50 Contoh Kalimat Adjective Phrase dan Artinya Terbaru
50 Contoh Kalimat Adjective Phrase dan Artinya Terbaru – Baik sahabat SBI yang super, anda pasti sudah pernah mendengar tentang Ajective phrase. Di bawah ini, sayabagikan berbagai contoh kalimat dngan adjective prase didalamnya. Terdapat adjective phrase atributive serta predicative. Akan tetapi, kedua bentuk adjective tersebut saya campur di dalam 50 Contoh Kalimat Adjective Phrase dan Artinya dibawah ini.
50 Contoh Kalimat Adjective Phrase dan Artinya Terbaru
Contoh Kalimat Adjective Phrase
Your discourse is not very awfully short.
Is she a lady who more established than me?
Don’t pass judgment on somebody too quick.
The examination was appallingly troublesome.
This is a delightful and very extravagant nourishment.
Your sack is truly lovely.
The house that was purchased by my dad is exceptionally pricey.
Don’t fantasy too high when you need to choose your future.
She is a tall and brilliant lady.
I don’t feel exceptionally sound at this time.
Have you purchased that modest yet huge condo?
Don’t be excessively genuine when you are concentrating on arithmetic.
Your eyes are exceptionally hypnotizing to each young fellow.
Those very shrewd understudies gave their best execution in the opposition.
I notice your crusty fruit-filled treat, and it is extremely enticing.
You are bad in showing your understudies.
She was greatly glad when I gave her a toy.
Justin Bieber has the enormous and excessively excited fans.
You are so drained. It’s better for you to rest in this incredible Australian lady house.
This is a dark dull room.
You are absolutely effective in view of this guideline.
Grass-Fed natural hamburger is a decent decision throughout today’s sustenance.
You have an excellent long hair.
His blue wide eyes are truly delightful.
The blue shimmering precious stone that I provided for her is exceptionally extravagant.
I scorn your old-formed long dress.
Who is the proprietor of this huge white sack?
Don’t talk too uproarious.
She is so attractive yet tiny bit short.
This sustenance taste is terribly awful.
Pidato Anda tidak begitu pendek.
. Apakah dia seorang wanita yang lebih tua dariku?
Jangan menilai seseorang terlalu cepat.
Ujian itu sangat sulit.
Ini adalah makanan lezat dan cukup mahal.
Tas Anda benar-benar indah.
Rumah yang dibeli oleh ayah saya sangat mahal.
Jangan bermimpi terlalu tinggi ketika Anda harus memutuskan masa depan Anda.
Dia adalah seorang wanita tinggi dan cerdas.
Aku tidak merasa begitu sehat sekarang.
Apakah Anda sudah membeli apartemen yang murah tapi besar itu?
Jangan terlalu serius ketika Anda belajar matematika.
Matamu sangat memukau untuk setiap pemuda.
Siswa-siswa yang sangat pintar itu memberikan kinerja terbaik dalam kompetisi.
Aku mencium bau pai apel Anda, dan itu sangat menggoda.
Anda tidak sangat bagus dalam mengajar siswa.
Dia sangat senang ketika saya memberinya mainan.
Justin Bieber memiliki penggemar yang besar dan begitu antusias.
Anda begitu lelah. Lebih baik bagi Anda tidur di rumah wanita Australia yang besar ini.
Ini adalah sebuah ruangan hitam yang gelap.
Anda benar-benar kuat karena peraturan ini.
Daging sapi organik adalah pilihan yang baik untuk makanan hari ini.
Anda memiliki rambut panjang yang indah.
Mata birunya lebar dan begitu indah.
Berlian berkilau biru yang saya berikan padanya sangat mahal.
Perbedaan Penggunaan Kata Travel Trip Dan Journey Dalam Bahasa Inggris
Perbedaan Penggunaan Kata Travel Trip Dan Journey – Iya sebelumnya admin telah memosting perbedaan antara learn dan study. Dan pada kesempatan ini admin akan memberikan penjelasan mengenai perbedaan penggunaan kata travel dan trip. Sekali lagi karena banyak terjadi kesalahan umum mengenai penggunaan kedua kata kerja ini. Oke simak baik – baik penjelasannya berikut ini.
Perhatikan kalimat dibawah ini:
We have a very good travel. (Kita mmpunyai perjalanan yang sangat baik. )
Pernyataan ini mengandung kesalahan yang sangat umum, bahkan diantara pelajar yang sudah bertahun – tahun belajar Bahasa Inggris. Di dalam Bahasa Inggris yang alami, kita tidak dapat menggunakan kata “travel” dalam situasi seperti itu.
