa Inggris? Yuk disimak disini:

    Dongeng Singkat: “Beauty And The Beast” Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    Dongeng Singkat: “Beauty And The Beast” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    “Beauty And The Beast”

    Once upon a time, in a beautiful place there was a merchant who had three beautiful daughters named, Pretty, Sweety, and Beauty. One day, when the traders would gone to the market, all three daughters asked for something when he returned. Pretty asked him to buy a pretty dress, Sweety asked pearls but Beauty only wanted a rose.

    When the merchant finished his business, he quickly went home. However, a sudden storm hit that forced him to stop on the way and seek shelter. Then he saw a large palace but he did not meet to one there, the merchants finally decided to take refuge in the castle.

    On the next day, when the storm that blow subsided, the traders decided to continue the return journey. When he wished to get out of the palace, he saw a very beautiful rose contained in the palace garden. Remember his promise to Beauty, he ventured to pluck the roses. But suddenly a figure was with terrible beast out. Beast was angry because he found someone who dared to steal his roses.

    Animals that wanted to kill the merchant. But traders beg to apologize to him. Then he told him that he promised to give a rose to her youngest daughter when she returned home.

    “I will spare your life, but with one condition, bring your child to me!” The beast word.

    The traders came back to his home with his face looked sad. He told the story to his family belong to Beauty.

    “Dad, I’ll do anything for my father. Do not worry. I’ll live with it and save the lives of animals Dad!” Beauty said willingly.

    Then Beauty began to live with the wild animals in the palace. At first, Beauty afraid of the beast, but then he knew that the beast was actually kind. In a short time, Beauty and the beast had became good friends.

    The wild animals felt glad there were women who wanted to live with him. Loneliness experienced by many years was now gone. One day, the wild animals ventured weeks to ask Beauty to be his wife. Surprised, Beauty said no to the proposal from the wild animals. But the beast was not angry about it. Even the next day, the Beast brought the magic mirror to see his family were far away as a gift for her.

    And one day, when Beauty was seeing the magic mirror she saw her father was seriously ill. He asked permission from the wild animal to let him take care of his father. Beast that could not refuse the request of the woman he loved. But the beast was requesting Beauty must be returned with in 7 days. Beauty was very grateful and rushed home to his family and take care of his father.

    The merchant felt ill because of a broken heart knowing his beloved youngest daughter went and lived with wild animals because they wanted to protect him, his father. When Beauty stayed with him, the trader condition began to improve. However, Beauty forgot his promise to return to the palace within 7 days. In the evenings, Beauty got nightmares. He dreamed that the animals were dying.

    Beauty scared, so she decided to return to the palace immediately. In the palace, she found the animal lying on the ground with his eyes closed. Beauty sad, then she hugged the animal and said that she would be her couple. Suddenly a miracle happened. The wild animals magically transformed into a handsome man.

    “Actually, I was a prince of the palace. An evil witch turned me into an animal and only true love of a girl who was willing to accept me for that could turned me back to normal. Then the Beauty and the prince got married and lived happily in the palace forever.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Further Reading:

    Penjelasan Recount Text Terlengkap Beserta Contoh

  • 77 Contoh Teks  Abstrak Skripsi Terjemahan Bahasa Inggris Yang Baik&Benar

    77 Contoh Teks Abstrak Skripsi Terjemahan Bahasa Inggris Yang Baik&Benar

    77 Contoh Teks  Abstrak Skripsi Terjemahan Bahasa Inggris Yang Baik&Benar

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Pernahkah kalian kesulitan dalam menulis abstrak berbahasa Inggris? Penulisan abstrak bahasa Inggris sangatlah penting baik untuk penulisan esay, karya ilmiah, dan juga skripsi. Oleh karena itu kita pun harus mengetahui contoh-contoh penerjemahan suatu abstrak dari bahasa Indonesia ke bahasa Inggris.

    77 Contoh Teks  Abstrak Skripsi Terjemahan Bahasa Inggris Yang Baik&Benar
    77 Contoh Teks Abstrak Skripsi Terjemahan Bahasa Inggris Yang Baik&Benar

    Kalau kalian bisa melihat contoh dibawah ini dan mempelajari bagaimana penulisan nya yang baik dan benar, itu akan sangat berguna sekali untuk tugas kalian. Karena penerjemahan suatu tulisan itu cukup mahal loh.

