Penulis: amir inggris

  • 5 Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Ungkapan Rasa Terkejut Dan Tidak Percaya

    5 Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Ungkapan Rasa Terkejut Dan Tidak Percaya

    5 Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Ungkapan Rasa Terkejut Dan Tidak Percaya

    5 Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Ungkapan Rasa Terkejut Dan Tidak Percaya –  Hai sahabat – sahabat SBI yang super ingin tahu cara mengungkapkan rasa terkejut dan tidak percaya? Langsung saja simak baik-baik percakapan berikut ini!!!

    5 Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Ungkapan Rasa Terkejut Dan Tidak Percaya
    5 Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Ungkapan Rasa Terkejut Dan Tidak Percaya

    Percakapan 1

    Dodo : I went to Bali a weekend ago.

    Virzha: Really, who did you run with?

    Dodo : I went alone.

    Virzha: You’re joking… you went alone?

    Dodo : Yes, I did. I went to Kuta Beach, Tanah Lot, and I likewise climbed Gede Mountain with different sightseers. It was inconceivable.

    Virzha: Let me get this straight. You went alone to Bali. Nobody went with you. What about your folks? Did they stress?

    Dodo : Oh better believe it. It was no issue.

    Virzha: Seriously, I locate this difficult to accept. I know your folks. They wouldn’t permit you to go alone like that.

    Dodo : Honestly, it was no issue

    Virzha: Wow, that is great then.

    Percakapan 2

    Farah : Hey, Runi! I heard you turned into an attendant.

    Shirta : Yes, I did.

    Farah : Wow! That is cool!

    Shirta : It is, would it say it isn’t? Be that as it may, I worked truly hard for the test.

    Farah : So do you live in Jakarta now?

    Shirta : despite everything I live in Bandar Lampung. I go home every free day. I figure one month from now I will lease a loft there.

    Farah : Wow! Without anyone else’s input?

    Shirta : There is a lodging advantage from the organization.

    Farah : I feel so astonished to see you now. Have an incredible life for you

    Shirta : You, as well.

    Percakapan 3

    Tania : Hey, Damar! I heard you will get hitched one month from now.

    Damar : Actually, That’s off-base. It will be held one week from now.

    Tania : Are you joking me? So soon?

    Damar : Yeah. I have been prepared for that. I have got a settled life and I have a sweetheart. All in all, what I am sitting tight for?

    Tania : That’s extraordinary. How is the readiness?

    Damar : It’s as of now 90 percent. Right now is an ideal opportunity to be casual before the day comes. I am setting myself up to be sound and new to face that day.

    Tania : This is amazing. I’m so upbeat for you and your wife to be. May all be done well.

    Damar : Thank you, Tani

    Percakapan 4

    Ria : Where are you going to go, Per? We have a meeting with a few customers today.

    Fajar : I’m sad. I can’t let you know. It is critical for me.

    Ria : You are mind boggling. We need to examine with them however you will go some place without clear reason.

    Fajar : I know. I’m sad. I will tell about it later. Yet, please handle the meeting independent from anyone else first.

    Ria : What is so vital?

    Fajar : I’ll let you know later.

    Ria : Unbelievable.

    Fajar : Please get it. I’ll be back soon to the workplace.

    Percakapan 5

    Adi : Hey Lala. How are you?

    Lala : I am fine, Ber. You should?

    Adi : I am fabulous. I am learning at Oxford University now.

    Lala : Wow, awesome! Truly?

    Adi : Yeah. It is my vacation with the goal that I am in Indonesia now. I’ll be back to England one month from now.

    Lala : Are you staying at the residence?

    Adi : No. I am staying in a leased house with different companions from Indonesia there.

    Lala : That’s incredible. I can’t trust it.

    Demikianlah 5 Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Ungkapan Rasa Terkejut Dan Tidak Percaya. Mudah – mudahan bisa bermanfaat bagi sahabat SBI dimanapun anda berada.

  • 2 Contoh Naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Hari Kemerdekaan 17 Agustus

    2 Contoh Naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Hari Kemerdekaan 17 Agustus

    2 Contoh Naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Hari Kemerdekaan 17 Agustus

    2 Contoh Naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Hari Kemerdekaan 17 Agustus – Sebentar lagi akan tiba hari kemerdekaan Indonesia yaitu pada tanggal 17 Agustus. Pada tanggal ini Presiden pertama kita, Ir. Soekarno & didampingi Drs. M. Hatta membacakan proklamasi kemerdekaan. Dan demi memperingati dan mewujudkan Kemerdekaan Indonesia, admin membagikan 2 contoh naskah pidato bahasa Inggris Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia 17 Agustus 2015, Mudah – mudahan bisa menjadi referensi sahabat setia SBI dirumah!!!