Sebagai contoh, kita dapat mengatakan:
I love talking about travel. ( Aku sangat suka berbicara tentang perjalanan )
I am searching for website about travel ( Aku mencari website tentang travel )
Travel make our mind wider ( Perjalanan membuat pikiran kita semakin luas )
Tetapi sebenarnya kata “Travel” sering digunakan sebagai modifier, sebagai contoh:
I want to be a travel agent. ( Aku ingin menjadi seorang travel agen )
I want to share this travel brochure to you. ( Aku ingin membagikan brosur travel ini kepada kalian )
I love reading travel website. ( Aku sngat suka membaca website tentang sebuah perjalanan ).
Nahh ketika kita ingin berbicara tentang travelling atau perjalanan ke suatu tempat dan biasanya selalu kembali pulang ke rumah, kita lebih sering menggunakan kata “Trip”.
We have a good trip. ( Kita memiliki perjalanan yang baik )
Did you have a good trip? ( Apakah kalian memiliki perjalanan yang baik )
I enjoyed my trip to Roma. ( Saya menikmati perjalana saya ke Roma )
I’m going on a trip to Saudi Arabia. ( Saya akan melakukan perjalanan ke Saudi Arabia )
Sedangkan ketika kita membicarakan tentang jarak yang sangat jauh dari satu tempat ke tempat lainnya, kita sering menggunakan kata “Journey”
My journey by bus to Surabaya took almost a week. ( Perjalanan ku menggunakan Bus ke Surabaya mengambil waktu hampir seminggu )
Contoh Explanation Text About Rainbow Beserta Artinya Terlengkap – Pelangi adalah salah satu fenomena alam yang luarbiasa. Pada waktu kecil pasti kita pernah berpikir untuk menyentuh pelangi. Berikut ini adalah contoh explanation text rainbow beserta artinya. Chekidot!
Contoh Explanation Text Rainbow
Rainbow is one of the optical phenomenon that occurs naturally in the earth’s atmosphere. Physically, the colors commonly identified from the wavelengths. For example, the red color has a wavelength of about 625-740 nm, and blue around 435-500 nm. Set of colors that are expressed in wavelengths (usually symbolized by λ) is called the color spectrum. These colors are components of white light called visible light (visible light) or waves appear. Other components are not visible light (invisible light), such as infrared (on the right in red) and ultraviolet (on the left orange). White light that we usually see (also called visible light or visible light) consists of all components of the colors in the spectrum above – of course there are other components that are not visible, so-called invisible light.
The simplest tool that is often used to decipher the white color is a glass prism. A glass prism decompose white light coming into components of light. The prism of this nature not only can decipher light. Besides. Water droplets of rain is one example of the items available in nature that could decompose white light. When a beam of white light on a drop of water, these water droplets behave like a prism. He described the white light was so created the colors of the rainbow. A drop of water behave like prisms when receiving a beam of white light. Light is partially reflected towards the observer, some are forwarded. The colors in the rainbow-like blocks wide because we only see one color to the water droplets. Described sunlight by water droplets A only up to our eyes in the red color wavelength. Meanwhile, water droplets and provides a wavelength purple. Droplets of which give each one wavelength on our eyes. So in the end the viewer see a complete rainbow colors.
Rainbow usually occurs when rain or drizzle after heavy rain stopped. After the heavy rain stopped, the air filled with the vapors of water. Moreover, the rainbow can be created in a puddle of oil. Sometimes in certain circumstances, a beam of white light enveloped by a rainbow. Rainbow can occur anytime and anywhere in the home involves three well as the nature of light, the reflection (reflection), refraction (refraction), and diffraction.
We can only see a maximum of a half circle rainbow. To see the full rainbow of the circle, then we must stand on higher ground.
The illustrations in the picture above shows that the circular rainbow. It is true that the rainbow circle, instead of a parabola as some people. On the ground, we only see a maximum of a half circle rainbow. If we stand on the rain, for example, on an airplane, then we could see a rainbow circle intact. This is all caused by the optical geometry in the process of decomposition of color. With this optical geometry also we can explain the straight line that passes through our eyes and the sun also passes through the center point of the circle rainbow. Because rainbow created involving distance observer with water droplets, then the rainbow always move to follow the movement of the observer. It makes our distance with rainbow constant (same), in other words we could never approach the rainbow.
