50 Contoh Kalimat Majemuk Dalam Bahasa Inggris ( Compound Sentences )

50 Contoh Kalimat Majemuk  Dalam Bahasa Inggris ( Compound Sentences )

50 Contoh Kalimat Majemuk  Dalam Bahasa Inggris ( Compound Sentences )

50 Contoh Kalimat Majemuk  Dalam Bahasa Inggris ( Compound Sentences ) – Pada artikel sebelumnya admin telah menjelasakan definisi kalimat majemuk atau compund sentence? Nah untuk kesempatan kali ini admin akan membagikan berbagai jenis contoh compound sentence berikut ini. 🙂

50 Contoh Kalimat Majemuk  Dalam Bahasa Inggris ( Compound Sentences )
50 Contoh Kalimat Majemuk Dalam Bahasa Inggris ( Compound Sentences )

Menggunakan kata penghubung “and”

  1. Dani appreciates listening to shake music and he has numerous stone cassetes.
  2. My uncle declines to go out during the evening and I feel a touch dissapointed.
  3. Dede keeps her room clean and she makes her room agreeable.
  4. Okky loaned his new auto to his sibling and his sibling looked exceptionally upbeat.
  5. I like listening to the music and my sister preferences singing.
  6. Wiwik got an amazement shape her companions on her birthday and she felt happy.
  7. My guardians accumulate at my home and they make an uproarious with their giggle.
  8. My sibling attempted to make a cake and he succeded at the first run through.
  9. We go to the book shop and we purchase a few books.
  10. Pirlo regularly treats her face at a delight consideration and her face looks clean and brilliant.
  11. Most understudies plan to go to Yogyakarta and they need to appreciate the lovely view there.

Menggunakan kata penghubung “but” atau “yet”

  1. My sister stares at the TV at night yet there is no great system to watch.
  2. Alan appreciates composing letters to companions yet he can’t compose a sentimental letter to his sweetheart.
  3. GIna dependably keeps her room clean however now and then her younger sibling wrecks it up.
  4. Jeni needs to purchase that excellent dress yet her cash is insufficient.
  5. It’s raining otside yet despite everything we stroll outside home.
  6. Yogi cherishes Tiara, yet he can’t say his inclination to her.
  7. I attempted to make a brownies yet I overlooked the formula.
  8. We have an end of the year test today yet the majority of the understudies don’t think about.
  9. Sisil looked exhausted with history subject however she attempted to take after the subject.
  10. My close relative purchased me a crate of chocolate yet I have an unfavorably susceptible with chocolate.

Menggunakan kata penghubung “or”

  1. my mother must wash the baby or the baby might cry.
  2. My sistre should study hard or she could not pass the exam.
  3. Nayla must do his homework or he will get a punishment.
  4. Jeremy should repaint the house or his wife will be angry.
  5. You must revise your paper or you will get “E”.
  6. Jessy must submit her task on time or she can’t follow the final exam.
  7. We should motivate her or she will feel down.
  8. You must have a breakfast or you will get hungry.
  9. You must be a nice person or everyone will dislike you.
  10. Shinta had better clean this mess or her mother will get angry.

Menggunakan kata penghubung “so”

  1. my mom must wash the infant or the infant may cry.
  2. My sistre ought to study hard or she couldn’t pass the exam.
  3. Nayla must get his work done or he will get a discipline.
  4. Jeremy ought to repaint the house or his wife will be furious.
  5. You must reexamine your paper or you will get “E”.
  6. Jessy must present her undertaking on time or she can’t take after the end of the year test.
  7. We ought to rouse her or she will feel down.
  8. You must have a breakfast or you will get hungry.
  9. You must be a decent individual or everybody will despise you.
  10. Shinta would be wise to unadulterated this wreckage or her mom will get irate.

Iya demikianlah 50 Contoh Kalimat Majemuk  Dalam Bahasa Inggris ( Compound Sentences ). Siapkan sebuah kamus Bahasa Inggris untuk menerjemahkan arti kalimatnya. Semoga bisa membantu dalam memahami apa itu compound sentence. 🙂