    2 Contoh Naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Hari Kemerdekaan 17 Agustus
    2 Contoh Naskah Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Hari Kemerdekaan 17 Agustus

    Naskah Pidato Kemerdekaan (1)


    and all the best wishes to all of my honorable fellow countrymen, and to all the honorable invitation guests.

    As a matter of first importance, how about we say our acclaim and appreciation to God the One, because of His energy that permits us to get together in this lovely day and event to praise the 70th Proclamation and Independence Day of Republic of Indonesia.

    August 17 1945 is an extremely recorded day for Indonesian individuals. Through a long adventure Mr. Soekarno and Mr. Hatta declared Indonesian national freedom on that day in 1945 with the aides of the considerable number of battles of compatriots of Indonesia.

    Going after the autonomy for our country was not a simple assignment. Accordingly, we must ensure and keep up this autonomy with all that we have in our energy. Many deterrents upset our country amid our endeavors keeping in mind the end goal to turn into a free, popularity based, and prosperous country. Thusly, Government of Republic of Indonesia today decides the point of this festival of Independence Day, as takes after: ‘With the Spirit of Proclamation of August 17 1945 We All Carry Out the Mandate of General Election Year 2004 to Build Indonesia Which Are United, Developing, and Democratic’.

    The execution of straightforward, reasonable, clean, and secure General Election quite a long while past had been supplemented by numerous nations and components from everywhere throughout the world. That was some sort of accomplishment for Indonesia to avert those judgments of others nations that said Indonesia was a country who wouldn’t have the capacity to run majority rule government.

    To all my noteworthy individual comrades,

    I assume we have to return to the theme about our reciprocal relationship between Indonesia – Australia which is constantly in view of the standards of acknowledging, comprehension, and taking point of preference one another. This respective relationship of late is truly satisfying despite the fact that there are a few issues with respect to the associations of Australia in East Timor, overcoming dark workers, terrorism, and others.

    In the field of safeguard and security, government ought to continue fabricating the relationship of participation and being included in different exercises which are “certainty building measures”. What’s more, ideally, through the area of instruction and tourism, the sentiment welcoming one another will develop well in the middle of Indonesian and Australian individuals.

    To every one of the understudies and collegians, I advance once again to use the accessible chance to think about and add to the respective relationship between our country and Australia. What’s more, the last, I likewise might want to bid the greater part of the Indonesian individuals in Australia to join in going after the great objectives of General Electing we will be directing on September. Utilize you’re perfectly fine you could to choose the competitors of president and VP with the greater part of your heart.

    That is all from me. Permit me to put an end of this discourse by saying, “Long live Republic of Indonesia! When Independent Forever!”

    Wassalamu’alaikum wr.

    Naskah Pidato Kemerdekaan (2)

    Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

    Give us a chance to acclaim and Thanks to Almighty God. Who has gave effortlessness and direction to every one of us, along these lines, we can accumulate in this room in solid. I need to thank you for the open door given to me to convey a discourse with the topic the part of the more youthful era in the freedom of Indonesia. The glad gathering of people Today we are commending our autonomy day.

    Did you know 70 years prior before we battled to the detriment of individuals and their belonging to repulse the intruders from our territory? They battle with exceptionally intense in seizing and shielding the autonomy of our nation from the hands with raised arms and in the midst of a hail of lead. The greater part of that is defeated one reason and that is to our country’s freedom. The glad gathering of people The freedom that we have possessed the capacity to as of now does not imply that our battle has been finished. Exactly as of now, we ought to endeavor to keep up and renew the autonomy of Indonesia. We are as a country of Indonesia, especially the more youthful era has an essential part for the advancement and peace of our nation.

    This is on account of the more youthful era is the point of our present battle. On the other hand, the way that the more youthful era now for the most part being independence, being gratification and had a low of patriotism’s spirit. Clearly this is a gigantic issue for our country, what will turn into our country of this era are losing the qualities a respectable character, soul to live respectively, help one another and between one another. The cheerful group of onlookers With a high soul of patriotism, as youthful era, we can proceed with the battle of the saints that have been credited to us. In the event that they used to be battled with weapons, we battle with books and stationery to battle for the populace of Indonesia.

    We ought to be constantly hopeful and constantly willing to give the best to our dearest country. So we can make it work and learn, advancing and in addition the country’s name and round out the fragrance of Indonesia freedom with also. The soul of patriotism and patriotism is high inside of us.

    The glad group of onlookers, As individual, I understand that I can’t maintain a strategic distance from the mix-ups, so I apologize to all of you. What’s more, I bear in mind to express profound gratitude such a great amount for your pleasant consideration. Long experience my Indonesia!

    Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb

  • 10 Contoh Percakapan Expression of Possibility & Impossibility Terupdate

    10 Contoh Percakapan Expression of Possibility & Impossibility Terupdate

    10 Contoh Percakapan Expression of Possibility And Impossibility Terupdate

     10 Contoh Percakapan Expression of Possibility And Impossibility Terupdate – Expression of possibility dan impossibility, sering sekali kita temukan dalam percakapan. Tentu saja penting bagi teman-teman untuk mengetahui contoh-contoh conversation serta bermacam-macam referensi expression of possibility & impossibility. Dalam artikel ini admin akan memberikan kalian contoh-contohnya yang dapat dijadikan sebagai referensi belajar kalian.

    10 Contoh Percakapan Expression of Possibility & Impossibility Terupdate
    10 Contoh Percakapan Expression of Possibility & Impossibility Terupdate

    Expressing Possibility

    – May(Mungkin, barangkali)

    – maybe(Mungkin, barangkali)

    – Perhaps(Boleh jadi, mungkin)

    – Possibly(Mungkin, barangkali)

    – It’s so possible (Itu mungkin saja, boleh jadi)

    – Might(Mungkin, boleh jadi)

    – There is a chance (Ada kemungkinan)

    – Couldbe (Bisa jadi, mungkin)

    Conversation 1:

    A: I have been sitting tight for 60 minutes, yet where is her?

    B: I don’t have the foggiest idea, she doesn’t answer my telephone. Maybe, she is en route.

    A: If she doesn’t come in 15 minutes, she could be late.

    B: She is perhaps caught in a congested driving conditions.

    A: Yes, perhaps.

    Conversation 2:

    A: What’s going on?

    B: I can’t discover my telephone.

    A: It could be lost.

    B: No, I recollect that I put it on the table early today.

    A: Have you asked Riana? perhaps she knows where it is.

    B: Yes I will ask her.

    A: I think she may utilize it without asking to you first.

    Conversation 3:

    A: What are you considering?

    B: Hmm, nothing.

    A: You look so genuine.

    B: I am considering Diana.

    A: Don’t stress, she will come. She may purchase numerous sustenances before impending here.

    B: She let me know that she wouldn’t purchase anything. It is conceivable that she gets a mischance.

    A: Have you called her?

    B: Yes, I can’t contact her.

    Conversation 4:

    A: Are you lethargic?

    B: No, I am cerebral pain. So I think it could be better on the off chance that I rest.

    A: perhaps you require some solution. I have in my pack. Wanna attempt?

    B: Perhaps, I require it.

    A: Ok, sit tight for some time. I will take it.

    Conversation 5:

    A: Does Gina bring your book?

    B: I don’t think so. She brings a little pack, and my book can’t be put there. So perhaps she neglect to bring it.

    A: She generally neglect to give it back to you. It is conceivable that the book is lost.

    B:Yeah, perhaps. I would prefer truly not to consider it.

    Expressing Impossibility

    – It is impossible

    – Cannot possibly

    – Maynot

    – Couldn’t be

    – There’s no chance

    – There is no way

    – That is not possible

    Conversation 1:

    A: There is no chance to get for me to complete this occupation on time.

    B: Yes, you can’t in any way, shape or form do that.

    An: Is it better to stop?

    B: No, simply proceed with it. I think the manager won’t be irate on the off chance that you are late.

    A: Thanks for your proposal.

    Conversation 2:

    A: Is it workable for me to get your book?

    B: There is no chance for you.

    A: What do you mean?

    B: Anny has acquired it. In this way, there is no chance to get for you to take it.

    A: Oh my God, I am late.

    Conversation 3:

    A: Are you irate?

    B: Absolutely.

    A: Why?

    B: I can’t in any way, shape or form go to Riana’s home today evening time.

    A: Why do you think like that?

    B: My sibling drives my auto and he is getting road turned parking lot at this moment.

    An: Oh my God. It is incomprehensible for you, in light of the fact that Riana’s birthday gathering will begin in ten minutes.

    B: Yes, there is no real way to go there.

    Conversation 4:

    A: It is inconceivable for Indonesia to win.

    B: Why, there are ten minutes more.

    A: Look at the score board. The foe leaves as 3 focuses. It’s difficult to win, isn’t that so?

    B: Oh God, you’re correct. Our group could be lost.

  • Tips Dan Cara Mengajar Writing Bahasa Inggris Menggunakan Teknik Mind Mapping

    Tips Dan Cara Mengajar Writing Bahasa Inggris Menggunakan Teknik Mind Mapping

    Tips Dan Cara Mengajar Writing Bahasa Inggris Menggunakan Teknik Mind Mapping

    Mengajar Writing Bahasa Inggris  Menggunakan Teknik Mind Mapping – Kalian pasti sudah pernah mendengar teknik mengajar menggunakan Mind Mapping karena biasanya teknik ini sering digunakan oleh guru atau dosen untuk membantu kita dalam proses pembelajaran. Teknik ini dipakai untuk mengembangkan ide pokok atau topik utama saat  membuat sebuah kerangka tulisan. Dibawah ini adalah penjelasan terpeinci mengenai teknik mind mapping! Chekidot!!!

