101 Contoh Essay Bahasa Inggris
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Nah kali ini essay nya mengenai ASEAN, Yuk disimak:
How Can Indonesians Are Ready In ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) Unless Have Just Fully Prepared The Characteristics Yet?!
Muhammad Tri Sutrisno
Management Informatics
Bandar Lampung Indonesia
Abstract—ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community(ASCC) 2015 are waiting in a month, people in union countries commit the goals for making stability, prosperity in the area and mutually reinforcing among ASEAN countries by 2015. The values, ideas, and forms of interactions and communications which are happening people to people, contribute how the social dimension looks like among its Member States. Inversely to what reality reflected, The condition shows there are miss strategy and communication between government and publics about the values of the cultural and social development in reaching the goals. To fulfill its dream, We, as Indonesians, have to put much effort in overcoming the problems of 6 musts of characteristic concepts from right now.
Index Terms— asean community,characteristics,indonesians (key words)
I. Introduction
While thinking of the word ‘ready’ refers to the motion of the body or a matter in a situation which is fully prepared or suitable to do an action. We, as Indonesian shall be faced a situation that we, ASEAN societies, and develop together to be a strong union by 2015. Do Indonesians know about the ASCC? Almost of the people, especially villagers, youth, and old people in the middle-under economy class, do not know about ASCC.
- Background Of ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC)
In 1997, ASEAN Vision had agreed along with ten countries includes Indonesia by 2020. This commitment in purpose to create stability, prosperity in the area and mutually reinforcing among ASEAN countries. At 12th ASEAN Summit, they all (Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, Philippines, Lao PDR, Viet Nam, Thailand, Myanmar, and Cambodia) on13th January 2007 in Cebu, Philippines declared and signed the ASEAN Vision to be accelerated by 2015. The ASEAN Community comprised of three main pillars such as:
- ASEAN Political And Security Community
- ASEAN Economic Community
- ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community
At the 13th ASEAN Summit on 20th November 2007 an ASCC (ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community) Blueprint is agreed to be developed to ensure the concrete action to achieving solidarity and unity. Among the union countries are responsible to build society the well-being characteristic, caring the harmonious livelihood, and developing the friendly environment.
The socialization of the ASCC program promotion is only focusing on the people in middy and upper economy class. While the primary goal is reaching all the ASEAN societies. It comes inversely to what reality reflected. This condition shows there are miss strategy and communication between government and publics about the values of the cultural and social development.
Cultures has equaled to social, and vice versa. These two aspects are inseparable, they like the two sides of a coin. Moreover, the values, ideas, and forms of interactions and communications of people to people contribute the social dimension towards bridging the gap of development among its Member States.
II. literature review or related work
- The differences in economic rate and phenomena among the ASEAN members are the challenges for them in establishing great ASEAN Socio-cultural community 2015.
- Human Development Sector will enhance the well-being societies in the South East Asia in ensuring the integration of ASEAN’s development agenda on education priorities.
- Committing to heightening the well-being and the livelihood of ASEAN societies through ensuring social welfare and protection by improving the quality, coverage and sustainability.
- Values of promoting and implementing social justice and people’s rights based on the law or applied-constitutions dispassionately into its policies and all sectors of life to raise the quality of life and standard of living when aboard to other countries.
- Working together with the members towards achieving sustainable development by promoting both clean and green environment in facing global environmental challenges is the way how to build the next ASEAN faces.
- Socio-cultural community has targeted programs in building the ASEAN identity to the world about their history, culture, religion, and civilization.
- Strengthen cooperation to reduce the gap of development in every particular the social dimensions of ASEAN union.
III. methodology or proposed idea
IV. discussion
- Characteristic 1: Human Development
ASEAN is committed in Human Development Sector will enhance the well-being societies by facilitating the access like building education and human resource training, promote the use of English Language, ICT and applied science and technology, and any socio-cultural development activities.
In fact, we can see the lack of many human resources caused by all the aspects above have not been implemented well yet. Based on the occupation of Indonesians, almost of them are farmers. They have not got adequate education, better training, and neither English nor ICT skills in every region of Indonesia. We do believe that most of them do not understand what is ASCC 2015 when it be asked for them. How can we fully prepared do Human development If the main figures do not know it well yet.
