10 Contoh Soal ‘More/-er or Less” Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap

Hallo sahabat SBI, pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan membahas mengenai soal comparative namun lebih spesifik yaitu more/er dan less. Untuk materi lengkapnya sudah pernah kita bahas ya pada materi sebelumnya? Sahabat SBI bisa mengeceknya dalam materi bahasa inggris sebelumnya.
Nah, sekarang yuk langsung kita coba untuk Mengerjakan 10 soal berikut ini. Check this out 🙂
Complete the following with comparatives by using more/-er or less, as appropriate. Use the words in parantheses plus your own words.
1.This test wasn’t hard. It was a lot (difficult)_________
2.Dr.Lee tests are far (difficult)____________
3.A piano is a lot(heavy)______________
4.To me, sciance is much (interesting)________
5.Saltwater is (dense)________
6.people are far (intelligent)___________
7.fish are considerably (intelligent)_________
8.she rarely comes to see us. she visits us much (frequently)_____
9.when you’re hot and tired, nothing is (refreshing)_______
10.in my life, I have always tried to help those who are (fortunate)_______
11.A rabbit is_______than a turtle
12.I made_______on the last test than (I did) on the first one, so I got a worse grade.
13.A-twelve-year-old has______at home and in school than a nine-year-old.
14.my son is________about doing his homework than his older sister is.
15.This soup doesn’t taste quite right. I think it needs just a little_________
16.I made________on the last test than (I did) on the first one, so I got a worse grade.
17.there is_______about geography in an encyclopedia than (there is) in a dictionary.
Semoga bermanfaat ya sahabat SBI semua 🙂
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