10 Soal TRUE/FALSE Dalam Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMP Kelas 9

10 Soal TRUE/FALSE Dalam Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMP Kelas 9

10 Soal TRUE/FALSE Dalam Bahasa Inggris Untuk SMP Kelas 9


Reading merupakan salah satu bentuk skill dalam bahasa inggris yang wajib untuk dikuasai selain dari 3 skill lainya seperti writing, listening, and speaking. Bagaimana cara berlatih reading atau skill reading? Cukup mudah! Salah satunya dengan cara berlatih dengan soal berikut ini.

Yuk langsung saja simak berikut ini contoh soalnya!


Tsunami is a japanese word from a seismic sea wave generated by an undersea earthquake, landslide, or eruption. Most tsunami happen along the ring of fire. It is a zone of volcanoes and seismic activity. The zone encircles the pacific ocean.

Historically, tsunami has caused much destruction and death. Sibce 1819, about 40 tsunami have struct the hawaiian islands and since 1883, about 20 tsunamis have struck indonesia. The last one was on december 26, 2004, which caused over 100,000 deaths.

A tsunami can have a width of 100 to 200 km and may spread far across the deep ocean. The speed is as fast as a jet plane. When the wave reaches land it can be very high, about 15 m or more.


A.In pairs, take turns reading the text loudly.

B.True or Fals? Do it in your workbook.


No Statement True/False Evidence
1. Tsunamis can only happen in Japan
2. Tsunamis are caused by undersea earthquake or landslides
3. The ring of fire is the area of volcanoes and seismic activities
4. The speed of the wave can be as fast as a jet plane
5. Tsunamis are not very high


C.In Which Paragraph did you find the following information? Do it in your workbook.


No Information Paragraph
1. The cause f tsunamis …………………………
2. The places where tsunamis occur ……………………………
3. The number of tsunamis that have happened in indonesia ……………………………….
4. The height of tsunamis …………………………………..
5. The speed of tsunamis …………………………………………..


Semoga bermanfaat 🙂

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