Contoh Explanation Text About Rainbow Beserta Artinya Terlengkap
Terjemahan Dalam Bahasa Indonesia
Pelangi adalah salah satu fenomena optik yang terjadi secara alamiah dalam atmosfir bumi. Dalam fisika, warna-warna lazim diidentifikasikan dari panjang gelombang. Misalnya, warna merah memiliki panjang gelombang sekitar 625 – 740 nm, dan biru sekitar 435 – 500 nm. Kumpulan warna-warna yang dinyatakan dalam panjang gelombang (biasa disimbolkan dengan λ) ini disebut spektrum warna. Warna-warna ini adalah komponen dari cahaya putih yang disebut cahaya tampak (visible light) atau gelombang tampak. Komponen lainnya adalah cahaya yang tidak tampak (invisible light), seperti inframerah (di sebelah kanan warna merah) dan ultraviolet (di sebelah kiri jingga). Sinar putih yang biasa kita lihat (disebut juga cahaya tampak atau visible light) terdiri dari semua komponen warna dalam spektrum di atas – tentu saja ada komponen lain yang tidak terlihat, disebut invisible light.
Alat paling sederhana yang sering dipakai untuk menguraikan warna putih adalah prisma kaca. Sebuah prisma kaca menguraikan cahaya putih yang datang menjadi komponen-komponen cahayanya. Di alam ini tidak hanya prisma yang bisa menguraikan cahaya. Selain itu. tetesan air dari air hujan adalah salah satu contoh benda yang tersedia di alam yang bisa menguraikan cahaya putih. Ketika seberkas cahaya putih mengenai setetes air, tetesan air ini berprilaku seperti prisma. Dia menguraikan sinar putih tadi sehingga terciptalah warna-warna pelangi. Setetes air berprilaku seperti prisma ketika menerima seberkas cahaya putih. Cahaya tersebut sebagian dipantulkan ke arah pengamat, sebagian lagi diteruskan. Warna dalam pelangi seperti blok-blok yang lebar dikarenakan kita hanya melihat satu warna untuk satu tetesan air. Cahaya matahari yang diuraikan oleh tetesan air A hanya sampai ke mata kita pada panjang gelombang warna merah. Sementara itu, tetesan air B memberikan panjang gelombang warna ungu. Tetesan-tetesan air di antaranya memberikan masing-masing satu panjang gelombang pada mata kita. Sehingga pada akhirnya si pengamat melihat pelangi dengan warna yang lengkap.
Pelangi biasanya terjadi saat hujan gerimis atau setelah hujan lebat berhenti. Setelah hujan lebat berhenti, udara dipenuhi oleh uap-uap air. Selain itu, pelangi bisa tercipta pada genangan minyak. Terkadang pada kondisi tertentu, seberkas cahaya putih diselimuti oleh pelangi. Pelangi bisa terjadi kapan dan di mana saja asal melibatkan tiga sekaligus sifat cahaya, yaitu refleksi (pemantulan), refraksi (pembiasan), dan difraksi.
Kita hanya bisa melihat pelangi maksimal setengah lingkaran. Untuk melihat pelangi utuh satu lingkaran, maka kita harus berdiri di tempat yang lebih tinggi.
Ilustrasi pada gambar diatas memperlihatkan bahwa pelangi berbentuk lingkaran. Ini adalah benar bahwa pelangi berbentuk lingkaran, bukan parabola seperti anggapan beberapa orang. Di tanah, kita hanya melihat maksimal pelangi setengah lingkaran. Kalau kita berdiri di atas hujan, misalnya di pesawat terbang, maka kita bisa melihat pelangi satu lingkaran utuh. Ini semua disebabkan oleh geometri optik dalam proses penguraian warna. Dengan geometri optik ini juga kita bisa menjelaskan garis lurus yang melewati mata kita dan matahari juga melewati titik pusat lingkaran pelangi. Karena pelangi tercipta melibatkan jarak pengamat dengan tetesan air, maka pelangi selalu bergerak mengikuti pergerakan pengamat. Ini membuat jarak kita dengan pelangi konstan (sama), dengan kata lain kita tidak pernah bisa mendekati pelangi.
Demikian lah contoh explanation text rainbow. Anda juga bisa menemukan contoh explanation text lainnya di www.sekolahbahasainggris.com. Terima Kasih.
Bagi adik-adik sahabat SBI yang ingin latihan soal ujian Bahasa inggris. Dibawah ini adalah prediksi soal UN Bahasa Inggris SMP beserta kunci jawaban. Semoga bisa membuat adik-adik sekalian lebih siap menghadapi Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris.
Choose the correct answer!
1. Read the notice.
This sign means …
A. We are permitted to visit only in the weekend
B. We must not visit until the weekend
C. We are supposed to visit on Saturday
D. We are not allowed to visit in weekend
Read the text for no. 2 to 4
Metro, April 5th 2015
Dear, Lisa
Please come to my thirteenth birthday party on Sunday,
April 8th 2008 at 8 p.m in my house.
