Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Lingkungan Beserta Artinya
Sahabat – sahabat SBI berikut ini adalah conntoh pidato singkat Bahasa inggris Tentang Bahaya Narkoba.
Assalamualakum Wr Wb
Best wishes for all of us
Best wishes for all of us
All of my friends that I love,
In this a great moment, let me give a speech in the context of World Environment Day, to be reflections for all my brothers. But let’s say your previous our gratitude to Almighty God for all that we are blessed with an abundance of blessings for health and the opportunity to gather in this place.My brothers and sisters,
Almost every day we hear news of logging-illegal logging blindly committed by rogue elements who have no concern for environmental sustainability. It’s heart was deeply concerned over the bad habits done by people on behalf of the business and then put aside for forests is a surrogate children and grandchildren later.How many thousands of cubic meters of wood has been their history. While after that they left the land that has been so critical that endanger our brothers the other with the possibility of a flood disaster which threatens at any time.My brothers and sisters,
Realize, that our environment is an interlinked system between one and another. If one part is broken then the other parts also will feel the consequences.
In this a great moment, let me give a speech in the context of World Environment Day, to be reflections for all my brothers. But let’s say your previous our gratitude to Almighty God for all that we are blessed with an abundance of blessings for health and the opportunity to gather in this place.My brothers and sisters,
Almost every day we hear news of logging-illegal logging blindly committed by rogue elements who have no concern for environmental sustainability. It’s heart was deeply concerned over the bad habits done by people on behalf of the business and then put aside for forests is a surrogate children and grandchildren later.How many thousands of cubic meters of wood has been their history. While after that they left the land that has been so critical that endanger our brothers the other with the possibility of a flood disaster which threatens at any time.My brothers and sisters,
Realize, that our environment is an interlinked system between one and another. If one part is broken then the other parts also will feel the consequences.
Therefore, let’s stop destroying the forest, illegal logging and deforestation are the only important aspect of the business without going to care about the environment.
Preserve our environment as an expression of our gratitude to the Creator. Give the rights of our children and grandchildren in the form of a sustainable nature for the survival of all natural components.
Thank you for your attention-my friends. So.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr Wb.
Terjemahan dalam Bahasa Indonesia
Assalamualakum Wr WbSaudara-saudara sebangsa dan setanah air yang saya cintai,Melalui sebuah momen yang sangat tepat ini, perkenankan saya menyampaikan pidato dalam rangka Hari Lingkungan Hidup, untuk dijadikan renungan bagi Saudara-saudaraku semua. Namun sebelumnya marilah kita memanjatkan rasa syukur kita kepada Tuhan YME atas segala limpahan rahmatNya sehingga kita dikaruniai kesehatan dan kesempatan untuk berkumpul di tempat ini.Saudara-saudaraku,Hampir setiap hari kita mendengar berita tentang adanya penebangan-penebangan liar yang membabi buta yang dilakukan oleh oknum-oknum yang tidak punya kepedulian terhadap kelestarian lingkungan. Sungguh hati ini merasa sangat prihatin atas kebiasaan buruk yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang yang mengatasnamakan bisnis kemudian mengesampingkan kelestarian hutan yang merupakan titipan anak cucu kita nanti.Berapa ribu meter kubik kayu telah mereka jarah. Sementara setelah itu mereka tinggalkan lahan yang sudah sedemikian kritis yang sangat membahayakan saudara-saudara kita yang lain dengan kemungkinan bencana banjir yang siap mengancam setiap saat.Saudara-saudaraku,Sadarlah, bahwa lingkungan kita ini merupakan sebuah sistem yang saling terkait antara yang satu dengan yang lain. Jika salah satu bagiannya kita rusak maka bagian yang lain juga akan merasakan akibatnya.Maka dari itu, sudahilah kegiatan merusak hutan, penebangan liar dan pembabatan hutan yang hanya mementingkan aspek bisnis tanpa mau peduli terhadap kelestarian lingkungan.Lestarikan lingkungan kita sebagai wujud syukur kita kepada Sang Maha Pencipta. Berikan hak-hak anak cucu kita berupa alam yang lestari untuk kelangsungan hidup segenap komponen alam.Terima kasih atas perhatian Saudara-Saudaraku. Sekian.Wassalamu’alaikum WrWb
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