Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 2

Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 2

Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 2

SekolahbahasainggrisIn this reading section you will have a new text of reading comprehension to enrich your skill on reading.

Aturan untuk pertanyaan sebab akibat:

A.Jika pernyataan Betul, alas an Betul dan Keduanya menunjukkan hubungan Sebab Akibat.

B.Jika pernyataan Betul, alas an Betul tetapi keduanya tidak menunjukkan hubungan sebabt akibat.

C.Jika pertanyaan Betul tetapi alasannya Salah.

D.Jika pernyataan Salah dan alasannya Betul.

E.Jika pernyataan dan Alasannya keduanya Salah.

Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 2
Reading comprehension: Exercise Text 2
  • Where is God?

When the russian astronauts were first in space they mockingly said, ‘look! There is no God HERE’.

Indeed, those who believe in God have never said that God in space. Christians, for example, believe that God is in Heave; other believers may have different opinions as to where God is. But one thing they have in common is that God exists in this universe.

A moslem philosopher illustrates the existence of God in this universe as the existence of the soul in our body. We do not know for sure in which part of the body the soul is – in the head, breast, or limbs? But we know that those parts are living- they move and develop – we can feel it. The soul is there, everywhere in our body.

It is quite similar to the existence of God in this universe. Everywhere we can see his creation – on green land, in the blue sky, even in the blackest deep of the sea or in the center of the earth. God is only one, but he is there, everywhere in this world; there is nothing to resemble Him. And God is very close to those who have faith in their hearts.


  1. The existence of God in the universe is

A.Precisely the same as the existence of the soul in the body

B.Now questionable

C.Indicated by the existence of His creation in this world

D.accepted by Russian astronauts

E.Perceived in the same way by people who believe in Him

  1. Which of the statements is correcr according to the passage?

A.God is in heaven

B.God is in space

C.God is everywhere

D.God is in our body

E.God is nowhere

  1. The blue sky,the green land, the large oceans and all other things in the world are God’s






  1. The existence of God in this universe is similar to the existence of the soul in our body


          The creations of the God and the live movement of the body are everywhere in this life.

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