Cerita Rakyat Nusantara: “Telaga Pasir” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Cerita Rakyat Nusantara: “Telaga Pasir” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Cerita Rakyat Nusantara: “Telaga Pasir” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Sekolahbahasainggris– Begitu banyak cerita rakyat yang ada di Nusantara yang begitu terkenal. Begitu juga dengan cerita rakyat tentang “Telaga Pasir”. Penasaran dengan kisah “Telaga Pasir” dalam bahasa Inggris? Yuk baca disini:

Cerita Rakyat Nusantara: “Telaga Pasir” Dalam Bahasa Inggris
Cerita Rakyat Nusantara: “Telaga Pasir” Dalam Bahasa Inggris

“Telaga Pasir”

Once upon a time, there lived a married couple of farmer named Ki and Nyai Pasir. They lived alone because they did not have children. They lived happily even simpler.

One day, Ki Pasir sit unwind after digging in the fields. He leaned against a large of tree on the outskirts of the rice fields. Suddenly his hand touched something round and slippery in his side. He saw an egg turned unusual. The eggs were larger than a goose egg.

“What kind of Eggs is this?” He said to himself. “Ah, may be Nyai wants. “

He  brought egg home. Ki Pasir could not even remember to finish hoeing fields. He wanted to give it to his wife’s egg.

Arriving home, he called his wife, “Nyai. Look what I have. “

Nyai also amazed to see the strange egg.

“Where you found it, Ki? What egg? “She asked.

“It is……..,” replied Ki Sand, “Do not ask me, I also do not know what it is.”

“Better get you cook it. I’m hungry. “

Nyai Pasir cooked the eggs and served it on the dinner table. He divided the eggs into two and they also ate it with rice. The eggs were delicious once, more savory than chicken eggs.

Sometime, after eating, they both took rest and sleep. Around midnight Nyai Pasir woke up feeling the heat of his body and his skin itch. She saw her husband was not there at her side, so she wanted to look for help.

When she could not find her husband in the house, she went to the home page. She saw Ki Pasir was rolling on the ground. Apparently her husband also felt the heat and itching due to the large egg eating.

Nyai approached her husband wanted to help. But her arrival was late, she arrived beside Ki Pasir would hold a burning sensation and itching all over his body. She also threw herself on the ground and rolled around like Ki Pasir.

They kept rolling on the ground to form a hole widening and in. Then from the hole in the ground out of the water to form a lake. Ki Pasir and NyaI drowned in the lake, but instead appeared a pair of big scary dragon. People often see couples dragon around the lake which was then known as Telaga Pasir. Telaga Pasir is now known as Sarangan lake, a tourist spot located on the slopes Lawu, Magetan East Java.

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