    Mengajar Writing Bahasa Inggris  Menggunakan Teknik Mind Mapping

    Apakah Mind Mapping itu?

    Mind mapping merupakan sebuah teknik mengajar yang dipakai untuk mengembangkan pemikiran yang menggunakan sebuah diagram. Konsep ini pertama kali dikenalkan oleh Tony Buzan, seorang psikolog asal Inggirs. Beliau terinspirasi dari sebuah sistem kerja saraf otak yang mempunyai cabang-cabang saraf yang banyak sekali.

    Dengan istilah lain, mind mapping adalah bentuk gambaran dari informasi hierarkis yang mencakup ide pokok yang dikelilingi oleh cabang-cabang yang mempunyai hubungan dengan topik terkait.

    Apa Kegunaan dari Mind Mapping?

    Teknik mind mapping ini dapat membantu kita dalam berbagai hal, antara lain sebagai berikut:

    • Brainstorming ( individu maupun kelompok )
    • Pemecahan masalah
    • Mempelajari dan menghafal
    • Perencanaan
    • Meneliti dan mengonsolidasikan informasi dari berbagai sumber
    • Penyajian informasi
    • Mendapat wawasan tentang subyek yang kompleks
    • Mengembangkan kreativitas

    Bagaimana Teknik Mind Mapping Bekerja?

    Seperti juga dengan sel otak yang berhubungan satu sama lain, teknik mind mapping menjadikan sebuah topik utama atau ide sebagai sel utama yang berlokasi di tengah – tengah dan dikelilingi oleh sel-sel saraf yang lebih kecil dan banyak dipakai sebagai bagian-bagian ide. Sehingga, gambaran yang tercipta adalah gambaran langsung dari cara kerja sel-sel saraf  dalam otak kita.

    Ide atau topik utama yang merupakan sebuah gris besar pmikiran itu kemudian membentuk sebuah hubungan-hubungan dengan bagian-bagian ide yang lebih kecil lagi disekelilingnya, sehingga akan membentuk suatu pemahaman yang umum yang dapat dituangkan ke dalam sebuah tulisan.

    Benefit dari Mind Mapping?

    Mind mapping mempunyai manfaat yang banyak sekali, diantaranya sebagai berikut:

    • Membantu dalam hal menggali ide, konsep, atau sebuahpermasalahan
    • Memfasilitasi pemahaman yng lebih baik lagi dengan cara melihat gari s-garis yang berhubungan satu sama lain yang berarti hubungan antara ide-ide atau pun juga konsep-konsep.
    • Memudahkan untuk menemukan ide-ide baru & memudahkan dalam berpikir
    • Memungkinkan kita untuk mengingat informasi-informasi dengan mudah
    • Membantu kita mencatat ide dan membuat perencanaannya dengan matang

    Bagaimana Cara Membuat Mind Mapping?

    Mengimplementasikan teknik mind mapping sangatlah simple dan mudah, Bahan yang dibutuhkan hanyalah selembar kertas dan pensil berwarna.

    1. Mulailah menulis ide yang akan dikembangkan tepat di tengah-tengah sebuah kertas kosong, lalu buatlah gambar supaya lebih menarik. Cobalah untuk menuliskannya dalam bentuk kertas yang landscape, hal berguna untuk mengantisipasi ide-ide yang akan muncul lebih banyak dari yang diperkirakan.
    2. Lalu kembangkanlah dengan menulis subtopik terkait di sekitar topik sentral ini, lalu hubungkan masing-masing ke pusat utama/topik utama dengan garis.
    3. Ulangi proses yang sama ketika membuat subtopic, untuk menghasilkan subtopic yang lebih rendah dan kemudian hubungkan dengan topik masing-masing.
    4. Jika masih ada ide-ide yang bisa dikembangkan dari sub topik yang lebih rendah, teruslah menulis dan menghubungkannya dengan garis.
    5. Setelah semua ide telah terexplorasi, pahami dan tuangkanlah ke dalam sebuah tulisan sesuai dengan garis-garis alur topik yang telah dibuat tadi.


