100 Contoh Kalimat Present Tense : Simple Present, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous)

Penjelasan 16 TENSES Bahasa Inggris Beserta Contoh Kalimat “TERLENGKAP”

100 Contoh Kalimat Present Tense : Simple Present, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous)

Sekolah Bahasa Inggris  – Pada artikel sebulumnya kita telah mempelajari 16 tenses (baca penjelasan 16 tenses bahasa inggris). Dan tenses yang pertama kali kita bahas adalah present tense. Present tense dibagi menjadi empat 4 jenis tenses yaitu Simple present, present continuous, present, dan present perfect. Untuk menguasai 16 tenses tentunya kita harus mulai dari awalnya dan dituntut untuk menguasi jenis – jenis present baik lisan ataupun. Dalam artikel ini, admin akan memberikan 100 contoh kalimat present tense lengkap beserta penjelasan sederhananya untuk sekedar mengingatkan kembali. Check this out!

Contoh kalimat simple present tense


Simple present tense digunakan untuk:

  1. Suatu kebiasaan atau habitual action.
    Dan ditandai dengan penggunaan adverb of frequency (always, often, usually, rarely, seldom, etc.).
    Contoh kalimat simple present tense
    I always read newspaper every morning.
    Eliza always helps her mother before going to campus.
    I usually go to school by bus.
    They always play football after school.
    We don’t like play poker game.
  2. Untuk menyatakan fakta suatu kebenaran umum (general truth).
    Contoh kalimat:
    There are sixty minutes in an hour.
    There are 30 days in April.
    A minutes consists sixty seconds.
    There are 12 months in a year.


Contoh kalimat present continuous tense


Present continuous tense dipakai untuk kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung ketika kita berbicara.

  • I am reading a english book now.
    He is singing a jazzy song.
    We are having dinner together.
    He is playing guitar now.
    He is having conversation with his girlfriend on phone now.
    We are studying English now.
    Tikka and Lisa are studying for SNMPTN now.
    I am writing an article now.
    Who is sleeping now?
    What are you doing now?

Contoh kalimat present perfect tense


Present perfect tense untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang sudah SELESAI dilakukan saat ini dan masih mempunyai efek atau dampak sampai masa sekarang..

  • I have just arrived at the office.Penjelasan 16 tenses
    Jamal has studied Math.
    My family and I have gone to zoo together.
    Have you ever been to Lombok?
    He has been a worker holic here.

Contoh kalimat present perfect continuous tense


Present perfect continuous tense menyatakan kegiatan yang telah dilakukan dari tadi dan masih berlangsung pada saat kita sedang berbicara saat ini.

  • Tika and Lisa have been studying Math for an hour.
  • My family has been living here for five years. (keluargaku telah tinggal disini selama 5 tahun dan sekarang masih tinggal disini).
  • They have been playing game for two hours.
  • Francesco Totti has been playing football for 20 years.
  • I have been waiting the announcement for 3 months
  • How long have you been waiting for us?


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