37 Soal Expressing a Wish Dalam Bahasa Inggris Paling Lengkap

37 Soal Expressing a Wish Dalam Bahasa Inggris Paling Lengkap

37 Soal Expressing a Wish Dalam Bahasa Inggris Paling Lengkap


37 Soal Expressing a Wish Dalam Bahasa Inggris Paling Lengkap
37 Soal Expressing a Wish Dalam Bahasa Inggris Paling Lengkap


Hallo sahabat SBI, are you okay? semoga selalu sehat dan bahagia ya dalam menjalani hari-hari. Apakah sahabat SBI pernah berharap terhadap suatu hal? sesuatu yang mungkin sangat sahabat SBI inginkan untuk terjadi, pasti pernah kan? Dalam bahasa inggris, apabila kita berharap atau mengharapkan suatu hal, kita dapat mengekspresikan nya dengan kata wish. Contoh : I wish that I knew to dance (aku berharap aku tau cara berdansa). They wish we were here (mereka berharap kami ada disini).

Nah, berikut ini admin tidak akan menjelaskan lebih lanjut mengenai expression of wish sendiri, tetapi lebih kepada latihan soal nya, seperti apa kira-kira soal-soal nya? Yuk langsung kita simak yuk šŸ™‚

Use the given information to complete the sentences.

Example :

I don’t have a bicycle

I wish I had a bicycle

1.I don’t have a car.

I wish______________

2.Alice doesn’t have a car.

Alice wishes__________

3.I have a cold

I wish______________

4.I don’t have a tape recorder.

I wish______________

5.I don’t know how to swim

I wish_______________

6.Bill doesn’t have a good job

I wish_______________

7.I live in the dorm

I wish_______________

8.I don’t live in an apartment

I wish________________

9.I can’t speak french

I wish____________

10.Sue can’t find a good job

I wish____________

11.My friend can not come

I wish____________

12.I’m not at home right now

I wish____________

13.James isn’t here

I wish____________

14.It isn’t saturday

I wish____________

15.My friends aren’t here

I wish___________

16.I have to study for a test

I wish___________

17.I have to write a composition

I wish_______________

Make sentences beginning with “I wish…….”

Example :

You don’t have a bicycle

I wish (that) I had a bicycle.

1.You don’t have a car

2.You don’t have a color TV

3.You can’t whistle

4.You have a headache

5……isn’t here today

6.It isn’t (sunday)

7.You have a study tonight

8.you have to go to the dentist

9.you can’t speak english

10.you can’t go to (place)

11.You don’t have a window fan

12.You’re sleepy

13.You don’t know how to dance

14.You don’t know how to play chess

15.It’s (hot/cold) today

16.You don’t have enough money to buy (a car)

17.you have to work tonight

18.you can’t go to (the zoo) today

19.you’re not rich and famous

20.you’re not in (country) right now

Selamat mengerjakan dan semoga bermanfaat ya sahabat SBI šŸ™‚

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