    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Sahabat SBI 🙂

  • Contoh  Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Liburan dan Artinya Untuk 5 Orang Terbaru

    Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Liburan dan Artinya Untuk 5 Orang Terbaru

    Contoh  Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Liburan dan Artinya Untuk 5 Orang Terbaru

    Contoh  Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Liburan dan Artinya Untuk 5 Orang Terbaru –  Bagaimana kabarnya setelah liburan panjang ini ? Pasti kita membicarakan tentang liburan sekolah dengan teman-teman satu kelas saat awal mula masuk sekolah. Nah pada artikel ini admin akan membagikan contoh dialog untuk 5 orang dalam Bahasa Inggris lengkap dengan artinya. Chekidot!!!! 🙂

    Contoh  Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Liburan dan Artinya Untuk 5 Orang Terbaru
    Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Liburan dan Artinya Untuk 5 Orang Terbaru

    Conversation about holiday 5 people

    Julia : How about you’re last get-away Rita?

    Rita : I and my family went to Singapore!

    Straight to the point : Really? It’s most likely an extremely fascinating knowledge right?

    Obi : Remy’s get-away was to the USA.

    Remy : Do not be excessively pleased with my get-away Obi. I will be considered as an egotistical.

    Rita : So where did you last occasions Obi?

    Obi : I didn’t go anyplace.

    Julia : Hhuu I thought you went with Rubby to USA.

    Straight to the point : It unquestionably would not be conceivable!

    Remy : Hey, don’t entice Obi excessively.

    Julia : Anyway the get-away time is verging on nearing. We need to arrange for where we’re going to go.

    Straight to the point : How about taking an occasion together?

    Remy : It’s a smart thought. I concur with Frank.

    Obi : I unequivocally concur. We never spend occasion together? So this is the correct time!

    Rita : I’m sad. I can’t go this time.

    Julia : What.. Why is that so?

    Rita : I was welcomed by my dad to visit grandmother. Be that as it may, this is only an arrangement, in the event that it is crossed out I will run with


    Honest : We trust that we can hear an uplifting news from you.

    Obi : So where we’ll go?

    Julia : How about going to Bandung? We can see Tangkuban Perahu Mountain and visit the Trans Studio.

    Remy : That is an incredible thought! I concur with you!

    Obi : If Remy concur, I additionally concur with that choice.

    MicheI : So do I.

    Julia : So we have concluded that we will go to Bandung!

    Rita : Shhh instructor has come. Be Quiet!

    Artinya Dalam Bahasa Indonesia:

    Julia : bagaimana dengan liburanmu yang lalu ros?

    Rita : aku dan keluargaku pergi ke singapura liburan yang lalu!

    Frank : benarkah? itu pasti pengalaman yang sangat meyenangkan iya kan?

    Obi : kau hanya ke singapura saja sudah bangga. Remy liburan yang lalu pergi ke USA.

    Remy : jangan terlalu membangakan liburanku Obi. Nanti aku di anggap suka menyombongkan diri.

    Rita : Emang kau kiburan ke mana Jhon?

    Obi : aku tidak pergi ke mana-mana.

    Julia : hhuu aku kira kau pergi dengan Rubby ke USA.

    Frank : itu pasti tidak akan mungkinlah!

    Remy : sudahlah jangan menggoda Obi terus. kasihan dia!

    Julia : ngomong-ngomong waktu libur hampir tiba. kita harus merencanakan kemana kita pergi nanti.

    Frank : bagaiman jika kita semua pergi berlibur bersama kali ini.

    Remy : itu ide yang sangat bagus. aku setuju dengan Frank

    Obi : aku amat sangat setuju. kita tidak pernah menghabiskan waktu liburan bersama kan?. jadi inilah waktu yang tepat!

    Rita : maafkan aku teman-teman. sepertinya aku tidak bisa pergi kali ini.

    Julia : loh kamu kenapa Rita?

    Rita : sepertinya begitu! aku di ajak oleh ayahku untuk mengunjungi nenek. tapi ini baru sekedar rencana. namun kalua aku tidak ajadi, aku akan pergi bersam kalian.

    Frank : kami berharap bisa mendengar kabar baik darimu.

    Obi : jadi kita akan pergi kemanaa?

    Julia : Bgaiman dengan Bandung? kita bisa melihat gunung taangkuban perahu dan berkunjung ke studio trans bandung.

    Remy : ide bagus! aku setuju!

    Obi : kalau Remy setuju aku juga setuju.

    Frank : baiklah aku setuju juga kalau ke bandung.

    Julia : jadi sudah kita putuskan bahwa kita akan pergi ke bandung!

    Rita : sssst guru sudah datang. Diam!

