10 Soal Writing Section Dalam Bahasa Inggris Sebagai Pengembangan Diri, Wajib Coba!

Hai sahabat SBI yang sedang bersemangat belajar bahasa inggris, tema pembahasan kita kali berkaitan dengan soal dalam bahasa inggris ya, namun soal yang akan kita bahas kali ini berkaitan dengan soal writing dalam bahasa inggris. Bagaimana contoh soal writing? apakah sahabat KBI juga pernah mengerjakan nya? yuk langsung saja kita simak ya 🙂
Soal Writing Dalam Bahasa Inggris
1.Rearrange the following sentences into a good dialogue.
-Can you lend me your dictionary?
-Thanks a lot
-Of course, here you are
-That’s Ok
2.A.Heri : Do you like to stay in the village?
Agus : Yes/No,_____(Give a reason)
B.Heri : Do you like to stay in the city?
Agus : Yes/No,____ (Give a reason)
3.You came to your’s friend house, But she wasn’t at home, you’ll be back twenty minutes later.
4.My sister and I are very different. I’m thin, she is_____I’m tall, she is____.I have short hair, she has____hair.
5.we buy everything at the_____we cannot bargain there.
6.where do you go if you want to buy medicine?
7.your cousin will be 13 years old on the tenth of december. Greet on the card.
8.you are in hurry to attend the meeting , you write a message that you will come home late.
9.we buy everything at the____we can bargain there.
10.my sister went to the market to buy____mangoes.
Contoh Jawaban (Tentatif berdasarkan alasan masing-masing)
1.-Can you lend me your dictionary?
-Of course, here you are
-Thanks a lot
-that’s OK
2.A. Yes because I think village is comfortable to stay
B.No, because I think city is bussy place to stay
3.Dear Linda, I come to your home but you’re not at home now, so I will be back twenty minute later.
7.happy birthday deni! hope you always healthy and safety
8.Sorry mom, I will come home late because I have a meeting.
Semoga bermanfaat Untuk sahabat SBI 🙂
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