Grammar Exercise 3: Combination With Go and Come

Grammar Exercise 3: Combination With Go and Come

Grammar Exercise 3: Combination With Go and Come – Grammar adalah sub materi yang mengharuskan kita untuk banyak berlatih mengerjakan soal. Nah kali soalnya tentang Go dan Come.

Grammar Exercise 3: Combination With Go and Come
Grammar Exercise 3: Combination With Go and Come


  1. She goes………a lot because she is popular and has a good many friends.

          Jawab: She goes out a lot because she is popular and has a good many friends.

Yuk berlatih soal dibawah ini:

  1. It was some time before Sonny came……. last year after being knocked out.
  2. Hendry had to wait for permission from Town Council before Hendry could go……..with his plans.
  3. He came……… my way of thinking after a good deal of argument.
  4. The bull went……the dog and tossed him over the wall.
  5. He had a sandwich and a cup of coffee, then went……… working till twelve.
  6. It’s no use trying to keep it secret; it’s sure to come…………in the end.
  7. I went…….the proposal very carefully with my solicitor and finally decided not to accept their offer.
  8. The gun went…….by accident and wounded him in the leg.
  9. The question of salary increase will be coming……….at the next forum meeting.
  10. Long skirts went…… years ago.
  11. She went………. A beauty contest she only got a consolation prize.
  12. Those rust marks will come…… if you rub them with lemon.
  13. The price of fruit usually goes……in summer in England.
  14. If there isn’t enough soup to go in this breakfast…….just put some juices in it.
  15. She saw me across the room, she came……, and said that someone wanted to see me.
  16. The early colonist went…….many hardships.
  17. You can’t go…….your promise now; we are depending on you.
  18. I have changed my mind about marrying him; I simply can’t go………it.
  19. The aeroplane crashed and went……in flames.
  20. He came…….. a fortune last year.

Semoga Bermanfaat Para Pembaca SBI!!!


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