    Iya itulah tadi Contoh  Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Liburan dan Artinya Untuk 5 Orang Terbaru. Mudah – mudahan bisa berguna buat para pembaca setia SBI. Terima kasih!!! 🙂

  • 50 Contoh Kalimat Majemuk  Dalam Bahasa Inggris ( Compound Sentences )

    50 Contoh Kalimat Majemuk Dalam Bahasa Inggris ( Compound Sentences )

    50 Contoh Kalimat Majemuk  Dalam Bahasa Inggris ( Compound Sentences )

    50 Contoh Kalimat Majemuk  Dalam Bahasa Inggris ( Compound Sentences ) – Pada artikel sebelumnya admin telah menjelasakan definisi kalimat majemuk atau compund sentence? Nah untuk kesempatan kali ini admin akan membagikan berbagai jenis contoh compound sentence berikut ini. 🙂

    50 Contoh Kalimat Majemuk  Dalam Bahasa Inggris ( Compound Sentences )
    50 Contoh Kalimat Majemuk Dalam Bahasa Inggris ( Compound Sentences )

    Menggunakan kata penghubung “and”

    1. Dani appreciates listening to shake music and he has numerous stone cassetes.
    2. My uncle declines to go out during the evening and I feel a touch dissapointed.
    3. Dede keeps her room clean and she makes her room agreeable.
    4. Okky loaned his new auto to his sibling and his sibling looked exceptionally upbeat.
    5. I like listening to the music and my sister preferences singing.
    6. Wiwik got an amazement shape her companions on her birthday and she felt happy.
    7. My guardians accumulate at my home and they make an uproarious with their giggle.
    8. My sibling attempted to make a cake and he succeded at the first run through.
    9. We go to the book shop and we purchase a few books.
    10. Pirlo regularly treats her face at a delight consideration and her face looks clean and brilliant.
    11. Most understudies plan to go to Yogyakarta and they need to appreciate the lovely view there.

    Menggunakan kata penghubung “but” atau “yet”

    1. My sister stares at the TV at night yet there is no great system to watch.
    2. Alan appreciates composing letters to companions yet he can’t compose a sentimental letter to his sweetheart.
    3. GIna dependably keeps her room clean however now and then her younger sibling wrecks it up.
    4. Jeni needs to purchase that excellent dress yet her cash is insufficient.
    5. It’s raining otside yet despite everything we stroll outside home.
    6. Yogi cherishes Tiara, yet he can’t say his inclination to her.
    7. I attempted to make a brownies yet I overlooked the formula.
    8. We have an end of the year test today yet the majority of the understudies don’t think about.
    9. Sisil looked exhausted with history subject however she attempted to take after the subject.
    10. My close relative purchased me a crate of chocolate yet I have an unfavorably susceptible with chocolate.

    Menggunakan kata penghubung “or”

    1. my mother must wash the baby or the baby might cry.
    2. My sistre should study hard or she could not pass the exam.
    3. Nayla must do his homework or he will get a punishment.
    4. Jeremy should repaint the house or his wife will be angry.
    5. You must revise your paper or you will get “E”.
    6. Jessy must submit her task on time or she can’t follow the final exam.
    7. We should motivate her or she will feel down.
    8. You must have a breakfast or you will get hungry.
    9. You must be a nice person or everyone will dislike you.
    10. Shinta had better clean this mess or her mother will get angry.

    Menggunakan kata penghubung “so”

    1. my mom must wash the infant or the infant may cry.
    2. My sistre ought to study hard or she couldn’t pass the exam.
    3. Nayla must get his work done or he will get a discipline.
    4. Jeremy ought to repaint the house or his wife will be furious.
    5. You must reexamine your paper or you will get “E”.
    6. Jessy must present her undertaking on time or she can’t take after the end of the year test.
    7. We ought to rouse her or she will feel down.
    8. You must have a breakfast or you will get hungry.
    9. You must be a decent individual or everybody will despise you.
    10. Shinta would be wise to unadulterated this wreckage or her mom will get irate.

    Iya demikianlah 50 Contoh Kalimat Majemuk  Dalam Bahasa Inggris ( Compound Sentences ). Siapkan sebuah kamus Bahasa Inggris untuk menerjemahkan arti kalimatnya. Semoga bisa membantu dalam memahami apa itu compound sentence. 🙂

  • Cara Menggunakan Preposition Over Dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris

    Cara Menggunakan Preposition Over Dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris

    Cara Menggunakan Preposition Over Dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris

    Cara Menggunakan Preposition Over Dalam Kalimat Bahasa – Setelah sebelumnya kita belajar mengenai pemakaian preposition with dan by dalam Bahasa Inggris, kini admin akan  melanjutkan ke perposition over. Sebagaimana yang kita ketahui bahwa over memang jarang dipakai. Akan tetapi posisinya juga penting dan lebih baik jika Kalian juga tahu arti dan tata cara pemakaiannya di dalam sebuah kalimat.