I’ll be happier if all of my friends come too.
Thanks for coming.
2. What year was Caca born?
A. 1992 C. 1994
B. 1993 D. 1995
3. Windy hoped that Lisa …
A. brought a present
B. attended the party
C. wore new dress
D. saw the party
4. The party was held in …
A. in the morning
B. in the afternoon
C. in the evening
D. in the mid night
5. Read the notice.
This notice means …
A. This place is for those who do not smoke
B. This place is special for non-smokers
C. Smoking in this room is allowed
D. Smoking in this place is forbidden
Read the text for no. 6 to 7
Attention, please!
All the students of nine grade are invited to come to the meeting which will be held at 9 a. m tomorrow in the C Hall of our school. Please come on time. Don’t be late
Chief of Students Association
6. What is the announcement about?
A. Information to come to the meeting.
B. Information for not being late.
C. Instruction for coming on time.
D. Time to attend the meeting.
7. Which of the following statements is correct based on the text?
A. All the students must come to the meeting.
B. The students are allowed to be late.
C. The meeting will be held in the classroom.
D. The meeting will start at 10 a. m
Read the text for no. 8 to 11
Julia Mckeinsley is Miss World Australia 2014. She is twenty three years old and graduated with a Bachelor of Business in Communication and Public Relationship.
Julia is also a model and sport woman. She has also been in many advertising campaigns and television commercial. She was state champion of Queensland in the Rhythmic Gymnastics in 1998 and 2006.
Julia’s first duty after becoming Miss World Australia was visiting a charity called “variety” in Tasmania. “Variety” is children’s charity and also did a lot of work with disabled people.
After this, Julia would be a television presenter. She said that media industry very competitive in Australia.
8. How has Julia been in television?
A. freely
B. commercially
C. willingly
D. interestingly
9. Why would she be TV presenter? Because …
A. media industry is very commercial.
B. media industry is very competitive.
C. she wanted to be more popular.
D. she wanted to be a manager of media.
10. “Variety” is children’s charity and did a lot of work with disabled people.
The word”disabled people” means people who …
A. are unable to use their body properly
B. do not have parts of the body
C. are unable to use tools properly
D. got accident
11. From the text, we know that Julia …
A. is businesswoman.
B. is not the Miss World Australia 2014.
C. has just finished high school.
D. is also in many advertising campaigns.
Read the text for no.12 to 15
How to make Sticky Date Pudding
• 200 gr.date
• 1 cup water
• 50 gr.butter
• 2 eggs
• 190 gr.white sugar
• 190 gr.flour
• 1 tsp soda
• ½ tsp vanilla essence
Put dates and water in saucepan and heat until coagulate
Beat in the other ingredients
Line pan with greased baking paper
Bake at 19° celcius for 30 minutes
Serve with sauce and cream
12. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To see the ingredients of sticky date pudding.
B. To prepare everything to make date pudding.
C. To inform how to serve sticky date pudding.
D. To tell how to make sticky date pudding.
13. What does the last thing we do in making sticky date pudding?
A. Beat in other ingredients.
B. Line pan with greased baking paper.
C. Put dates and eat in saucepan.
D. Serve with sauce and cream.
14. Why do we use a saucepan?
A. To serve sticky date pudding.
B. To bake sticky date pudding.
C. To put date and water
D. To beat in other ingredients.
15. “Line pan with greased baking paper”
The underline word means …
A. fry C. wrap
B. cover D. put
16. Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph
1. People like to keep them, not as breeding animals.
2. Therefore, people do not need their meat and eggs
3. There are several animals people look for as pets.
4. People like pets because they can be nice and funny
5. They are birds, the cocks, the cats, the dogs and the horses
A. 3 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 4
B. 3 – 5 – 2 – 1 – 4
C. 4 – 1 – 2 – 5 – 3
D. 4 – 2 – 1 – 5 – 3
Read the text for no. 17 to 19
Reog Ponorogo is a very spectacular dance. …(17) wear bright, colorful costumes and are accompanied by gamelan music. …(18) is always performed out in the open such as in a town square or park. Reog dates back during the Hindu period in East Java. The story is …(19) with the legend in Ponorogo Kingdom about 70 kms south east of Solo City.
17. A. Musicians C. People
B. Groups D. Dancers
18. A. Its C. They
B. It D. Their
19. A. related C. brought
B. performed D. protected
Read the text for no. 20 to 24
Lions belong to cat family. They are large strong fresh eating animals.