- Characteristic 2: Social Welfare and Protection
ASEAN is committed to heightening the well-being and the livelihood of ASEAN societies through ensuring social welfare and protection by easing the poverty, building a safe area, drug free environment, and increasing the health awareness area
In fact, Indonesian government still has many ‘homeworks’ in case of all social welfare and protection aspects. The poverty is still an old case which never been lost since past. If we look at the almost publics in the east region of Indonesia that it’s still in the worst situation. They cannot enjoy as same as what people in west region got. In addition, this area still unsafe completely for them, and poor of health awareness. These problems make them at higher risks of criminal includes the drug environment. In the results, societies run in the back and have less knowledge of ASCC 2015.
- Characteristic 3: Social Justice and Rights
ASEAN is committed to promoting and implementing social justice and people’s rights based on the law or applied-constitutions dispassionately into its policies and all sectors of life. The groups of people are composed of four main cicles such as children, persons with disabilities, women, and the elderly.
In fact, when we heard about Indonesian labor and Female labors go to neighboring countries like Malaysia and Singapore, societies will be scared directly and imagined about violence and torture cases in which are shown in mass media. The existence of human trafficking (women and children) adding other samples, which has proven us that we have a lack of social justice and people’s rights to protect them. Do the victims know that ASCC 2015 promoting and implementing social justice and people’s rights? If yes, it will never happen!
- Characteristic: Ensuring Environmental Sustainability
ASEAN should work towards achieving sustainable development by promoting both clean and green environment in facing global environmental challenges by 2015. The protections of water, forest, mineral, energy, coastal, biodiversity, and marine resources is to improving environmental problems.
In fact, what is happening now in Indonesia that people live and life without good management in keeping natural resources. We still can see the trashes in the river in the capital city in Indonesia, Jakarta. Other pollution problems which appear in the Kalimantan Island and Riau which disturbs Malaysia and Singapore are the examples that Indonesia do not know how to keep clean and green environment in ensuring environmental sustainability in South East Asia. Societies still life and live without a better mechanism in loving the environment as one of the ASEAN goals.
- Characteristic 5: Building the ASEAN Identity
The ASEAN socio-cultural community program has targets in building the ASEAN identity to the world. Identity is how it shows by looking at the collective personality, norms societies have, values and beliefs. By ASCC, Indonesia will develop the mainstream of greater awareness and values in the spirit of unity in diversity (Bhinneka Tunggal Ika) which is as our national motto.
In fact, societies do not know that unity in diversity means, what region, race, religion, skin, and ethnic are you now can be separate the unity which ASEAN has committed. The real case is when one of the government is not a Muslim as Indonesia majority now they demonstrate in the ring road of Jakarta to fall down the governor just because different belief. This reflects that they did not know the spirit of unity in diversity as Neither Indonesia nor ASEAN Community has. So, how can Indonesian are fully prepared for building the ASEAN Identity?
- Characteristic 6: Narrowing the Development Gap
Strengthen cooperation to reduce the gap of development in every particular the social dimensions between the ASEAN-6 (Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand) and the CLMV (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Viet Nam) countries. So there is no isolated place and gap among these countries. In result, We, ASEAN Countries, develop together to reach the goals.
In fact, When we see the real situation in Indonesia, compare how people in Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya (Big Cities) live and life to the other small region. For the example people in the borders, and suburb cannot get good infrastructures as big Cities have. So, how borders people will 100% know about the ASCC 2015 if they have not have adequate infrastructures.
V. conclusion
ASEAN members face quite a number of challenges of characteristics in ASCC towards achieving their goal of setting up an ASEAN community. Despite all these, by seeing the real situation or phenomena in fact which are happening in Indonesia now and compare to the goals of the characteristics in ASEAN Socio-cultural Community, we Indonesians shall know it before to prepare fully in facing ASCC 2015. To fulfill its dream, We, as Indonesians, have to put much effort in solving the problems from right now. Then, the implementation of 6 musts of characteristics concept which are going, shall be monitored, managed and reviewed well by the ASEAN Secretariat to ensure that all the activities will be responsive.
- ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Blueprint Jakarta: ASEAN Secretariat, June 2009
- Triansyah Djani D. 2007. ASEAN Selayang Pandang, Jakarta: Dir. Jend. Kerjasama ASEAN Departemen Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia
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