    Cara Menggunakan Preposition Over Dalam Kalimat Bahasa
    Cara Menggunakan Preposition Over Dalam Kalimat Bahasa

    Berikut ini  ada empat poin utama yang akan dijelaskan antara lain:

    1. Dipakai untuk menyatakan pergerakan dari satu tempat ke tempat lain

    • You can approach over  my minimal home for lunch.
    • Would you see any problems to give over the book?
    • My sibling sent over a blessing due to my accomplishment in the school this year.
    1. Dipakai untuk menyatakan pergerakan karah bawah

    • I require you to twist over and take the dish for me. (twist over: membungkuk)
    • Could you push over this enormous toy? (push over: mendorong hingga terbalik)
    • See! There is a ring falls over from the lady’s sack. (falls over: jatuh)

    1. Dipakai untuk menyatakan jumlah yang brlebihan

    • I have sat tight you for more than three hours.
    • Much thanks to you. Your blessing is over my expectation.
    • At the point when young men has been seventeen and over, they find themselves able to watch this film.
    1. Dipakai untuk menyatakan sebuah periode yang telah brakhir

    • Your time is over.
    • It has been amusement over.
  • Contoh Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kebudayaan Indonesia Dan Artinya

    Contoh Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kebudayaan Indonesia Dan Artinya

    Contoh Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kebudayaan Indonesia Dan Artinya

    Contoh Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kebudayaan Indonesia Dan Artinya – Indonesia memilik beragam kebudayaan yang unik. Itulah mengapa semboyan negara kita “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika”. Oke kali ini admin akan membagikan contoh artikel Bahasa inggris tentang kebudayaan Indonesia. Langsung saja simak artikelnya berikut ini.

    Contoh Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kebudayaan Indonesia Dan Artinya
    Contoh Artikel Bahasa Inggris Tentang Kebudayaan Indonesia

    Indonesian Cultural Existence Practically Disappears in its Own Home

    Indonesia is a country that has distinctive social orders. This general public contrasts happens in light of the way that Indonesia country includes a few islands where each island has its own specific culture. Regardless, at this moment Indonesian culture is in danger of being lost because broke down by the times. There are such countless that advance of life is in danger. Those variables are from inside and outside. Through this paper, the makers will depict those parts that cause the peril of neighborhood Indonesian culture. Here are two entries that looking at those parts:

    The primary is component from inside. The decreasing of Indonesia’s lifestyle vicinity in its own specific home is achieved by its own specific people that ignore their lifestyle especially for youngsters. They are quieted by front line life and started to neglect the qualities which is procured by their forerunners. Case in point, close-by vernaculars, social capacity, customs and Indonesian traditions have been lost in general society eye. In the blink of an eye, we could see no one needs to use adjacent lingo in light of the fact that they are mortified called plebeian. Other than the adolescents who couldn’t give a second thought less any more with the lifestyle, government in like manner less responsive in dealing with this issue. There is no veritable try from government to oversee Indonesians society.

    The second is outside components. The Rapid stream of information which comes to Indonesia in like manner effects the deterioration of Indonesian culture. Various remote social orders, especially Western social orders have come and grown in Indonesia. Those western social orders are opposing with the Indonesians values as eastern nations. It in like manner gives dreadful effect in Indonesian’s standard as eastern nation. Nowadays, we can see the styles of dress that does not consent to the principles, penchants tanked, and poor lifestyle has grown in Indonesia.

    Along these lines, the reducing of Indonesian culture vicinity in his own specific country as an eventual outcome of a couple of variables. They are inside and outside components. For keeping up the movement of Indonesia’s Culture, let us keep our own specific culture. Especially we as adolescents don’t feel embarrassed to secure our lifestyle moreover stem western social orders which come into our country. In case we have lost our interesting society infers we have lost our own specific national character.

    Terjemahan Dalam Bahasa Indonesia

    Keberadaan Budaya Indonesia hampir Menghilang di Rumahnya Sendiri

    Indonesia adalah negara yang memiliki banyak berbagai budaya. Keragaman budaya ini terjadi karena negara Indonesia terdiri dari ratusan pulau-pulau di mana masing-masing pulau memiliki budayanya sendiri. Namun, saat ini budaya Indonesia terancam hilang karena terkikis oleh waktu. Ada begitu banyak faktor yang menyebabkan budaya Indonesia berada dalam bahaya. Faktor-faktor tersebut berasal dari dalam dan luar. Melalui tulisan ini, penulis akan menjelaskan faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan terancamnya budaya asli Indonesia. Berikut adalah dua paragraf membahas faktor-faktor tersebut:

    Yang pertama adalah faktor dari dalam. Penurunan keberadaan budaya Indonesia di rumahnya sendiri disebabkan oleh rakyatnya sendiri yang mengabaikan budaya mereka terutama untuk remaja. Mereka terbuai oleh kehidupan modern dan mulai melupakan nilai-nilai yang diwariskan oleh nenek moyang mereka. Sebagai contoh, bahasa daerah, upacara budaya, adat dan tradisi Indonesia telah hilang di masyarakat. Sekarang, kita bisa melihat tidak ada yang mau menggunakan bahasa lokal karena mereka malu disebut kampungan. Selain remaja yang sudah tidak peduli lagi dengan budaya, pemerintah juga kurang responsif dalam menangani masalah ini. Tidak ada upaya yang nyata dari pemerintah untuk mempertahankan budaya Indonesia.