A group of lions consist of 2 to 13 adult females and young lions. All of the females are related; sister, mothers, aunts and cousins. A female will stay in it for life although a large group may split into smaller ones
Female lions care for young lions for together, hunt and eat together. They also aggressively defend from other groups. Equally important, a group of females must often defend young lions from group of males.
Unlike females, young lions are driven from group lions when they are between two and four years old. If they are lucky, they leave with brothers and cousins; if not, they work together with unrelated males. These groups of two to six males are called coalition.
20. Which paragraph tells about the difference of young from female lions?
A. paragraph 1
B. paragraph 2
C. paragraph 3
D. paragraph 4
21. How do the female lions defend their selves?
A. They defend their selves together.
B. They asked a help male lions to defend.
C. Each female defends itself.
D. They defend their selves with male lions.
22. Why do lions live in group? To make …
A. other groups defeat
B. their group safe
C. separate from other group
D. their group bigger than other group
23. “…although a large may split into smaller ones.”
The underline word has synonym …
A. divide C. collect
B. break D. fall
24. The writer wrote the text in order to …
A. entertain the readers about the group of lions
B. describe the lions look like
C. inform the lions and their lives
D. tell how the lions defend their group
Read the text for no. 25 to 26
My hometown is , the capital of South Sulawesi.
It is one of the most attractive cities in Indonesia because it is right on the water’s edge. We can see a magnificent view and many picturesque island from promenade at the city’s Losari beach. Additionally, on Losari beach we can also eat and enjoy the traditional food of Makasar, such as “pisang epe” while we watch the sun go down in a ball of flaming red and orange.It is a magical place to be in the cool of the evening with the fresh smell of the ocean air and spicy aroma of delicious meals cooking in carts around.
25. What can attract us in Makasar mostly?
A. The water’s edge
B. Magnificent view and picturesque island
C. Delicious meals
D. Carts in everywhere
26. Which statements is true based on the text?
A. We can find traditional food in supermarket.
B. Losari beach is cool every time.
C. Makasar is right on the water’s edge
D. We find delicious meal cooking all around
1. B 11. D 21. A
2. D 12. D 22. B
3. B 13. D 23. B
4. C 14. C 24. C
5. C 15. B 25. B
6. A 16. A 26. C
7. D 17. D
8. B 18. B
9. B 19. B
10. A 20. D
Nama Bulan Bahasa Dan Hari Dalam Bahasa Inggris– Hai sahabat SBI yang super, kali ini admin akan membahas tentang nama bulan dan hari dalam Bahasa Inggris. Perhatikan bahwa bulan dan hari dalam seminggu selalu dikapitalisasi. Jika Anda tidak ingin menulis kata-kata secara keseluruhan, Anda dapat menggunakan singkatan. Dalam bahasa Inggris British, singkatan biasanya ditulis tanpa berhenti penuh (Apr), bedan ini adalah normal, namun, dalam bahasa Inggris Amerika ditulis (April).
Nama Bulan Dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah sebagai berikut
1. January 7. July
2. February 8. August
3. March 9. September
4. April 10. October
5. May 11. November
6. June 12. December
Nama Hari Dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah sebagai berikut
1. When was his dating?
2. When did he play badminton?
3. When did he ride a bicycle?
4. When was his meeting?
5. When did he play football?
6. When did he go to the Padang restaurant?
7. When did he date?
8. When did he go English Course?
9. When did he play tennis?
10. When was the concert?
Sahabat SBI mencari artikel ekonomi dalam Bahasa Inggris. Berikut ini adalah contoh artikel Bahasa inggris tentang ekonomi populer 2015. Semoga bermanfaat
Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang Ekonomi
AFTA 2015 Destruction of Indonesian Economy
Indonesia’s population is the 4th largest in the world, therefore the State Indonesia will always be an easy target for the target market of the various products world countries. Nowadays, it is because we are weak purchasing power, the various types of products that come, are a variety of low quality products originating from China at very cheap prices. Even the marketing net has reached the street vendors throughout Indonesia. As a result, all production of its kind in the nation be destroyed proved much variety of plastic and textile mills and woodworking tools, children’s toys out of business. It all is the impact of the entry into force of the ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (ACFTA) since 2010. All of the victims of bankrupt entrepreneurs say we cannot compete with the price of Chinese low quality products into Indonesia with a very low price. Yet the AFTA (Asean Free Trade Area) in 2015, the producers in Indonesia was not able to compete in the market in his own country to face the goods imported from China. Countries of China, Japan, India, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam has carried out the attack production to Indonesia long before AFTA in 2015.
