101 Kumpulan Cerita Rakyat Bahasa Inggris:Malin kundang
Sekolahbahasainggris- Apakah sahabat sedang mencari cerita malin kundang? Tapi dalam versi berbahasa Inggris? Untuk lengkapnya bisa dilihat dibawah ini:
Malin Kundang
Once upon a time, in the beautiful village in West Sumatra, there was a family lived a boy named Malin Kundang with his mom. They lived so poor. His father was so frustrated, he went to make a money but never come back again to home.

His mom was very sad, he lived as single parent, because people said that his father was dead. Day by day they lived lonely. Malin Kundang was so kind and humble person. He loved his mom, he knew that his mom can not buy him anything.
His mother chose to work hard play hard. Every day is working. She did it to buy rice and all foods and stuff they need. By seeing, his mom worked and worked everyday, malin can’t hold his desire to work.
He asked his mother to sail to other island and hope will made a money after his trip as much as possible. At that moment he believed he would be success in someday. “Bundo, I would like to go to sail and go to cross island. On there I will be success and will back to you.”
His mother did not want to let him go at the first time. She was afraid that he would be like his father, “go and never back to home”.
Day by day Malin just doing as he was. It was nothing improvement. By seeing his desires, his mother felt his son must be success as he wanted.
And then, Malin’s mom let him go to sail. His mother was full with doubts, but on the other hand, she could not make her son be so hopeless. Mother was accompanying Malin’s departure. And Malin say good bye and promised to his mother would come back to her. “Mom, I promise to come back to you”.
On board Malin began to know all about the ins and outs of the ships and all commerce. Year by year later on, he had not had time or opportunity to come back to his hometown and meet his mother. He got so many jobs to be done in his works, he was busy then.
On that island, Malin began a success man because of his hard work. He was lucky, he got a love with pretty and rich girl. Then on that time he was a rich man with his wife.
But he forgot to come back to hometown with all the wealth and prosperous life he got. He forgot his mother who allways standing out in the port in which she was waiting for Malin. All the neighbor said Malin would never come back like his Father. But mother was believed in God that the day she met Malin would come.
Malin has a commercial affairs to his hometown, he and his wife set off to go to Malin’s Hometown.
Accidentally, Malin met his mother and his mother said “Malin, is that you son? You become handsome and success man now like you had promised to me. Do you remember me, Your mother?”
His wife was shocked, and asked Malin “Is that your Mother Malin? Don’t you said to me that you have no one anymore. And your parents was dead?”
Malin was afraid that his wife would know that he lied to her. He afraid of ashamed poor mother. He said his mother was despicable and said that Malin do not know who she is.
“I don’t know you old woman, I’m not your son. Please get way from me and my wife. Don’t disturb us!”
His mother was so shocked and sad. After this broken heart moment, his mother said. “Malin I cursed you to be stone!” And then instantly the sky become overcast, rain was falling, and lighting coming. Malin became stone so unexpectedly with position knee down. After that it was known as the Malin Kundang stone.
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