    • Lalu Kenapa Tidak Menggunakan Google Translate

    Sebenarnya kalian bisa menggunakan alat translator online seperti itu baik google translate ataupun translator lainnya. Tetapi hasil terjemahan pun terkesan begitu berantakan dan tidak menarik. Karena hasilnya cenderung kaku dan rancu yang mengakibatkan hasil terjemahannya tidak baik dan benar.

    • Contoh Hasil penerjemahan Abstrak Yang Natural

    Nah untuk referensi kalian, kalian bisa melihat contoh terjemahan yang natural dibawah ini:

    Abstrak dalam Bahasa Indonesia

    hydraulic rum pump adalah pompa hydram yang bekerja dengan memerlukan ketinggian air dimana pompa hydram ini digunakan untuk memompakan air dari tempat yang rendah ke tempat yang lebih tinggi. Pompa hydram merupakan teknologi tepat guna dalam bidang pemompakan dengan menggunakan tenaga momentum air (water hammer) untuk memompakan air. sehingga pompa hydram tidak menggunakan BBM dan listrik. Efektifitas kinerja pompa hydram dipengaruhi beberapa parameter antara lain diameter pipa, tinggi reservoir, katup buang, tabung udara pada pompa hydram dan panjang pipa suplay. Hasil pengujian pompa hydram yang dilakukan dialiran irigasi Kota Bandar Lampung diperoleh efesiensi maksimum sebesar 1 liter dalam 11,6 detik.

    Abstrak Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    hydraulic rum pump  is pump hydram which works requiring  the level  of water  in which hydram  pump is used for pumping water from a low place to a higher place. Hydram pump is appropriate technology in the field of pumping with using exertion momentum water ( water hammer ) to pumping water . Thus, the hydram pump do not use oil and electricity.  Hydram pump performance effectiveness influenced some parameters which are among with  the diameter of a pipe , high reservoir , the exhaust valves , the air tubes hydram at the pumps and a length of pipe suplay. The results of testing pump hydram conducted in the flows of Kota Bandar Lampung, put the maximum obtained of one liter of 11.6 seconds.

     Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!

    Further Reading:

    Contoh Procedure Text Bahasa Inggris How To Make Spaghetti

  • Cerita Rakyat Singkat “Bawang Merah Dan Bawang Putih” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Cerita Rakyat Singkat “Bawang Merah Dan Bawang Putih” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Cerita Rakyat Singkat “Bawang Merah Dan Bawang Putih” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris-Sifat Bawang Putih yang baik hati dan rajin serta selalu membantu dengan ikhlas membuatnya mendapatkan hadiah yang pantas. Penasaran hadiah apa yang akan di dapatkan Bawang Putih? Yuk simak artikel berikut tentang cerita rakyat “Bawang Merah dan Bawang Putih dalam bahasa Inggris:

    Cerita Rakyat Singkat “Bawang Merah Dan Bawang Putih” Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    Cerita Rakyat Singkat “Bawang Merah Dan Bawang Putih” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    “Bawang Merah Dan Bawang Putih”

    A long time ago in Sumatra, tere was a village lived a family consisting of father, mother and a beautiful teenage girl named Bawang Putih. They were a happy family. Although Bawang Putih dad just ordinary traders, they lived in harmony and peace. One day Bawang Putih’s mother was seriously ill and eventually died. Bawang Putih was grieving as well as his father.

    In the village lived a widow who had a girl named Bawang Merah. Since mother died Bawang Putih, Bawang Merah’s mother often visited to the house of Bawang Putih. She often brought a food, helped cleaning the house and accompanied Bawang Putih. Father like with her. Finally father Bawang Putih thought that might be better if he married the Bawang Merah’s moher, Bawang Putih would feel so lonely anymore.

    With consideration of Bawang Putih, then the father married to Bawang Merah’s mother.At the first time, mother of Bawang Merah and Bawang Merah very kind to Bawang Putih. But time passed, they began to look their original nature.

    They often scold Bawang Putih and give her a tough job if father Bawang Putih was going to trade. Bawang Putih should be doing all the housework, while Bawang Merah and her stepmother just sitting around. Of course Bawang Putih father did not know it, because Bawang Putih never told.

    One day Bawang Putih father fell ill and later died. Since then, Bawang Merah and her mother became more powerful badly and persecution of Bawang Putih. Bawang Putih was almost never rested. She had to get up before dawn, to prepared the water for bathing and breakfast for Bawang Merah and stepmother.