Contoh artikel bahasa inggris tentang ekonomi
If we look at the various urban shopping center, we can see the various types of fast-food snacks that have come from abroad (LN) and strangely visitors very much on the consumer Indonesian citizens. This is proof marketing strategies that do the foreign party through advertisements and films and our customers become victims of their ads. Can employers we do like this strategy in many countries the target market? Can the Indonesian films can be watched by many people of the world where we can attach various commodities production with strategy National therein so that a consumer trend of the world?
Food needs such as salt, sugar, rice, flour, garlic, as well as fruits, Indonesia is still dependent on imports from LN. Could it be that we can compete with Asean countries are already self-sufficient in food needs? For clothing, clothing production of raw materials we are still fully imported. In Indonesia, there has been no major industrial chemical production base of various elements, so that production in Indonesia is still large import content. Consequently, there is no production mainstay of Indonesia which could permanently have strong competitiveness in the world. Indonesia’s rich natural resources can be improved if there is industrial added value of supporting basic chemical raw materials independently. The realization of AFTA in 2015 who lived only another year ahead, making the industry position of Indonesia is not yet ready for it, which actually can be prepared since the end of Suharto’s leadership. We can see Gusdur leadership era, Megawati until Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) is an era of national leadership that failed and a waste of time as well as imaging and even to build infrastructure in various regions lengap they failed. The funny thing in the era of Megawati’s leadership, we are in the country (DN) of natural gas shortages due to natural gas we’ve sold contracts to China (Gas Tangguh ) by Megawati Soekarno Putri. Consequently, many national fertilizer factory nearly went bankrupt and was forced to raise the prices of their fertilizer because the natural gas is very expensive even imported. This is a stupidity and ignorance of our leaders have ever done in the past and there is no careful planning. This is a difficult dilemma for the dissolution of all parties.
What will happen when the AFTA in 2015 is realized? Because Indonesia’s target market is the world number four, the ASEAN countries will be the entrance of the various outcomes of different types of world production whose price is very competitive. Especially Singapore would be an agent to sell goods distributor world production world countries to Indonesia. Because officials in Indonesia is very easy in stopper with money, then very weak supervision of the quality of production of the imported goods will be occasions disposal of production that failed to make the impact of prolonged DN industry more helpless. Moreover, if the management of government 2014-2019 still as SBY leadership management style, we will be more severe conditions.
Advanced industrialized countries the world has been very high efficiency for a variety of production has been done with robotic system. Indonesia’s production will not be able to compete if they only use labor-intensive production systems. In terms of accurate, precision, quality and pricing Technology and moreover design, industrial robotic system cannot be resisted, but with the same system.
Human Resource we were able to enter the field of creativity and productivity in all areas of Asean countries, it still would not be able to become a mainstay of foreign exchange earnings up to the National because our human resources cannot be used as a marketing chain of wholly national production components sourced from Indonesia. They are the human resources we can only be as experts or professionals in their field of human resources if it could run in production, it will use the raw materials from the country where he lived and worked as migrant workers does not change during the time that only rely on services revenue. Can compete with HR HR Indonesia China, India and Pakistan? Or can the HR Indonesia compete Asean member country whose population is very little? So concerned in 2015 AFTA is the Asean countries themselves who want to take advantage of the huge market of Indonesia, besides the advanced industrial countries other using the name of Asean countries for the purpose of the Indonesian market. With full effect in 2015 AFTA and WTO in 2020, due to the poor is 1945 and numerous laws that have been painstakingly created to protect and promote domestic industry and job creation be gone largely no longer apply. We realize all that AFTA and WTO is the grand strategy of the capitalist world high to eliminate the sovereignty of a country? (Ashwin Pulungan)
Itulah tadi ulasan mengenai ekonomi dalam Bahasa Inggris. Untuk sahabat SBI yang sedang mencari referensi artikel Bahasa Inggris tentang ekonomi semoga artikel ini berguna. Terima kasih!
– Graduation is a truly glad and pleased time. Notwithstanding, the diligent work should not be the end. You need to keep on learning and to work considerably harder than before for improving future.
Artinya: Wisuda adalah momen yang cukup menyenangkan dan bangga. Namun, kerja keras tidak harus menjadi sebuah akhir dari segalanya. Kamu harus terus belajar dan bekerja lebih keras daripada sebelumnya untuk mendapatkan masa depan yang lebih baik.
– You deserve get this graduation. I trust that you can get to be more effective and better than this. Try not to hand offer because of the all difficulty and keep on trying your hardest.
