20 Contoh Soal “But vs And” Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawaban

20 Contoh Soal “But vs And” Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawaban

20 Contoh Soal “But vs And” Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawaban


20 Contoh Soal "But vs And" Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawaban
20 Contoh Soal “But vs And” Dalam Bahasa Inggris Beserta Jawaban


Kumpulan Soal But vs And Dalam Bahasa Inggris


Materi mengenai ad da but, pernah kita bahas sebelumnya dalam bahasa inggris, sahabat SBI masih ingat bukan bagaimana penggunaan but dan and dalam bahasa inggris? Nah, pada kesempatan kali ini, kita akan langsung membahas mengenai contoh soalnya beserta dengan jawaban nya dalam bahasa inggris ya sahabat SBI? Langsung simak yuk 🙂

  1. I will go to school, ______my motorcycle was broken
  2. I____you are bestfriend from we were young
  3. They wanna be happy,______they never act like happy people
  4. I wanna close with you,_____you never wanna close with me
  5. She____me are not close anymore
  6. I love him,____he loves me too
  7. She can sing a song, _____she never sing anymore
  8. You____I are couple
  9. It is not only a book____also an interesting media
  10. She is not only a singer______ also a dancer
  11. She is not only a teacher______ also a model
  12. I will be with him,_______he never wanna be with me
  13. I love him____I hates him too
  14. I will pass the examination,_____I never study
  15. Diana _____her mom are so friendly
  16. They call me_____  I don’t hear
  17. I____my father are so proud with him
  18. She loves me,_______I never know her
  19. Tiara_____sinta are siblings
  20. I miss him,_____I can not be with him


  1. But
  2. And
  3. but
  4. but
  5. and
  6. but
  7. but
  8. and
  9. but
  10. but
  11. but
  12. but
  13. but
  14. but
  15. and
  16. but
  17. and
  18. but
  19. and
  20. but

Semoga bermafaat untuk sahabat SBI semua 🙂

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