    Then she had to feed livestock, watering the garden and washing clothes to the river. She still had to ironing, cleaning the house, and many other jobs. However Bawang Putih always did her job, because she hopes one day her stepmother would love her as her own child.

    This morning, as usual, Bawang Putih was carrying basket of clothes to be washed in the river. With little singing, she down a path at the edge of the usual small forest path. The day was very sunny weather. Bawang Putih immediately washed all the dirty clothes she carried.

    Because too much fun, Bawang Putih not realize that the clothes had washed, went away. Unfortunately the clothes was favourite clothes of her stepmother. When she realized it, her stepmother’s dress had drifted too far. Bawang Putih tried down to the river to look for it, but could not find it. In desperation, she returned home and told her mother.

    “Basic! Ugly! careless!” Snapped her stepmother. “I do not want to know, you have to look for the clothes! And do not dare to go home if you have not found it. Understand?!”

     Bawang Putih was forced to obey her half overlying desire. She directly down the river where she washed before. Sun began to set, but the Bawang Putih had not find the clothes. She put up her eyes, carefully examined every overhung roots jutting into the river, that known where she washed the clothes, may be she could find there.

    After stepping away and the sun was leaning to the west, Bawang Putih saw a shepherd who was bathing the buffalo. Bawang Putih then asked him: “O my good uncle, uncle doyou see the red dress drifting through here? Because I need to find and bring it home. “” Yes, I had seen my daughter. If you chase quickly, maybe you can catch itu, “said the uncle.

    “Well uncle, thank you!” Said Bawang Putih and ran back down. It was getting dark, Bawang Putih was getting desperate. Soon the night would arrived. From a distant looked light emanating from a hut on the banks of the river. Bawang Putih soon approached the house and knocked.

    “Excuse me …!” Said Bawang Putih. An old woman opened the door.

    “Who are you, girl?” Asked the old woman.

    “My name is Bawang Putih, Grandma. Now I’m just looking for my mother’s clothes were washed away. And now it was benighted. Can I stay here tonight? “Asked Bawang Putih.

    “Sure, girl. Are you looking for clothes that are red? “Asked the grandmother.

    “Yes Grandma. Did grandmother find it? “Asked Bawang Putih.

    “Yes I Do. The clothes had been stuck in front of my house. Unfortunately, even though I liked the clothes, “said the grandmother. “Well I’m going to return it, but you must first join me here for a week. I have not been talking to anyone, how? “Asked the Grandma

    During the week Bawang Putih lived with the grandmother. Every day Bawang Putih helped to do housework. Of course grandmother was happy. Until finally even been a week. Grandma gave Bawang Putih reward, but she must choose one of them. Finally Bawang Putih choose the smallest pumpkin. “I’m afraid not bring a big one,” she said. Grandma smiled and delivered Bawang Putih up to the front of the house.

    At home, Bawang Putih handed her stepmother’s red shirt while she went to the kitchen to split the yellow pumpkin. Surprise, when Bawang Putih gourd split, it contained gold jewels very much. She was so excited and shouting this magical thing to tell her stepmother and Bawang Mera. But they greedy grab the gold and jewels. They forced Bawang Putih to tell them how she could get the prize. Bawang Putih also told the truth.

    Heard Bawang Putih’s story, Bawang Merah, and her mother was planning to do the same thing but this time the Bawang Merah that would do it. In short, Bawang Merah eventually got old grandmother’s house on the edge of the river. Such as Bawang Putih, Bawang Merah was asked to accompany her during the week. Unlike Bawang Putih, Bawang Merah during the week just lazing and not helping Grandma.

     If anything is done then the result was never good because it is always done at random. Finally after a week Bawang Merah went to go. “Grandmother, you must give me a pumpkin as a gift because accompany you during the week?” Asked Bawang Merah. The old woman had ordered Bawang Merah choose one of two pumpkins on offer. Quickly Bawang Merah take a big one and without thanked she walked away.

    At home, Bawang Merah immediately to her mother and happily showed pumpkin. For fear of Bawang Putih would asked a part of jewelry, they asked Bawang Putih to go to the river. Then they could not wait to cut the pumpkin. They in hurry cut it. But unfortunately, it was not gold or any jewels in of the pumpkin, but venomous animals such as snakes, scorpions, and others. The animals were immediately attacked Bawang Merah and her mother. They cried and screamed. But no one helped them. They were died after that moment. That is the reward for those who are greedy. The end.