Artinya: Kamu layak kelulusan ini. Saya berharap bahwa Kamu bisa menjadi lebih sukses dan lebih baik dari ini. Jangan berpangku tangan karena semua kesulitan dan terus melakukan yang terbaik.
– Congratulations for your graduation. We are pleased with you and trust you get an awesome achievement sometime in the not so distant future.
Artinya: Congrats untuk kelulusan Kamu. Kami bangga dengan Kamu dan berharap Kamu mendapatkan sukses besar suatu hari nanti.
– As of now I see you as the best student. Yet, a long time from now, I need to see you as a pioneer in a best organization.
Artinya: Saat ini saya melihat Kamu sebagai mahasiswa terbaik. Namun sepuluh tahun dari sekarang, saya ingin melihat Kamu sebagai seorang pemimpin di sebuah perusahaan terbaik.
– When you are not as of now a best graduate, don’t be disillusioned. There are numerous effective individuals out there who began their vocation with the DO title however they can be achievement in light of the diligent work that they began as quickly as time permits.
Artinya: Bila Kamu tidak menjadi lulusan terbaik, jangan kecewa. Ada banyak orang yang sukses di luar sana yang memulai karir mereka dengan judul DO tetapi mereka dapat menjadi sukses karena kerja keras yang mereka mulai sesegera mungkin.
– Congratulations for turning into a graduate. After this, take the learning that you get at college, then use for the individuals around you. Make yourself get to be valuable for others.
Artinya: Congrats untuk menjadi wisudawan. Setelah ini, mengambil pengetahuan yang Kamu dapatkan di universitas, kemudian gunakan untuk orang di sekitar Kamu. Membuat diri Kamu menjadi berguna bagi orang lain.
Ucapan Wisuda Dalam Bahasa Inggris
– I am extremely glad on the grounds that you won your graduation today. At that point, I would be pleased if your lessons that you got are useful to others.
Artinya: Saya sangat bangga karena Kamu menjadi wisudawan hari ini. Kemudian, saya akan bangga jika ilmu yang kamu punya bermanfaat bagi orang lain.
– You’ve strived to get a graduation and you deserve get all these achievement.
Artinya: Kamu telah bekerja keras untuk mendapatkan kelulusan dan Kamu layak semua kesuksesan ini.
– We are upbeat on the grounds that you have got something that you aim for constantly. Continue learning and ideally you will be effective too in passing the following section of your life.
Artinya: Kami senang karena Kamu sudah mendapat sesuatu yang Kamu bercita-cita untuk semua waktu. Terus belajar dan mudah-mudahan Kamu akan sukses juga dalam melewati bab berikutnya dari hidup Kamu.
Oke itu tadi contoh ucapan wisuda dalam Bahasa inggris untuk kekasih, kakak, pacar, sahabat, dan diri sendiri dan artinya semoga bermanfaat buat sahabat SBI dimanapun anda berada. 😀
Masih dalam rangka Hari Pendidikan Nasional, admin akan memberikan contoh biografi Ki Hajar Dewantara yang merupakan Bapak Pendidikan Nasional. Lahir di Yogyakarta pada tanggal 2 Mei 1889. Hari lahirnya, diperingati sebagai Hari Pendidikan Nasional. Ajarannya yang terkenal yaitu tut wuri handayani (di belakang memberi dorongan), ing madya mangun karsa (di tengah menciptakan peluang untuk berprakarsa), ing ngarsa sungtulada (di depan memberi teladan).
Recount Text Biografi Ki Hajar Dewantara
Born with the name Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat. He came from the royal family environment Yogyakarta. Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat, when reached the age of 40 years by the count of the Year Caka, renamed Ki Hadjar Dewantara. Since then, he no longer uses a knighthood in front of his name. This meant that he could freely close to the people, either physically or her heart.
The trip was really marred his life of struggle and devotion for the sake of his people. He finished elementary school in the ELS (Elementary Netherlands) Then had continued to STOVIA (Bumiputera medical school), but it was not until the end due to illness. Then he worked as a journalist at several newspapers, among others Sedyotomo, Midden Java, De Express, Oetoesan Indies, Kaoem Moeda, Tjahaja Timoer and Poesara. At the time, he was classified as powerful writer. His writings are very communicative, sharp and patriotic so as to evoke the spirit of anti-colonial to readers.
Besides tenacious as a the young journalist, he is also active in social and political organizations. In 1908, he was active in the propaganda section Boedi Oetomo to socialize and arouse public awareness of Indonesia at that time about the importance of unity in the nation.