    Yang kedua adalah faktor eksternal. Derasnya arus informasi yang datang ke Indonesia juga mempengaruhi terkikisnya budaya Indonesia. Banyak budaya asing, khususnya budaya Barat telah datang dan tumbuh di Indonesia. Budaya-budaya barat itu tidak sesuai dengan nilai-nilai Indonesia sebagai negara timur. Hal ini juga memberikan efek buruk dalam norma Indonesia sebagai bangsa timur. Saat ini, kita bisa melihat mode pakaian yang tidak sesuai dengan norma-norma, kebiasaan mabuk, dan gaya hidup yang buruk telah berkembang di Indonesia.

    Singkatnya, pengurangan keberadaan budaya Indonesia di rumahnya sendiri sebagai akibat dari beberapa faktor. Mereka adalah faktor dari dalam dan luar. Untuk mempertahankan kelangsungan Budaya Indonesia, marilah kita menjaga budaya kita sendiri. Terutama kita sebagai pemuda jangan merasa malu untuk melestarikan budaya kita dan juga kita harus membendung budaya barat yang datang ke negara kita. Jika kita telah kehilangan budaya asli kita berarti kita telah kehilangan identitas nasional kita sendiri.

    Semoga Bermanfaat Para Sahabat SBI 🙂


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  • Pembahasan Penggunaan Unless Di Dalam 3 Jenis Conditional Sentence

    Pembahasan Penggunaan Unless Di Dalam 3 Jenis Conditional Sentence

    Pembahasan Penggunaan Unless di Dalam 3 Jenis Conditional Sentence

    Pembahasan Penggunaan Unless di Dalam 3 Jenis Conditional Sentence – Unless artinya adalah  kecuali bila atau kecuali jika. Unless dapat dipakai dalam conditional sentence. Bagaimana cara menggunakan unless dalam sebuah kalimat Bahasa Inggris ? Silakan teman – teman simak pembahasan dan contoh dibawah ini.

    Pembahasan Penggunaan Unless di Dalam 3 Jenis Conditional Sentence
    Pembahasan Penggunaan Unless di Dalam 3 Jenis Conditional Sentence

    Type 1 (Unless + Present)


    • I will be insane unless you quit discussing each one of those issues. (Saya akan gila kecuali jika kamu berhenti membicarakan semua masalah tersebut.)
    • She can’t trust you unless you advise her everything reality that you have. (Dia tidak dapat percaya kepadamu kecuali bila kamu memberitahukan semua kebenaran yang kamu miliki.)

    He will be so ravenous unless you give him a sustenance. (Dia akan sangat lapar kecuali jika kamu memberikannya makanan.)

    Type 2 (Unless + Past Tense)

    • She would go unless he wasn’t wiped out. (dia akan pergi kecuali jika ia tidak sakit.)
    • Dian could get her work done unless you didn’t exasperate. (Dian dapat mengerjakan PR nya kecuali jika kamu tidak mengganggu.)
    • They would be here on time unless they didn’t trap at the road turned parking lot. (Dia akan berada disini kecuali jika dia tidak terjebak macet.)

    Type 3 (Unless + Past Perfect)

    • My uncle would not have given you unless you had met his secretary. (Ayah saya tidak akan berurusan denganmu kecuali jika kamu telah menemui sekretarisnya.)
    • He would have had an auto unless you had not given her cash. (Dia akan sudah mempunyai sebuah mobil kecuali jika kamu tidak memberinya uang.)

    Perbedaan Kata Unless  dan If

    Unless disini memilik fungsi menggantikan if, Akan tetapi  artinya berlawanan. Jika if itu artinya jika, maka unless artinya kecuali jika. Jadi, saat unless bergabung dengan  kalimat negatif, maka ubahlah ke kalimat positif jika  ingin mnggantinya dengan if. Begitu juga  dengan sebaliknya.

    Contoh Kalimat:

     I can’t clean the house unless yougo (Saya tidak bisa  membersihkan rumah kecuali bila kamupergi.)

    Apabila memakai if, maka kalimatnya adalah: I cannot clean the house if you don’t go (Saya tidak bisa membersihkan rumah jika kamu tidak pergi).

    Contoh lainnya:

    • I will be there unless you don’t lift me up. – I will be there on the off chance that you lift me up.
    • She will go unless you come. – She will go on the off chance that you don’t come.
    • They can take my note unless I spare it. – They can take my note on the off chance that I don’t save it