    Semoga Bermanfaat para pembaca SBI!!!

    Baca Juga:

    10 Contoh Puisi Dalam Bahasa Inggris Terpopuler Tentang Cinta Beserta Artinya

  • 14 Cerita Rakyat Singkat: “Timun Mas” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    14 Cerita Rakyat Singkat: “Timun Mas” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    14 Cerita Rakyat Singkat: “Timun Mas” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    Sekolahbahasainggris– Cerita rakyat Timun Mas banyak sekali mengajarkan kita akan pesan moral yang terkandung di dalamnya. Nah selamat membaca ya cerita rakyat Timun Mas berikut dalam Bahasa Inggris:

    14 Cerita Rakyat Singkat: “Timun Mas” Dalam Bahasa Inggris
    14 Cerita Rakyat Singkat: “Timun Mas” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

    “Timun Mas”

    In ancient times in Java, there lived a couple of farmers. They lived in a village near the forest. They live happily. Unfortunately they have not only blessed with a single child.

    Every day they pray to the Almighty. They prayed for having a child. One day a giant pass their residence. The giant heard the prayer of the couple. A giant then gave her Timun seed.

    “Plant this seed. Later you will get a girl, “said the Giant. “Thank you, Giant,” said the husband and wife. “But there are conditions. At age 17 the child should leave you and come to me, “said the Giant. Just because the husband and wife were waiting so long for having  a child, they agrred without thought twice.

    The farmer’s wife husband then plant the seeds of the Timun in the garden. Every day they took care of the plants start to grow it as good as possible. Months later grew a golden Timun.

    Timun was increasingly became large and heavy. When the fruit was ripe, they pick it. They carefully cut the fruit. How surprised they were, in the fruit they found a very beautiful baby girl. The husband and wife were very happy. They named the baby Timun Mas.

    Years passed. Timun Mas had grown into a beautiful girl. Both parents are very proud of her. But they became very afraid because when the anniversary Timun Mas reached 17th, the giant would come back. The giant asked their promise to take Timun Mas.

    The farmer was trying to calm down. “Wait a minute. Timun Mas Should go to the forest!” “My wife would you call her” he said. Timun Mas cameto her father. “Daughter, take this,” he said, handing a cloth bag. “It will help you fight the giant. Now flee as soon as possible, “he said. So Timun Mas immediately fled.

    The husband and wife were saddened by the departure of Timun Mas. But they were not willing to have their daughter became a food of giant. Giant waited long enough. He became impatient. He knew that they had lied to him. Then he destroyed the farmer’s cottage. In addition, he chased Timun Mas into the woods.

    Giant immediately ran after Timun Mas. Giant was closer and closer. Timun Mas scared. She immediately took a handful of salt from the cloth bag. Then she thew salt, and the salt was sprinkled in the direction of the Giant. Suddenly a vast sea was spread. Giants forced had to swim with difficulty. But he stiil could run after her.

    Timun Mas ran again. But then the Giants almost caught up her. Timun Mas back take a magical object from his pocket. She took a handful of chili. The chili was thrown in the direction of the giant. Instantly tree with branches and sharp thorns giant trap. Giant was screaming in pain. Then Timun Mas still ran to save herself.

     But the Giant was really strong. He ran and again almost caught Timun Mas. So Timun Mas also issued the third magical objects. She casted a magic cucumber seeds. Instantly grew very wide cucumber field. Giant very tired and hungry. He also ate a fresh cucumber it with gusto. Because of too much eating, giant fell asleep.

    Timun Mas back escape. She ran hard. But over time the power runs out. Worse because the giant awoke from his sleep. Giant again almost caught her. Timun Mas very almost frightened. She also threw the last weapon, a handful of shrimp paste. Again, a miracle occurred. An extensive mud lakes lied. The giant fell into it. Hands almost reached Timun Mas. But the lake was pulled to the bottom mud. Giant panic. He could not breathe, and then sank.

    Timun Mas relief. She had survived from giant. Timun Mas was returned to her parents’ house. Mom and Dad Timun Mas was so happy to see Timun Mas survived. They greet him. “Thank God. You saved my daughter, “they said happily.

    Since then Timun Mas could live in peace with her parents. They could live happily without fear again.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Sahabat SBI!!!

    Further Reading:

    Metode Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Yang Efektif Dengan Menggunakan Teknik Jigsaw Teknik