Then, along Douwes Dekker (Dr. Danudirdja Setyabudhi) and Dr. Cipto Mangoenkoesoemo, he founded the Indische Partij (the first political party that wing nationalism Indonesia) on December 25, 1912 which aims at achieving an independent Indonesia.
They are trying to register this organization to obtain legal status in the Dutch colonial government. But the Dutch government through the Governor General Idenburg trying to preclude the presence of this party by denying it registration on March 11, 1913. The reason for refusal was because the organization is considered to be able to evoke a sense of nationalism and unity to move against the Dutch colonial government.
Then, after the rejection of the registration of the legal entity status Indische Partij he was joined in forming Bumipoetra Committee in November 1913. The committee as well as a rival committee of the Hundred Years Independence Celebration Committee of the Dutch. Boemipoetera committee that the critique of the Dutch government which intends to celebrate one hundred years of its free the Netherlands from French colonialism to withdraw money from the people of colonies to finance the celebration party.
Pursuant to the celebration, he also criticized the article entitled Als Ik through Nederlander eens Was (If I’m A Dutch) and Een maar voor Allen Allen Ook voor Een (One for All, All for One but Also). If I An article published in the Dutch newspaper de Expres owned dr. Douwes Dekker, among others, reads:
“If I were a Dutchman, I will not organize parties freedom in our own country who had robbed her independence. Parallel to that way of thinking, is not only unfair, but also inappropriate to send the inlander give donations to fund the celebration.
Mind to organize a celebration in itself is insulting them and now we scratch his pocket anyway. Come forward and unseen insult it! If I’m a Dutchman. What offends me and fellow countrymen especially the fact that the nation is required to participate inlander finance a job that he himself was no interest at all “.
Due to the essay, the Dutch government through the Governor General Idenburg sentenced without trial, in the form of punishment internering (waste law) is a sentence by pointing to a shelter that allowed for a person to reside. He was sentenced to imprisonment on the island of Bangka.
Douwes Dekker and Cipto Mangoenkoesoemo compatriots feel unfairly treated. They also publish a pitched defending Soewardi. But the Dutch believed writing was inciting the people to revolt in hostile and colonial GOI. As a result, they are also exposed to penalties internering. Douwes Dekker dumped in Kupang and Cipto Mangoenkoesoemo exiled to the island of Banda.
But they want exiled to the Netherlands because there they can learn to do a lot of things from the remote areas. Finally they are allowed into the Netherlands since August 1913 as part of the execution.
The opportunity was used to explore the issue of education and teaching, so Raden Mas Soewardi Soeryaningrat managed to obtain a Certificate Europeesche.
Then he returned to his homeland in 1918. In the homeland she devoted attention in the field of education as part of the means of struggle for freedom.
After returning from exile, together with his compatriots, he also established a national institution patterned, Nationaal Onderwijs Instituut Taman siswa (National Education Taman siswa) on July 3, 1922. The College emphasizes a sense of national education to students so that they love the people and the land water and struggling to gain independence.
Not a few hurdles faced in fostering Taman Siswa. Dutch government seeks to impede it by issuing a Wild School Ordinance on October 1, 1932. But with persistence to fight for their rights, so the ordinance was later lifted.
In the midst of seriousness devote attention in education in Taman Siswa, he also remained diligent in writing. But his theme switching of political nuance to the educational and cultural vision of nationality. His writing hundreds of pieces. Through the writings that he successfully laid the foundations of national education for the Indonesian nation.
Meanwhile, in the days of the Japanese occupation, activity in the fields of politics and education continues. The Japanese government time to form the People Power Center (Son) in 1943, Ki Hajar sat as one of the leaders in addition to Ir. Sukarno, Drs. Muhammad Hatta and K.H. Mas Mansur.
After days of kemedekaan, Ki Hajar Dewantara served as Minister of Education and Culture of the first. Name Ki Hadjar Dewantara not only immortalized as a character and Hero of education (father of National Education) the date of birth May 2 was made a National Education, but also defined as National Movement hero by decree President RI 305 1959, dated November 28, 1959. Other awards received is the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of Gajah Mada in 1957. Two years after receiving the title of Doctor Honoris Causa, he died on April 28, 1959 at Yogyakarta and was buried there. Then by the successor college Student Park, established Dewantara Kirti Griya Museum,
Yogyakarta, to preserve the values of the spirit of struggle Ki Hadjar Dewantara. In this museum there are objects or works of Ki Hadjar as Tamansiswa founder and his work in the life of the nation. Museum collections in the form of papers or concept and important treatises as well as data correspondence Ki Hadjar lifetime as a journalist, educator, cultural and as an artist has been recorded on microfilm and laminated on the help the National Archives.